Sunday, July 20, 2014

"For the First Time in the History of Iraq, Mosul Is Now Empty of Christians"

For years, I've been telling people that, according to Islamic law, Christians in Muslim-controlled areas are given three choices: convert to Islam, pay the jizya, or die. If a Christian doesn't like these options, he must leave the Muslim-controlled area.

What happened when a Muslim group recently decided to enforce Sharia in Mosul? Christians were told that they must convert to Islam, pay the jizya, or die. Where did ISIS get the idea that these are the options for Christians? Were they influenced by my videos, articles, and debates? Or do they simply read the same Muslim sources I do, and conclude the exact same things I do?
Christian Home Seized by ISIS
BBC—Iraqi Christians are fleeing Mosul after Islamist militants threatened to kill them unless they converted to Islam or paid a "protection tax".

A statement issued by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isis) was read out at the city's mosques.

It called on Christians to comply by midday on Saturday or face death if they did not leave the northern city.

Isis has control of large parts of Syria and Iraq and said last month it was creating an Islamic caliphate.

The ultimatum cited a historic contract known as "dhimma," under which non-Muslims in Islamic societies who refuse to convert are offered protection if they pay a fee, called a "jizya".

"We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract - involving payment of jizya; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword," the Isis statement said.

"Christian families are on their way to Dohuk and Irbil," in the neighbouring autonomous region of Kurdistan, Patriarch Louis Sako told the AFP news agency.

"For the first time in the history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians," he said.

The patriarch, one of the most senior Christian clerics in Iraq, said militants had been seen tagging Christian houses with the letter N for "Nassarah", a term used for Christians in the Koran. (Continue Reading.)


Anonymous said...

Obama said he would fight negative stero-types where ever they are problems here

Faith With Love said...

I'm glad your showing this ugly side of Islam so many are ignorant of or choose to ignore. Many of the Moslems claim they are peaceful, and some can be as long as we don't preach Jesus to them but as soon as we do the really ugly side comes out here in America, but we can look right around the world and see how peaceful they are not! I am thankful your shedding light on this David! It's funny because I stumbled on your videos a while ago and watched some, then I thought the other day when I was talking to a Moslem who kept denying anything negative about his false prophet,"I wish I could ask that David guy what to say to this Moslem!". Then today as I was out preaching the gospel I ran into a man from Dearborn, MI (not far from me) and he said one of the Mosques said on it's marquee,"Moslems will kill the Americans and there is nothing they can do about it". When I was looking for anything about that on google I found your blog! God works in amazing ways! Our God is a living God and it surely will be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God for those who refuse Jesus Christ God our Savior! :) You are an encouragement, and your videos have been a great help, along with my Bible, and some missionary books. This foreign field of Islam is coming right to us here in Michigan!

Baron Eddie said...

Thanks Europe for supporting ISIS, and may ISIS flourish in your lands + + +

You will see your fruit and how ugly it is, and taste the bitter of your sowing

At that time there will be no turning back ...

You will harvest for your vain philosophy + + +

check this news out ...

" With Western countries as enemies, why would jihadists need friends?

In Western Europe, cultural relativism is still the norm. There is no such thing as better or worse, there is only different. One should not consider one value superior to another value, no matter what these values actually are. And it had better be different the way one thinks it should be: not "politically incorrect."

Former Netherlands Chief of Defense Peter van Uhm says that he respects jihadist fighters in Syria because they are fighting for an ideal. That this ideal refutes every Western ideal that he himself holds dear, apparently does not affect his apparent respect for jihadists.

Dutch national law, however, has now been subordinated to European Union law."


"The former Netherlands Chief of Defense, Peter van Uhm -- whose son was killed by an IED in Afghanistan the day after Van Uhm was appointed Chief -- recently caused a controversy during a radio show about native fallen sons. He stated that Dutch youths who have chosen to fight in Syria should be respected for their idealism and their willingness to defend the women and children of Syria against Assad.

He later also stated that people judge these youths too easily: "The question whether their environment and our society have made sufficient efforts in keeping these people on the right track, is too rarely asked. You have to understand these young people, otherwise you cannot hope to help them." Van Uhm later added that he "Could not approve of their [jihadists'] modus operandi."

Van Uhm's views are quite typical for Western Europe, where cultural relativism is still the norm. He says he respects fighters because they seem to be fighting for an ideal. That this ideal refutes every Western ideal he himself holds dear, apparently does not affect his apparent respect for jihadists.

His view is typical: one should not consider one value superior to another value, no matter what these values actually are. There is no such thing as better or worse, there is only different. And it had better be different the way one thinks different should be: not "politically incorrect." The thought that a Dutch Chief of Defense had also fallen prey to this philosophy is saddening.

for more details click here

parisclaims said...

Around 40 years ago I knew some lads around my age that described themselves as Assyrians. (in West London) They told me that they were Christians from Iraq. Nice lads but a bit excitable. I suppose if you life amongst muslims some of their characteristics rub off on you. Even then they told me Iraq was no place for Christians.

David Wood said...

Sam Shamoun is Assyrian.

Radical Moderate said...

Now that the Christians are safe, I think its time to pray for rain.

Tom ta tum Tom said...

For no reason - EVER - would I have wished this outcome, even onto the nightmare-makers of Islam.

I make no pretense of understanding all of the ways of the Third Person of the Trinity. However, I do understand something of the concept of "the withdrawal" of the Holy Spirit.

The savages of ISIS, al-Qaeda and the IS (and their sponsors) may now begin to learn the meaning of REAL savagery - no mercy, no pity, no forgiveness, no ending to the horror they have brought onto themselves.

With no one available to even speak the Name of "Jesus", the Holy Spirit of God may be limited in what He will do in terms of mitigating evil in Mosul - and the Enemy cares not who among them is consumed (nor how horribly) in the fiery belly of Molech.

For those who have driven away the very people who are the Temple of God, it would be better for them that they had never been born.

I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

KAFIR and WEEPING for Mosul