Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Muslim Says I Will Be "Punished" If I Don't Take Down My "Three Stages of Jihad" Video

Here's a new comment on my "Three Stages of Jihad" video.

In case you haven't seen the video, here it is:


Unknown said...

Well now there's a real true muslim, threatening you ... Keep showing us how your Prophet is guiding you.

Anonymous said...

somehow muslims can not make the connection of evil deeds and sayings of Muhammad with a thug carving out territory for is truly perplexing how the muslim mind works; glossing over the barbaric acts of Muhammad calling him a mercy for mankind.....(or else).

Steven said...

some of those passages you read came out the Satanic hand book that was written around 1300A.D.

Dacritic said...


Unknown said...

David check this out


All the Muslims
We are in process of printing “three stages of jihad” flyers in forest pink colour, written by Brother David Wood, so we can distribute among the public. We did this last year and response was very good.
Remember that it’s just for educational purpose.

George Monnat, Jr. said...

Here's a story that is directly relevant:

akairey said...

Mr. Wood,
I would have shown him this video since he's talking about brains:

Unknown said...

Islam attracts such men as this one. In Islam, they don't have to be reasonable or use their minds or be in good faith, they just have to love to hate and plunder and rape and murder and feel superior in their evil actions. It is satan who has blinded them to think that doing evil will earn them a sexual paradise.

Unknown said...

A Muslim told me that it's ok for the Christian to sin because Jesus paid for it already. I told them I don't know what or where you have gotten this info from but that is very wrong, if you accept that Jesus died on a cross for your sins and you repent (turn away from) of the sins, the Holy Spirit (Comforter) will dwell within you and you will not want to commit willful sin because of the love you have for Jesus. It is so sad that they do not grasp this, they lie, and lie some more, they commit adultery (zina), they steal even though they don't look at it like that but it's stealing, then they go pray 5 times a day and guess what..Allah of the Quran just gets his big broom out and sweeps all the sin right away....amazing how they believe that.

nacanacazo said...



Dacritic said...

Haha, Cheryl, maybe Allah couldn't even sweep the sins away, because his prophet didn't even know if he'll be entering heaven. Abu Hurairah, Volume 1, Book 12, Number 770 implies that Muhammad is in hell. Surah 46:9 says he doesn't even know where he'd be going. So er... yea, Muslims can do all they want. In the end, the greatest deceiver of them all will be their judge. Seriously!!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

ss. team. What an apt name for someone acting like a brownshirt.

Unknown said...

You should not mind what these people say because almost all of them have a lower than average IQ than people of any other religion due to rampant inbreeding among themselves. LOL....