Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tunisian Politician Ibrahim Kassas Explains the Islamic View of Women

Ibrahim Kassas is a member of the Tunisian parliament. During a session on the ratification of Tunisian electoral law, Kassas caused an uproar by quoting what Muhammad said about women. It's good to see that so many leaders in Tunisia find Muhammad's teachings about women as absurd and backwards as I do.


Radical Moderate said...

Sounds like Muslims on Paltalk lol

william t said...

shows that the conscience of most muslims repel against the very teaching they hold dear. btw during a dialogue between nabeel and a muslim on premier radio the muslim shamelessly mentions you to avoid answering a question regarding his faith . . he also claimed that negeen has returned back to islam is this true?

David Wood said...

Haven't heard anything about Negeen converting except from Nazam.

Teri said...

Perhaps he cursed and it wasn't translated into English? Or perhaps saying this was "their religion" was considered the curse. I'm pleased that so many disagreed with him. As to Negeen, she was still at the university this semester. We stay somewhat in contact. Pray for her. Her life has been challenging since Dearborn.

Mike said...

David I have no clue how to contact yo.u could you look into this article and respond.

DarkMath said...

"David I have no clue how to contact yo.u could you look into this article and respond. "

Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike,

The Gospel of Barnabas is a hoax and it was written around 1500 in Nineveh (in northern Iraq).

Not even Islamic apologists site the Gospel of Barnabas because it's widely recognized as a fraud.

gabriella oak said...

Mmmm...Gabriella Oak-Kassas has a certain ring to it.
Anyone got this a-hunk-a-hunk-a burnin-love's private email ?


Islam always say, that koran put woman as equal to man .. in fact they made woman as a second class in society ..,,,, love to see this clip, by this hopefully moslem woman wake up and search the truth