Thursday, May 15, 2014
Abu Waleed Explains Islamic Oppression of Christians and Jews
I started studying Islam about a year before I started studying Christianity (this was in the 1990s when I was an atheist). I don't see how I could ever have converted to Islam, given the utter lack of evidence for it and the overwhelming evidence against it. Nevertheless, Sam and I have discussed what sort of Muslims we would be if we were ever to convert to Islam. In general, we suspect we would be Salafis, because the Salafi movement seems closest to what we find in the Muslim sources. More specifically, I think that, if I were a Muslim, I would be like the British Muslim speaker Abu Waleed, not because I share his views (which are repulsive), but because I agree with his interpretation of the Muslim sources.
Dr. Wood, thanks for giving me a world class migraine plus a bad case of cognitive dissonance -- trying to imagine you expounding Salafisms.
Also, just admit it: you are much too sharp a dresser to voluntarily abandon Western duds & the neighborhood dry-cleaner...
If we didn't have people like Abu Waleed in the UK then us indiginous Brits wouldn't get to experience the diverse cultural enrichment his presence affords us.
My wife told me that her dad when he was raised in Mosul (Northern Iraq), Muslims used to make Christian put towel on their shoulder so when a Muslim pass by them they will wipe their hands on them when they done eating ... Part of humiliation just what the video that you posted says! ...
Watch Me
While all humans have spiritual problems and/or failures to overcome; myself included...I am often finding myself dumb-founded in the theology and superiority complex that makes the wheels turn in islam....this video is a prime example.
I have concluded that on a fundalmental basis the theology of islam is wholly given to carrassing the inherited sin nature in man; while clothed in garment of religious pretentions. Only the 'spirit of adversity'; has the power of deception to malnipulate principles of true holiness into words and actions that utterly defile all that is good and decent.
What is most disturbing is how obvious Islamic theology is demonic; yet embraced by soooo many.
I want to sincerely thank brothers like David, sam , nabeel and Robert, joseph and others for helping to articulate such deception and seriously ask readers to be more serious in supporting these brothers with money. Not only have they helped us understand the evil of islam but they have rebuked the pirit of adversity in muslims who can not or will not admit error. This in turn helps those who would otherwise turn to islam instead of knowing the true God and the salvation we find in His Son; Jesus.
Yahya Snow doesn't think this guy is a hate preacher or even preaching hate.
Like I say, If you want to know what a Muslim really believes just let him speak, he will eventually tell you.
a good video about Islamic terrorism from the start of America with Jefferson....must watch....
Waoh! Absolutely shocking. And to think some people find it funny? This is the real soul and truth of islam....humiliate Men , women and children. I weep for the United Kingdom and the world in general.
This Abu Waleed guy demonstrates no conscience at all, which is indicative of the fact that his mind has been totally blinded by satan, (see 2 corinthians 4:3-4), and that is what Islamic doctrine does to people. What a shame that a grown man like this guy should be so deceived thinking he is so right. Self deception is the worst kind of deception. Then again Jesus said, many false prophets will arise and deceive many (see Matthew 24:11) and we see that prophecy fulfilled with Mohammed and Islam. Mohammed a false prophet arose and has deceived many sending many to hell. It is quite heart-breaking and sad indeed.
May the LORD have mercy on muslims who truly are seeking to know the truth and save them from eternal damnation.
To hear the laughs of these "men" as this vile criminal spouts off the doctrines of devils is more angering. These devils really are lost without hope - unless they repent of their pride and injustice towards the true & living GOD. When Messiah returns, there will be no chuckles from these boys, only shame and utter contempt.
"This is the plague with which the LORD will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths." Zechariah 14:12
There's a funny feeling when a muslim shoots himself on the foot using "his own argument" and immoral teachings.
Too bad, the rest of the muslims just stay dumbfounded and not really learning everything.
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