Crucifying the resurrected “self” with Christ and resurrects our death faith with Christ.
Happy Resurrection Day.
On the Eve of Good Friday and Easter I was praying from my hospital room for my fellow Christians in the world. What the Holy Spirit revealed to me in prayer was that there are many dead faiths in the midst of Christians today. That Christians all over the world are not able to fully reach their spiritual potential that has been given to them as a gift by God so that in reaching that potential, the curtain can be removed and the Glory of God would be revealed.
Some times we want to experience the Glory and resurrection with Jesus without experiencing death with Him. We do not realize that unless we pass through the path of death with Christ, we are not able to experience resurrection with Christ.
We want to have a good and successful marriage, career, education and family life (which is also God’s desire and plan for our life). But we forget that in order to experience the Resurrection and Glory of Christ we first have to experience death with Christ and to die to ourselves and selfish desires.
Jesus said to His Disciples: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (Matthew 16:24)
This means that we should not do things that we like to do (that God does not want us to do) and to do things that we do not like to do (but God wants us to do) so that He may be glorified.
So in addition to spending our days and night in doing the works of faith as described above, we should also transform our death faiths into living and active faiths through the resurrection of Christ which is an active and constructive love that is effective.
In conclusion, let us resurrect our Dead faiths to living faiths by first dying to our selfish “resurrected” self and experiencing the cross of Jesus. Then we are able to experience the Glorious resurrection with Christ.
A Glorious life with Christ starts only after a painful death (to self) with Christ.
We will start with Christ.
Pastor Saeed Abedini
Prisoner in the Darkness in Iran, but free for the Kingdom and Light
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Imprisoned Pastor Saeed Abedini Sends Easter Message from Hospital in Iran
Pastor Saeed Abedini is currently serving an eight year prison sentence in Iran for evangelism. He wrote the following Easter message from a hospital in Tehran.
Saeed Abedini
Thank you, Dr. Wood, for posting the words of this deeply faithful person.
I am certainly one of many who takes his blessing of liberty for granted.
The message he sends is one which should be in the minds of everyone fortunately living in a democracy.
We intrinsically did nothing to merit such a gift -- our birthplace happened to be one that those who have gone before us in Life fought to keep secure against tyranny.
sad fate for a man. mohammads victims just keep growing in number while we are bombarded with lies every day about islam being peaceful. why are americans so lazy? you cant even get them to care about the evil truth of this disease call islam.
David - The Jinn and Tonic show discuss that Islam came from a certain branch of heritical Christian sect called Manichism. They had some good points, but the show is over 1:58:00. They also bring up some interesting points;
Pastor Saeed Abedini: What a champion.
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