Friday, April 18, 2014

Christianity's Good Friday vs. Islam's Day of Deception

On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the unparalleled love Jesus showed as he became the willing sacrifice for the sins of the world. What seemed like the worst event imaginable (the Creator dying at the hands of his creation) was, in reality, God's victory over sin.

But Islam preaches a different message about what happened that day. According to Islam, Allah deceived people by miraculously disguising one of Jesus' disciples and allowing this disciple to be crucified in Jesus' place. The result of Allah's deception was billions of deluded Christians.

Nothing illustrates the difference between the God of the Bible and the God of the Qur'an better than what Christianity and Islam teach about the crucifixion of Jesus.


Keith said...

This is the day to commemorate our Saviour and remind ourselves why we are Christians in the first place. Paul said in the first letter to the Corinthians (v. 15) that if Christ did not die and was not raised from the dead, our faith would be useless. He reminds us that Jesus leaves the only two choices for us. Either he did not die, or wasn't raised, and therefore he is not God, or he did die on the cross, was raised and therefore he is God. I urge Muslims and non-Christians to study and establish this fact. When it all boils down, it comes down to this... And the acceptance of this gift of life.

tomebaden said...

very funny! you guys are making me feel more and more like having faith in christ and more and more confident that islam is not a religion of people who want to worship in a creator but really nothing more like a war against other nations.

CD2000 said...

I thought only Satan is the DECEIVER, why Allah in their KORAN even deceives?

Anonymous said...

Since Islam flat-out denies both the death and resurrection of Christ (as happened long before Islam was invented by a bunch of self-serving crooks of whom Muhammad was chief) which is the ONLY means by which men’s sins/crimes can be forgiven, then, obviously, all the followers of this chief crook have cut themselves off from salvation.

Diggin Digital said...

And in the next sentence they will declare that Jesus cried to allah from the cross.