Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tonight on Trinity Channel: "Top Ten Reasons Muhammad Is Not a Prophet"

Be sure to watch Sam and I give our top ten reasons Muhammad is not a prophet tonight on the Trinity Channel. You can watch the episode at 8:00 PM (EST) here.


Unknown said...

After john the baptist, nobody, i repeat nobody should ever be considered a prophet...not muhammad, and not any televangelist or protestant nor catholic preachers...Jesus said: THE PROPHETS WERE UNTIL JOHN....

Unknown said...

has this already aired or is this tonight?

David Wood said...

Already aired, but I'll post it to YouTube when I get the chance. (BTW, these are the first ten reasons out of a series of 50 reasons we'll be presenting!)

cheryl_maree said...

I missed this, is it going to be on YouTube or can you post it here?