This might sound silly but is that PM or AM?
PM, Gazza. The note says (caps mine for emphasis)""tune in to ABN at 6:00 and 8:00 (EST) TONIGHT"
just got in and it's 10pm ESTis there a YouTube or link to where I can see this ?
Can someone tell me how to watch ABN in East Africa?
Lol I was obviously more tired than I thoughtThank you
Will there be any replays on youtube?
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This might sound silly but is that PM or AM?
PM, Gazza. The note says (caps mine for emphasis)"
"tune in to ABN at 6:00 and 8:00 (EST) TONIGHT"
just got in and it's 10pm EST
is there a YouTube or link to where I can see this ?
Can someone tell me how to watch ABN in East Africa?
Lol I was obviously more tired than I thought
Thank you
Will there be any replays on youtube?
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