Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Saudi Princess Meshael Alayban Arrested for Keeping Slaves . . . in California

The only reason Alayban is facing slavery charges is that she's in California instead of Saudi Arabia.

Meshael Alayban
NBCNews—A Saudi Arabian princess is accused of “slavery” after a woman who was allegedly held against her will as a domestic servant escaped from a three-story building, flagged down a bus and alerted authorities in Irvine.

The victim, a 30-year-old maid from Kenya, and four other women from the Philippines, were allegedly being held by Saudi national Meshael Alayban, who is accused of stealing their passports and work contracts and forcing them to work long hours with little pay, according to Lt. Julia Engen of the Irvine Police Department. Police arrested Alayban Wednesday morning.

All five women are in good health and there are no indications of physical abuse, officials said. Alayban, a 42-year-old mother of three, is accused of slavery by authorities.

She likely will be the first person prosecuted in Orange County under California’s Proposition 35, which raised the penalty of human trafficking after voters approved it last November.

“The laws of our nation and California do not tolerate people who deprive or violate the liberty of another and obtain forced labor or services,” District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said in a statement issued by the Irvine Police Department. (Continue Reading.)


Unknown said...

Let me guess - she is a Muslim isn't she, LOL!

Deleting said...

Sadly she's Saudi, and this piece of trash (don't care how much money she has. Trash is trash) will have her daddy pull some strings and she'll be home by Friday.
Or shipped out of the states where she'll get a new home and do it all over again LEGALLY.

goethechosemercy said...

The 13th Amendment-- there's another we'll have to defend mightily against the Ummah!
Perhaps the Princess will invoke the 14th and 1st Amendments to protect her "peculiar institution."

Unknown said...

Weren't they happy and care free?

Do they require cracked corn now that their mistress has gone away?

Has the government seen to it that they become happy enough to dance spontaneously?

I mean, when the gubermint intrudes upon these quaint and peculiar social institutions, does it repect their historic dignity?

Or is this another gratuitous swipe at a sound domestic unit, leaving broken lives behind as detritus, as unemployed people with diminished skill sets are forced to throw themselves upon the welfare system?

The outrage of the cherished rights to chattel being discarded in favor of some silly notion or other!

Tom ta tum Tom said...

@jake runi: exACTLY! What do these "freedom lovers" mean by usurping the power entrusted to this "generous" caretaker from the S.R.F.?

"Such a 'lovely' face..."
"Such a lovely place..."

"Welcome to the Meshael California..."


Unknown said...

Yes, she is a Muslim but just by passport. Otherwise she is like you because she may don't pray, fasting and so on. I think, that is why she did! Just for info., when Islam came, it canceled the slavery because Muslims in that time they bought slaves from owner of slaves and then they released them for God sake. Also, In Islam, you aren't allowed to talk on someone badly. So, how about insult or offend someone!! Thanks

David Wood said...

Wow! You live in a complete fantasy land, Honer. If Islam brought an end to slavery, why did Muhammad and his followers have slaves? Why did Muhammad have female sex slaves? Why did they trade slaves? Please enlighten us, since you know more than your prophet.

Joseph said...

Honer Zawita - I FULLY agree with DW . I have lived and worked in the middle east for 15 years and I can GUARANTEE you that slavery is alive and well and widely and openly practised. It is also LEGAL according to islam and the prophet and was only banned in law through western pressure ( as recently as the 1980s in one case ). You are a total f$$king idiot if you think she is a muslim only by passport. EVERYONE in saudi is muslim but those who can afford it spend their time and money abroad being "true muslims" ie drinking whoring raping etc.

Baron Eddie said...

The West got to get used to this!

This is just the beginning ...

The report says "first person prosecuted in Orange County
under California’s Proposition 35"

I thought there was another case in California about year ago!

Anyway, read about her bail! $5 Millions

Read me

Baron Eddie said...

That will be an interesting case...

I am sure woman organization will be

behind the Kenyan woman! Will see ...

Baron Eddie said...

Her name is Mashaal Bint Mohammad!

I remember David's video about those

who got caught in England with Mohammad name in them ...

We will never know the relationship! ha ha ha

Deleting said...

Homer said, 'Yes, she is a Muslim but just by passport. Otherwise she is like you because she may don't pray, fasting and so on. I think, that is why she did! Just for info., when Islam came, it canceled the slavery because Muslims in that time they bought slaves from owner of slaves and then they released them for God sake. Also, In Islam, you aren't allowed to talk on someone badly. So, how about insult or offend someone!! Thanks'

Homer your a Muslim by passport only. You know how I know that? BECAUSE YOUR SPITTING OUT EVERYTHING THE WESTERN ONAMS TELL YOU!

1. Mohammed kept slaves long after he found Islam. In fact he increased the amount of slaves according to bukihari and Muslim so you fail Islam 101.
2. Abu bakr once told a pagan to 'go sick allats clitoris'. He was unprovoked.
3. Do you watch the news? Christans are being SLAUGHTERED by Muslims in Egypt. Should we presume Muslims aren't saying bad things to them too, or does your religion stop at raping and killing and cutting off heads.

BOTTOM LINE: get an education about Islam before you try to lecture us on Islam.


hugh watt said...

How do you bring about world peace when Muslim children are being encouraged to spew out such hatred against Jews?

Anonymous said...

In response to deleting, your knowledge of Islam is as thick as your skin. Muhammed did have slaves In a society which inherited the idea form the Greeks and Romans, the forefathers to our western civilization. As any true student of history knows, Islam encouraged emancipation and manumission of slavery. You look to interpret your 20 th. century values on a man who lived 1400 years ago. This is a standard you apply to Muslims and the Quran but not Christians and the are the tool, a tool of hatred.

JMM said...

This is a major problem in Saudi Arabia. She needs to understand that workers are not considered to be animals in usa

David Wood said...

Meblogging admits that Muhammad had slaves, but he blamed the concept of slavery on the Greeks and Romans (as if Arabs living in the desert were heavily influenced by the practices of Greece and Rome, and never thought of enslaving people until a Greek came and told them).

One of the most startling things about Islam is that it causes its adherents to be completely incapable of accepting responsibility for ANYTHING. Why is there so much hatred of Jews in Islam? Muslims will say that they inherited their anti-semitism from Europeans. Why are so many acts of terrorism committed in the name of Allah? Muslims will tell us that it's because of Western acts of aggression.

And this is why change never occurs in the Muslim world. If everything is always everyone else's fault, then Muslims are not responsible for anything, and therefore can't be expected to change.

BTW, Meblogging, since the Qur'an allows slavery (even sexual slavery), and since the Qur'an is Allah's eternal Word, are you telling us that the Greeks and Romans influenced Allah's eternal Word? Did Allah get his views of slavery in eternity past from Greeks and Romans?

Strange religion you've got.

Deleting said...

Meblogging said, "In response to deleting, your knowledge of Islam is as thick as your skin."

Aw...I think I hurt you wittle feelings...

" Muhammed did have slaves In a society which inherited the idea form the Greeks and Romans, the forefathers to our western civilization."

Actually slavery existed long before the greeks and romans. There's a little book called 'Exodus' and it talks about the total enslavement of the hebrews and God's liberation of that people group so you fail history again.

" As any true student of history knows, Islam encouraged emancipation and manumission of slavery. "

You just contradicted yourself Mestupidtakethecomputerawayfromme. First you said Muhammad had slaves and then you said Islam emancipated it's slaves.
However surah 4:24 says 'And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.'

the phrase 'who your right hand possesses' refers to slaves.
There are other sahih hadiths where Muhammad chided a muslim woman for 'manumitting' a slave instead of giving the slave to male relatives so you fail again.

"You look to interpret your 20 th. century values on a man who lived 1400 years ago. This is a standard you apply to Muslims and the Quran but not Christians and the are the tool, a tool of hatred."

Small problem here Mebloggingmakemestop. What you're accusing me of is a double standard...a double standard of which you YOURSELF are making. Your defense of Islam and Muhammad is totally anachronistic and has NO facts to support it even from the islamic side. Your scholars throughout history agree with me, not you.

Just like Honer, you too, are a tool, a tool of TOTAL STUPIDITY.

Deleting said...

Oh, and FYI, MeBlogging has only had one post and the account was established July 2013.

Maybe I should feel honored....

Deleting said...

Okay, last one guys and I'm done. IT just took a long time to find it.

Bukhari Vol. 3-#765
Narrated Kuraib:the freed slave of Ibn 'Abbas, that Maimuna bint Al-Harith told him that she manumitted a slave-girl without taking the permission of the Prophet. On the day when it was her turn to be with the Prophet, she said, "Do you know, O Allah's Apostle, that I have manumitted my slave-girl?" He said, "Have you really?" She replied in the affirmative. He said, "You would have got more reward if you had given her (i.e. the slave-girl) to one of your maternal uncles."

Understanding & Acceptance said...

Lol are people believing everything they find on the internet? What a crazy world we live in..

Deleting, I do not wish to argue with you or anyone else as everyone is absolutely entitled to their opinions & feelings & I respect it.

I just wanted to let you know the Hadith of Islam is not as simple & clear cut as you make it out to be. Have you studied Islam? I haven't studied it in as much detail as you appear to have so I won't throw verses from Qur'an & Hadith at you to prove any point.

As believing Muslims we don't accept all Hadith until it is stated as 'Sahih' (correct, true) by our scholars. And that doesn't mean someone simply typing it next to a Hadith online. There's a lot of analysis involved in the process. Also on the other hand the Hadith may be true in the Arabic language but the translations are terrible & rarely accurate. Arabic is a very rich language and for us to grasp the completeness (words & context) of the Qur'an & Hadith we need to understand it in Arabic first.

I myself do not understand Arabic thoroughly but God-willing one day I will. I sincerely hope you are very familiar with the Arabic language since you are educating us.

May God Most Merciful guide us to love.

No Hate.
Much Love.

Just A Muslim Girl

Deleting said...

Understanding and acceptance said, 'As believing Muslims we don't accept all Hadith until it is stated as 'Sahih' (correct, true) by our scholars. And that doesn't mean someone simply typing it next to a Hadith online. There's a lot of analysis involved in the process. Also on the other hand the Hadith may be true in the Arabic language but the translations are terrible & rarely accurate. Arabic is a very rich language and for us to grasp the completeness (words & context) of the Qur'an & Hadith we need to understand it in Arabic first. '

First, thank you for posting and being respectful about it.
First the hadith I posted was 'sahih'. Imam bukhari qualified it in the eighth century as having a legitimate chain of transmission (isnod I think it's called)

Second I know you've been told there is an intricate process for handling Hadith. That's not true. You need Hadith to get the context for the Quran. There's no 'kid glove procedure' any further than that. Western dawahists and imams say its complicated so they don't have to defend it and they can smooth over a lot of bumps for new converts questioning these verses. However beyond that it simply is what it is. Don't fall for that line of bull. Question it. Challenge it. Not just Islam but anything. You'll be better off, I promise.
The same holds true for 'Arabic' being too complex and rich Ito fully grasp context and meaning. That's just a load of crap you've been sold. If there's a language it can be translated and words are defined within context and meaning otherwise they are just arbitrary words out there that mean nothing. Every nuance of the phrase may not convey over but the meaning if words is clear, otherwise we wouldn't have the bible and you wouldn't have the Quran.

Thanks for posting. Hopefully we can dialogue like this again sometime.

hugh watt said...

Understanding & Acceptance

When Muslims are being encouraged to spew out hatred towards Jews and Christians are they being taught the correct Arabic meaning or not?

See here:

Unknown said...

Lets be honest and lets look into the mirror. If we are the nation of laws and we respect the court decision than lets be responsible. Just don't forget what happened in Florida Travon Martin case if we respect and accept that decision than what is the issue of not accepting and respecting the court decision. Lets look into our selves and fix our own selves before putting two cents think about it there are others who will put in dollar and you will sell yourself. Wise thing to do is to grow up and keep religion out of sarcastic and silly comments by the cowards. Man up and study things in details before commenting and regretting later. Thank You

Unknown said...

Hey folks, lets not be too quick to judge and hold on to your comments. Remember, we accepted and respected court decision on Travon Martin case and this decision is by another respectful institution court in California. Lets address our own issues and leave that princes alone. It is best to not involve religion in discussion and if you are so knowledgeable talk to Yousuf Estees he will answer your questions and teach you what Haidth is. Thank you. Its better to keep your two cents in your pocket as others have dollars and you will be regret and not even dare to accept that those two cents were yours.