What about the Christian refugees? They are being plundered and murdered, yet the news reports only on the strife of the Muslims in this Islamic jihad. The words of Jesus come to mind, if you live by the sword you will die by the sword and let the dead bury the dead. If they want to be Muslim, let them live on zakat (which only helps Muslims), not on aid from the West.
I thought muslim men did not rape muslim women--the muslim theology teaches many ways for a man to have sexual relations....up to 4 wives....slave girls....temporary marriages... re-marrying after saying divorce 3 times...you would think that these men would be the most CARNALLY satisfied men on earth?....on account of their backward souless religion....but the muslim women are afraid of being raped?....go figure
Go Team USA (currently tag-teamed with the non-god allah)!
Could things be any more clear?
What about the Christian refugees? They are being plundered and murdered, yet the news reports only on the strife of the Muslims in this Islamic jihad. The words of Jesus come to mind, if you live by the sword you will die by the sword and let the dead bury the dead. If they want to be Muslim, let them live on zakat (which only helps Muslims), not on aid from the West.
Absolutely, Mary.
We have no business sending one penny or aiding such regimes in any way. None of them.
The West has too many entangling alliances with pagan nations as it is. Of course, the West's nations are increasingly pagan as well...
I thought muslim men did not rape muslim women--the muslim theology teaches many ways for a man to have sexual relations....up to 4 wives....slave girls....temporary marriages... re-marrying after saying divorce 3 times...you would think that these men would be the most CARNALLY satisfied men on earth?....on account of their backward souless religion....but the muslim women are afraid of being raped?....go figure
Marrying their daughters off to protect them from rape? They'll just be raped by their "husbands". It's a double-edge sword.
But being raped by your husband doesn't dishonor the family in Islam.
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