Friday, June 28, 2013

Ongoing Litigation Exposes CAIR’s Massive Web of Fraud and Deceit

Meanwhile, the media continues to call CAIR a "human rights organization."

AFLC—This past Wednesday, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed another important document in a four-year court battle that has brought to light the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR or CAIR National) elaborate ties to terrorism; its abuse of tax codes and corporate law; and most shockingly, its deliberate deception to the federal government regarding both its use of shell-corporations and its dubious funding sources.

AFLC’s brief, which was filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, was the final brief in support of the Center for Security Policy’s (CSP) and several of its employees’ motion asking the court to grant summary judgment in their favor in a case in which the CSP defendants were sued by CAIR National for working on a documentary designed to expose CAIR National’s Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas ties and other illegal activities.

David Yerushalmi, Co-Founder and Senior Counsel of AFLC, commented: “While the IRS has been busy harassing conservatives, pro-Israel Jewish organizations, and Catholic charities, they have essentially turned a blind eye to CAIR, which has been running a money laundering scheme over several years by, among other things, siphoning money from abroad and hiding it within their various entities.” (Continue Reading.)

1 comment:

akairey said...

Thank GOD for the ALFC!!!