If Egyptian men openly act like that toward grown women in public can you imagine the puddles of drool outside of the elementary schools as these guys follow in the footsteps of their prophet?
Islam is a domestic violence abuser's paradise wherein the victim is always at fault and there is no real responsibility for the abuser. Such a "culture" only breeds psychopaths and their conditioned enablers.
Nothing is as terrifying as is an anti-Christian worldview lived out consistently.
Here (in this example on display in Egypt) we have the mohammedan worldview being lived out consistently.
That these things are shocking to Westerners speaks only to our cultural ignorance of the consequences of consistent mohammedanism.
If Egyptian men openly act like that toward grown women in public can you imagine the puddles of drool outside of the elementary schools as these guys follow in the footsteps of their prophet?
When you're highest example is muhammed, what can you expect? muhammed was garbage
Islam is a domestic violence abuser's paradise wherein the victim is always at fault and there is no real responsibility for the abuser. Such a "culture" only breeds psychopaths and their conditioned enablers.
What's the difference between an muslims and yogurt? yogurt has a living culture
What's the difference between BM200032 and cheese? Cheese is more matured.
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