Friday, May 3, 2013

Poll: Does Islam "Fit" in the Western World?

A new study by the Bertelsmann Foundation shows that most people in Spain, Switzerland, France, East Germany, and Israel believe that Islam does not "fit" in the Western world. Of those polled in Canada, the United States, West Germany, Sweden, and Great Britain, less than half (though more than 40%) said that Islam does not fit in the West. Is this evidence of widespread racism and bigotry among developed nations, or are people simply concerned about Muhammad's teachings and their impact on society?

(Note: "Der Islam passt nicht in die westliche Welt" = "Islam does not fit in the Western world." "Stimme dem zu, in Prozent" = Percentage who agree.)


Aaronm said...

People are waking up, slowly but surely, as hard as it is for people to leave the "Cultural Equality" and "Self Hatred" camps people are waking up to realize that they have been mislead by the media and leftist education establishments.

Good to see so many people in Spain realize the problems islam causes in society, Spain needs a new Queen Isabella and a new Alhambra Decree

Joe Bradley said...

Muslims foul their nest wherever they go.

ellie said...

I fail to see how a person who feels Islam does not fit into western society would be considered "racist." Islam has nothing to do with nationality. Islam is supposed to be a religion. Islam is found in all the races known to man so how is it that someone who feels Islam is a problem to western culture is termed a "racist?"
Having worked with Muslims over a few decades of time I can tell you that the Muslims that came to the US over 20 years ago would try to blend into American culture if only by the way they dressed and their willingness to get along with the people. In the past 20 years the people who are coming to this country from Islamic countries are increasingly openly hostile to the culture. They are increasingly vocal about the changes they want to impose on western society. They separate themselves and form their own Islamic neighborhoods or buy up large tracts of lands on which they establish Islamic "communes" and have no intention of assimilating. It is quite evident that the Muslims that come into western culture during this time in history are not trying to escape Islamic oppression but to increase the Islamic presence here. They have no intention of attempting to "fit in" to the Western world.

Unknown said...


Are you an immigrant? Have you ever been an immigrant? If no, then what advice could you possibly offer a Muslim immigrant in particular or an immigrant in general about cultural assimilation? I ask because many Americans (I'm not sure if you're one) speak rather triumphantly of "the West,""Western culture,""Western society," or "American culture" without ever pondering what those terms mean or to whom or what they properly apply. I also ask because many Americans speak of cultural assimilation but disdain the thought of anyone being “caught between two cultures” without any experience of what it's like to be caught between two cultures, to leave home for a foreign land, to learn a foreign language, or to be pressured into adopting an alien way of life. To sympathize or empathize with immigrants is, they say, multiculturalism.


"Good to see so many people in Spain realize the problems islam causes in society, Spain needs a new Queen Isabella and a new Alhambra Decree"

You mean Spain needs a monarchy to re-institute 15th century style mass expulsion, forced conversion, expropriation, and to send an expedition to "India" to enslave the populous? Who needs multiculturalism when you have ethno-nationalism!

Anonymous said...

What islam can do for the World? It can only do one thing:


Joe Bradley said...

If learning a foreign language, or to be pressured into adopting an alien way of life (of the host country) is so bad and abhorrent to immigrants, then what madness possesses them to make the trip?

Islamic countries have the solution for those who do not assimilate into their religion or culture, they simply kill them. Islamic countries have forced assimilation down to a fine art.

Perhaps the West should adopt this philosophy or is multi-culturalism a one-way street applying only to the West?

Idril Ar-Feiniel said...

I think people are more taken aback by the extemism that goes along with it......I know I am....

Unknown said...


I'm no fan of multiculturalism, but I'm no fan of ethnic nationalism or the new found ethnic pride so many Americans and Europeans find in "Western culture" either. And I know enough about Europe, her various nationalist movements, and her pointless, aimless wars to get a good idea what "fit" means to Europeans.

Joe Bradley said...


I find it very interesting that you state "I'm no fan of ethnic nationalism . . ." but then you go on to limit your criticism to Western culture, never mentioning the 800 Pound Gorilla in the room known as Islam in the Middle East.

I might point out that Western civilization has no corner on pointless and meaningless wars. Muslims were killing each other long before western influence came along in the Middle East. After all, it's written into the Qur'an.

ellie said...

All but the Native American are immigrants here. We or our ancestors came here to escape poverty or oppression or both. People have come to the US for centuries in order to start a new life free from the despots of Europe and other continents. It is never easy to come to a new land but those who came here to start a new life did suffer many hardships in order to do so. They were grateful for the opportunity. They learned the language they worked hard, they many times suffered at the hands of those who did not understand their culture. But they made it and they became good citizens in their communities.
The Muslims who came here to escape oppression in the 50's and 60's were good citizens. They also worked hard and learned the language. They were happy to be here and showed it by being friendly and helpful. That is not what we are seeing today.
As radical Islam has spread throughout the middle east it is now pouring into the United States. Islam is a political tool that oppresses people in the name of god. Jihad is taught in the mosques of America.
Your not a fan of western society? Are you a fan of sharia? Are you a fan of the oppression of women? Do you favor the true rules of Islam? How about the cutting off of the heads of homosexuals and "infidels?' Do you know the true demands of Islam? I would suggest you take a tour of what the Quran is actually about and while on that tour take a stroll through Islamic history. IF you think what was done by the Europeans was bad you have seen nothing until you learn the history of the spread of Islam. Do you know that Turkey was once a Christian nation? it's rarely told but you can find it if you are willing to look.
No, Muslims are not cutting off heads in the west, yet. But they are in Saudi Arabia. Yes, our allies are quite proficient at it. It's the law you know! Now Egypt and Libya are crying for sharia! Now Muslims are crying for sharia in the US! Yes, I see that as a problem in western culture.

Unknown said...


You mean the Seven Years War, The War of Austrian Succession, The Napoleonic Wars, and the Franco-Prussia were all defensible? And that's to say nothing of three genocidal episodes on European soil (the Holocaust, Bosnia, and Kosovo) or the old/new Antisemitism there. It doesn't shock me many Europeans don't feel Islam “fits” there. Who does?

Unknown said...


Only if assimilation merely means being appreciative or learning the host country's official language. But what if assimilation means adopting the host's values, dress code, eating/drinking habits, etc. all for the sake of quasi-ethnic pride in obscure “culture” or the like? For all the anti-multicultural rhetoric I've read over the years, most of it functions as cultural apologia for “Western culture” or “Western values.” Think back to what you wrote: “Having worked with Muslims over a few decades of time I can tell you that the Muslims that came to the US over 20 years ago would try to blend into American culture if only by the way they dressed and their willingness to get along with the people.” So, dressing like “we do” and showing a willingness to get along with people are indicative of assimilation? A few questions. Why should they dress like us? What is it about our clothing that should compel them to adopt our taste in fashion? What if our clothing is morally appalling to their sensibilities?

You ask,

“Your not a fan of western society?”

Not really, if by “Western society” you mean every piece of terrain west of Russia. I don't really care for Poland, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, Portugal, or Belgium. Maybe Germany, but only because I'm a fan of German opera and can speak German. I guess you can say I don't really “fit” in any of the above named countries. However, being a California raised American Muslim I can tell you where I fit. Where I fit with ease is not in a country defined by terrain or ethnicity, but by its rights-based constitution. And when I feel prideful or the burning urge to floor grovel, the filial piety kicks in and I give thanks to the elder members of my family who did more than Christ by taking the gun to defend “Western society” from, well, itself during WWII.

You say,

“Are you a fan of sharia? Are you a fan of the oppression of women? Do you favor the true rules of Islam? How about the cutting off of the heads of homosexuals and "infidels?' Do you know the true demands of Islam? I would suggest you take a tour of what the Quran is actually about and while on that tour take a stroll through Islamic history. IF you think what was done by the Europeans was bad you have seen nothing until you learn the history of the spread of Islam. Do you know that Turkey was once a Christian nation? it's rarely told but you can find it if you are willing to look.”

I'm not a fan of sharia (whatever that means to you or anyone else here), a fan of oppression of women, or cutting off the heads of homosexuals or infidels. However, I do know the true demands of Islam and I've not only studied Islamic history but have visited an Islamic country (Pakistan). I invite you to take a trip there and try to live out the “when in Rome do what the Romans do” rationale. And when you do and when you're tired of sporting the chador, salwar/ kameez or the niqab, ponder long and hard whether or not you “fit” there.

Joe Bradley said...


It sounds as if your portrayal of a corrupt warlike Western Culture is not a good fit for your pious and peaceful Muslim brethren.

Perhaps you could lead the charge to have them move back and repatriate with their homeland?

This would certainly be a win-win situation for everybody involved.

Rich Holland said...

The world feels the way they do about Islam because of history, where Islam has migrated to, so has increased acts of violence by Muslims. Call them bigots or racists if you want, but facts are facts, Islam is saturated with violence, and a deep seeded hatred for Christians!

Rich Holland said...

Thank God for the internet, what was once easily hidden from western eyes is now readily available. The truth is being revealed about the true intentions of Islam, and that is world domination, they have no intentions of coexisting with anyone, especially Christians. This is totally unacceptable and must be stopped.

Joe Bradley said...

Actions do speak louder than words and while there are those who assail the Western world for that which they perceive as pressure for Muslims to assimilate, I am awaiting word that Muslims are rejecting Western values with their feet. So far it's been all ingress and no egress.

This certainly undermines the assertions by Muslim critics of the Western world.

Meanwhile, in Islamic countries, Christians are fleeing in an exodus of historic proportions and, regardless of the Muslim critic's attempts to vilify Western culture and the expectations of assimilation, the intolerance of Islamic countries speaks for itself and Christians have voted with their feet.

This is the difference between actual and perceived persecution.

Joe Bradley said...


This is typical of the environment from which populations in the Islamic world flee.

Do the Muslims then emigrate to another pure, clean and honorable Muslim country where murder, rape and non-Muslim genocide is routine?

Why NO, their preference appears to be the West - full of its corruption, debauchery and moral decay and, if their women become too scantily clad, an honor murder or two to fix the problem.

I know . . . I know, according to many Muslims, any and all bad news whose subject is Islam is to be blamed on a conspiratorial Zionist press.

But the fact still remains, your Muslim brethren are voting with their feet.