Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sweden Denies Asylum to Former Muslims Facing Torture or Death

No one in the world is in greater need of asylum than non-Muslim minorities living in Muslim countries. Yet these are the people that governments don't seem to care about. (For information and sources about the penalty for apostasy in Islam, click here.)


Deleting said...

can we write letters or email the consulate or something in protest?

Tom said...

What is happening to plain common sense... "muslims who reject islam are persecuted, it is mandated in islam".

Oh Lord, Please provide the western civilization some basic Wisdom!

Lettherebelight, Sweden said...

Living in Stockholm, I know this is a country that has opened it´s borders wide to muslims from most conflict areas, since many years back, and this year probably a new record in numbers will be set. The immigration debate is way out of proportion now, there is put a veil over the amount of problems this rises. It would be a relief to get Christian refugees and save some followers of Jesus Christ. But religion is a no-no area now, esp. issues concerning islam and what´s coming of it. We must support these former muslims.

GFRF said...

Islam has mad cowards of our leadership.