The only good that can possibly come from the Arab Spring is that the world may finally realize what Sharia really means. But don't get your hopes up. (
Click here for a discussion of Jihad.)
Coptic Christian Amir Ayad in a hospital bed following torture by the Muslim Brotherhood |
Egypt (FoxNews)--Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse.
Such stories have become increasingly common as tensions between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts mount, but in the latest case, mosque officials corroborated much of the account and even filed a police report. Demonstrators, some of whom were Muslim, say they were taken from the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in suburban Cairo to a nearby mosque on Friday and tortured for hours by hard-line militia members.
“They accompanied me to one of the mosques in the area and I discovered the mosque was being used to imprison demonstrators and torture them,” Amir Ayad, a Coptic who has been a vocal protester against the regime, told MidEast Christian News from a hospital bed.
Ayad said he was beaten for hours with sticks before being left for dead on a roadside. Amir’s brother, Ezzat Ayad, said he received an anonymous phone call at 3 a.m. Saturday, with the caller saying his brother had been found near death and had been taken to the ambulance.
“He underwent radiation treatment that proved that he suffered a fracture in the bottom of his skull, a fracture in his left arm, a bleeding in the right eye, and birdshot injuries,” Ezzat Ayad said.
Officials at the Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque said radical militias stormed the building, in the Cairo suburb of Moqattam, after Friday prayers.
“[We] deeply regret what has happened and apologize to the people of Moqattam,” mosque officials said in a statement, adding that “they had lost control over the mosque at the time."
The statement also “denounced and condemned the violence and involving mosques in political conflicts.”
The latest crackdown is further confirmation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s most hard-line elements are consolidating control in Egypt, according to Shaul Gabbay, a professor of international studies at the University of Denver.
“It will only get worse,” said Gabbay. “This has been a longstanding conflict, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power, it is moving forward to implement its ideology – which is that Christians are supposed to become Muslims.
“There is no longer anything to hold them back,” he continued. “The floodgates are open.” (Continue Reading)
And in completely unrelated news, the US government, already debt-plagued funneled $250 million to the Muslim Brotherhood. I mean Egypt, that is...
Ahh nothing says worship like torturing Christians at the Masjid
David, check this link out below!
Christians stoned by Muslims in Dearborn and the Damn Media Is Silent
They have no respect for life! Islam is not a religion, it's an evil hatred cult! I'm sick of their hypocrisy, their lies, their deception, their killings, their honor killings, their suicide bombings their pushing to establish sharia laws, their presence in our countries, their agenda wanting to destroy our Freedom, their agenda wanting to changes our laws, their agenda trying to plot Terror attacks, their Hatred towards Israel, their Hatred towards Jews and Christians or non-believers, their Hatred towards our Democracy, their Hatred towards free speech & freedom of religion, their violence against the women, their discrimination against gays, their attitude towards apostates by killing them, their deadly behavior over a silly cartoon, their abuses against children, well I guess, I am truly SICK of ISLAM!
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