Friday, February 1, 2013

Muhammad, Cross-Dressing, and the London Muslim Patrol

New strategy. In the following video, I put on one of my wife's garments to illustrate a point. Muslim critics are sure to condemn and mock me for doing it. As soon as Muslims speak out against cross-dressing, however, be sure to show them that they just condemned Muhammad.

Here are some sources:

(Note: Different editions of Hadith use different numbering systems, so the numbering in your edition may be a little different. For Bukhari, I'm using the recent Darussalam edition. For Muslim, I'm using Siddiqi's translation. Don't fall for the "I just looked it up in my edition and it's not there" deception being used by Muslim apologists who are embarrassed about this issue!)

Sahih Muslim 4415—Abu Bakr requested permission from the prophet to enter when the prophet was lying down on Aisha’s bed wearing her garment [mirt]. So the prophet gave permission to Abu Bakr to enter while he (Muhammad) was in that state and Abu Bakr finished what he needed and left. Later, Umar came and requested permission to enter and the prophet gave him permission to enter while he (Muhammad) was in that state. So Umar finished what he needed and left. Later, Uthman requested permission to enter to the prophet, so Muhammad sat up and told Aisha, "Take all the clothing that belongs to you."

Sahih Muslim 4472The wives of the prophet sent Fatimah, the daughter of the prophet, to him and she requested permission to enter while he was lying down on my bed in my robe [Mirt]. He gave her permission to enter and she told him that his wives had sent her to him seeking justice concerning the daughter of Abu Kahafa (Aisha). The prophet said to her, ‘O daughter, do you not love what I love?’ She replied, ‘Yes! I do.’ He then said to her, ‘Then love her also.’ So Fatimah got up when she heard that from the prophet and returned to the wives of the prophet. Then the wives sent to the prophet Zaynab Bint Jahsh…who requested permission from the prophet to enter while he was with Aisha in her robe [Mirt] and in the same state that Fatimah found him in.”

Mishkat Al Masabih, Volume II, p. 1361—She told that the people used to choose: ‘A’isha’s day to bring their gifts, seeking thereby to please God’s messenger. She said that God’s messenger’s wives were in two parties, one including ‘A’isha, Hafsa, Safiya, and Sauda, and the other including Umm Salama and the rest of God’s messenger’s wives. Umm Salama’s party spoke to her telling her to ask God’s messenger to say to the people, “If anyone wishes to make a present to God’s messenger, let him present it to him wherever he happens to be.” She did so and he replied, “Do not annoy me regarding ‘A’isha, for inspiration has not come to me when I was in any woman's garment but ‘A’isha’s.” They then called Fatima, sent her to God’s messenger, and she spoke to him, but he replied, “Do you not like what I like, girlie?” She said, “Certainly,” so he said, “Then love this woman.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 2442—It is related from 'A'isha that the wives of the messenger of Allah fell into two parties. One party contained 'A'isha, Hafsa, Safiyya and Sawda, and the other party contained Umm Salama and the rest of the wives of the messenger of Allah. The Muslims knew of the love of the messenger of Allah for 'A'isha, so when any of them had a gift which he wanted to give to the messenger of Allah he would delay it until the messenger of Allah was in 'A'isha's house. Then the person with the gift would send it to the messenger of Allah while he was in 'A'isha's house. The party of Umm Salama spoke about it and said to her, "Tell the messenger of Allah to speak to the people and say, 'Whoever wants to give a gift to the messenger of Allah should give it to him in the house of whichever wife he is.'" Umm Salama spoke to him about what they had said, but he did not say anything. They asked her and she said, "He did not say anything to me." They said to her, "Speak to him." She said she spoke to him when he went around to her as well, but he did not say anything to her. They asked her and she said, “He did not say anything to me.” They said to her, “Speak to him until he speaks to you.” He went around to her and she spoke to him. He said to her, “Do not injure me regarding 'A'isha. The revelation does not come to me when I am in the garment of any woman except 'A'isha.” She said, "I repent to Allah from injuring you, Messenger of Allah.” Then they called Fatima, the daughter of the messenger of Allah, and sent her to the messenger of Allah to say, “Your wives ask you by Allah for fairness regarding the daughter of Abu Bakr.” She spoke to him and he said, “O my daughter, do you not love what I love?” She said, “Yes indeed.” She returned to them and informed them. They said, “Go back to him,” but she refused to go back. They sent Zaynab bint Jahsh and she went to him and spoke harshly, saying. “Your wives ask you by Allah for fairness regarding the daughter of ibn Abi Quhafa.” She raised her voice until she turned to 'A'isha, who was sitting down, and abused her until the messenger of Allah looked at 'A'isha to see if she would speak. ‘A'isha spoke to answer back Zaynab until she had silenced her. She said, “The prophet looked at 'A'isha and said, ‘She is indeed the daughter of Abu Bakr.’”

For more information on Muhammad's clothing habits, see our "Jesus or Muhammad?" special:


WIKI's Page said...


Please don't do this, even if your intention is to drive a point.

The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5

Zack_Tiang said...

That was terrible... How could you spread such filth in the Internet...?

Renee Ucciferri said...

Absolutely brilliant. Thank you for making this video and writing this article!!

Craig said...

What you doin up so early? Lol, nice video so funny, didnt muhammad have intercourse with is wives while they were menstrating according too bukhari chapter of menstration? illll

Osama Abdallah said...

In Texas, cowboy boots for males and females are made from snake skins. They look identical, and are made from the same fabric.

Garments of old were made from wool and animal skins. We're talking bediouns here, and not a gay club. And the Prophet never left home with any of his wives' garment on. If he put on his shoulders a garment that belonged to one of his wives to be romantic to her, then so what? It's like if your wife puts on your jacket to outside to bush off the snow from her car for 5 minutes and come back home. What's the big deal about this?

Osama Abdallah said...

And as to Revelations being sent down while being under or in the garment of Aisha, that statement was symbolic and not literal. This is a language of tents that the Arabs and Middle Easterns used. In my rebuttal article to you, I showed how the Bible also uses similar language of garments.

Anonymous said...


thanks for admitting that Muhammad liked wearing little girls clothing.

boy your an idiot.

But how about him sucking on another man's tongue is that literal or symbolic?

Good job Osama.

Chinchilla PetVerse said...

Osama, Osama... the intellectual suicide you have to commit to defend your prophet.

The very fact that the verses speak about a "woman's garments" means that the garments in question were not of the "asexual" nature. If those clothes were so much of a "swappable" nature then the phrase "women's garments" would have been redundant...
I have seen women's clothes in the middle east, and they, still stuck in the time warp wear different types of "tents"... how many Arabs in the desert would think with your interpretation if it comes to light that Osama Abdallah wears his wife's clothes when he is typing articles on

Furthermore Deut 22:25 makes the Biblical perspective clear... ALSO... even if you were right about the Bible... it still wouldn't prove that Muhammad didn't love the feel of cotton in the undergarments of Aisha...



Sam said...

YAWN! Here is the refutation of Osama's lies and trash:

Craig said...

@ Osama stop defending your demonicly inspired religion. Islam is the only true religion. Why? Because god never gave us a religion, the devil himself inspired muhammad to spread his religion and to bind and tied people down. How did the people who wrote the bible know about a man similar to the mahdi, the muslim and a creature the beast from earth, yet they all have very similar task but the bible says these are evil and demonicly controlled and hundreds of years later muhammad says these are good guys. Come on be for real with yourself. Isn't possible that muslims are being decieved?

Craig said...

@ Osama

This can not be just a Coincidence, these are two very real spiritual and theological religion and the two biggest religions in the world. Once again this cant be a Coincidence theres a spiritual battle going on here that we cant physically see. Lets ask our self are we and how can we be decieved by our religion. One of our religion is demonic and theres for sure nothing demonic about christianity but islam on the other hand has several reason as to why it can be. God bless you and sorry for the controversial comment .

Craig said...

@ Osama

Gods loves us so much that he call us his children and as a father I know how much I love my child, I can only imagine how much god love us. Dont let satan the father of lies take that away from you. Dont harden your heart God is our father.

Anonymous said...

Samuel debate is now on unedited with the power point

SGM said...

Osama Abdallah to the rescue of his prophet. Your analogy is absolutely ridiculous. The material is not important here by which a thing is made of but the purpose for it is made for. You can use cotton to make women’s garments and men’s garments. However, they would be completely different in looks from each other. Same way, you can use snake skin to make women’s or men’s shoes but they would look different from each other. You won’t wear shoes with high heels, would you?

Now, where in the hadith do you read that mohammad put on his shoulder the garment of Aisha AND that it was to be romantic? ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. And what is symbolic about it? ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. So what you are telling us is that it was common at that time for Arabs to use this kind of symbolic tent language. E.g., “I was having a cup of camel urine while wearing my wife’s garments”. OR, “I was sucking on a man’s toung while wearing my wife’s garment”. Would you be kind enough to give us some references so that we can confirm this kind of SYMBOLIC language of the tents that the Arabs used to use? Any reference other than the hadith or your Quran.

Osama Abdallah said...

"YAWN! Here is the refutation of Osama's lies and trash"

I love it when I get on Shampoo's nerves. I actually miss the days when I used to post a detailed rebuttal (paragraph for paragraph) every couple of days to him. That used to irritate him.

FYI Shamoun, my rebuttal is brand new, with new verses, new points and new refutations.

Anonymous said...

Why would a prophet of God, who made the following statements...

Let the people of the Gospel [Christian scriptures] judge according to what Allah has revealed therein. EVIL-DOERS ARE THOSE WHO DO NOT JUDGE ACCORDING TO ALLAH'S REVELATIONS. 5:47

Should I [Mohammed] seek a judge other than Allah when it is He who has revealed the Book for you with all its precepts? THOSE TO WHOM WE GAVE THE SCRIPTURES KNOW THAT IT IS THE TRUTH REVEALED BY YOUR LORD. THEREFORE HAVE NO DOUBTS. 6:114-115

Proclaim what has been revealed to you from the Book [Christian and Jewish scriptures] of your Lord. NONE CAN CHANGE HIS WORDS. You shall find no refuge besides him. 18:27

...suddenly turn around and ignore Deuteronomy 22:5?

"...nor shall a man put on a womans garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God."

What's going on?

Could it be that Mohammad really fits into the category of those religious leaders to whom Christ served notice in Matthew 23?

"Even so you outwardly appear righteous to men but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." verse 28

Sam said...

Obama, listen pussycat, the only thing new with your trash is in your own imagination. And the only thing that irritates me is that your trash is even more incoherent than what your own illiterate prophet produced.

Too bad you didn't have the guts to show up in Arizona. And we both know why you didn't show up since you saw what happened to your prophet the last time when you tried to unsuccessfully defend him against me. :-)

Now Osama, go find Nadir to play with and threaten, since no one is buying into your fantasies, just like we aren't buying into Muhammad's fantasies which is appropriately named miraj. And what a miraj it was! :-)

In afct, maybe you should follow your prophet's sunna and start wearing your wife's clothes if they will fit you since you may get lucky enough to be able to write a coherent article for once in your life. After all, didn't your prophet say that Allah would give him parts of the Quran when he was dressed in little Aisha's dress? If it worked for him it may work for you as well. Try it and tell us what happens. :-)

Like I said folks, Osama's trash has already been refuted in all those links and rebuttals. No need to bother appeasing him since all he wants is attention. It must be really lonely for him now that all the Muslims like Zaatari and Zawadi have basically abandoned him to himself.

Sam said...

Oops, sorry for the typos, i.e. afct should have been fact. Anyway, off to do important and serious things that waste my time on a dawagandist whom even Muslims have forgotten and are embarrassed of.

Anonymous said...

Sam great idea.

Osama why don't you put on your wife's underwear maybe the demon that appeared to Muhammad will appear to you.

Let us know what happens.

Anonymous said...

I have to look up these verses and see the counter arguments and everything, cause this is just too hilarious to be true. No matter what, David, you and your 240 pounds of awesome have made my night.

Tom ta tum Tom said...

No, it wasn't the lipstick...
It wasn't the logic...
It wasn't the insight or the wonderful humor...

It was the tattoo...

LOL! ROFL! STILL haven't stopped laughing! BLESS YOU, David! THANKS!


Traeh said...

When David started gagging while reading that hadith about sucking tongues etc., he got me laughing.

Anonymous said...

"I feel pretty and witty and gay" = HILARIOUS.

Hey Osama do you think that Muhammad felt pretty, witty and gay?

Anonymous said...

So is that an actual tattoo David?

Anonymous said...

Osama, what about the part where Muhammad sucks men' tongues and their lips?

So since Muhammad was the "perfect example" to follow.Osama...are you going to start sucking men's tongues and wearing your wife's nightie?

Muhammad wearing his wife's clothes to get this revelations sounds VERY DEMONIC to me.

Muhammad only got his later revelations wearing Aisha's clothes so very sick to me. Those sound like Satanic verses not from heaven.

Unknown said...

I knew Mohammed was a paedophile for marrying the child Aisha.... but gay as well.... BRILLIANT VIDEO DAVID WOOD... KEEP THE HIDDEN INFORMATION COMING...

Verwüstung said...

Great video! Thanks for all the work you do!

Honestly, I never would have believed Britain would have succumbed to such terror. British boys were pretty tough at one time, and so were Scottish and Irish lads. They would have beat the tar out of these chumps than sent then crying back to mama. I don't know what's going on anymore. Where's the EDL? Pure madness!

SGM said...

I finally got it. Dhaaaa. The reason Mohammad got revelation from Allah was because he was a cross dresser and gay in the literal sense.

Mr. Osama, if you were present at the time of Mohammad and since you love Mohammad so much, would you have worn your wife’s clothes and let Mohammad suck your tongue and lips?

Come to think of it, all moslems are to follow Mohammad’s example. If moslems were to follow mohammad’s example of sucking other men’s tongue and lips, the whole community around the world would turn GAY (in the literal sense) in a moment. What a religion?

Anonymous said...

just curious where does it say muhammad sucked on another mans tongue?

gsw said...

It is extremely wearisome how people try to justify telling other people what to do based not on whether it actually causes harm, but on some strange prejudices of people who have been dead for 3000 years.

Male and female clothing has changed with the time, culture and season. Kilts have been male clothing across the world for 1000s of years (Roman centurion; Highland chiefs; Greek Senate), while the trouser was not even invented until the late middle ages.

As far as I know, there is no law stating that religious people must crossdress, whatever that is, so when are they going to learn to mind their own damn business?


موسي ابراهيم السيوطي said...

brilliant. hope their eyes open. Amen

Anonymous said...

can you please change the format in how you reference it in because it makes your reference much harder to find on a regular haddith site

example like sahih bukhari 2442 to sahih bukahari Volume 3, Book 47, Number 755

Sam said...

Aaron, if you want the hadiths then check out these articles and rebuttals:

Some of the hadiths are taken directly from the Arabic editions, which you will find in the links above.

Anonymous said...

Using the wayback you can find the original link that you posted as the original reference before it was scrubbed, from Al-Muslim;

Book 031, Number 5984:

'A'isha, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), said: The wives of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) sent Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him). She ouaht permission to get in as he had been lying with me in my mantle. He gave her permission and she said: Allah's Messenger, verily, your wives have sent me to you in order to ask you to observe equity in case of the daughter of Abu Quhafa. She ('A'isha) said: I kept quiet. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said to her (Fatima): 0 daughter, don't you love whom I love? She said: Yes, (I do). Thereupon he said: I love this one. Fatima then stood up as she heard this from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and went to the wives of Allatt's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and informed them of what she had said to him and what Allah's messenger (may peace be upon him) had said to her. Thereupon they said to her: We think that you have been of no avail to us. You may again go to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and tell him that his wives seek equity in case of the daughter of Abu Quhafa. Fitima said: By Allah, I will never talk to him about this matter. 'A'isha (further) reported: The wives of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) then sent Zainab b. jahsh, the wife of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him), and she was one who was somewhat equal in rank with me in the eyes of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and I have never seen a woman more advanced in religious piety than Zainab, more God-conscious, more truthful, more alive to the ties of blood, more generous and having more. sense of self-sacrifice in practical life and having more charitable disposition and thus more close to God, the Exalted, than her. She, however, lost temper very soon but was soon calm. Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) permitted her to enter as she ('A'isha) was along with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) in her mantle, in the same very state when Fatima had entered. She said: Allah's Messenger, your wives have sent me to you seeking equity in case of the daughter of Abu Quhafa. She then came to me and showed harshness to me and I was seeing the eyes of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) whether he would permit me. Zainab went on until I came to know that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) would not disapprove if I retorted. Then I exchanged hot words until I made her quiet. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) smiled and said: She is the daughter of Abu Bakr. This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Zuhri with the same chain of transmitters, but with a slight variation of wording.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

David and sam are both liars and haters,david and sam this verse of the glorious Qur'an is for people like you Qur'an 61-8 They want to extinguish the light of Allah(God) with their mouths, but Allah(God) will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.

Unknown said...

Thank You, for exposing this fraud. Who went to a cave and came up with a plan to improve his own life. Nothing more.I truly appreciate the time and energy You've put in uncovering His falsehoods, hypocrisy and ultimate perversions, of Truth. Much happiness to U and Yours. Peace, shawn

David Emme said...

Reading an American viewpoint into ancient writings-is outright stupidity. So this will bring Muslims to Christ? You think enraging them will attract them to Christ? I just do not see it.

Elton said...

David and Sam, I think what you are doing is very courageous; I am of Arabic origin who grew up as a Christian until the age of six when the answers of the priests and church stopped to satisfy me so I became an atheist then 34 years ago I started following a spiritual path that is open to all religions, it relies mainly on meditation where one can get real answers. I am a retired engineer so I think I can claim logical thinking.

My word of advice is that you drop the cross-dressing issue as it can backfire and makes you lose credibility; it's bad enough that Muhammad was always in bed with Aisha even when important men disciples came to talk to him, that by itself is shameful, did he have nothing else to do than to be in bed all the time?

I speak Arabic fluently, have studied all religions including, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc. I have not been able to find the exact hadith though I looked in Bukhari, the problem is that I cannot do a search for Arabic words in a PDF document; this is not the issue; from all what I heard you and Sam read I suspect that it could easily mean that when Muhammad was having intercourse with his wives (in the garment, dress or whatever)he only got the inspiration when he was screwing Aisha!! This is bad enough in my opinion and no need to sidetrack. He simply was a sexual maniac...

Unknown said...

Thank you guys. Have any of these been translated into English on one of the major Hadith collection sites? It would be nice to get screenshots. Or where could we find them in Arabic?

the merciful servant said...

if satan told muhammad all these verses then why did muhammad (pbuh) say a surah that makes all the demons go away it’s proven in a lot of exorcism and even i saw it happen the demon was tourterd with the verses and it eventually left. may allah (swt) guide you kaffirs.

BlackmooreJoe said...

As far as I can see, there is an answer to almost any question that concerns everyday life. I see that there is a lot of controversy about clothes.. What about tattoos? Are there any restrictions for men? I plan to choose something among Tattoo Ideas For Men - I often travel to Muslim countries due to the nature of my work. How do they feel about tattoos there?