Here's the latest from the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC):
Assalam Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,
We at AMPAC (American Political Action Committee) are planning an historic event for 9.11.13 where one million Muslims will march to Washington D.C. and demand that our civil rights be protected by our government. We are demanding that laws be enacted protecting our 1stamendment . We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people. On 9.11.01 our country was forever changed by the horrific events in New York. The entire country was victimized by the acts done on that day. Muslim and Non Muslim alike were traumatized but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains. To this day every media outlet and anti Islamic organization has committed slanderous and libel statements against us as Muslims and our religion of Islam. Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law. These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa. Why do we have to defend our religion while doing Dawa? Why can’t we just share the perfection of the Quran and the beauty of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SWS)? It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us. Help us to wake the American citizen up to the truth and together Muslim and Non Muslim can take our country back to its true Democracy which is “For the people by the people”. Our Prophet in his final message told us: “Whoever sees an injustice should set it right by means of his hand; if not, by his tongue; if not, then by his heart and that is considered to be the weakest of faith.” And more to the point “If my nation are afraid to say to the oppressor, ‘O oppressor!’, then there is no hope in them.”
Sincerely your Brothers and Sisters in Islam
For more on Jihad, watch this video:
How about we do a Million Christian march over here in Iraq? Any volunteers?
Ampac = dishonest idiots.
How about a million non-Muslim march to protest the real brutalizing of non-Muslims in more than 20,000 documented deadly jihadist attacks since 9/11 in many countries around the globe? How bout we have a million placards, each one with a different photo and reference documenting someone who died because Islam activists decided to murder and slaughter? What are the Muslim march organizers going to do to make sure some of the more pious Muslim marchers do not respond with violence to free speech and criticism of Islam or Muhammad? Will the Muslim marchers start throwing bottles and rocks at non-Muslims if we have a big float documenting the major Islamic attacks over the last decade or two -- the WTC, the bombs in the London tube and in Italy and in Russia and in Bali and Mumbai and on and on.
How about a float for the thousands of Buddhists murdered in Thailand? The hundreds of thousands of Christians and animists murdered or enslaved or raped by jihadist janjaweed in Sudan, or bombed from above by the Islamo-theocratic government of Sudan? How about the three Indonesian Christian school girls beheaded on the way to school by jihadists? Or the little French Jewish girl whom a French jihadist grabbed by the hair and shot in the head? Or the Jewish infant stabbed to death in a crib by a jihadist in Israel? Non-Muslims should make a million placards documenting thousands of recent jihadist atrocities in dozens of countries. We could document the hundreds of apostates from Islam who have shown up in recent news stories and who were killed, or wounded, or got death threats and went into hiding. We could show the people and places denied permits to build churches, temples, or synagogues in Muslim nations. What non-Muslim could document could make for a march extending all the way to the moon and back.
The incredible chutzpah of this million Muslim march idea is beyond belief. How about they have instead a national day of mourning for those who died on 9/11 and in other attacks? How about they enter into public self-criticism and debate about the brutal and false aspects of Islam? How about they offer a first ever apology to non-Muslims for the 1400 year history of jihad murder and violence resulting in somewhere between 100 million and 300 million deaths around the globe? How about they apologize to black Africans for engaging even longer in the African slave trade than did Europeans, and for being responsible for many more deaths of slaves? Europeans and Americans have apologized. Muslims can barely even admit to, much less apologize for, their central and longstanding involvement in the African slave trade. Just as most Turkish Muslims won't admit to the Armenian genocide.
But self-criticism won't happen on any significant scale. Why? Because too many of their co-religionists will follow Muhammad's dictatorial example and start in with the death threats to critics, other Muslims will bring in their fists, or honor killings, or acid in girls' faces, or the bombs, the knives, etc., and many others among them will start ostracizing and shunning Muslims who dare criticize Islam.
Set lasers to shameless
This is yet another 9/11 attack. Another attempt to hijack 9/11 and make it service the jihad instead of preventing more victims of jihad.
Another attempt to put that blood libel into the public discourse.
Should we sit by our computers and rail at the affrontery again? Or should we mobilize to take pro active measurs?
There are about 106,051 hotel rooms in DC. How many members of SIOA, Act For America and all other similar organizations, domestic and foreign, are there?
Well said Traeh!
Maybe I'm missing something, but where is the "frightening" bit?
9/11 was 100% an Israeli mossa operation. Former CIA agents like Susan Lindor and several others came out and also said it was.
WTC7 was brought down by controlled demolitions. Military-grade thermites were found ALL OVER ground zero, which was used to melt the pillars of the WTC Twin Towers, which caused them to come down. This is also why you saw people JUMPING FROM THOSE BUILDINGS AND COMMITTED SUICIDE. The heat that was caused by the thermite was unbearable!
The Pentagon was hit by a drone or a missile, and the FBI confescated all of the surveilance cameras in the entire nighborhood to further cover up the Truth. And the Pensylvania field had no airplane in it. No airplane was found.
But when it comes to attacking Islam, to hell with the Truth. Throw it in the garbage.
9/11 was 100% an Israeli mossa operation
Of course. The Jews, you see, made up the holocaust and orchestrated 9/11.
The day will come when the noble Muslims will rid us of this nefarious breed. On that day, the Jews "will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims... there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him" (Sahih al-Bukhari)
Only then will we all live in peace.
Allah is great.
"On September 11th, 2001, a group of Muslims killed thousands of Americans in an attempt to frighten non-Muslims into submission. On the 12th anniversary of the bloodiest terrorist attack in American history, a million Muslims will march on Washington, D.C., in an attempt to frighten non-Muslims into submission."
@Osama: So wait wait wait. It was mossad agents who also hijacked the planes? Why not just blow up the building and say terorrists planted bombs (as they tried to do in '92?). Again your anti-semetism is showing. You can't accept (as many Muslims can't) what evil is done by your fellow co-religionists (how about over 100,000 dead since 9/11 as welll? Also the Mossad?), and when people point this out and see a problem instead of trying to change your co-religionist you cry "Islamaphobe!" There is no point in debating you any more. You are either crazy (actually believe the nonsense you spout) or evil.
And of course, don't expect Samatar to condemn Osama's crazy anti-semetic conspiracy theories and attitudes towards the Jewish state! Samatar simply doesn't see it, even when it's pointed out to him!
There is no reason to believe muslims were not involved in the attacks especially considering the fact that they admitted to doing it and actually threatened to do it again. I do admit there are some issues that are troubling like how the building collapsed as if there were explosives meant to destroy it, etc... but the concrete evidence we have with us show a terrorist attack by Osama Binladen and others as a means to exact revenge against the United States. While conspiracy theories are just theories with no concrete evidence.
@Samatar: Thank you.
First of all thanks for your comment. We are not saying that muslim were not involved. We acknowledge that those 19 plane hijackers were mulims. So what? Th
First of a ll thank you so much for your comment. We are agreed with you. Now, I we are not saying that "Muslims were not involved", yes we acknowledge that those 19 hijackers were muslims. So what? Those 19 stupid, idiot, terrorists do not represent ME, you or 7 Million Muslims. And Their actions should not be scaling our actions as well. We rest of the 7 Million Muslim also not responsible for their terrorist acts. Here is our points, why we 7 Million Muslims be blamed for something that we have nothing to do with that? Do you understand where are we coming from?
See the white young man walked to Sandy Hoock Elementary school in Newtown CT and killed 27 people including 21 Kids. Now do you think that it waould be fair if we say, all the white men and women in the united States must be responsible for that killing? No, off course not. At the same token, then why every muslims are treated like we all are terrorists? Also, here is a note, as soon as, the killing happend in Newtown, the meida came out and announced that the white boy killer (I call him TERRORIST) is reterted and having problem with ADHD. I can assurauance you that if this would done by a Muslim, they would call it terrorist attacks. See the problem here we facing double standard. In the united states Muslim and Terrorist is a likely combined term. But I want to know why? Why not we even do not know any black and white men killing and raping and kidnapping and shooting ...what's their religion is? Why not?
The AMPAC Million Muslim March on 9/11/13 is asking government to enact law that will protect our rights like no one should call me and my name as to combined with terrorists. This is a civil right movement. As far 9/11 commision reports, we do not care who did it, why they did or who was behind it. According to the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) we have the right of Informations. And as because we are American Citizens dont you thing we deserved the correct information and full story of 9/11 facts?
MD Alam
Founder, AMPAC
Feb 10/2013
"Here is our points, why we 7 Million Muslims be blamed for something that we have nothing to do with that? Do you understand where are we coming from? "
Of course hardly any one of the critics of Islam are blming ALL muslims, so this is a logical fallacy (putting words into mouths) and is completely dishonest, and I suspect intentionally trying to distract. People however are concnerned about the 100,000 dead and thousands of attacks since 9/11, the history of intolerance and violence by Islam since it's birth and the teachings of violence and superiority in the Quoran! But you instead just pretend that it must be just ignorant bigotry, because people are reporting on what Muslims do and say!
I'm curious, which 1st amendment rights are being suppressed on Muslims?
Do you spend this much energy convincing you co-coreligionists that they are wrong to hate, subjugate and kill kuffir on another site? If so, where? If not, why not?
"See the white young man walked to Sandy Hoock Elementary school in Newtown CT and killed 27 people including 21 Kids. Now do you think that it waould be fair if we say, all the white men and women in the united States must be responsible for that killing? No, off course not"
So, what scripture did the sandy hook killer quote from? You're using another common Muslim tactic, trying to conflate a dislike and distrust of Islam (Muslims in 9/11) with racism (hatred of white guys), and it doesn't make any sense (Islam is not a race), and is just as dishonest as the fallacy above.
". I can assurauance you that if this would done by a Muslim, they would call it terrorist attacks" But our media would be sure to hide the fact hrat he is muslim (see the article here on the acid attack covered by the Huffington Post for an example of this).
"As far 9/11 commision reports, we do not care who did it, why they did or who was behind i"
Well that is a problem, you don't care who did 9/11, and how that just MAYBE the reason people are suspicious of Islam!
Perhaps if Muslims made the start of not persecuting Christians and non-Muslims, and Muslims spoke out against those Muslims (rather than spending so much energy being angry at non-Muslims who are concerned about the violent Muslims) then we might believe it is a "religion of peace".
I think this a very bad idea! I understand that you need to rally about your concerns, but there is a much more appropriate time! Just saying! It was a tragedy! Muslims, Christians and Jews all lost that day! It's not a day to blame shift! It's a time for mourning the innocent people who's lives were lost! Not who's fault it was! Love never fails!
AMEN TRAEH!!! For those who think Islam is a peaceful religion, take a look at the countries where ISLAM RULES and see how peaceful they are to anyone who is not Muslim! For the Muslims in this country, tell me WHY NONE OF YOU EVER STAND UP AND SAY THE ATROCITIES ARE WRONG that have been perpetrated on AMERICA and other nations???? NONE OF YOU EVER STAND UP AND SAY IT IS WRONG!! For the ones who commented that it was the Jews who did it....there are no words for idiocy!! THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS KNOW WHO DID IT and WE STAND WITH ISRAEL!!! NO ONE BELIEVES YOU when you say that about the Jewish people or your religion because there is too much PROOF of just the opposite!!!
i may just be shooting at stars here but i have a planned rally since november 9th 2012 and i think any American that doesn't stand with us on 9/11 should be ashamed to allow a group of Muslims to out shine americans and to blatantly SNUB America on the anniversary of 2 muderous rampages by radical muslims! and the silence in condemnation of these acts by so called NON Radical muslims speaks a deafening acceptance to both attacks on America and all who call her home! so instead of piussing and moaning about the Muslims marching on DC Join us and lets drown out their disrespectful grumblings on that day!
please check out our site for the information on when and where!
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