Sunday, December 30, 2012

Muslims in Nigeria Forcing Christians to Convert

Meanwhile, Muslim organizations in America are too busy complaining about "bigotry" and "Islamophobia" to lift a finger in response to the merciless violence against non-Muslims in places like Nigeria.

(CNN) -- At least 22 people have been killed in three separate attacks in northeastern Nigeria since Friday, including 15 Christians shot Sunday inside a church, according to officials.

The violence began early Friday when unidentified gunmen raided a village in Musari, in Borno state, killing five people, said Joint Task Force Lt. Col. Sagir Musa. JTF troops responded, and a gun battle ensued. Three of the attackers were killed, and troops recovered weapons and ammunition. Musa declined to provide further details of the attack.

Also Friday, gunmen with suspected ties to the Islamist militant group Boko Haram killed two people and wounded another in an attack in Maiha, in Adamawa state, according to Godfrey Okeke, Adamawa state commissioner. The attackers freed 35 inmates from the Maiha prison and set government buildings on fire, Okeke said.

In Sunday's attack, gunmen entered a church in Chibok, also in Borno state, and killed at least 15 worshipers, said Mohammed Kana, a regional official for the National Emergency Management Agency.

"Some of the people had their throats slit," Kana said, citing NEMA staff who responded to the scene.

Sunday's violence comes six days after attackers raided two churches during Christmas Eve services, killing 12 people.

In October, a report from Human Rights Watch addressed the violence plaguing northern Nigeria, particularly from Boko Haram. The group's name means "Western education is forbidden." It seeks to impose a strict version of Sharia law in the Muslim-dominated northern part of the country.

"Suspected members of the group have bombed or opened fire on worshipers in at least 18 churches across eight northern and central states since 2010. In Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, the group also forced Christian men to convert to Islam on penalty of death," it said. (Source)


Unknown said...

sadly this is what religion does to people. Because their book commands them to kill the so called unbelievers, they follow whatever he says. Religion is the one of those things that make good people do very bad things.

Foolster41 said...

"sadly this is what Islam does to people. Because their book commands them to kill the so called unbelievers, they follow whatever he says. Islam is the one of those things that make good people do very bad things."

I fixed it for you.(Words in brackets are struck out, since I can't use the strike tags here.). You're welcome.

Unknown said...

"I fixed it for you.(Words in brackets are struck out, since I can't use the strike tags here.). You're welcome."

Well, lets be honest there are also stories in the bible of men killing innocent civilians just because their God commanded them to do so. If the Bible commanded all christians to kill muslims, surely you would follow the command and slay all muslims. People abandon logic when it comes to religion which is a shame in my opinion. However, in today's world Islam is most definitely the issue because this command stands to this day.

Foolster41 said...

(I guess bracketing made the words disapear. Oh well)

Foolster41 said...

"If the Bible commanded all christians to kill muslims, surely you would follow the command and slay all muslims".
Or you know, I wouldn't belong to that religion. You're making a strange, and rather insulting assumption that I'd blindly follow Chrsitianity, no matter what it teaches.

The commands of killing to a specific time and place (peoples in Canaan who God says were wicked), you seem to even admit this yourself. To try to equate the two is incredibly dishonest.

Some questions: Do you think Christianity is a threat? If so, why? What examples of Christians show this threat is real?

Unknown said...

"The commands of killing to a specific time and place (peoples in Canaan who God says were wicked), you seem to even admit this yourself. To try to equate the two is incredibly dishonest."

I'm not equating the two based on the number of innocent people murdered, rather my intent was to show that they both had a similar teaching, which was "Kill innocent civilians because God said they are wicked and therefore, they should be killed". Muslims persecute Christians today because God condemned Christians by calling them "The worst of creatures". God says they are wicked and should be killed assuming they do not pay the tax levied against them. Thats exactly what the God of the Bible did. Because they disobeyed him, he sent a group of people to kill any and every one of them (Including women and children). The difference between the two is that one is time bound and the other isn't. But what is really the difference? If a man robbed only one store and another robbed 20, although one is more serious, they still did the same thing. The first man just did it to a lesser extent. This is why religion worries me. It can make even the kindest people do very horrific things.

"Do you think Christianity is a threat?"

No I do not think Christianity is a threat in any way thankfully because there is no message from God today telling Christians to kill unbelievers. The message is actually quite the opposite again thankfully. But my point is that had the God of the Bible commanded Christians to kill the unbelievers, they would do as he says. He has commanded it before in The Old testament. Which brings me to ask you my question.

If the Bible commanded you to do as muslims are commanded to do in their book, would you follow the command or not. If yes, why? If not, Why not?

Foolster41 said...

"I'm not equating the two based on the number of innocent people murdered". I never said you did. When did I bring up number of people killed?

I said you were equating the two. period, when you made the statement that "religion" rather than Islam does this.

The problem is you're using a pretty flimsy way of using "wicked" to mean "those who don't believe as we do." (which is how the Muslim would use the word in the modern sense), and so you see no difference between OT violence and modern violence. But when I say "wicked", and how the old testament uses that words means people who did such things such as child sacrifice, so you're accusations of Judaism/Christianity in the past killing people doesn't compare at all with Islam. Whether you want to admit it or not, you are indeed equating the two.

Also, you're logic is a bit faulty. You admit that Christianity does not allow for murdering people for disbelieving, but you say religion DOES this (present tense), when it is not religion, but ISLAM that does this, and indeed Islam is the ONLY religion that sanctions murder and subjugation of non-believers, and has followers doing so in great numbers (any Christian, Buddist or Hindu who murders or subejgataes do so DEPSITE their religion).

"If the Bible commanded you to do as muslims are commanded to do in their book, would you follow the command or not. If yes, why? If not, Why not?"
This is an incedibly silly question since I already answered it. No. I wouldn't belong to a religion that commanded me to to kill people for merely disbelieving, thus why I would never be a Muslim.

So this leads to my question, what basis do you say that "religion" as a whole, and not merely Islam does this? What commands are given to slay or subjegate non-beleivers for being non-believers? Which religion, and sects? Who follows these and where?

You're not presenting facts, just feelings about a dislike for religion. (This is called bias and bigotry by the way).

sanket tyagi said...

Islam-the religion of terrorists

rowland said...

@Footstool: I find it very laughable how atheist ( especially those leaning consciously or unconsciously toward islam ) tries to lump islam and christianity together whenever they try to push their atheist view. Who in the world told them that christians worship the same God as the muslims? Just because muslims CLAIM Allah is the same God as the bible doesn't make it true.
If Atheist and islam leaning scholars were truthful with themselves they should ask themselves this.
If God had intended the jews in the Old Testament to kill all unbelievers and subjugated them as Muslims say their Allah tells them, why didn't the jews in the old testament try to conquer the whole world, as it was a norm then?
Islam did it when they conquered Egypt,Syria,Andalusia,Hindustan ( india ) north Africa parts of the Balkans indonesia , and many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and they have a divine order by Allah to continue this world domination until the whole world pray 5 times a day facing mecca. Why didn't Yahwah the only and Only True God tell his CHOSEN people (israel) to do the same in the old testament days?

rowland said...

sadly this is what religion does to
people. Because their book
commands them to kill the so
called unbelievers, they follow
whatever he says. Religion is the
one of those things that make
good people do very bad things.

Notice how the Atheist ( the type that leans consciously or sub consciously toward islam ) totally ignores the topic of the discussion and goes straight to attack christianity ( but lumps everything as Religion ).

Foolster41 said...

@rowland: It's FoolSTER, not foolstool.

rowland said...

Ooops. so sorry about that. It was a typo error. Sorry

Search 4 Truth said...

@ foolster.

Excellent response bro!

Foolster41 said...

Thanks. I admire your posts and so it's nice hearing compliments from you. :)