There is a new major Muslim movie on the life of Muhammad due in 2013.
I do not want this to catch us by surprise. I assume the movie will be praising Muhammad like the earlier Muslim versions have. It seems to me that our biggest complaint will be that it will not show what Muhammad was really like. How can we engage with this opportunity?
Somebody is going to change the whole movie with the truth on youtube and the muslims will burn another embassy somewhere in Europe. I just hope the US is ready for these terrorist and fight back this time.
parody I say abridge series it
what is exactly in the life of muhammad ? other than slaughtering n raping women!
if peace to be established in this world then islam must be removed from world,, until then no peace n no humanity
Indian Muslim leader says, "Remove police for 15 minutes, we will finish off one billion Hindus" ,,,lol
showing snippets of the movie and add in why it was inaccurate on muhummed also work. my first idea was rather bad one parody with voice offer with the accurate info might be over doing it.
or just doing a commentary in inaccuracy
So, there won't be mass protests around the world and mass murder? Talk about double standards.
You all at Acts 17/ABN could host screenings followed by discussions on the film, i.e. what it got right and what it left out, etc. Doing a written review (which could ostensibly be published in newspapers or at least online sources) would be helpful too, as would a more comprehensive review on ABN.
Thanks Tom Lemke, I think that is a good suggestion. I am also thinking that we could contact movie reviewers and gently make sure they understand the issues.
It is so disheartening to hear that Hollywood is undertaking this project of spreading the lie that is Islam. A few years ago when Mel Gibson made the amazing movie 'The passion of the Christ', the industry gave the movie a huge cold shoulder. Now all of a sudden big wigs in Hollywood are becoming part of the proselytizing of Islam. It's a crying shame.
You can bet for certain that once this billion dollar project is complete and the movies are aired, it will be a bump in the Muslim zombie population, because many many gullible spiritually starved westerners will immediately join the folds of Islam.
People will swallow any crap that Hollywood will dish out as the truth. The example of Dan Brown's infamous, ficticious 'Da Vinci Code' did a lot of damage to people's faith in Christianity. For many Christians it was an earth shattering experience when lies were taken as truth, without them even bothering to investigate. Can you imagine what a sensationalized lie that Mohammed was the true messenger of God and that Jesus was nothing more than a mere prophet, will do to such folk?
I am also surprised that ex Muslim Ali Sina, who was proposing to make a more truthful movie on the life of the prophet Muhammad, but was waiting to acquire funding to produce a fairly decent quality production, has not been approached by any wealthy kaffirs to be on board for his project.
Brother Samuel, to be honest we have to fight fire with fire. Reviews may be nice but will not be enough of a counter strike, and souls may be lost along the easy. What we need to do is approach wealthy people like Donald Trump and explain why a venture like this one is crucial to preserve our freedom in the west.
We must think in terms of uniting our forces for a counter attack rather than trying to take on the Goliath of Islam individually.
God help us all..
I agree with you. My suggestion of priming reviewers is only one part of what I think needs to happen. What I am trying to do it for us to get started with this now and make a list of the areas we should be working on. I would rather that we start work on this now rather than when it comes out.
Hopefully, like the movie Che, it'll be such a vanity piece they won't be able to resist making it insufferably lonnnnnnnnnggg. Box office death.
make a youtube video on inaccuracy and use some promotions to allow it to go viral it has been
Maybe we should make a series of YouTube videos, taking clips from the movie, but dubbing Muhammad's actual teachings into the video. In other words, in the movie, Muhammad will be calling for peace and tolerance, but we'll dub him quoting Surah 9:29 to make the video more accurate.
should also put where people can find the references on the with the qoutes
Eric Allen Bell has talked about making a historically accurate film about the life of Mohammed.
Why don't you ask him if he still intends to do this and whether he requires any support?
I support sort of a counter-strike. Don't you play nice, what they do is awful and has to be taken very seriously. You should definitely invest all you can to stop or to minimize the effect of this movie (by that I mean calling out for those millionaires and try to collect funds for some sort of anti-islam program. I would very gladly join you in any way possible, because I'm feeling sick of Islam and what it's doing to the free world.
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