More than 90 percent of "honor" killings worldwide are carried out by Muslims. But instead of trying to deal with the problem, Western Muslim groups like CAIR and ISNA spend their time trying to convince the rest of us that we should keep quiet about such killings.
Kot Chutta, Pakistan (CNN) -- From behind the steel bars of his jail cell, Muhammad Ismail described with uncanny ease how he shot and killed his wife, his mother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
"The first shot hit the side of her body," Ismail said. "I left her there and went next door and killed my wife's mother and sister. I made sure they were all dead. Then I locked the door and left the house."
Without any apparent regret, Ismail said he would do it again.
"I am proud of what I did. That's why I turned myself over to the police."
Ismail's confession to the triple-murder that took place last February in a village in central Pakistan is a rare and chilling first-hand account of a so-called 'honor' killing -- the murder of women who are usually accused of dishonoring their families by being unfaithful or disobedient.
Ismail accused his wife of eight months of repeatedly flirting with other men and spending long hours away from home.
"My wife never made me happy," said the 20-year-old who played drums in a traditional Pakistani wedding band before his arrest. "She was like a prostitute. She never took care of me."
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported 943 women were "killed in the name of honor" in Pakistan last year, an increase of more than 100 from 2010.
Rights groups blame the increase in 'honor' murders partly on what they call an ineffective justice system in Pakistan that too often allows killers to go unpunished.
Despite his videotaped confession to CNN and an earlier confession to police, prosecutors say Ismail can soon be a free man if his victims' family agrees to accept compensation for the killings.
Receiving blood money is an option for victims in many conservative Muslim societies under the Islamic principal that mercy is more noble than revenge. (Continue Reading.)
Yea, that dude is definitely possessed by some horrific thing.
@ "reconnaissance" said,"Yea, that dude is definitely possessed by some horrific thing.
Yes, he is possessed by Islam. But wait, the West, CIA, FBI, Liverpool detectives and all other Christian agencies have empowered 97% moslim population of Pakistan to not let them implement Shariah in its fullest. Otherwise this wouldn't have happened. I feel pity for the moslems of the world who can not get out from under the influence of the infidels and can't implement Sharia in over 50 moslem countries. Too sad that it has taken moslims 1400 years and they are still not able to implement sharia. Otherwise, all of the moslem world would be DISNEY WORLD.
But then again, there are no honor killings happening in the moslem world. This could be all CIA's propaganda to make moslems look bad. Hmmmmmmmmm. I believe, Osama Abdallah will agree with it.
So many "Muahammad" when we talk about crimes....
Sgm are you saying Islam is of the devil?
I like it.
Sgm are you saying Islam is of the devil?
I like it.
Receiving blood money is an option for victims in many conservative Muslim societies under the Islamic principal that mercy is more noble than revenge.
Like the Wergild.
The Ummah really is of the Early Medieval Era.
Mercy is more noble than revenge.
Now why can't they found a society on that idea?
The worship of this false prophet forbids it, that's why.
Islam strips people of their autonomy and free-will.
If that's not demon possession, I don't know what is.
Hey mercy it's definitely a demon.
@David Wood,
I am supprised that this case has not risen to some interest and atleast got a mention on the front page of the blog.
A pakistani girl aged 11, is accused of burning the Koran and as a result being charged with the barbarious blasphemy law, an entire Christian community is in fear of retalliation and persecution, whilst she has been remanded into custody for her own "protection"
This is a news story thats been aired across all the mainstream news networks here in Australia.
Islam a religion in pieces, not a religion of piece. This unfortunatly is part of the norm in places where the Koran rules supreme.
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