Monday, July 9, 2012

Jordanian Politician Pulls Gun During TV Debate

Westerners have trouble understanding why politicians in the Muslim world are quick to turn to violence. I could, of course, point out that this is the example set by their prophet, but let's dispense with the obvious. In the West, we regard losing one's temper and an inability to take criticism calmly as signs of weakness. That is, if you can't present your case and respond to objections rationally, without resorting to violence, you're weak-minded. For many in the Muslim world, however, losing one's temper and an inability to take criticism calmly are signs of strength. That is, if you just sit there while someone is condemning your views, you must be some kind of coward. Behold the results of this mindset:


Mary said...

In the U.S. debates with Muslims have not yet gotten to the point of physical violence, only verbal attacks and deceitful behavior. It would not be out of character for Muslims to be bidding their time for revenge against the non-Muslims who have exposed the evil nature of Islam.

JIMM said...

WOW what a display from the followers of a PIECEful religion!

Unknown said...

Classy. Atleast they never fail to entertain :|

Brother David sorry that this comment is in such an odd place but I wanted to send you an invitation to come to Canada for an event, we would really love to have you --do you have an email or something that you could be reached at? Please email me at

and take a look at my blog:

yers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Osama Abdallah said...

The one who pulled the gun was anti-Asad, and the one who was attacked was pro Asad.

Osama Abdallah

Radical Moderate said...

This is to funny. The guy first pulls off his shoe and throws it. The other politician ducks for cover and over turns the table hiding from a shoe.

But when he pulls a gun, he doesn't seem afraid and confronts him face to face.

So he is more afraid of getting hit by a shoe then he is getting shot lol

Anonymous said...

"Osama Abdallah"

No osama I am not interested. Keep it to yourself.

Baron Eddie said...

Anybody wants to debate with me! ...

Arab spring

I guess Western Media did not mention the fruits of Arab spring ...

This is the first(as they claim) what your right hand possess ...

The man is a Sheikh from Al-Azhar and he wants to follow the Islamic teaching ...

This is a good news to the West ... Yes, slavery is back ...

At minute 8 52 The master ask his slave to remove her cover!

At minuter 12 she started to remove her cover ...

Anonymous said...


What do you think about this site?




Anonymous said...

@Osama abdullah

No one is going to take your word for anything, and to be quite honest your opinions and input are irrellevant to the majority here and myself. You are sir a deciever! And every time you try to refute Chritianity and glorify your wicked Babylonian mystery religion religion you seem to fall flat on your fat head, hmm why is that....Have you ever asked yourself?

You make yourslef look like the world's biggest fool multiple times a week. Have you no shame? Now scurry off and get back into your cave and worship your God Lucifer, along with his daughters Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Manat

Foolster41 said...

Bob: I know the magic words to make Obdullah disapear:
"Obdullah, you going to appollogize for your misuse of 1 Chor 5:5, or mischarictarizing me as wanting hate crimes against Muslims?"

Honestly, I'm kind of surprised Obdullah hasn't been banned considering how many times he's smeared people and made anti-semetic statements (which of course, Samatar is shocked to find)

Baron Eddie said...

Click here to see the first born baby after the election the new president of Egypt

Osama Abdallah said...

"Now scurry off and get back into your cave and worship your God Lucifer, along with his daughters Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Manat"


[006:100] Yet they make the Jinns equals with God, though God did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him!

[016:057] And they assign daughters for God! - Glory be to Him! - and for themselves (sons,- the issue) they desire!

You are ignorant.

As to you not believing what I wrote above, ask your Arab Christians, and they'll tell you that it was a fight between a pro and anti Asad.

Osama Abdallah

SGM said...

@ Osama Abdallah,

"The one who pulled the gun was anti-Asad, and the one who was attacked was pro Asad."

Are you justifying these moslem's behavior? Are you saying that if you are anit-Asad or pro-Asad, you are allowed to this kind of behavior?

Regardless of what the matter is being discussed, the point here is that moslems don't have the mind set of dealing with criticism. And this is perfectly in accordance with your prophet whom you follow, who had people killed who criticized him. You are a true example of it. Be honest and look into your own heart and see how many times you wanted to eradicate all Christians who criticized your prophet?

How many death threats are out there for David, Sam Shamoun and others who have debated with moslems? Hundreds of them.

I pray that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thru His Holy Spirit open your eyes to see the darkness you are in. But sometimes I wonder, as many times as you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit that there is any hope for you. However, I do pray that the Lord will have mercy on you.

All honor and glory and praise be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

C said...

Even the debates in USA I recommend David Woods, Robert Spencer and others to wear kevlar vests :)

The Berean Search said...


From past patterns of behavior, if Osama responds I predict he will say that you are wrong and that Christianity is actually a "Babylonian mystery religion". That is his M.O. anyway....

Anonymous said...

welcome back are you ready to confront 1corintheans 5:5 yet and apologize? every time we bring out this obvious mistake you ignore it and run. Is it because you believe it says that?

@ david
post this link up on answeringislam, it can wreck Osama credibility (not that it needs more wrecking because he does it himself) even more

Osama Abdallah said...

"Are you justifying these moslem's behavior? Are you saying that if you are anit-Asad or pro-Asad, you are allowed to this kind of behavior?"


You see SGM, this is where you and your republican racist bigots prove time and again how silly and ridiculous and racist and hateful you are.
Your people commit wild crimes by the wholesale and it doesn't matter to you. Your christian societies are plagued with criminal filth from christians by the wholesale and is rapidly decaying into the toilet from immorality and wickedness and blasphemies, and it doesn't matter to you. But when a Muslim gets angry at some sell-out scumbag for boldly coming on TV at times that emotions are very high and defending brutal regimes that openly and admittedly slaughter people, including babies, by the mass and even dare to call the victims terrorists, then the person who got angry is now an evil Muslim to you?

You are a racist republican ludicrious clown indeed who watches FoxNOISE a lot.

Osama Abdallah

SGM said...

@ Osama Obdallah,

"[006:100] Yet they make the Jinns equals with God,"

The concept of Jinns and Jeanies is ONLY found in Moslem theology and Disney movies. However, Jeanie found in Disney stories is a much better version of the Jinn which is found in Islam.

Can you please provide some insight into who make Jinns equal with God? Obviously Christians don't make Jinns equal to God. We Christians don't even believe in Jinns. Why would any other religion take Moslem theological being and make it equal to God?

Could it be that Allah made another mistake here among many others found in the Quran? Or, was he oblivious that no one does make Jinns equal to God?

Your help to identify such people who make Jinns equal with God will be highly appreciated.

Now, attributing sons and daughters to God, without having a girlfriend, is another ridiculous, ludicrous and laughable matter.

May God have mercy on your soul, and I really mean it.

Foolster41 said...

No, I guess Osama's just going to ignore me and pretend he is intellectually honest!

Anonymous said...

Yea, yea, yea Osama wants everybody to believe that his silly little book aka the "Koran" can better the world.

Osama why can't your god just make us all believe the same thing? why does he sit back while the world falls apart?

Search 4 Truth said...

Osama isnt banned from this site because he is good for Christianity and the West, and bad for Islam. He makes Muslims and Islam look more ignorant, fascist, bigoted and foolish. he should never be banned. He is awesome. And he suffers from the same thing that Nadir Ahmed does. The Dunning - Kruger effect, delusions, denial, and conformation bias. Please Osama, never go away! You are so great for our cause!

Foolster41 said...

Osama said: "You see SGM, this is where you and your republican racist bigots prove time and again how silly and ridiculous and racist and hateful you are."

Ah, yes. But you're not a racist or bigot at all! You've made quite a few anti-semetic remarks, including crazy conspirecy theories, and call Chrisitans "whores"! You've slandered people who disagree with you as well. Now you make sweeping, and quite bigoted statements about Republicans!

A complete hypocrite!

"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to."
-Matt 23:13

Anonymous said...

@Osama Abdallah
006:100] Yet they make the Jinns equals with God, though God did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him!

As pointed out by SGM:
The concept of Jinns and Jeanies is ONLY found in Moslem theology and Disney movies. However, Jeanie found in Disney stories is a much better version of the Jinn which is found in Islam.
Forgot I dream of Jeanie :)
We are commanded to steer clear of all forms of witchcraft, magic and trying to communicate with the dead, demons wickedness etc.....

[016:057] And they assign daughters for God! - Glory be to Him! - and for themselves (sons,- the issue) they desire!

Again from the mouths of the biggest decievers in this world lucifer and mohhammerd, to get the pagan arabs to go along with their plan and quit refusing to join them on their ultimate goal to destroy the Truth that is the word of God Almighty and our saviour Jesus Christ and destroy Christianity and cast doubt on it.

It is an undeniable fact of history that before Muhammed was born, the moon god "al-Ilah" (Allah) had three daughters named al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. The first two were even named after their father. Each daughter had a separate shrine near Mecca, where Allah's shrine was located.

I'll end by stating, that it was satan in his ear giving him his evil revalations from the begining to the end of the story. One has to be evil of spirit and invite the devil in, Where there is light, darkness cannot exist. says it all really

SGM said...

@ Osama Obdallah,
Thank you for the hateful reply as usual and proving my point. I was simply asking you a question since you neither condemned nor approved the behavior of your fellow moslems in your previous post. And this is exactly the point I made, you moslems can not take the criticism. You don’t know if I am republican or democrat, whether I have committed any wild crimes or blasphemies. Yet, you have accused me and Christians on the whole for doing such things. Can you name one wild crime or blasphemy I have committed?

You have shown over and over again the filth that comes out of your heart. The bible is very clear and true about you. In luke 6:45 we read, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

You are just one step behind your prophet in that you have not killed anyone yet (that I know of) who has criticized you. You claim that Christian societies are plagued with criminal filth but yet you chose the Christian society to live in. Why don’t you apply for immigration to Saudi Arabia, the capital of moslem world. Oh, I forgot, it is such a closed society that they won’t accept any foreigner even if he is a moslem. It is the Christian societies that accept every one with open arms, even people like you whose heart is filled with hate towards them.

Can you to point any Christian who got so angry to the point where he is throwing shoes at another person or pulling his gun while discussing a matter, especially on TV? Can you point to any moslem who got a death threat by a Christian?

May God have mercy on your soul. And I don’t hate you at all. In fact I pray for you that God would replace your heart of stone which is filled with hate and give you heart of flesh which is filled with love for the true and living God of the Bible.

dstewart said...

"this is where you and your republican racist bigots prove time and again how silly and ridiculous and racist and hateful you are. Your people commit wild crimes by the wholesale and it doesn't matter to you. Your christian societies are plagued with criminal filth from christians by the wholesale and is rapidly decaying into the toilet from immorality and wickedness and blasphemies, and it doesn't matter to you."

Does anyone see the irony in Osama blaming the RIGHT for enabling immorality, same-sex marriage, prostitution, abortion, etc? You know, everything that he complains about in the west?

Osama Abdallah said...

"@ Osama Obdallah,
Thank you for the hateful reply as usual and proving my point. I was simply asking you a question since you neither condemned nor approved the behavior of your fellow moslems in your previous post. And this is exactly the point I made, you moslems can not take the criticism. You don’t know if I am republican or democrat, whether I have committed any wild crimes or blasphemies. Yet, you have accused me and Christians on the whole for doing such things. Can you name one wild crime or blasphemy I have committed?"

You stereotype and you disrespect us, and yet, you claim that I am the hateful one here? You insult the Prophet of Allah Almighty, and you insult Allah Almighty's Divine Religion, Islam, and you claim that you're not the hateful one here? You are either a big fat liar or a very very silly person who doesn't even know his own words. You're probably copying and pasting from some evangelical website or something.

"You have shown over and over again the filth that comes out of your heart. The bible is very clear and true about you. In luke 6:45 we read, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”"

I don't have any filth in my heart. It is your corrupt religion that puts filth in the hearts. This is why your societies are the biggest terrorists in history. Muslims might kill by the individuals, or tens, or hundreds or even thousands. Your christians kill by the 100s of millions. Let a lone the colonizations, enslavements and conspiracies that they also practice.

"You are just one step behind your prophet in that you have not killed anyone yet (that I know of) who has criticized you. You claim that Christian societies are plagued with criminal filth but yet you chose the Christian society to live in. Why don’t you apply for immigration to Saudi Arabia, the capital of moslem world. Oh, I forgot, it is such a closed society that they won’t accept any foreigner even if he is a moslem. It is the Christian societies that accept every one with open arms, even people like you whose heart is filled with hate towards them."

I am an American, and I am here to spread Islam even if you get a heart attack from it. So get lost to Hell where you and your polytheist trinitarian pagans belong. Islam will spread whether you like it or not. It is you who is the enemy of GOD Almighty and the infidel who insults His Prophet and Faith. Islam came to fix your "crooked" (as Allah Almighty Said) religion of conjecture (also as Allah Almighty Said).

"Can you to point any Christian who got so angry to the point where he is throwing shoes at another person or pulling his gun while discussing a matter, especially on TV? Can you point to any moslem who got a death threat by a Christian?"

You obviously don't watch TV. Otherwise, you're a big fat liar! Just the other day, a christian Greek conservative bitch slapped two women in Greece on TV. You're so silly. Watch youtube about people committing crimes on live TV, and you'll see the majority of them are either in Europe, Latin America, Russia or Northern America. Mostly christians.

"May God have mercy on your soul. And I don’t hate you at all. In fact I pray for you that God would replace your heart of stone which is filled with hate and give you heart of flesh which is filled with love for the true and living God of the Bible."

May Allah Almighty show you the Path of Islam, and remove you from the polytheism that you're plagued with. Ameen.

Osama Abdallah

Traeh said...

Islam promotes violence against free speech because among other things, Islam lacks this:

"If I said something wrong," Jesus replied, "testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?"

JIMM said...

@ Osama Abdalla OR @ Nadir Ahmed

May I call on your arabic expertise to watch/listen to this sunni video and confirm that what is translated is True words of the Arab Sheikh about Jihad? ..... htt p://ww om/watch?v=Wfl1Yms8zpo

To all the other readers, here is a video with ENGLISH sub-titles giving a insight of the extent that Mullas will stoop to encourage a 'would be Jihad aspirant'., all for the glory & cause of islam & I call this the Growth of Islam by rupture of the rear end of the followers! to please their allah! ........... ....... htt p://ww om/watch?v=Wfl1Yms8zpo

Jesus is Lord said...

Few Facts about Muslims:
1. Muslims lies frequently (taqiyya) for their Faith.
2. Muslims are commanded to Fight Unbelievers.
3. Muslims stone woman if she commit adultery.
4. Muslims are to kiss a black rock (pagan).
5. Muslims are to kill you if you leave Islam.
6. Muslims are allowed to beat there wives.
7. Muslims can marry up to 4 wives.
8. Muslims are allowed to marry a 10 year old girl.
9. Muslims want to dominate the world, Sheria!
10 . Muslims kills Christians & burn churches daily.

Anonymous said...

Disney movie and fairy tales is a pretty good comparison.
That's what is all about. Osama wants us all to believe in the ridiculous fairy tales found in his silly little book aka the koran.It's evident that Osama watched too many movies and cartoons growing up. Like Samatar, Osama thinks he's gonna wake up in some magical place one day and live like a king. He must be getting his book confused with disney land.

Anonymous said...

Whether one was one was pro assad or anti assad. throwing insults around for both of them and pulling out guns is unacceptable. If you can't work that out then you should not be bothering to lecture us on morality because that only makes you look foolish

PETE said...

See this video:-

It's similar with situation here. Very peaceful Muslims.

Foolster41 said...

Yes Yes, Osama, speaking the truth about Islam is "hateful". Once again, you show you are not "moderiate" but a supporter of islamofacism who wants to criminalize insulting- I mean critisizng Islam. Also, two wrongs do not make a right. Whteher or not SGM was "hateful" your comments were most certintly were (you called all republicans "bigots" for mearly questioning whether Islam is peaceful). This is not unlike how you smeared me as wanting hate crimes against Muslims to happen because I said they don't happen that often (and mentioned a FBI report that collaberated this), or your anti-semetic conspricecy theories and opinions on Israel.

You're of course making the assumption (as a muslim) that Islam is true and thus "divine" and any critisism is therefore "hate". Well then, you've said vile things about Chrisitanity, so then you are hateful for mocking the diving religion of God. See, it works both ways. You're a hypocrite.

Other other words, same old Osama, vile and dishonest!

Foolster41 said...

Once again, The Capt. Renault of Muslims, Samatar is too busy to notice yet another example of a fellow Muslim misbehaving and being not moderate! He's shocked! Shocked I tell you!

Anonymous said...

"You obviously don't watch TV. Otherwise, you're a big fat liar! Just the other day, a christian Greek conservative bitch slapped two women in Greece on TV. You're so silly. Watch youtube about people committing crimes on live TV, and you'll see the majority of them are either in Europe, Latin America, Russia or Northern America. Mostly christians."

You know Osama, You accuse us of being hateful but at least we do not resort to using swear words like "bitch".

BTW I am going to brand you a Coward and a "big fat liar" at this point because you still unwilling to discuss your issue with 1corintheans 5:5 and as you also put it "silly". you can;t even read title of a chapter,so until you can, we are not going to take you seriously.

Oh and your site can;t even work out the difference between poetry praising God and revelation from God. I had muslims copy and paste arguments like that from your site only to be humiliated after i pointed on how foolish of them to take poetry as literal.

your inability to work this out already shows how bad your arguments are

Anonymous said...

@ Osama Obdallah

You are just as much a racist biggot as what Hitler was and i imagine from the way you and ur muftis talk and whats written down in the koran by satans servent muhammered, I would assume you could and would be far worse if you ever came to any real power. And could see you trying to wipe me and my family and friends from the face of the earth given the chance. Just for being a Christian in a land where free speech is a God given right and I would call out that you are one of the Antichrists on this earth

Just as luther and wycliff and knox did before me.

You have been brainwashed that Christins and Jews have been corrupted. Prove it. There are thousands of new testement scriptues dating back to the first century in greek hebrew and aramaic and they have been scrutinized and studied, a lot more than the very badly plagerised and misinterpretted satanic bable that is the koran made up of old and new testament passages twisted for satans use with greek and roman philosophical dialogues.

You look at the west and assume that every white man/woman is a christian. Really shows just how naive and out of touch with reality you really are.

Just as a lot of White, black or asian Australian atheists think and are racist about the boat people constantly arriving on our shores. For eg talking to some of these people one would assume we were at war with them specificly. General sentiment is, send them back where they belong and deserve to die, or why don't we blow them out of the water..... we should mine the coastlines etc...

This of course comming from the majority athesit members of the community. They hate isalm and musloms. And say, if islam is so great why don't they go to the UAE, saudi arabia, pakistan etc if islamic states are so great why are they trying to come here....

Anyhow regardless you're never going to win these people over, even with the sword. They'd rather perish as would I. Every day thousands of people wake up to what Islam really is like myself, by looking into why there's so much hate, anger and mass murder towards christians and jews by muslims world wide. if they are so peaceful and tolerant and beleive in jesus what can cause them to act this way.

Hence the research begins and its not long before we find out the truth. The Muslims are warriors for satan. We are to be their slaves or die. As simple as that!

Foolster41 said...

Osama: There have been 18,000 docimented attacks by Muslims since 9/11. Are you telling me there are an equal or greater number by Christians? Care to share citations (beyond the lame "look on Youtube") and do a comparison, including comparisons to the death tolls?

I've heard this claim a few times, but when I give this challenge, it has never been accepted. (One complained because I limited (at least temporarily) BOTH of us to after 9/11, since I don't have as clear records before then, and made the ad honim that it was because I "don't care" about before 9/11). The other insisted I was "moving the goalposts" by not including each and every US soldierr as "Christians" (whatever sense that makes) and so would not honestly accept the challenge either.

So, Osama, willing to take the challange?

Osama Abdallah said...

"There have been 18,000 docimented attacks by Muslims since 9/11. Are you telling me there are an equal or greater number by Christians? Care to share citations (beyond the lame "look on Youtube") and do a comparison, including comparisons to the death tolls?"


Your colorful figures come from the toilet that is called "JihadWatch" and others. Ironically, they say their sources and proofs about these numbers are available upon request.
I sent a request requesting giving me references to their top 100, not even all 18,000. Never heard back from them!

Here is the irony for you: While your numbers are based on desperate lies and unconfirmed sources and total BS, I can easily give the same number about the christian societies, AND I WOULD BE EXTREMELY GENEROUS TOO! Lets see:

1- Drunk driving fatalities.
2- Gangs.
3- Unjust wars.
4- World Wars. LOL multiply the number by 100s of thousands.
5- Rapes.

Aren't these all acts of terrorism? Why are they at their PEAKS IN THE CHRISTIAN SOCITIES?

Osama Abdallah

SGM said...

@ Osama Abdallah,

“You stereotype and you disrespect us, and yet, you claim that I am the hateful one here? You insult the Prophet of Allah Almighty,…..”

Stating truth about some one does not mean that you are insulting that person. Your prophet did have people killed who criticized him. What is insulting about this? This is a fact found in your literature. You can not deny this and my point still stands, since you can not digest this, you end up getting mad and start spitting out filth as in your previous post.

“I don't have any filth in my heart. It is your corrupt religion that puts filth in the hearts. This is why your societies are the biggest terrorists in history……”

This is hilarious. Point to me what would put filth in my heart when I am told to “LOVE MY ENEMIES”. What would put filth in my heart after reading the Sermon on the Mount. I have never posted anything compared to your posts and have called your societies whores and other names. Now the question is, WHAT PUT FILTH IN YOUR HEART? I can point to many examples of your prophet and verses from the Quran.

“I am an American, and I am here to spread Islam even if you get a heart attack from it. So get lost to Hell where you and your polytheist trinitarian pagans belong…….”

A true moslem like yourself who follows the Quran and Sunna can never become a good citizen of any society other than Islamic society. Your goal is not to protect the constitution of America, but to spread Islam and replace our constitution with Sharia. I agree with you on the point that Islam will spread because we know that Satan will keep fooling people till the end of time. However, Islam will never be able to dominate the whole world and you can take this to the bank. Even prophet Elijah thought that he alone is left but we read in Romans 11, “Don’t you know what Scripture says in the passage about Elijah—how he appealed to God against Israel: Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me”[a]? 4 And what was God’s answer to him? “I have reserved for myself seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Therefore, till the end of time, there will be those, by God’s grace, who will not bow down to Satan or his religions, Islam being one of them. Think about this, in fourteen hundred years, Islam is not able to take over the world, what makes you think that you can dominate the world now. You moslems can not implement full sharia in one moslem country, what makes you think that you can do it in other societies. As much as you hate America and other European nations, if it wasn’t for America, Saudi Arabia, capitol of moslem world would fall in no time. You moslems depend on our military strength, medical strength and other aid. If it wasn’t for us pouring money in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and other moslem countries, I wonder what would happen of them.

And you still have addressed the jinn issue yet.

May the Lord show his mercy and grace to you and draw you out of darkness into the Light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Foolster41 said...

Osama, once again you prove how completely, utterly and displicably dishonest you are.

Jihadwatch cites actual news sources, and and Religionofpeace cites where and when, making it easy to do a simple web search to find info (they say so on the site). While trying to discredit this numbers, and accuse me of inflating numbers you come up with 5 redicllous scenerios to inflate your own numbers that has NOTHING TO WITH CHRISTIANITY! Hypcracy!

Attacks listed are for attacks done in the name of Islam. How about your list? Let's ignore the fact that you listed just phrases and not actual cited numbers for now (which by itself shows how unwilling you are to give actual proof).

drunk driving - Please tell me where in the bible Christians are commanded to get drunk and drive cars (or even get drunk). Hint: Christians are commanded to not get drunk
Gangs - What Christian gangs are there? What are the actual numbers of people killed? Where does the bible command to form gangs and commit crimes? Hint: Christians are commanded to obey the law
Unjust wars - Thank you for doing exactly what I said I wouldn't stand for, and blaming an entire nation as "Christian" in order to inflate your numbers.
Unjust wars - wouldn't this be the same as #3? You're even listing things TWICE to make your arguments sound more impressive?
Rapes - Again, where does the bible command to rape people? Hint: It commands NOT TO, and even says luist is a sin.

so, I give a citable number of killed by muslims in the name of Islam, and you provide a list of actions (slandering Christians) that are not only not jcommanded in Christianity, but commanded against! You are pathetic!

Another person who refuses to take the challange.

Anonymous said...

When you dedicate yourself to believing in fairy tales like the stars that osamas god supposedly uses to shoot demons out of the sky you get osamas insane behavior.

Anonymous said...

David Wood,

this article is nothing but thinly veiled racism. Shame on you for peddling such orientalist nonsense!

Paul Williams

Foolster41 said...

I notice you'll reply to me Osama, as long as I don't bring up how you owe me an apology for smearing me as wanting hate crimes to happen, or your misuse of 1 Chron 5:5. You are a pathetic, dishonest coward!

Foolster41 said...

@Paul: sarcasm?

SGM said...

@ Osama Abdallah,

After displaying the filth out of your heart which is full of love for mohammad, now you have resorted to blame Christianity with actions it clearly condemns. Are you getting so desperate that you are losing common sense? The reason for that is that when one defends an outright evil, he is prone to make blunders.

In the name of insanity, what does drunk driving, gangs, unjust wars, world wars and rapes have to do with Christianity? What does this has to do with terrorism?

How many security devices do you have to go thru to get into your car because of drunk driving fatalities? How many security devices do you have to go thru to walk on the street because of gangs? On the other hand, you should know the number of security devices you have to go thru to get on an airplane. And you know why, because moslems blow them up in the name of Allah while shouting Allah hu akbar. This is terrorism. And it is only found in Islam.

John said...

"this article is nothing but thinly veiled racism. Shame on you for peddling such orientalist nonsense!"

Paul, I think your statement is racist, because it patronises the people in the video. I cannot imagine you would think that was acceptable behaviour for participants of a TV show in the West - and you would probably question their sanity etc. So why be lenient here? Do you think they are racially incapable of civilised behaviour?

Aletheya said...

@ Osama,
You are a BIG joke LOL, how can you condemn people for being something that you do yourself?

You calling people bigots and so on but you are too! how can Muslims not seeing their inconsistency again and again...

Are they truly that blind?
You never know because satan allows them to lie. When lying becomes your nature, you truly can't see anything wrong with it.

I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ would open your spiritual eyes from this blindness. Amen.

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately I think Osama is too set in his ways, has dug a hole so deep he probably will never see the light, as have a lot of Muslims. He loves to Mock Jesus and the word of God The Holy Bible as his source of entertainment in getting a heated discussion going between Christians and Muslims.

1 John 2:22
American King James Version

Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son.

Well he doesn't so..

Matthew 7:6

American King James Version

Give not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Osama it seems is a lost cause unfortunately. Pray for him cause it's the best we can do. Jesus is the only one who can help him if he lets him into his heart.

Foolster41 said...

Osama has run away once again it seems, He makes a sniping shot with unfounded (and non-sequitor) claims that Christians cause drunk driving, rape and wars, then runs with faced with the abusrdaty of the claim. this is Osama's Modus Operandi. He won't even acknowledge his past mistakes in other topics. But he's a truth seeker!