ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani acid attack victim Fakhra Younus had endured more than three dozen surgeries over more than a decade to repair her severely damaged face and body when she finally decided life was no longer worth living.
The 33-year-old former dancing girl — who was allegedly attacked by her then-husband, an ex-lawmaker and son of a political powerhouse — jumped from the sixth floor of a building in Rome, where she had been living and receiving treatment.
Her March 17 suicide and the return of her body to Pakistan on Sunday reignited furor over the case, which received significant international attention at the time of the attack. Her death came less than a month after a Pakistani filmmaker won the country's first Oscar for a documentary about acid attack victims.
Younus' story highlights the horrible mistreatment many women face in Pakistan's conservative, male-dominated culture and is a reminder that the country's rich and powerful often appear to operate with impunity. Younus' ex-husband, Bilal Khar, was eventually acquitted, but many believe he used his connections to escape the law's grip — a common occurrence in Pakistan.
More than 8,500 acid attacks, forced marriages and other forms of violence against women were reported in Pakistan in 2011, according to The Aurat Foundation, a women's rights organization. Because the group relied mostly on media reports, the figure is likely an undercount.
"The saddest part is that she realized that the system in Pakistan was never going to provide her with relief or remedy," Nayyar Shabana Kiyani, an activist at The Aurat Foundation, said of Younus. "She was totally disappointed that there was no justice available to her." (Read more.)
Friday, March 30, 2012
Fakhra Younus Commits Suicide Twelve Years after Acid Attack
Over the past fourteen centuries, Islam has shown itself to be utterly incapable of preventing this sort of violence against women. Given their track record, Muslims have no right to lecture anyone about morality—ever.
Women in Islam
Younus' story highlights the horrible mistreatment many women face in Pakistan's conservative, male-dominated culture and is a reminder that the country's rich and powerful often appear to operate with impunity.
A little honesty please.
They do not "often appear to operate with impunity," they, in fact, DO operate with impunity.
Muslims are such a misogynistic lot that their macho men's eagerness to be transvestites is, yet, another inconsistency within Islam. Click Here for the ugliest women you will ever see.
Keep crying David, while you know this mutilation is un-Islamic. Remain the repulsive hypocrite you want to be, its ok for now.
That poor woman, I feel so sad for her.
@samuel green
i heard we were having a muslim christian debate later in the year at maq uni. will you be presenting? Because if it is, I wish to know the particular topic
Kangaroo said: "Keep crying David, while you know this mutilation is un-Islamic."
Kangaroo has even more trouble understanding an argument than MuslimBy Choice! Notice what I said:
"Over the past fourteen centuries, Islam has shown itself to be utterly incapable of preventing this sort of violence against women."
I didn't say that Islam calls for acid attacks. I said that Islam is incapable of stopping such attacks. Why? Because acid attacks are rooted in a low opinion of women. When Islam takes control of a culture, does it raise the culture's view of women? Not at all. Hence, the root of the problem remains, and the practice continues.
This is why Islam can dominate an area for a thousand years, and the attacks continue. Islam can't stop the violence.
If Kangaroo really believed that Islam can prevent such practices, wouldn't he be standing up for women's rights, instead of engaging in childish name-calling in the comments section of this blog.
@aaron, I am not sure about Macq uni yet. Email me
Repulsive hypocrite is the same term you used over and over again. I guess you are childish.
I don't care what other's besides the Prophet and his companions have done, I hoped you'd realize that.
6th Century Christianity has done much worse to women, and guess what? It wasn't CHRISTIANS that stopped those acts, they actually endorsed it, rather it was SECULAR AMERICAN VALUES that stopped your childish Crusader games.
"its ok for now."
Yes, wait till we get the upper hand!
By the way this takes part in Arabic countries also ...
You can see it in Arabic movies ...
Every time I think Kangaroo can't possibly be any more ignorant and deluded, he surpasses everything I've come to expect from him.
Kangaroo said: "Repulsive hypocrite is the same term you used over and over again. I guess you are childish."
If you recall, I called Muhammad a repulsive hypocrite after showing that he commanded his followers to do one thing, while he did something completely different. That's the definition of a hypocrite. And since Muhammad's hypocrisy involved such repulsive actions, that makes him a repulsive hypocrite.
You've never shown any hypocrisy on my part, so you're simply engaging in name calling.
It's as if someone calls Muhammad a "pedophile" because he had sex with a child. Your response would be "You're a pedophile too!" Then, when the person asks what you mean, you respond, "Well, that's what you said about Muhammad, so I said it back." But in Muhammad's case, he had sex with a nine-year-old girl. If you can't demonstrate the same behavior on the part of the person you're attacking, then you're just engaging in childish name-calling.
Kangaroo said: "I don't care what other's besides the Prophet and his companions have done, I hoped you'd realize that."
So you don't care if your fellow Muslims throw acid in a girl's face? That's a pretty disgusting attitude. But what you fail to realize is that it is Muhammad's low opinion of women that keeps Islam from being able to deal with acid attacks. The reason you don't care about your fellow Muslims attacking girls is that you don't care about girls, because your prophet gave you such a low view of women. Hence, you never try to stop the practice; instead, you just insult people on the internet. Pretty lame.
Kangaroo said: "6th Century Christianity has done much worse to women, and guess what? It wasn't CHRISTIANS that stopped those acts, they actually endorsed it, rather it was SECULAR AMERICAN VALUES that stopped your childish Crusader games."
Let me see if I've got this straight. The Crusades started in the 6th century, according to you? And the Crusades ended in 1776, when America formulated it's values? I see you've been taking history lessons from people like Nadir Ahmed. Try opening up a history book one day, instead of blinding accepting any nonsense that comes your way.
go bring something from the bible that supports those actions. before you make those claims where in Christianity support those actions. if its not in our book then we don;t support it and it was those people who did it on their own free will and can not be called Christians.
go ahead try bring some evidence. we have plenty of evidence that Islam allow mistreatment of women such as "lightly beating" as last resort endorsed by your texts.
Christians are not allowed it at all.But where in the bible does it says we are allowed to.
NO WOMAN is safe in Islam.
Only in God can people live in safety.
The violence of the Ummah reinforces the profanity of the thug-prophet's revelation.
Hey Kangaroo.
I don’t want to gang up on you here but I think this is a great teaching moment.
You are upset because you think David unfairly blames something that the Quran and haddith do not teach (attacking women with acid) on Islam yet your responce is to turn around and blame Christianity for something that the Bible does not teach.
Can you not see that your position is illogical and a waist of everyone’s time?
Try to be consistent.
Ask yourself “Does the Bible tend to foster the things you don’t like that happened in the 6th century?”
If you think it does present your evidence to us so we can discuss the ancient past with you if you like.
Next ask yourself “Do the Quran and Haddith tend to foster the sorts of things that we see in Muslim culture today”
If you think it does not present your evidence to your fellow Muslims and work to reform your culture so you can save the lives of women right now in 2012.
Would not that be a better use of your time than bluster and name calling? And it would go a long way to convincing us that your opinion is the correct one.
Nah Im saying Christians predating America's womens rights, midlate 1900's these rights and Constitutional values actually prevented Christian horrors and superstitions that they imposed on others especially women, and guess what, Christianity has been around a lot longer than Islam. Thats your hypocrisy. And now your insulting Nadir Ahmed while telling me to stop calling you a hypocrite. You know certain things about Islam yet post videos showing Muslims doing outrageous things to deceive your audience. Yes you are a hypocrite, its obvious to any Muslim that has met you, even the kids at Dearborn realized that.
And when I said I didnt care what the others did besides the Prophet and his companions I meant in regards to theological values. Of course I would talk some sense into a Muslim that I see is doing something wrong, that doesnt require religion, its common decency. Islam does not have a low opinion of women, rather it honours them highly.
Kangaroo said: "Nah Im saying Christians predating America's womens rights, midlate 1900's these rights and Constitutional values actually prevented Christian horrors and superstitions that they imposed on others especially women, and guess what, Christianity has been around a lot longer than Islam. Thats your hypocrisy."
I'm not sure which is worse, your view of history or your understanding of the word "hypocrisy." The Bible says that men and women "are one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). According to the Bible, men are supposed to be ready to lay down their lives for their wives (Ephesians 5:25). Hence, Christianity greatly raised the status of women. (And you'd recognize this, if it weren't for your ignorant hatred of all-things Christian.)
Compare this with Islam, where men are allowed to beat women into submission, men are allowed to rape their captives, old men are allowed to rape little girls, women are said to be intellectually and morally deficient, and the majority of people in hell are said to be women. Even Muhammad's child-bride Aisha said that Christian, Jewish, and pagan women were treated better than Muslim women! Are you going to tell us that Aisha was a liar?
And yet you call me a hypocrite. Do you even understand what the word means? Or are you simply trying to deceive us, as your prophet commanded?
Kangaroo said: "And now your insulting Nadir Ahmed while telling me to stop calling you a hypocrite."
Actually, I stated facts about Nadir, just as I stated facts about your prophet. You don't seem to understand the difference between "stating facts" and "insulting." Stating facts is what I do. Insulting is what you do.
BTW, when did I tell you to stop calling me a hypocrite? I recall pointing out that you're doing it, but not asking you to stop. I actually enjoy it when you're forced to resort to insults. It makes it clear to readers that you can't respond to my arguments.
Kangaroo said: "You know certain things about Islam yet post videos showing Muslims doing outrageous things to deceive your audience."
I agree that I know things about Islam (much more than you!). But there's no deception involved when I show people the horrible consequences of Muhammad's teachings. Feel free to show us some deception on my part. I know, I know. You'll just complain, without offering evidence. It's what you do!
Kangaroo said: "Yes you are a hypocrite, its obvious to any Muslim that has met you, even the kids at Dearborn realized that."
Now you're just making things up. When did kids in Dearborn realize I am a hypocrite? I barely talked to the kids in Dearborn. Someone's getting desperate! And now you say that my hypocrisy is obvious to everyone, but you haven't given a single example!
Kangaroo said: "And when I said I didnt care what the others did besides the Prophet and his companions I meant in regards to theological values. Of course I would talk some sense into a Muslim that I see is doing something wrong, that doesnt require religion, its common decency. Islam does not have a low opinion of women, rather it honours them highly."
I already refuted the nonsensical claim that Islam honors women (as if beating and raping women or having sex with little girls "honors" them). Again, even Aisha doesn't agree with you.
You say you would talk some sense into a Muslim doing wrong. And yet we see murders, rapes, acid attacks, terrorist attacks, honor killings, etc., from your fellow Muslims all the time. Are you out trying to change their minds? No. You're on this blog whining and calling people names. Quite a life you're living. Your parents have much to be proud of.
Hey Kangaroo
You said,
midlate 1900's these rights and Constitutional values actually prevented Christian horrors and superstitions
I say,
I’m not sure I understand please document these alleged horrors and superstitions that Christianity promotes that were done against women 70 years ago but not now.
How did a document written 250 years ago suddenly prevent Christians from doing these horrible things in the mid 1900's?
You said:
Of course I would talk some sense into a Muslim that I see is doing something wrong
I say,
Just talking to someone doing wrong is not going to change your culture, here is how you do that sort of thing………
About 50 years ago some Christians became convicted that the way American culture treated African Americans was not in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.
1)They wrote letters to newspapers and churches appealing to Christians to consistently follow the Bibles teaching in this area
2) They held demonstrations and marches to get publicity
3) They organized boycotted and appealed to government to act
4) Often they put them selves in harms way to protect those who needed it.
How about you try this at home. If it works maybe you can convince us that it’s your culture that is broken and not your religion but until you at least try your words will ring a little hollow to us.
Besides, deceiver and hypocrite, I don't think I've said anything worse.
The kids at DearBorn realized that you're a hypocrite when you were with your little missionary group at their festival telling them that you love Muslims, but they replied back saying that you actually demonize them by putting up videos that insult them on your website.
As a matter of fact, after one of you posted the video, near the end it says something like, of course we were joking about not insulting Muslims, its april fools day or something like that.
Its funny how you keep saying you love Muslims when you really don't give a living you know what about them, besides trying to demonize them, since apparently thats what your life is about, thats why you're so "poor".
"I already refuted the nonsensical claim that Islam honors women (as if beating and raping women or having sex with little girls "honors" them). Again, even Aisha doesn't agree with you."
Zawadi had a fun time refuting that, as have others.
On the other hand, I do see that by posting these incidents committed by maniac and ignorant Muslims it can raise awareness in the community, however linking this with what Islam teaches and making Islam look evil is what is absolutely false and deceptive.
David: "I actually enjoy it when you're forced to resort to insults. It makes it clear to readers that you can't respond to my arguments."
David, you just defused what he apparently believed was a powerful weapon in his arsenal.
This debate between David and Kangaroo is pitiful in the sense that it is between a college professor, with a PhD, and someone who exhibits the knowledge and intellectual paucity of a high school student enrolled in remedial classes.
Since Islam is based on the arbitrary fiats of Mohammad/Allah, it would seem rather difficult for Muslims to defend Islam using logic, reason, and facts. Kangaroo, I encourage you to continue to attempt to defend your religion. Your attempts truly show us how indefensible Islam is.
@ Kangaroo
It looks as though Mohamed didnt try to talk someone out of beating his wife. Here he sent her home with her abuser and never said one single thing to the abusive husband! So are you more moral than your Prophet? I certainly would have said something to the man. SO make me your Prophet! LOL!
Sahih Bukhari
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 715:
Narrated 'Ikrima:
Rifa'a divorced his wife whereupon 'AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair Al-Qurazi married her. 'Aisha said that the lady (came), wearing a green veil (and complained to her (Aisha) of her husband and showed her a green spot on her skin caused by beating). It was the habit of ladies to support each other, so when Allah's Apostle came, 'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!" When 'AbdurRahman heard that his wife had gone to the Prophet, he came with his two sons from another wife. She said, "By Allah! I have done no wrong to him but he is impotent and is as useless to me as this," holding and showing the fringe of her garment, 'Abdur-Rahman said, "By Allah, O Allah's Apostle! She has told a lie! I am very strong and can satisfy her but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifa'a." Allah's Apostle said, to her, "If that is your intention, then know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa'a unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you." Then the Prophet saw two boys with 'Abdur-Rahman and asked (him), "Are these your sons?" On that 'AbdurRahman said, "Yes." The Prophet said, "You claim what you claim (i.e.. that he is impotent)? But by Allah, these boys resemble him as a crow resembles a crow,"
Now am I a liar or a hypocrite? Or are you going to call me some other name for producing the facts?
Do I really have to remind you how worse the Arab Pagans treated their wives....?
And that Hadith proves nothing whatsoever. It doesn't even say what the resolution was.
@ Kangaroo
So what your implying is that if someone in history was worse than the Muslims then Islam is good? And what did Aisha say in this hadith?
'Aisha said, "I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women.
So Aisha who lived among pagans in that region says that Muslims women suffer the most! So there goes that theory!
And dismissing the hadith like you do does not prove anything.
This hadith clearly proves that Mohamed had NO Problem with the man beating his wife so severely that her skin was greener then her veil. Or else he would have scolded the man. DUH! Also He sent the woman home with her abuser! Not once saying do not touch her!
You are clearly suffering from delusions! How one can be so willfully ignorant as yourself is beyond my comprehension.
Abu Dawud (2142) - "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife."
are you that intellectually impaired? If i know people were here to make me look bad i won;t do anything or give them a reason to discredit me. by acting as they did it only proves our point on them. geez use logic
Kangaroo said,
Do I really have to remind you how worse the Arab Pagans treated their wives....?
I say,
That excuse will not fly. Most of the areas that were conquered by Islam were not pagan they were nominally Christian at the time just like Europe.
The difference is that in Europe Christianity caused the culture’s treatment of women to slowly improve but in Islamic controlled areas we see that is not so much the case. Why is that?
Oh wow look at the name calling!
For the misunderstood hadith about women:
Please do read.....?!
@ Kangaroo
For a little more insight of what Aisha thought how Islam portrayed women!
Bukhari (6:301) - "[Muhammad] said, 'Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?' They replied in the affirmative. He said, 'This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'"
Muslim (4:1039) - "A'isha said [to Muhammad]: 'You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses'"
@ Kangaroo
OK I read it, now what. What do you think it proved? LOL! Absolutly nothing. It didnt say anything. It didnt speak to any of the points I made.
This is another example of a Muslims saying something, anything and it is considered a rebuttal.
Well it doesn say anything. They were empty words. Here is one of Osamas points. And just to let you know. he is the worst apologist in the world accept for amybe Nadir Ahmed.
Quote " Aisha's opinion about the woman's bruise doesn't prove or disprove anything. She got angry because she saw another woman badly beaten, which is perfectly fine and acceptable. But her emotions and opinions are not Islamic Verdicts!
LOL! This isnt responding to anything about the man beating her husband until she is as green as her veil. Nor does it explain why Mohamed never scolded the man for beating her! And Aisha said that she had never (that means nobody) seen any woman on earth suffering the way Muslim women do!
This is ridiculousness! you are so delusional it is fascinating. I swear there should be studies. Oh wait, they already have! Its called a psychosis and delusions!
Muslim (4:1039) - "A'isha said [to Muhammad]: 'You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses'"
Bukhari (72:715) - "Aisha said, 'I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women'"
I am merely criticizing you for your lack of logic. if i was going call you names i would have resorted to whole list of different words. what other words can i use to describe someone who can;t put two and two together. you can;t even put up a good response at me pointing out your lack of logic thus you validate my point further of you not being able to think intellectually as the same way the kids in dearborn validate ours.
also i have read your links
the issue with the last one is still that the writer does not in any way address the issue why the other verse does not conform with the message you are trying to say. even though the quran claims its perfectly clear
Kangaroo said: "The kids at DearBorn realized that you're a hypocrite when you were with your little missionary group at their festival telling them that you love Muslims, but they replied back saying that you actually demonize them by putting up videos that insult them on your website."
So this is now your best evidence of hypocrisy on my part? You really believe that if you love someone, you can't criticize his actions? For instance, if I tell my kids I love them, and then I yell at them because they're playing with a light socket, you'd call me a hypocrite?
Strange view. But when Muhammad tells his followers one thing, while he himself breaks the rule, you see no hypocrisy at all. What an amazing religion you have!
Kangaroo said: "As a matter of fact, after one of you posted the video, near the end it says something like, of course we were joking about not insulting Muslims, its april fools day or something like that."
Which video is this? Give me the title.
Op-Ed: The Pakistani government passed The Acid Control and Prevention of Acid Crimes Act 2011. Yet, this measure still does not fix the underlying problem. Not until the state can ensure the sanctity of the criminal trial process itself...
from the comments it could be seen that Muslimsonly want to just post and not bothered abolut replies.
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