Wednesday, March 14, 2012

40 Arabic Words


Anonymous said...

I know the word is way onver used but AWESOME

Samatar Mohamed said...

I heard James and Shabir are debating on the twenty second of this month. Should be fun.

soup said...

I want that shirt!

Samatar Mohamed said...


Sami Zaatari just uploaded a video adressing 16 innocent afghanis who were killed by American soldiers. I`ve said many times that I disagree with many of the terrible things muslim people have done. Do you people commend the action of the American soldiers, or are you completely against it. Just bringing this up so you people understand that it is not only muslims who commit these acts, but American soldiers as well. Here is the link.

Dk said...

Nice Vid.

Mary said...

Wow. That is powerful truth. Islam would forbid Muslims from listening and thinking about what was said, and Islam would seek to kill the one who said it. Hopefully, Muslims all over the world will go online and hear it anyway.

Dk said...

Samatar, David has already condemned that on this site.

I also condemned it on my blog.

Read before asking.

Dk said...

samatar now read this and condemn the actions of the protestors:

Foolster41 said...

"Do you people commend the action of the American soldiers, or are you completely against it. Just bringing this up so you people understand that it is not only muslims who commit these acts, but American soldiers as well. Here is the link."

"You people"? What's with the confrontational, scolding tone? What's your point? Because a soldier goes nuts and kills some people that means, Tu Quo Que Mr. Woods and others shouldn't report on rampant Muslim violence (18,000+ attacks since 9/11) on sites that are specifically for answering Islam?

You might be interested in this article. It highlights a sort of double standard in the difference in reaction between the Muslim and US soldier killers.

agrammatos said...

Greetings, Samatar, in the NAME which is above every name,

Indeed that soldiers actions need not my condemnation as they speak volumes in and of themselves and he is self-condemned and, IMO, he is deserving of death. However, since you asked, I too condemn his actions in no uncertain terms. Due to my views of Scripture, claims being made concerning a mild TBI he suffered earlier (BTW, my adult son experienced one in an automobile accident) are no defense. IMO, the only just punishment is death for the soldier. At this point in time, my main sorrow over this incident is the loss of 16 lives and for those who were close to the 16 who are left behind - they have my prayers.

sincerely yours because of HIM,
pj aka agrammatos

Nakdimon said...

holla atcha boy! mad props to Ivey and them.

@Samatar. you do know the difference between the sporadic and non-religious killings such as that of the american soldier vs the almost constant religious killing of muslims, right?

PETE said...

Nice Shirt..

PETE said...

@ Osama Abdullah and Samatar Mohamed.

Why surah 4:157 more powerful than surah 3:55 and surah 19:33 ?

Is there Muslims believe Jesus died when they read surah 3:55 and Surah 19:33?

Where the Surah 4:157 come from? Is it from Allah or Muhammad Itself ? Did Muhammad have evident or withness to prove surah 4:157?

Why Muhammad put surah 4:157 if it contradict with surah 3:55 and 19:33 ?

Why Muhammad did not make correction on his Al-Quran?

lorri666 said...

It's a good video, but I don't know how much it will affect anyone who is not already a Christian believer. Another answer to Mohammed's claim might be: So what if the historical record is somewhat murky about the facts surrounding the death of Jesus? The message that He brought - of forgiveness and redemption - is one that has stood for 2,000 years, and is the essence of Christianity. What does Islam have to offer in comparison?

Samatar Mohamed said...

No need to make an argument over every statement I make guys. I just wanted to know if your criticism also applied to non Muslims for such actions as well as muslims.

Search 4 Truth said...

Of course we condemn it! The difference is that you cannot find justification in the actions or teachings of Jesus Christ!

but you could find justification in the teachings of Islams Allah and the actions of Mohamed!

But of course you are suffering from serious delusion. So talking to you is like banging your head against a brick wall! So I do my best not to engage with Samatar anymore!

A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary

Cristo Te Ama said...

@Samatar said "Do you people commend the action of the American soldiers, or are you completely against it." You ask us trying to say we should reject it as you reject the Muslims violent actions, but there is a little flaw in your understanding of the facts, when you reject the muslims violent actions, you are rejecting your own faith because they do what the qura+hadith+tafsir tell them they can do, yet this Americans even if they say they are Christians their acts were against what the Bible teach them, what Jesus and the apostles said in the Bible, so yes i condem this violent acts but i don't put my faith in troubles doing that because i can say very sure that these guys weren't following any God's(of the bible) command, as i don't put myself in troubles condaming the pedophilia of some "Christians" clerics, etc etc. Can you do the same? we all in this page know the answer...

Foolster41 said...

I think the person starting the argument was you. You're the one that said "you people" and accused people of hypocricy (so you understand not just muslims do this), of which they clearly are not guilty (already condemned killings by non-muslims against muslims). The tone was clearly not of one asking information, but accusing. We are very well aware thank you that muslims are not the only one who kill, but this is ANSWERINGMUSLIMS not ANSWERINGVIOLENCE. Also, it is Islam that seems to be the one religion that the majority of violence comes from (as I said, thousands of cases since 9/11).

Jose Joseph/ CTW24 said...

Great video... just looking forward for Dr White's rap video lol

Islam Inquisition said...


Judy said...

The crucifixion of Jesus is an historical fact even without the Bible. It is an absolute certainty and was recorded by Romans and Jews as certain as we know Julius Caesar existed, or Caligula or Herod.

I know that Muslims are trying to convert people to Islam by saying that Jesus never claimed to be God. There are multiple statements by Jesus himself where he absolutely claims himself to be God. It was one of the reasons the Jews wanted him crucified.