Not for now, at least. But, the issue is their policy and how Muslims, for example, like to make a lot of complaints and get something pulled just because they don't like it; never mind whether it is true or not. That is part of the idea of YouTube being Sharia Tube.
If they are going to go by the persuasion of Muslims and Islamists who are so eager to try to silence others, then they are ShariaTube. Muslims don't take into account that they make a lot of false claims against, Christianity, in particular, and don't have to deal with the mob mentality from Christians to get something taken off. How often do you think that Christians, atheists, Buddhists, for example, will go so far as to shut down free speech? I am not saying that some don't exist, but what is the likelihood that they are so insecure to facts and opposition? Far too many Muslims don't seem to care about truth or facts but protection of their religion. That is a huge problem.
You have about a million questions to answer half of those from me.
It's embarrasing that I have to chase you around. Notice how Derek has dissapeared his debating career, if he had one, suddenly came crashing down last week. Out of embarrassment he has decided to stop commenting here.
Ok so my point is I'm wondering why you have decided to ignore half the people at this blog.
We know you don't have an answer but it would be nice if we can get you on record to admit it.
By the way I have posed over on my blog a couple of challenges to atheist that haven't been met I was hoping maybe you can take a stab at them.
Agreed: This IS a shock and I'll be glad if I'm wrong about the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from Google. One of the good things to already come of this is that more of your important videos (they're ALL important!) are posted over on LiveLeak.
So then, maybe a few of us could mirror your vids over on LiveLeak... a few of us could mirror on YouTube... a few of us could mirror on MohammadTube... and so on.
"The stupidity of YouTube is seed for Answering Muslims videos" (or something like that...)
I agree with you that the video with regard to the virgin was accurate and was not deceitful, but rather exposing the so called muslim women who said it was referring to raisins. However, in my experience, its not only muslims who don't care about the truth, rather, its muslims, christians, etc... This generation of people have mixed their priorities. They could care less about establishing a relationship with God and securing eternal salvation and chase after the material world. I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice.
When you decide to start asking honest questions, then I will discuss anything with you. But you don't seem to want a serious discussion anyways with your insulting questions.
Samatar: you make it sound as if youtube never did anything wrong, which is of course false considering they did take the video down for no good reason. Once again, you show your dishonesty.
I should point out that youtube has videos of Quran in the toilet, Quran being sold as toilet paper, Quran being burned and shot at and other criticism of Islam. I have known people whose entire youtube account was blocked and then a few days later, it was restored without any explanation.
In David’s case, the message stated, “This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content.” This is a generic message. We can rule out spam and scam. I presume they removed the video because they thought the content of the video was deceptive. Note the title of the video, “ABC’s Islam deception…” Based on complaints, the first line reviewer might have concluded that the video was deceptive, and further review must have demonstrated that it was not a deceptive title; hence, restored.
Samatar said: "When you decide to start asking honest questions, then I will discuss anything with you. But you don't seem to want a serious discussion anyways with your insulting questions."
Well, of course, Samatar doesn't tell us why or how my questions are dishonest and insulting.
Instead he has decided to poison the well and spread a little ad hominem. That's fine your continual evasion and refusal says it all.
All I wanted to know is how you justify belief in the imaginary. As a Muslim you should be able to answer these type of questions.
I agree with you that the video with regard to the virgin was accurate and was not deceitful, but rather exposing the so called muslim women who said it was referring to raisins. However, in my experience, its not only muslims who don't care about the truth, rather, its muslims, christians, etc... This generation of people have mixed their priorities. They could care less about establishing a relationship with God and securing eternal salvation and chase after the material world. I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice."
========== reply ===========
Samatar, I hear what you are saying, but your observation doesn't apply to me and others posting on the blog. You should really be concentrating on what we are saying to you because that is where the rubber meets the road. I don't normally comment unless I have done my homework. Although I may have a different conclusion than you and others, at least give me some credit for trying to be objective. Maybe you don't see that, but I can't control what you believe.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Just understand that I am not trying to be harsh towards you. I just don't want you to get off the hook by not being able to admit that some of the points we raise are legitimate. You explanations don't always resolve the problem we raise. I know that your religion is very important to you, but the truth should be even more important. I know that you believe that the truth is within your religion. This forces you to see your religion as the truth. That is circular unless you have investigated independently outside of your religion to see if our propositions have merit. In some ways, I can sympathize with you. No religion is as important as what is true.
"Amid growing social tension and an ominous economic outlook, some quarters of the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party seem to be warming to Christianity. Land is being donated, churches built, and research being conducted on positive Christian contributions -- all by the Chinese government, which until recently treated religion as a harmful but unstoppable force. In 2001, Chinese President Jiang Zemin called for religion to be cautiously accommodated, but actively discouraged, and adapted to the socialist culture of atheism and materialism."
"There's a fair amount of overlap between the government agenda and the Christian agenda," ... "When you speak to [Chinese Christians] or look at the data, they all emphasize what good citizens they are and what good citizens they want to be, so there's a lot for the government to tap into there."
"While the allure of moral and economic development accounts for some of China's new interest in religion, a quieter motive is perhaps in play as well: political control."
"... A 20-year-old evangelical convert from Jiangsu province, who asked not to be identified, regularly attends services at an illegal house church that now has over 150 followers. The authorities have known of the church for years but tolerate it, she says, and she doesn't think Christian beliefs and the Communist Party's agenda are contradictory.
She adds, "The Bible says we have to follow the rules of the government."
You sure you have not asked any rondom or insulting questions. Here are some:
"I wonder if Kim believes in Santa Claus.
I wonder if there are any prophecies about Santa Clause in the koran.
Here are some questions you asked Derek:
Do you believe your little cousin freddy is really a super hero?
Do you believe aliens will invade us and take over the planet tomorrow?
Do you believe in little green men?
Do you believe in leprechauns?
Some questions you have asked me:
How does your magical being determine what's evil and good?
Do you know the difference between reality and fiction?
So can you explain to us how your magic being is omniscient in spite of the evidence?"
I recommend you take a more professional approach and call my lord by his name Allah(swt) rather then as a magical being. Do you expect me to respond to you when you continue to make insults and put them in the form of a question?
I don't know if anyone knows, but there was a documentary done about the Saudi princess executed for marrying a commoner. Supposedly 11 million dollar bribe was offered the PBS to NOT air the documentary:
South-African born, independent film producer Antony Thomas came to Saudi Arabia, interviewed numerous people about the princess' story, and was met by conflicting stories, which later became the subject matter of the British documentary, Death of a Princess. The movie was scheduled to show on 9 April 1980 on the ITV television network and then a month later on the public television network PBS in the United States. Both broadcasts caused livid protests and strong diplomatic, economic and political pressure from the Saudis. Failing to get the British broadcast cancelled, King Khalid expelled the British ambassador from Saudi Arabia.[10]
In May 1980, attention then shifted to PBS, where PBS officials endured a month of mounting pressure from corporations and politicians. A major PBS sponsor, The Mobil Oil Corporation, took out a full-page ad in the New York Times op-ed page opposing the film and declaring it jeopardized U.S.-Saudi relations. Finally the PBS officials and local affiliates chose to not continue with the broadcast, instead running two other programs, one was a pro-Saudi discussion of the film, the second shown in early June, presented a flattering portrait of the role of women in Saudi culture.
King Khalid, Saudi Arabia's ruler at the time, was said to have offered $11 million to the network to suppress the film.[5]
From wikipedia (an encyclopedic website notorious for disseminating islamonazi propaganda).
These youtube folks are a bunch of hypocrites. You can watch some of the craziest stuff on youtube, but to have honest debate, that gets pulled down. Sheesh.
FYI Derek was that one that asked me some of those questions. You can go to my blog to see the show.
Anyway, you still haven't told me how my questions are dishonest and insulting.
It's a simple a question that any Muslim should be able to answer:
How does your god determine what's good and evil?
What's so insulting about calling your god a magic being is it because you're embarrassed about how he performed a magic trick for your prophet by making him think that the sun sets in a pool of water?
"How does your god determine what's good and evil?"
Wait, what? I do not know the mind of God. How am I supposed to know how God determined what is good and evil. For me to know that kind of information, I would have to ask God himself. Its also important to note that God's knowledge is eternal, therefore, he always knew what was right, and what was wrong. If I cannot understand how even certain people determine what is good and what is evil, how am I supposed to how god almighty determines such a thing. But I can tell you that God did give us a brain to think and know that certain things are certainly wrong. Such as rape, murder, etc... Just wondering though, do you know how God determines what is good and what is evil?
Are we sure the sun going down in a pool of murky water isn't an illusion? For instance stand on the beach at sunset and watch it set. It would appear the sun sets in the ocean. Could this be what happened? Optical illusion?
“Remeber without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin” (Hezekiah).
Muslims believe that but differ on whose blood it is that provides the atonement. It is by shedding our blood they get remission of sin and 72 virgins.
The only name under heaven by which men can be saved."
And for so many years I struggled with "but why did our Lord have to be CRUCIFIED?"
Mr. Gibson's movie brought it home like never before: THAT is what has to be done to sin. OUR sin is what nailed Him to the Cross. Sin is DEATH and so sin must die. NOBODY ELSE but Jesus could do that for us!
Christ Jesus became sin for all of humanity (and for Muslims to!;-)) - the only time sin had EVER been a part of His precious life - and we can share in His resurrection if we are crucified with Him.
No, I still don't understand it all - (Substitutionary Atonement? What a concept!! How can Grace Through Faith transfer my wretchedness to HIM, 2000 years ago...???...) - but it's SO good to get to read it wherever it's written... as you have said: "...The only name under heaven by which men can be saved."
What a Name! What a Savior!
Thank you, Hezekiah Ahaz!
Thank you, David! Thank you, Lord Jesus and thanks to all who Answer Muslims with the Name that is above every other name...
Remember the sin offering( see Leviticus) always had to be without blemish, defect etc. In other words it represented a sinless and perfect sacrifice(Christ).
Men could never offer themselves as a sacrifice because they are essentially polluted. Adam's sin corrupted his very nature and hence left man totally depraved.
Islam has no understanding of this at all.
Either Christ will atone for the sinner or the sinner will atone for himself in hell. Remember the scapegoat was sent outside the camp away from God's favorable presence to die.
YHWH is holy and pure and only those that are holy and pure can live in his presence.
I pray that the holy spirit will open Samatar's eyes to these truths.
You would have to mighty stupid to believe this woman's lie that the heavenly reward for muslimes is 72 "raisins". It's the most ridiculous lie I've ever heard.
@ Billy: Bless you, Billy and thanks! The article is good and I can recommend it to others. Yes, it definitely adds to my understanding (but I'm still overwhelmed by it all!) Here's the link again:
AND, eternal damnation is not the only consequence that can be prevented "by Grace through Faith" and "Substitutionary Atonement". Untold millions of people (GASP! Even MUSLIMS!!) are freed to live transformed lives - right NOW - when they learn to really trust their deepest love to Christ Jesus and let HIM be King, Christ and God in their lives.
LOL! But you guys already knew that! I just love to talk about Him and what He can do for even wretches like me. (Wow! Could you imagine Samatar or Kim or Osama [or even OBAMA] privileged to live a life transformed by the resurrected Jesus of Nazareth? These are people who may not even be as vile as I am but they could be REBORN!!)
But I'm way off topic. I want everyone to know that I think the real reward for shahids is NOT "72 raisins" or even "72 virgins". The real reward in eternity for Muslims is Seventy-Two VERSIONS of the un-holy GRRRAN that they get to read every day - for the rest of eternity - between prayer times. AND, the truly wonderful thing is: in eternity, you don't need to sleep. SO, all those nights you've wasted by sleeping you can spend reading from the un-holy GRRRAN!!
Those who truly do love Ullahu Ohyynkksmoor (and the pseudo-prophet Mohammed) will be rewarded with 72 Versions! I KNOW you just can't wait!!
Thank God! Finally some visible justice. They had no real reason to take it down in the first place.
Guess they are not Sharia Tube after all.
Samatar said, "Guess they are not Sharia Tube after all."
That's the goal.
It sounds as if the Christian wheel may have squeaked.
Samatar Mohamed said...
"Guess they are not Sharia Tube after all."
Not for now, at least. But, the issue is their policy and how Muslims, for example, like to make a lot of complaints and get something pulled just because they don't like it; never mind whether it is true or not. That is part of the idea of YouTube being Sharia Tube.
If they are going to go by the persuasion of Muslims and Islamists who are so eager to try to silence others, then they are ShariaTube. Muslims don't take into account that they make a lot of false claims against, Christianity, in particular, and don't have to deal with the mob mentality from Christians to get something taken off. How often do you think that Christians, atheists, Buddhists, for example, will go so far as to shut down free speech? I am not saying that some don't exist, but what is the likelihood that they are so insecure to facts and opposition? Far too many Muslims don't seem to care about truth or facts but protection of their religion. That is a huge problem.
Great news! I think I will celebrate by having a bowl of Virgin Bran.
Wow - I'm honestly shocked
You have about a million questions to answer half of those from me.
It's embarrasing that I have to chase you around. Notice how Derek has dissapeared his debating career, if he had one, suddenly came crashing down last week. Out of embarrassment he has decided to stop commenting here.
Ok so my point is I'm wondering why you have decided to ignore half the people at this blog.
We know you don't have an answer but it would be nice if we can get you on record to admit it.
By the way I have posed over on my blog a couple of challenges to atheist that haven't been met I was hoping maybe you can take a stab at them.
Agreed: This IS a shock and I'll be glad if I'm wrong about the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from Google. One of the good things to already come of this is that more of your important videos (they're ALL important!) are posted over on LiveLeak.
So then, maybe a few of us could mirror your vids over on LiveLeak... a few of us could mirror on YouTube... a few of us could mirror on MohammadTube... and so on.
"The stupidity of YouTube is seed for Answering Muslims videos" (or something like that...)
@Simple truth
I agree with you that the video with regard to the virgin was accurate and was not deceitful, but rather exposing the so called muslim women who said it was referring to raisins. However, in my experience, its not only muslims who don't care about the truth, rather, its muslims, christians, etc... This generation of people have mixed their priorities. They could care less about establishing a relationship with God and securing eternal salvation and chase after the material world. I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice.
When you decide to start asking honest questions, then I will discuss anything with you. But you don't seem to want a serious discussion anyways with your insulting questions.
Hey nabeel, I haven't heard of you for a while. Are you having any dialogues or debates this year. Thanks.
Samatar: you make it sound as if youtube never did anything wrong, which is of course false considering they did take the video down for no good reason. Once again, you show your dishonesty.
I should point out that youtube has videos of Quran in the toilet, Quran being sold as toilet paper, Quran being burned and shot at and other criticism of Islam. I have known people whose entire youtube account was blocked and then a few days later, it was restored without any explanation.
In David’s case, the message stated, “This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content.” This is a generic message. We can rule out spam and scam. I presume they removed the video because they thought the content of the video was deceptive. Note the title of the video, “ABC’s Islam deception…” Based on complaints, the first line reviewer might have concluded that the video was deceptive, and further review must have demonstrated that it was not a deceptive title; hence, restored.
Samatar said: "When you decide to start asking honest questions, then I will discuss anything with you. But you don't seem to want a serious discussion anyways with your insulting questions."
Well, of course, Samatar doesn't tell us why or how my questions are dishonest and insulting.
Instead he has decided to poison the well and spread a little ad hominem. That's fine your continual evasion and refusal says it all.
All I wanted to know is how you justify belief in the imaginary. As a Muslim you should be able to
answer these type of questions.
Samatar Mohamed said...
"@Simple truth
I agree with you that the video with regard to the virgin was accurate and was not deceitful, but rather exposing the so called muslim women who said it was referring to raisins. However, in my experience, its not only muslims who don't care about the truth, rather, its muslims, christians, etc... This generation of people have mixed their priorities. They could care less about establishing a relationship with God and securing eternal salvation and chase after the material world. I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice."
========== reply ===========
Samatar, I hear what you are saying, but your observation doesn't apply to me and others posting on the blog. You should really be concentrating on what we are saying to you because that is where the rubber meets the road. I don't normally comment unless I have done my homework. Although I may have a different conclusion than you and others, at least give me some credit for trying to be objective. Maybe you don't see that, but I can't control what you believe.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Just understand that I am not trying to be harsh towards you. I just don't want you to get off the hook by not being able to admit that some of the points we raise are legitimate. You explanations don't always resolve the problem we raise. I know that your religion is very important to you, but the truth should be even more important. I know that you believe that the truth is within your religion. This forces you to see your religion as the truth. That is circular unless you have investigated independently outside of your religion to see if our propositions have merit. In some ways, I can sympathize with you. No religion is as important as what is true.
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!
Im shocked they have. But thank God for common sense, lets hope it lasts.
China's 'Come to Jesus' Moment: How Beijing got religion.
"Amid growing social tension and an ominous economic outlook, some quarters of the officially atheist Chinese Communist Party seem to be warming to Christianity. Land is being donated, churches built, and research being conducted on positive Christian contributions -- all by the Chinese government, which until recently treated religion as a harmful but unstoppable force. In 2001, Chinese President Jiang Zemin called for religion to be cautiously accommodated, but actively discouraged, and adapted to the socialist culture of atheism and materialism."
"There's a fair amount of overlap between the government agenda and the Christian agenda," ... "When you speak to [Chinese Christians] or look at the data, they all emphasize what good citizens they are and what good citizens they want to be, so there's a lot for the government to tap into there."
"While the allure of moral and economic development accounts for some of China's new interest in religion, a quieter motive is perhaps in play as well: political control."
"... A 20-year-old evangelical convert from Jiangsu province, who asked not to be identified, regularly attends services at an illegal house church that now has over 150 followers. The authorities have known of the church for years but tolerate it, she says, and she doesn't think Christian beliefs and the Communist Party's agenda are contradictory.
She adds, "The Bible says we have to follow the rules of the government."
You sure you have not asked any rondom or insulting questions. Here are some:
"I wonder if Kim believes in Santa Claus.
I wonder if there are any prophecies about Santa Clause in the koran.
Here are some questions you asked Derek:
Do you believe your little cousin freddy is really a super hero?
Do you believe aliens will invade us and take over the planet tomorrow?
Do you believe in little green men?
Do you believe in leprechauns?
Some questions you have asked me:
How does your magical being determine what's evil and good?
Do you know the difference between reality and fiction?
So can you explain to us how your magic being is omniscient in spite of the evidence?"
I recommend you take a more professional approach and call my lord by his name Allah(swt) rather then as a magical being. Do you expect me to respond to you when you continue to make insults and put them in the form of a question?
"I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice."
Now I understand the reasoning behind the Burqa . . . it makes Muslim women resemble raisins!
Thank you ABC news for your edification in this, formerly, perplexing anomaly.
Samatar opined:
"I know many christians and muslims ( shocking how much their are) who are only muslim or christian by name but not by belief or practice."
LOL, you say that like it's a bad thing. Because we all know what MuhamMAD did to the unbelievers in the Soddy Barbarian peninsula.
So Samatar do you own any kafir slaves like your hero did?
I don't know if anyone knows, but there was a documentary done about the Saudi princess executed for marrying a commoner. Supposedly 11 million dollar bribe was offered the PBS to NOT air the documentary:
South-African born, independent film producer Antony Thomas came to Saudi Arabia, interviewed numerous people about the princess' story, and was met by conflicting stories, which later became the subject matter of the British documentary, Death of a Princess. The movie was scheduled to show on 9 April 1980 on the ITV television network and then a month later on the public television network PBS in the United States. Both broadcasts caused livid protests and strong diplomatic, economic and political pressure from the Saudis. Failing to get the British broadcast cancelled, King Khalid expelled the British ambassador from Saudi Arabia.[10]
In May 1980, attention then shifted to PBS, where PBS officials endured a month of mounting pressure from corporations and politicians. A major PBS sponsor, The Mobil Oil Corporation, took out a full-page ad in the New York Times op-ed page opposing the film and declaring it jeopardized U.S.-Saudi relations. Finally the PBS officials and local affiliates chose to not continue with the broadcast, instead running two other programs, one was a pro-Saudi discussion of the film, the second shown in early June, presented a flattering portrait of the role of women in Saudi culture.
King Khalid, Saudi Arabia's ruler at the time, was said to have offered $11 million to the network to suppress the film.[5]
From wikipedia (an encyclopedic website notorious for disseminating islamonazi propaganda).
@David Wood
I just noticed something. The youtube channel is called Acts17 apologetics. Wasnt this Yahya Seymores youtube space?
These youtube folks are a bunch of hypocrites. You can watch some of the craziest stuff on youtube, but to have honest debate, that gets pulled down. Sheesh.
FYI Derek was that one that asked me some of those questions. You can go to my blog to see the show.
Anyway, you still haven't told me how my questions are dishonest and insulting.
It's a simple a question that any Muslim should be able to answer:
How does your god determine what's good and evil?
What's so insulting about calling your god a magic being is it because you're embarrassed about how he performed a magic trick for your prophet by making him think that the sun sets in a pool of water?
"How does your god determine what's good and evil?"
Wait, what? I do not know the mind of God. How am I supposed to know how God determined what is good and evil. For me to know that kind of information, I would have to ask God himself. Its also important to note that God's knowledge is eternal, therefore, he always knew what was right, and what was wrong. If I cannot understand how even certain people determine what is good and what is evil, how am I supposed to how god almighty determines such a thing. But I can tell you that God did give us a brain to think and know that certain things are certainly wrong. Such as rape, murder, etc... Just wondering though, do you know how God determines what is good and what is evil?
Are we sure the sun going down in a pool of murky water isn't an illusion? For instance stand on the beach at sunset and watch it set. It would appear the sun sets in the ocean. Could this be what happened? Optical illusion?
Yea, Samatar YHWH determines what's good and evil by looking at himself.
His nature/essence/character determines everything he does. God is essentially Good and cannot do otherwise.
Any act, thought etc. that is contrary to his nature is evil.
Notice Samatar how your god fails to be a god.
Your god is a deciever and hence fails to be god.
YWYH can't lie.
The thing is Islam has no understanding of the condition of man i.e. his total depravity and hence has no understanding of the seriousness of sin.
Remeber without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
Samatar God commands every man to repent and turn in faith to his son Jesus Christ.
Life is in the blood. The blood of Christ.
The only name under heaven by which men can be saved.
“Remeber without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin” (Hezekiah).
Muslims believe that but differ on whose blood it is that provides the atonement. It is by shedding our blood they get remission of sin and 72 virgins.
In other words they just wanna be arbitrary.
@ Hezekiah Ahaz: Amen. Thank you for this:
"Life is in the blood. The blood of Christ.
The only name under heaven by which men can be saved."
And for so many years I struggled with "but why did our Lord have to be CRUCIFIED?"
Mr. Gibson's movie brought it home like never before: THAT is what has to be done to sin. OUR sin is what nailed Him to the Cross. Sin is DEATH and so sin must die. NOBODY ELSE but Jesus could do that for us!
Christ Jesus became sin for all of humanity (and for Muslims to!;-)) - the only time sin had EVER been a part of His precious life - and we can share in His resurrection if we are crucified with Him.
No, I still don't understand it all - (Substitutionary Atonement? What a concept!! How can Grace Through Faith transfer my wretchedness to HIM, 2000 years ago...???...) - but it's SO good to get to read it wherever it's written... as you have said: "...The only name under heaven by which men can be saved."
What a Name! What a Savior!
Thank you, Hezekiah Ahaz!
Thank you, David! Thank you, Lord Jesus and thanks to all who Answer Muslims with the Name that is above every other name...
Praise God. Thanks.
Blessings bro.
Remember the sin offering( see Leviticus) always had to be without blemish, defect etc. In other words it represented a sinless and perfect sacrifice(Christ).
Men could never offer themselves as a sacrifice because they are essentially polluted. Adam's sin corrupted his very nature and hence left man totally depraved.
Islam has no understanding of this at all.
Either Christ will atone for the sinner or the sinner will atone for himself in hell. Remember the scapegoat was sent outside the camp away from God's favorable presence to die.
YHWH is holy and pure and only those that are holy and pure can live in his presence.
I pray that the holy spirit will open Samatar's eyes to these truths.
Excellent points Hezekiah son of Ahaz :-)
Here is a short article about the substitutionary atonement.
You would have to mighty stupid to believe this woman's lie that the heavenly reward for muslimes is 72 "raisins". It's the most ridiculous lie I've ever heard.
How do you know a muslime is lying?
Their lips move.
@ Billy: Bless you, Billy and thanks! The article is good and I can recommend it to others. Yes, it definitely adds to my understanding (but I'm still overwhelmed by it all!) Here's the link again:
AND, eternal damnation is not the only consequence that can be prevented "by Grace through Faith" and "Substitutionary Atonement". Untold millions of people (GASP! Even MUSLIMS!!) are freed to live transformed lives - right NOW - when they learn to really trust their deepest love to Christ Jesus and let HIM be King, Christ and God in their lives.
LOL! But you guys already knew that! I just love to talk about Him and what He can do for even wretches like me. (Wow! Could you imagine Samatar or Kim or Osama [or even OBAMA] privileged to live a life transformed by the resurrected Jesus of Nazareth? These are people who may not even be as vile as I am but they could be REBORN!!)
But I'm way off topic. I want everyone to know that I think the real reward for shahids is NOT "72 raisins" or even "72 virgins". The real reward in eternity for Muslims is Seventy-Two VERSIONS of the un-holy GRRRAN that they get to read every day - for the rest of eternity - between prayer times. AND, the truly wonderful thing is: in eternity, you don't need to sleep. SO, all those nights you've wasted by sleeping you can spend reading from the un-holy GRRRAN!!
Those who truly do love Ullahu Ohyynkksmoor (and the pseudo-prophet Mohammed) will be rewarded with 72 Versions! I KNOW you just can't wait!!
Better be brushing up on your medieval Arabic.
"If you want raisins why not go to the grocery store"
[eats a few raisins]
This is hilarious.
One common thing I have noticed about so called "final" prophets is that they are ususlly sexually perverted lunatics.
For example, Joseph Smith is one of them and the list goes on.
Part of their "revelations" always includes the prophets rights to do whatever he wants with women.
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