LOUISVILLE, Ky. — An Iraqi man who settled in Kentucky as a refugee boasted about having been an insurgent in Baghdad as he plotted with a confidential informant to ship weapons and money to Al-Qaida in his home country, the FBI said in a search warrant application obtained Monday.
FBI Special Agent Chris Faber quoted 24-year-old Mohanad Shareef Hammadi as saying he didn’t know how many explosives he had placed in Iraq because “By God I didn’t count them.”
“I mean, I used to do two or three operations a day in Baghdad and I used to do every day in my neighborhood,” Hammadi said.
The search warrant, approved Jan. 25 and obtained by The Associated Press as a public record, gives details of recorded conversations between Hammadi, 30-year-old Waad Ramadan Alwan and the confidential source from late 2009 through early summer 2011 in Bowling Green.
Hammadi faces 12 charges, including perjury and attempting to send material support to a known terrorist organization. His trial is scheduled for July 30. Alwan pleaded guilty to 23 terrorism-related charges in December and is to be sentenced April 3.
The warrant also detailed how Hammadi and Alwan acquired what they thought were working weapons, including rocket propelled grenade launchers, C4 explosives and Russian-made surface-to-air missiles, and allegedly plotted to ship those and financial aid to Al-Qaida in Iraq. The FBI said all the weapons were rendered inoperable. (Read more.)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Muslim Immigrant Mohanad Shareef Hammadi Arrested on Terrorism-Related Charges
I can't figure out why so many devout Muslims misinterpret the Religion of Peace in exactly the same way.
Ahhh David but can't you see? This was self defense!
Why do they even let these maniacs into the country.
"America America god shed his grace on thee"
I'm just gonna go live on the moon it's nicer up there Derek wanna join me?
"Ahhh David but can't you see? This was self defense!"
All joking aside, no muslim in this blog supports this anyways. As well as 99 percent of muslims.
On another note, anyone see the Jesus debate. Metaphor, prophet, or God. It has dr. Dicarlo (agnostic), Shabir Ally (muslim), and Tony Costa (christian).
Hezekiah & Derek, if you decide to go to the moon, just make sure that you won't take any Jews with you. Certain Muslims will become obsessed with the moon once they learn that it's occupied by Jews.
Hezekiah, then we can argue til we suffocate from a gruesome death.
@Samatar: You speak for all Muslims here now? We've heard some pretty unhinged ad dishonest explanations and excuses for Muslim behavior that's been reported here, so that doesn't mean much to me.
Said: "All joking aside, no muslim in this blog supports this anyways. As well as 99 percent of muslims."
How do you know this? Have you met 99 percent of muslims and asked them?
Where are these Muslims and why don't I see them decrying all the insanity going on in the UK etc.?
This is a bogus claim. It's evident that Samatar is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Derek said:"Hezekiah, then we can argue til we suffocate from a gruesome death."
That's a lot better than living under some arbitrary Islamic rule.
Lol, come on now. When I say 99 percent, I mean that only a small group of muslims support terrorism. Go ahead and ask muslims you encounter, they will all tell you the same. With regards to muslims in this blog, just ask Osama Abdullah, Kim, Kangaroo, etc... if they support terrorism, the answer will be no. Therefore, this is a non issue.
Do I speak for all muslims in this blog? no, I speak for the muslims who do comment these days in this blog however. It's very simple however, just ask them and you will get your response. You don't have to trust me on this, just ask them.
Said said: "Lol, come on now. When I say 99 percent, I mean that only a small group of muslims support terrorism. Go ahead and ask muslims you encounter, they will all tell you the same. With regards to muslims in this blog, just ask Osama Abdullah, Kim, Kangaroo, etc... if they support terrorism, the answer will be no. Therefore, this is a non issue."
Yea, samatar, because Muslims are going to admit that they support terrorism.
Don't you remember what your book says?
Your a genius samatar.
Now I hope you see why my knife analogy was quite fitting.
"Yea, samatar, because Muslims are going to admit that they support terrorism."
Hezekiah, do you know what the definition of support even is. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, to support means:
"to promote the interests or cause of (2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right : advocate (3) : to argue or vote for "
I don't promote terrorism, uphold or defend terrorism, or argue for terrorism. Therefore, I do not support terrorism. It's elementary my dear Watson.
Do you love Christians and Jews?
"Do you love Christians and Jews?"
Lets first conclude our current discussion on whether the majority of muslims support terrorism, then I'll be glad to answer your question. I'll be waiting for your reply.
Read very carefully. I know it's hard for you.
I said what makes you think that any Muslim will ever admit he supports terrorism?
That's why I said your claim is bogus.
You honestly think, especially in america, that Muslims are gonna walk around telling people how they really feel about terrorism?
My point is, Not that Muslims support terrorism, that's how you wanna make it seem and which is quite dishonest, but that if anyone does he/she will not admit it.
It's useless to go around claiming that the majority of Muskims don't support terrorism. How did you find this out?
Did you ask them?
How do you know they are not lying?
Get my point now?
Samatar Mohamed said...
"Do you love Christians and Jews?"
Lets first conclude our current discussion on whether the majority of muslims support terrorism, then I'll be glad to answer your question. I'll be waiting for your reply."
It's a simple yes or no answer. You don't need to complete a previous discussion to answer it. We are not asking for a dissertation on the answer. I take your unwillingness to give an upfront answer as 'No". If I asked you if you love Allah, you wouldn't need to hesitate, now would you?
Samatar Mohamed said...
========= quote ========
Lol, come on now. When I say 99 percent, I mean that only a small group of muslims support terrorism. Go ahead and ask muslims you encounter, they will all tell you the same. With regards to muslims in this blog, just ask Osama Abdullah, Kim, Kangaroo, etc... if they support terrorism, the answer will be no. Therefore, this is a non issue."
========= reply ========
From past experience, this is not the correct question to ask since the term (terrorism) is defined differently for a Muslim so that the impact of the word is lessened so that it doesn't seem so negative and indicting. The correct angle to approach is in whether the Qu'ran supports it and whether Mohammad encouraged his followers to use it. In that case, the answer is 'Yes."
What Muslim is going to agree to say yes when they know the recoil is going to be felt if they answer honestly? The other possibility is that the Muslim you ask is so ignorant of the Qu'ran, or that they are purposely taught a version of Islam that is friendly to outsiders as a deception. That would definitely fit in with Muslims who live outside of the immediate threats of the more orthodox version seen in Islamic dominated lands. Even if Samatar thinks that version is distorted, it is still much, much closer to the ideas of Mohammad.
========= quote ========
Do I speak for all muslims in this blog? no, I speak for the muslims who do comment these days in this blog however. It's very simple however, just ask them and you will get your response. You don't have to trust me on this, just ask them.
========= reply ========
I know the standard line, but, it is very weak. Islam is supposed to be many positive things, but when examined in context and by the example Mohammad set, it becomes quite apparent that Islam is usually lacking. I say that because Muslims like Samatar will tell you in your face that Islam doesn't promote prostitution, slavery, murder, female dedegradation, etc. That is because of the Islamic mindset imposed on them by necessity of realizing that morality in other religious texts and civilizations are often much better when compared to those set out and sought after by Muslims from Islam and Mohammad's example. The proof of this can be seen in their lack of protests of the evils that other Muslims do, especially against non-Muslims. Rationality and reason seem to take a back seat.
[ter-uh-riz-uhm] Show IPA
the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government."
But can't you see? Muslims ARE protesting it! That's what all the "WE ARE THE 99%" against the "1%" is all about, right? :P
Samatar: let's look at what other muslims say. Let's not only look at calls for terrorism, but support of subjegation against non-muslims (since that is a serious thing that a "moderate" muslim should naterually oppose).
Osama gave Gaza as a positive example, citing no crime, but they also commit terrorism against Jewish civilians and call for the genocide of Jews!
In the article "Saudis Use Interpol to Have Journalist Arrested for Criticizing Muhammad" Kangaroo instead of condening it, gave a snarky remark at the people reporting it saying "Societal taboo. Jealous?", so it's not really a stretch to say Kangaroo has no problem with the arrest and possibly death of converts from Islam, even outside Islamic states. I didn't hear anything from you to show him/her why this is wrong and not a part of Islam.
On a topic about a rape Kim said "I bet her body was exposed on a daily basis in front of these thugs in the street. It's too bad Pakistan isn't 100% pious Muslims.", so Kim apparently beleives this woman had it coming! I don't remember you correcting your muslim brother/sister on this.
@Simple Truth
"From past experience, this is not the correct question to ask since the term (terrorism) is defined differently for a Muslim so that the impact of the word is lessened so that it doesn't seem so negative and indicting. The correct angle to approach is in whether the Qu'ran supports it and whether Mohammad encouraged his followers to use it. In that case, the answer is 'Yes.""
Well, if muslims use the word terrorism differently, then please define what exactly you mean by terrorism. And I am assuming that you are implying that the Quran and hadith encourage offensive jihad. Please provide me a source and its context, so we can examine it further. Because from the narrations I have encountered when examined in its CONTEXT, there was no offensive Jihad authorized by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). But you have the opportunity to show me otherwise.
" I say that because Muslims like Samatar will tell you in your face that Islam doesn't promote prostitution, slavery, murder, female dedegradation, etc. "
Exactly. However, although Islam does not condemn the practice of slavery (with certain guidelines as outlined in the sahih hadiths), it does encourage the freeing of slaves.
Samatar: I think this is your theme song:
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