EGYPT--Islamist parties won more than 80 percent of seats in Egypt's upper house of parliament, the country's election board announced Sunday.
The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party took 58 percent of the seats in contention, while the harder-line Salafist Al-Nour party came in second with a quarter of all seats. The nationalist Wafd party came in third with just 7 percent of the vote.
The upper house, or Shura Council, has no legislative powers and fulfills a largely ceremonial function. Two-thirds of its 270 are elected, and the rest filled by government appointment.
Voter turnout was low for the upper house, which will hold its first session Tuesday.
Islamists also dominated voting for the lower house of parliament, with the Brotherhood taking 38 percent and Al-Nour 27 percent. (Source)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Islamic Supremacists Win 80 Percent of Seats in Egypt's Upper Parliament
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis are making such a strong showing, democracy and religious tolerance are sure to follow.
Iraq after the war = Islamic government
Tunsia after the revolution = Islamic parties win
Libya after the intervention = Sharia law
Egypt after elections = Islamic parties destroy the competition
I wonder what is going to happen in Syria...
"Now that the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis are making such a strong showing, democracy and religious tolerance are sure to follow." Of course, it's not as if the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis have a track record of violence throughout history...
Check the facts on that for me.
Hey, recently the news (daily news in UK) declared the ancient bible with aramaic langauge.. Jesus predict the coming of Prophet Mohammad... Pope wanna see it but it is price 22 millions!
We will see how that go ...
We will see how fast church
burning will go! ...
We saw already how in the Egyptian parliament one of them stood up and started "ye wathin" prayer because he just felt like it! ...
@Curly: Interesting post - but as far as i know, the Barnabas Gospel we know of seems to be a fake. Many things indicate, that it was "produced" between the 14th and 16th century. If this document contains the same Text, it would be really a "wonder" if it could be datet earlier than this. Some "mistakes" in the Barnabas Gospel we know, are definitely dating to a much later time. Most scholars think it was written by an convert to islam.
As there is no information about the content in this "aramaic" book in your link, its hard to say what it really is and how old it is.
By the way - the Gospel of Barnabas does also contradict the Koran... so i wonder why muslim people are so fond of it ;) ... it says that Mohamed is the Messiah!!! And some other contradictions are given too.
Ha ha great video evergreen. One of my three favorites along with the sermon and the first burn the Koran day-Genius work.
This is a ludicrous statistic. I'll bet nearly 99% of ALL members of the Egyptistanian government are muslimes.
Ain't cha glad we send our dollars to Saudi Arabia to empower them to spend over a billion dollars in the last decade to promote Salafisim in the middle east and all over the world..instead of buying oil from evil intolerant Canada!! ??
I've read a stat that stated the Saudis have spent 100 billion dollars spreading islamonazism.
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