The Freedom Center's Daniel Greenfield draws attention to the All-American Muslim pity party:
Empathy is the essence of tragedy. To be able to mourn for others we have to feel their loss and make it our own. Most Americans never lost anyone on September 11. Most never knew anyone who died that day in the planes above or the buildings below. And yet we as a nation felt that blow. Their pain was our pain. And that response was not limited to the United States as millions of people beyond these shores reached out and took in the full weight of that tragedy and grief.
All-American Muslim: The Day the World Changed, an episode of the reality series that has the cast interacting emotionally with the attacks of September 11, is less about those who were murdered on that day than about the cast’s feelings and exploitation of that day. It may be unfair to criticize the cast of a reality television show for being self-centered. An obsessive focus on one’s own feelings and needs to the exclusion of all else seems to be a standard prerequisite for appearing on one of these shows. The perfect reality show performer must be a sociopath or capable of playing one on television. And yet this self-centered reaction to the attacks of September 11 is disturbingly common among Muslim leaders and activists in the United States.
Perhaps the most odious aspect of this is the incorporation of the Islamophobia theme into a day of remembrance for the dead, until the very act of remembrance becomes tarred with accusations of bigotry. Every commemoration of the day by Muslim leaders seems determined to not only foist the Islamophobia myth on us, but to also associate it with some national overreaction to that day. Like the family of a cop killer arriving at a memorial determined to make their own sense of victimization the center of attention, the need by some Muslims to turn their own sense of victimization into the focus of September 11 is inappropriate and flies on the face of what should be basic decency.
That sense of grievance is rarely if ever directed at Al-Qaeda and those Muslims who carry out terrorist attacks against Americans; instead it is directed at Americans who woke up to a day of fire and terror, and tried to understand what was going on. The All-American Muslim cast follows the political line of groups like CAIR by indicting Americans for their reaction to a terrorist attack carried out by Muslims, rather than engaging in some soul-searching about the violent roots of their own religion.
When cast members insist that the terrorists were not Muslims, or not truly Muslims, their denial echoes the collective denial of Muslim communities and leaders in America who have never come to terms with the problem because they are too busy misrepresenting themselves as the victims. They are too busy feeling sorry for themselves to understand the pain of so many Americans on the anniversary of that awful day.
But All-American Muslim’s denial that the September 11 hijackers were Muslims acting in the name of Islam, because Muslims are incapable of terrorism is blatantly dishonest. Especially when the series featured two Imams who support terrorists, Imam Abdul Latif Berry, who is quite a fan of the Ayatollah Khomeini, and Husham Al-Husainy, who supports Hezbollah. The appearance of these two men on a series which pretends to show us the peaceful nature of the real All-American Muslim demonstrates how difficult it is to detach the religious violence in Islam from the Muslim community.
When Al-Husainy signed a document which read in part, “We remind our sons to get ready to carry out their duty in Holy Jihad and continue the path which our young valiant men in Hezbollah began in Southern Lebanon” and which invoked a “Islamic nation which extends to all parts of the world”; how was this any different than a bulletin from Osama bin Laden?
The “All-American Muslims” of All-American Muslim may be entirely sincere when they claim that Bin Laden is not a Muslim. After all they are Shiites and he’s a Sunni. Al-Qaeda has targeted Shiites in its massacres. The Shiite view of Sunnis and the Wahhabi view of Shiites tend to be equally ugly. And Shiites and Sunnis often persecute each other in Muslim countries.
The problem is that while the All-American Shiites may reject Bin Laden, they don’t reject the Ayatollah Khomeini and Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah. If they did then Abdul Latif Berry and Husham Al-Husainy wouldn’t have a place to promote themselves on All-American Muslim.
Most Muslims reject some form of terrorism, but not that many Muslims reject all forms of terrorism. There are always exceptions and exemptions. Whether it’s Shiites who want to give Hezbollah a pass or Sunnis who think that Al-Qaeda goes too far but that Hamas is just right, what is lacking in the Muslim community is a wholesale rejection of all forms of violent Jihad.
It’s not enough to reject Bin Laden in order to participate in commemorating September 11. Not when a Shiite Bin Laden like Hassan Nasrallah or the Ayatollah Khomeini are still okay. And even those Muslims who do reject terrorism in all its forms must still address the widespread affinity for terrorism in the Muslim community. An affinity so widespread that even a television series like All-American Muslim whose entire reason for being is to present a positive non-terrorist image of Islam is still unwilling or unable to keep Imams like Husainy and Berry off the stage.
An honest admission that their community has a problem combined with sincere mourning for the dead without any of the self-serving victimization that characterizes episodes like The Day the World Changed would go a long way toward easing the minds of Americans. It would also change the dialogue from dishonest platitudes and denial to a meaningful exchange of feelings and ideas.
September 11 is first and foremost a day to remember the horrors inflicted on this country and the grief of those who were lost amidst the flames. Truly All-American Muslims would use that day to join the national grieving, rather than bringing to it their own victimization agendas. Above all else it is unseemly for a community where a man like Husham Al-Hussainy remains a respected figure to present itself as the real victims of an ignorant backlash when it has clearly not even come to terms with the conflicting demands of American values and its own religion. (Source)
As we all know by now, one of the key features of "Stealth Jihad" is claiming victim status:
It interesting that alongside muslim's self-victimization, they are increasingly attributing the holocaust as Jews self-victimizing to gain political support. They now claim of a "Palestinian holocaust."
It is true that their grief is very misplaced. Where is muslim's grief over minorities killed in muslim countries? Where is their grief over those killed in honor killings?
Every single Mosque I attended, collected contributions for the 9/11 victims, and for the Hurricane Katrina ones as well. Almost all of the prominent and world renowned Muslim Scholars world-wide condemned the 9/11 attacks. FOX Noise of course denies it, but we've seen it all over TV. You should watch Aljazeera English (it's free and live on their website instead of the racist and bigotted Fox Noise. Muslims in America were also very cooperative with the FBI, and are not known to be be trouble makers. You don't have to fear for your life due to your skin, or money in your pocket, when you walk into Muslims' neighborhoods in the USA. Try that in the cities, and in the rednecks' remote areas (especially if you're black) here in the US.
As to the quote: "Most Muslims reject some form of terrorism, but not that many Muslims reject all forms of terrorism."
I guess you'll have to define what ********"some form of terrorism"******* is, because otherwise, the USA and all of the West are terrorist countries too for fighting wars. Is defending your homeland terrorism? My own family's properties were taken by the Israelies in West Bank for settlers. Do we not have the right to fight for our land? And as a Christian, isn't Israel spiritual and not physical any more? Did not Christ say that he'll rebuild the temple of the Jews in 3 days (referring to a spiritual one)? Why should you fight with your own blood for a cause that Christ eliminated (that is fighting for the never-ending stubborness of the Israelies over land and rejecting peace)?
Why should I (one who looks closest to Jesus Christ and the original Palestinians and Jews there) be deprived to live in Palestine while a Western Jew can? And Muslims were not behind 9/11 anyway! I THINK IT IS A WEL KNOWN FACT, TODAY, that 9/11 was indeed an inside job. This by itself is enough to make all Muslims victims of 9/11, especially the ones in Aghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan.
And since we're on this topic, I'd like to ask those who objected to the so-called "GROUND ZERO MOSQUE". So you find a place of worship and a kids' school and a youth center for education offensive, even though Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11, while you wouldn't consider the strip clubs, bars and whoredom, in that neighborhood, offensive to the victims? As Islam predicts: right will become wrong, and wrong will become right in the End Times. The Bible too makes such Prophecy.
Osama Abdallah
yeah, hopefully that stupid show won't be on for much longer. I couldn't even watch one full episode because all they did was whine, whine, whine.
I agree with Nicky, where are the muslims greif over minorities killed in muslim countries? etc
@Osama Abdallah "when you walk into Muslims' neighborhoods in the USA."
Interesting that you say that.
Yet there certainly is a difference when you walk into Muslims' neighborhoods outside of the USA.
Is it the American Christian Whoredom keeping the Muslims at bay? Cant wait till true Islam comes for the betterment of us all. /sarcasm
@Osama Abdallah,
"I guess you'll have to define what ********"some form of terrorism"******* is"
I've noticed that you have trouble with definitions.
In another post you redefined murder so that in some cases it could be justified.
In yet another post you redefined rape so that in some cases it was consensual.
Here you redefine terrorism to include any military actions against another country.
@ Everyone else, reasoning with Abdallah is like nailing jello to a wall.
I wish that they would have elaborated on why they have to come to a place like America to get along with those that are deemed their enemies back in Lebanon--the Jews. That is a very important question that needs to be answered in truthfulness and honesty. I don't know if it can be answered in that way if Muslims are not taking into account the foundation of their religion because they only see peace and not the violence of their prophet and 4 rightly guided caliphs. I knew that eventually this series would put out a show that would paint such a picture which would continue to give the appearance that Islam is nothing but peace. That is one of the reasons that many of the protesters of this show called this show early on for what it was--a propaganda piece that would keep the eyes of the average American blinded. And, in turn, the more agreesive and traditional Muslims could prey upon us and gain their entrance more profoundly into our country without being detected. Yes, surreptitously.
I hate this show but have watched the first two and now this current episode just to get the gist of what it represented. All I have seen really are secularized Muslims: if there is such a thing. We need a counter show that actually deals with the historical Islamic view instead of this baloney. If shows like this keep getting the spotlight, it is going to be increasingly difficult to convince the average American that they are being lied to as to the nature of Islam. The issue is not how one Muslims treats you; rather, it is about how Islam treats you. Too many people take one example and make it a positive norm out of ignorance but will reject the negative norm that typifies the historical Islam because they want to believe that Islam is no different than other religions. They are just as guilty as they claim of those who take the 911 incident and claim that it is the negative norm. What is the solution? It is to look at the historical perspective of Islam and see which one fits the data of 911 and all other issues with Muslims. Who is going to do that? Definitely not those who have already swallowed the poisoned Kool-Aid that liberal and leftist America has forced fed us. It is people like David, Sam, Robert Spencer, Ali Sina, Nonie Darwish, and Osma Dadok that will make the difference.
Michael Schueckler said...
"@Osama Abdallah,
"I guess you'll have to define what ********"some form of terrorism"******* is"
I've noticed that you have trouble with definitions.
In another post you redefined murder so that in some cases it could be justified.
In yet another post you redefined rape so that in some cases it was consensual.
Here you redefine terrorism to include any military actions against another country.
@ Everyone else, reasoning with Abdallah is like nailing jello to a wall."
And don't forget about innocents, justice, bigotry, and almost any other word that Muslims often redefine to make their argument seem reasonable and weighty.
"I agree with Nicky, where are the muslims greif over minorities killed in
muslim countries? etc"
"@Osama Abdallah "when you walk into Muslims' neighborhoods in the USA."
Interesting that you say that.
Yet there certainly is a difference when you walk into Muslims' neighborhoods outside of the USA.
Is it the American Christian Whoredom keeping the Muslims at bay? Cant wait till true Islam comes for the betterment of us all. /sarcasm"
According to even your non-Muslim history, Jews and Christians had lived in reasonable peace with the Muslims. The Muslims also provided protection for the Jews who fled Christian Europe and its persecutions. The Muslims also fought along side the Jews and minority Christians against the Crusaders.
Also before 9/11, Christians had always lived among us in peace. I remember when I was young, some of the families that we used to visit were Christians. Perhaps Sam Shamoun can shed some light for you on this one, since he was born in Kuwait (I was too), and I am sure his family knew many Muslim families. Also, one of my childhood friends was a Palestinian Christian.
Also, before the 9/11 Zionist lie, you hardly heard of modern-day "minorities killed in muslim countries", ESPECIALLY (big caps on this one) in countries that had stable governments!
If you respond with nonesense such as killings happened in Africa, then my response to you is as follows:
1- Africa is plagued with corruption.
2- Christians killed Christians, and Muslims killed Muslims, and
Christians and Muslims and Pagans killed each others in several of the tribal remote areas.
3- In places like Rowanda, where 1/2 million died, most of them were Christians killing Christians.
The one and only one that you have and always stands out is the NOT DOCUMENTED claims about the Turks killing 1 1/2 million Armenians. That number is simply over exagurrated and bias. Turkey strongly denies. I am sure killings did occur, but the number is just too ridiculously high and bias.
The killings that many refer to today are happening, not very frequently, in Iraq, Egypt, Sudan and Pakistan. Any clue as to why this happened in these countries? Let's analyze:
1- In Iraq, it should be no brainer to everyone, since Iraq today, like Africa, is plagued with corruption. Muslims are killing Muslims, and Muslims anre killing Christians. THERE IS ALSO A BIGGGGG POSSIBILITY that the zionist and CIA and the Iranians are planting car bombs in certain neighborhoods to fuel hatred and instability in Iraq for their selfish gains. Oh wait, the US government wouldn't do such a thing, right?
2- In Egypt, some killings happened after the fall of Mubarak, and then it died down. It's not as bad as you wish for it to be.
3- In Pakistan, this is in response to the US' killings of innocent Afghans and Pakistanis and Iraqies. I don't agree with it and I would not do it myself unless they were proven to have conspired with the enemy/outsiders, but you can't always blame the oppressed.
4- In Sudan, because the Christians wanted to seperate, and they did, and also because Sudan is corrupt. Now that the seperation happened, and now that the Arab Spring is targetting the dictators and only the dictators and their sick regimes, tensions are dying down between Muslims and Christians. If war were to break out again between the North and South Sudans, I would imaging it would be over oil and/or border issues. Not religion.
Osama Abdallah
@Osama Abdallah,
"According to even your non-Muslim history, Jews and Christians had lived in reasonable peace with the Muslims."
My response:
Now you say something like this and I'm led to believe there is some truth to what you say. But then you say something like this:
"Also, before the 9/11 Zionist lie, you hardly heard of modern-day 'minorities killed in muslim countries'"
My response:
What Zionist Lie? al-Qaeda accepted responsibility. We have flight itineraries of the hostiles. We have records of their involvment with terrorists.
When you say things like that it discredits much else of what you say. You are not a reliable source.
I am hoping that you have been simply duped into believing such things and don't actually knowingly spread lies.
"THERE IS ALSO A BIGGGGG POSSIBILITY that the zionist and CIA and the Iranians are planting car bombs in certain neighborhoods to fuel hatred and instability in Iraq for their selfish gains.Oh wait, the US government wouldn't do such a thing, right?"
My response:
They also wouldn't conspire with Martians in poisoning our water to turn us all into jellified deserts. It is very possible. VERRRY.
@Osama Abdallah
Keep up it up with the lulz, I can't stop laughing at your flimsy arguments.
Osama is a unhinged jew-hater, which is evident in what he types.
He blames the Joos and the US for 9/11 and even attacks by Muslims! Don't you see! All those attacks arn't rerally muslims at all! Their Joos dressed up crying "Allah Akbar!" It makes so much sense!
"My own family's properties were taken by the Israelies in West Bank for settlers."
This is a lie. There is no "occupation". Jews have lived in the reigon for the last 2,000 consecative years. It is the Arabs who are the settlers, during the conquests in the 8th century. The land belonged to the Turks who lost the war, and he land was divided between jews and Arabs (What is now called Jordan), with Arabs getting most of the land. usch of the land was also purchased by Jews from Arabs at high prices. The Arabs didn't like this, and so they attack the Jews, intending to wipe them out in 1948 and then again in 1967 and a few more times after. Before the war in 1948 many Arabs were called to leave, and did so the war against the Jews would be easier. They had a promise of ALL THE LAND when they returned. Jews begged the Arabs to stay. They also shot missiles into Isreal intending to harm civilians. Hamas, the elected "goverment" of gaza has called for the extermination of Jews, as has Hezbolla, Jordan and Iran. Now Egypt, forced into a treaty after the humiliating defeats, lead by the Muslim brotherhood is becoming hostile. Now Arabs have equal rights with Jews, and the most freedom ANYWHERE in the middle east.
We are well aware of the TRUE history, and the faux nazi-like history perpretatrated by you unhinged jew-haters.
Oh, that reminds me, speaking of nazis. The grand Mufti of Jeruselem? He allied with Hitler in hopes of helping along the "final sollution" of genocide of Jews.
@Osama who wrote...
"You should watch Aljazeera English (it's free and live on their website"
Yeah that same Al Jazeera network how had a reporter show up to cover a terrorist attack in Iraq, 10 minutes before the attack happend?????
yeah they don't support terroism.
THis is why I felt it was wrong for that group to write Lowes to pull its sponsership.
This show exposes Islam more then any "undercover mosq" ever could.
This is the so called "Moderate Muslims" the "All AMerican Muslims" in their own words exposing the true nature of Islam.
A couple of points.
1. The football coach who I believe is a police officer and or Federal Agent. Changes the football practice schedule to 10 pm to 5am so Muslims fasting during Ramadan can continue fasting. He says "If any of you have a problem with this or any of your parents have a problem with this they can email, but it has been approved by the superintendent." in other words this is the way it is.
2. A Muslim during the wedding rehersal says "I have lived in Dearborn all my life and his is the first time I feel uncompterbal around so many white people.
3. THe man who is marying the Muslima has to convert to Islam.
4. He has to give up his dog becasue Dogs are not allowed and her father will not come over if their is a dog in the house.
Now what is really telling is this woman is not a practicing Muslima however she still insists that her future husband convert to Islam and second they he give up his dog.
So here we have it. Kuffar you must submit to the Moderate All American Muslim and if you don't your a Islamaphobe.
"1- In Iraq, it should be no brainer to everyone, since Iraq today, like Africa, is plagued with corruption. Muslims are killing Muslims, and Muslims anre killing Christians. THERE IS ALSO A BIGGGGG POSSIBILITY that the zionist and CIA and the Iranians are planting car bombs in certain neighborhoods to fuel hatred and instability in Iraq for their selfish gains. Oh wait, the US government wouldn't do such a thing, right?"
This is a example where you shot yourself in the foot. want to know why? By continueing causing instability in the middle east that would only further raise fuel price. now let me introduce you to the principles of business management. that even a high school student can tell me
-your resources must be cheap so you can gain as much profit as possible
- If i was to raise the price at oil refinery even though oil is slightly inelastic or the demand curve(economics)I will be reducing the demand and the profits i make out of it and reduce my producer surplus
thus IF I was to distablize iraq by planting bombs i will be ruining my own industry which would be at the height of stupidity.
btw Osama explain why muslims were caught redhanded celebrating after 9/11 in streets?
seeing as al-queda took responsibility we know they did it. secondly some say american put bombs on the buildings.
well i can give you proof with that it enough to demo the buildings with high school level physics and engineering. ever hear of the law of conservation of momentum? a plane of over around 300 tonnes x velocity. since the building does not use a single suport but multiple supports no part of the building can withstand that impact. that sort of momentum will cut through like hot knife to butter and literraly slice through the supports regardless where it hit
Now OSAMA I will give you even more proof of your childish zionist belief.
most muslims say they blew it up gain insurance. DID YOU KNOW THAT INSURANCE COMPANIES industry will suffer horribly. so what do zionist have to do with it unless hurting themselves and industry.
I think i am going to add more to what i have said earlier even if the second tower had its main support intact. sure 60 percent provede by the mains is alot but in reality. no it isn;t for something that large. suports are suppose to work together. If enough minor ones are takne out even the other ones will collapse and as i stated previosly the conservation of momentum will still be able to damge the other supports. thus debunks conspiracy theories
Osama returns....
Coming to a 'bigot' blog near you.
Your an idiot Osama. Isreal belongs to the Jews. It's their land, not your families and not the palestinians.
Even your own Quran says as much, or did Zionists add that in too?
The only point I can agree with you on is that 911 was most likely an inside job(according to the evidence ive studied and processed). For more info my Christian bros PLZ checkout our brother Alex Jones, whos also fully Christian, at the "TheAlexJonesChannel" on youtube as well as BUT THAT DOESNT CHANGE A THING and let me explain why. First of all this "inside job" was NOT CAUSED BY ANY PARTICULAR RACIAL GRP, Jews or otherwise, so we can get that right out of the way. What it most probably was orchestrated by ARE THE SATANIC ELITES inc Bilderberg, Trilateral and CFR who control the US gov VIA THE PRIVATE(though its supposed to be federal) FED.
BUT I SHLD ADD THT MUSLIMS DID GO ALONG WITH THE PLAN N IF THEY CLDVE DONE SO ON THEIR OWN THEY WLDVE. It's just tht it seems impossible that they could. BUT MANY FQAITHFUL MUSLIMS SUPPORTED THESE ATTACKS. I know this coz i lived in Pakistan. Infact back then i was a sunni and I MYSELF LOVED IT that finally the US strongholds had been shaken etc.
BUT I SAY this time these Satanists have had a very dirty but yet ingenuous plan. On one hand they want people to blame muslims for 911 AND ON THE OTHER THE VERY SAME GUYS OR THEIR LACKEYS WANNA PUT MUSLIMS AND SHARIAH INTO POWER. Just look at Obama's policies and even Bush's. On one hand they want to fight al qaida to the end and ON THE OTHER THEY SAY "BUT ISLAM IS PEACE" and Obama is doing everythign he can so that Islam NEVER BE BLAMED N TALKS SO GREAT ABT THE HOLY QURAN, etc. SO what i see is a plan to make as much ppl as possible belevie tht muslims orchestrated 911, then finally after yrs release a document saying THE US HAD TO RPEAT SOMETHING LIKE THE GULF OF TONKIN IN ORDER TO DEFEAT THE "POTENTIAL" ENEMIES. THIS wld instill IMMENSE GUILT in most US cizizens who blamed islam earlier for the attacks N NOW THESE MUSLIMS WLD HAVE IT EASIER THAN EVER TO INSTALL SHARIAH AS A RECOMPENSE.
Ive coined this Elitist plan "OPERATION GRAND SCHEME".
FNALLY MY ADVICE TO ALL MY CHRISTIAN BROS is TO NEVER MAKE 911 THE MAIN PT IN ORDER TO BLAME ISLAM. Infact if we look at islam's history and what happens in muslim majority countries, 911 is only the tip of the iceberg.
NOW back to Osama's other staments. Ofcourse muslims lived in "peace" with Chrisztians and Jews AS LONG AS THEY PAID THE JIZYA AND DARED NOT TO PREACH THEIR RELIGION IN THE OPEN OR TO MUSLIMS. BUT MIND U PREACHING THE GOSPEL IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF CHRISTIANITY. A Christian wld be happier staying without food for days AS COMPARED TO NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PREACH THE GOSPEL. SO dont try to act smart here. Whenever Christians try to do this and many other things tht cld potentially promote their religion, they're faced with immediate violence from the muslims. Otherwise EVEN THE MAFIA TREATS IT'S PEOPLE WELL AND SMILE AT THEM(after all THEYRE THEIR WORKFORCE) BUT AS SOON AS ONE CRITICIZES THEM ITS OVER. See the parallel? AND WHILST IM AT IT islam is inact worse than the mafia coz the Mafia warns it's adherents abt wht wld happen before they join them WHILST IN ISLAM THEY LIE MANY TIMES AND TRY THEIR BEST TO HIDE THE DEATH PENALTY FOR APOSTASY FROM the "kufaar".
@ johnny
You just lost a lot of creditably. All of those nonsense conspiracy theories have been refuted. Alex Jones is a fool. And just because he is a Christian does not make him correct. We are not supremacists like Muslim who will agree with someone one something that is ridiculous just by virtue of him being a Christian! And even Al Qaeda takes credit for it and says those that say it was in inside job are illogical!
New York Times
Even Al Qaeda Is Criticizing Iran's President Over 9/11 Claim
Published: September 29, 2011
Al Qaeda has a message for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran: enough with the conspiracy theories about Sept. 11.
The latest issue of the terror group's English-language magazine, Inspire, lashed out at the Iranian president for indulging in the claim that the American government -- and not Al Qaeda -- was responsible for the attack. It was a claim Mr. Ahmadinejad repeated during his address to the United Nations General Assembly last week, when he suggested that the killing of Osama bin Laden was part of a dark conspiracy to conceal the real perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
''The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe Al Qaeda was behind 9/11 but rather, the U.S. government,'' read an article in the magazine published under the byline Abu Suhail. ''So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?''
>>You just lost a lot of creditably. All of those nonsense conspiracy theories have been refuted. Alex Jones is a fool. And just because he is a Christian does not make him correct. We are not supremacists like Muslim who will agree with someone one something that is ridiculous just by virtue of him being a Christian!<<
JK- My dear brother, may i ask you to plz calm down first? ALL us Christians, accepting the essential doctrines of Christianity, should not use degrading statements for one another like "uve lost credibility, x Christian(who accepts all essential doctrine ofcourse) is not true or a fool etc" no matter whether we strongly disagree with each other on any pt. I myself can disagree with many of my bros point and vice versa BUT i try my best to refrain from such phrases.
>>And even Al Qaeda takes credit for it and says those that say it was in inside job are illogical!<<
JK- First of all just coz somebody says he/she has done something does not mean that the one in qs actually has. He might just be boasting or other reasons as well. I myself as well as bro AJ has released many vids EXPLAINING HOW AL-QAIDA=AL-CIA-DA n he is BY FAR NOT THE ONLY CHRISTIAN to agree with that. In other words ALTHOUGH IN PRINCIPLE AL-QAIDA'S ACTS ARE PERFECTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAM the organization itself may well be a puppet grp controlled by a much more powerful elite.
WITH THAT SAID now let me present to you some simple fact? WHY was Larry Silverstein almost always present in WTC-7 BUT AMAZINGLY on 911 he had to visit a dermatologist? Why did WTC7 collapse almost straight down and almost at the speed of gravity? WHY DID ALL THE FOUR BLACK BOXES OF ALL PLANES DISAPPEAR WHILST "AMAZINGLY" THE PASSPORTS OF THE HIJACKERS SPECIFICALLY SURVIVED? Here let me post a few vids which show these and muvh more ludicrous claims. The first is "debunking 911 debunking" ALSO BY A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGIAN DAVID GRIFFIN:
2) Alex jones debates globalist:
3) Silverstein exposed:
4) Jesse Ventura on 911:
and finally
5) JV on 911 regarding Pentagon attack
No Johnny, you're in the wrong here.
Search for truth was correcting you in love which is what Christians are supposed to do. He didn't launch into a polemic diatride and ad hominem attack.
And you're statement did erode your credibility on this subject.
Al Quaeda DID take responsibility for the attacks on 9/11. They are PROUD they did it and tried to do it again and again.
On the issue of 9/11 you are simply wrong. Please reexamine your sources. Perhaps you don't want to believe they were responsible but that's from your own heart and it's a bad place to start from because you'll never look for the truth.
>>No Johnny, you're in the wrong here.
Search for truth was correcting you in love which is what Christians are supposed to do. He didn't launch into a polemic diatride and ad hominem attack.<<
JK- Not that much with me, although i did find the statement offensive too, but he did call bro Alex Jones a fool and he is our brother too.
>>And you're statement did erode your credibility on this subject.
Al Quaeda DID take responsibility for the attacks on 9/11. They are PROUD they did it and tried to do it again and again.<<
JK- Did you not read my 2nd response where i explained that Al-Qaida is probbaly not even a real independent organisation BUT SETUP N CONTROLLED BY THE SATANIC TRINITY BILDERBERG, TRILATERAL AND CFR? Infact the whole of "islam" can be thought of as the "hands of satan". If you want to know whos even bigger in authority than islam, YES THERE IS THE BEAST from which THE(NOT an) anti christ will apear n even our bro CP(Christian Prince) agrees it's not from islam, in evil, i suggest you take a good look at this video:
>>On the issue of 9/11 you are simply wrong. Please reexamine your sources. Perhaps you don't want to believe they were responsible but that's from your own heart and it's a bad place to start from because you'll never look for the truth.<<
JK- NO bro infact i wld want nothing more to believe muslims did this on their own power so i can throw one more blame on islam BUT CANT. the evidence is too powerful for me n this shld again tell u something tht despite my bias in favor of the official story i CANT ACCEPT IT. Infacti once did accept the offical story n made fun of 911truth. Now plz take a look at this video n the rest i posted above.
johnny where are your sources of the BILDERBERG group being in charge?
Don't post a link. Take the text and post it here in its entirely.
I've heard of the bilderberg group but they would have had more to loose by destabilizing the US economy than gain from it. Think about it, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernacke were and are (respectively) members of the group. Why would they want to down the towers when they had so much invested at stake?
They wouldn't. Bin Laden would because he was a terrorist. He had an interest in attacking America.
As for Christian Prince, he's done great work but should I trust him over the bible? No.
Here you can see the faces of the real satanists who possibly control it all. Theyre from the grps who had setup up Hitler, Stalin and now a regime as fascist as islam n its shariah serves them best. Osama Abdallah wonders why theres so much crime in the US today. WELL U CAN THANK THESE GRPS FOR IT. The US ppl r a great ppl by themslves BUT THEN THESE CROOKS TOOK OVER THE GOV. If the whole video is too long for you to watch i want you to go specifically to 30 mins(0:30) N THEN AT 40 MINS, 40 SECS(0:40:40) n finally at (1:48:00). the video link again is:
@ Osama
You also have a selective memory!
According to the police report there was a total of 186 of known rape cases in 2010. These fall into various categories, the largest one of which is assault-rape, carried out by sheer physical force, of which there were 86 cases. In 83 of these cases the perpetrator could be identified by the victim. In all 83, the attacker was described as having "non-western appearance," a laundered euphemism for Muslim immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, or Asia.
@ Johnny
Yah we read it. And I dont want to say anything further for fear of insulting you even more. But I will just say this. It's preposterous. And just because people are our brothers or sisters in Christ does not mean they cannot be foolish. You still have the mindset of a Muslim. No offense. But you need to learn that just because someone is a Christian does not mean they cannot be foolish.
And your 9-11 conspiracy nonsense and foolish. They continue to attack and have attacked prior to 9-11, they even attacked the WTC in the early 90's.
I still love you, but your being foolish!
@ Johnny
I am not saying that everything Alex Jones says is a lie. There are partial truths, but as a whole, he is foolish.
@Search4truth, deleting and all my bros
>>Yah we read it. And I dont want to say anything further for fear of insulting you even more. But I will just say this. It's preposterous. And just because people are our brothers or sisters in Christ does not mean they cannot be foolish. You still have the mindset of a Muslim. No offense. But you need to learn that just because someone is a Christian does not mean they cannot be foolish.<<
JK- I know that. BUT you realize bad or untrue Christians by their CORRUPT FRUIT LIKE IN CASE OF BUSH AND OBAMA, the latter of whom i SUSPECT is more of a muslim and the former into the occult or satanism. BUT THIS IS NOT COZ OF THE THEORIES/HYPOTHEIS THEY ESPOUSE BUT HOW THEY LIE N DECEIVE. Watch the obama deception n then come back n tell me what u think.
ALSO did u see "debunking 911 debunking"? If not PLZ DO SO.
>>And your 9-11 conspiracy nonsense and foolish. They continue to attack and have attacked prior to 9-11, they even attacked the WTC in the early 90's.<<
JK- And how do u know they cld do that even back then WITHOUT THE CROOKS CONTROLLING THE US GOV ENABLING THEM? Why are you not considering that?
>>I still love you, but your being foolish!<<
JK- I gave you three/four basic points as to why 911 is AT LEAST EXTREMELY FISHY n u did not yet address them. What do you say to those?
U want to see more evidence. Here is some(References and links proivided at the bottom):
NOW >Ill post a signficant text from the first page above here:
"Many Americans are still unaware that numerous "war games" and "terror drills" were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies on the morning of 9/11, including one "live fly" exercise using REAL planes. The drills included the injection of false "radar blips" onto the screens of air traffic controllers to intentionally confuse and prevent them from intercepting the three planes that were hijacked that day; two of which dealt a devastatingly horrific blow to the Twin Towers.
One of the biggest holes in the Bush Administration's argument is that they never heard of a plan to fly hijacked jets into landmarks on the East Coast. Yet, eerily, on the morning of 9/11, the military was running a drill of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and the Pentagon..."
IS THIS NOT SUSPICIOUS ENOUGH? If not theres ALOT MORE BUT ULL HAVE TO READ IT THROUGH THOROUGHLY. Itll take time before ull probably get why it is so ludicrous to think some boxcutters from a cave in afghanistan cld do this all on their own.
>>I've heard of the bilderberg group but they would have had more to loose by destabilizing the US economy than gain from it. Think about it, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernacke were and are (respectively) members of the group. Why would they want to down the towers when they had so much invested at stake?<<
JK- HAVE u heard abt "asbestos" which was in those buildings? Their restoration wldve cost MORE THAN IF THED BUILD NEW BUILDINGS.
BESIDES THT these guys have trillions of dollars. A couple billion lost does not mind them at ALL PROVIDED THEY ACCOMPLISH THEIR GRAND PLAN WHICH INCLUDES 1) Making ppl insecure, instituting the patriot act THT WLD PUT ALL OF US CITIZENS LIBERTY AT JEOPARDY. Look how enormously they succeeded in tht after 911, 2) selling billions of dollar of security equipment worldwide, 3) invading iraq again and afghjanistan the latter of which has a significant large LITHIUM VEIN(for future car batteries et) N RESOURCES IS WHT THESE GUYS WANT TO HAVE CONTROL OVER FIRST N FOREMOST and finally 4) OPERATION GRAND SCHEME as ive already explained.
>>They wouldn't. Bin Laden would because he was a terrorist. He had an interest in attacking America.<<
JK- These guys want u to focus ONLY on Bin Ladin whilst the rest of islam is supposed to be peaceful. THIS IS THE WHOLE TRICK. NOW wht will happen if one day the us gov rel docs saying OBL was innocent? AT LEAST FORM A MINDSET THT THEN ULL NOT START FEELING SORRY FOR ISLAM N THUS GRANT THEM THE POWER TO INSTALL SHARIAH WHICH THESE CROOKS WANT AS WELL.
>>As for Christian Prince, he's done great work but should I trust him over the bible? No.<<
JK- Where is it Biblical to say tht islam itself is the beast or tht the beast will arise from them and not whilst islam defintiely is one of the anti christ IT IS NOT THE ANTI CHRIST. At best islam is going to be the ARM OF THE GLOBALISTS trying to control u via shariah.
>>I am not saying that everything Alex Jones says is a lie. There are partial truths, but as a whole, he is foolish.<<
JK- How many vids of bro AJ have u watched? Have u been to his channel on utube and see how he explains and provides references and evidence to back up his claims? AND YES sometimes i think he is wrong too. For example i dont agree with him on anthropomorphic Global Warming being a hoax, though im still open to the possibility. The main reason being that there is no counter peer review involved against GW WHEREAS in case of 911 there is peer review suggesting tht THERMITE WAS DISCOVERED IN WTC DUST.
THE PT IS THOUGH tht i dont start calling him foolish thereby or use any other degrading remarks for him in general.
I have observed that the 9-11 truthers have never bothered to read the official reports; they generally rely on youtube videos.
Jonny, have you had a chance to read the NIST report, ASCE report, and 9/11 Commission Report, etc.?
This i believe is very important and i forgot to mention it. I already stated that our bro Alex Jones is right IMU in regs to 911truth AND U MY BROS HERE R RIGHT ABT ISLAM BEING ONE OF THE, IF NOT THE MOST EVIL RELIGION ON THE PLANET. NOW unfortunately bro AJ lacks details of understanding islam n thinks, as ive heard in one of hos his vids which ill post below, that the islamic culture is actually RESISTING THE NEW WORLD ORDER(A FATAL MISTAKE ON HIS PART BUT IM NOT CALLING HIM A FOOL THEREFORE). ON THE OTHER HAND U, my Christian bros, know how evil islam is BUT THEN FAIL TO REALIZE THE GLOBALISTS WHORE THE HEAD OF ALL EVIL, ALMOST LIKE THE DEVIL INCARNATE.
SO WHT I SUGGEST is that all of us we get in contact with bro Jones and other Christians who lack one of these two infos AND CONVINCE EACH OTHER OF BOTH. HOW AWESOME WLD THT BE?
Heres the vid i was talking abt:
<<I have observed that the 9-11 truthers have never bothered to read the official reports; they generally rely on youtube videos.
Jonny, have you had a chance to read the NIST report, ASCE report, and 9/11 Commission Report, etc.?<<
JK- Have u had a chance to read how the NIST REPORT CONTRADICTED ITSELF. If not plz do:
@ Johnny
Ok you can have your conspiracy theories. I will have rational, logical, objective reasoning and critical thinking. We can agree to disagree. But I think your silly. And there will never be an official report that 9-11 was an inside job. Because it wasnt! It would have taken a lot of people to pull it off, and as of yet not one single person came forward to say they were involved in such nonsense. Its just so preposterous I cant believe people are so gullible! I am not responding to any more of this nonsense! It just infuriates me!
No. I won't. I didn't blame muslims (as a whole) for 9/11. I blamed Osama Bin Laden. If such a document ever came out (and most likely it would be forged) I wouldn't owe an apology to muslims. I'd owe it to Osama Bin Laden because he was the one I blamed.
As I learned more about islam, I understood why. Osama was following the Quran. Islam does teach outward aggression.
But I think search 4 truth was right, you're still holding on to a muslim mindset. You consider muslims and islam to be one and the same like most muslims. That's part of the reason why it can be hard to dialogue with muslims because we critize the relgion and muslims take it as a personal attack.
The bilderberg group was not responisible for 9/11.
Islam was and I'm not going to back down.
@Johnny I believe you have said you are a Christian.
WEll might I introduce you to a wonderful new religion. Its called ISLAM. ALL the cook kids are becoming Muslims.
YOu really should look into becomeing a Muslim. You definitly meet the maximum IQ qualifications.
Oh and take Alex Jones with you
>>Ok you can have your conspiracy theories. I will have rational, logical, objective reasoning and critical thinking. We can agree to disagree. But I think your silly.<<
JK- You're calling me silly without even looking into the evidence ive presented? Have u at least watched the 1st vid "debunking 911 debunking"?
>>And there will never be an official report that 9-11 was an inside job. Because it wasnt!<<
JK- Ok JUST SUPPOSE NOW it was OR BETTER suppose the gov releases it anyways. Wht will u do? Will you revise ur views on islam telling urself it isnt tht bad after all OR WILL U SAY AS I WISH U WLD "IT DONT MATTER IF THEY DID 911 OR NOT, THTS JUST ONE OF IT'S EVILS ANYWAYS. ISLAM IS WAS AND ALWAYS WIL BE EVIL AT ITS CORE N HAS DONE MUCH MORE HARM IN THE MUSLIM MAJORITY COUNTRIES"?
>>It would have taken a lot of people to pull it off, and as of yet not one single person came forward to say they were involved in such nonsense. Its just so preposterous I cant believe people are so gullible! I am not responding to any more of this nonsense! It just infuriates me!<<
WATCH ALSO THE VIDS WITH JESSE VENTURA ABOVE HOW HE INTERVIEWED PPL WHO TALKED. But if youve already closed ur mind to the evidence then i guess nothing will work. ALSO if uve never heard of it theres something known as COMPARTMENTALIZATION in gov which means that often the right hand often doesnt even know wht the left one is doing. All grps r KEPT STRITLY TO PERFRM A CERTAIN TASK and r NEVER GIVEN THE FULL PIC.
>>No. I won't. I didn't blame muslims (as a whole) for 9/11.<<
JK- But u did blame islam? Will that change IF the us gov finally released such a doc?
>>I blamed Osama Bin Laden.<<
JK- So u didnt blame islam for 911?
>>If such a document ever came out (and most likely it would be forged) I wouldn't owe an apology to muslims. I'd owe it to Osama Bin Laden because he was the one I blamed.<<
JK- OH BRO. OBL is probably nothing more than a CIA AGENT HIMSELF. Hes prob in it too BUT THE PT IS HE CLDNT DO WHT HE DID ALONE.
BUT OK SAY HE WASNT. WLD U THEN also conclude n belevie him if he tries to tell u tht "see islam is really peaceful" n thus 2nd guess islam being evil to the core?
>>As I learned more about islam, I understood why. Osama was following the Quran. Islam does teach outward aggression.<<
>>But I think search 4 truth was right, you're still holding on to a muslim mindset. You consider muslims and islam to be one and the same like most muslims. That's part of the reason why it can be hard to dialogue with muslims because we critize the relgion and muslims take it as a personal attack.<<
JK- NO BRO i completely understand the difference. I know many muslims r very good ppl by heart BUT ISLAM TURNS THEM INTO MONSTERS. No muslim mindset there in me. ALSO I JUDGE CHRISTIANS AS TRUE OR NOT BY 1) their profession of essential doctrine AND 2) their fruit i.e. they dont engage in sins like murder, rape, adultery etc N IF THEY ONCE DID THEYVE SHOWN SINCERE REPENTANCE.
>>The bilderberg group was not responisible for 9/11.
Islam was and I'm not going to back down.<<
JK- I did not ask u to necessarily back down BUT EVEN IF U ONE DAY HAVD TO ADMIT THT ISLAM IS NOT TO BLAME FOR 911 PLZ DONT START TO 2nd GUESS IT'S CORE EVIL. THATS WHT I WANTED TO GET ACROSS MAINLY. And yes i do want u to look at the evidence i presented though.
Your answer suggests that you have not read the official reports (9/11Commission Report, NIST report on the WTC, ASCE and NIST reports on the Pentagon, etc.) that you dispute. This is what I have observed from other truthers also. Thank you for your honesty.
Johnny said, ">>No. I won't. I didn't blame muslims (as a whole) for 9/11.<<
JK- But u did blame islam? Will that change IF the us gov finally released such a doc?
>>I blamed Osama Bin Laden.<<
JK- So u didnt blame islam for 911?"
You took my comments out of context.
I blamed Osama for 9/11 when it happened. I DIDN'T KNOW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW ABOUT THE RELIGION.
You may profess Christ, and I can't say how far you've come with him, but you're considering you've done a hatchet job on my words, I have to say you're still holding to the muslim mindset.
The very idea that Bin Laden was a CIA agent is laughable, but at this point we're going around in circles.
And I'm with search for truth, I'm getting more agitated with you.
By the way,,,I'm not a 'bro'. I'm a 'sis'. Please make a note of it the next time.
@ Johnny
You are making the assumption that I havent. Well I have, and all of the conspiracy theories are silly. They have been refuted with actual scientific and historical evidences. All of those ridiculous theories are based on embarrassment, speculation, conjecture, and presuppositions! They are preposterous! ALL OF THEM!
I love you, but you are as silly as these conspiracy theories. {Peace
>>@Johnny I believe you have said you are a Christian.<<
JK- Yes i am and i pray to the Lord that it stays that way forever.
>>WEll might I introduce you to a wonderful new religion. Its called ISLAM. ALL the cook kids are becoming Muslims.<<
JK- Ehhhm...R u a Christian or an agnostic? I already was once a muslim and wld never want to look back.
>>YOu really should look into becomeing a Muslim. You definitly meet the maximum IQ qualifications.
Oh and take Alex Jones with you<<
JK- In case you're a Christian i wld kindly ask u not to insult ur brothers like that.
>>You took my comments out of context.
I blamed Osama for 9/11 when it happened. I DIDN'T KNOW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW ABOUT THE RELIGION.<<
JK- Yes but now tha you do do you blame islam for the attacks? This is very important.
>>You may profess Christ, and I can't say how far you've come with him, but you're considering you've done a hatchet job on my words, I have to say you're still holding to the muslim mindset.<<
JK- Sister believe me I WLD LIKE NOTHING MORE THAN TO BLAME 911 ON ISLAM BUT I CANT. The evidence that it was an inside job is JUST TOO STRONG FROM WHT IVE SEEN.
>>The very idea that Bin Laden was a CIA agent is laughable, but at this point we're going around in circles.
And I'm with search for truth, I'm getting more agitated with you.<<
>>Your answer suggests that you have not read the official reports (9/11Commission Report, NIST report on the WTC, ASCE and NIST reports on the Pentagon, etc.) that you dispute. This is what I have observed from other truthers also. Thank you for your honesty.<<
JK- First of all have you read them? Next the experts on the site i quoted obviously did and hence they pointed out the contras in them WHORE OBVIOUSLY ALL SUPPORTERS OF 911truth. THIRDLY have u ever considered that NIST is FUNDED BY THE VERY US GOV WHICH IS BEING UNDER TRIAL HERE? Hows that for AN INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION? I mean come on bro.
Bro search4truth said:
>>Ok you can have your conspiracy theories.<<
JK- I wanted to add something here. Do you think a bunch of ppl in a cave in afghanistan planning together to carry out an attack on the US soil IS NOT ALSO A CONSPIRACY? Sure it is!
BUT NOW FOR the more important part? IF the Illuminati, NOW REORGANIZED as Bilderberg and co, did not enable them to carry out this plan DO YOU HONESTLY THINK theyd do lightly with the muslims? Surely then wed see every day muslims on trial and being hung on TV. THE BILDERBERGERS N CO DONT DO LIGHTLY WITH PPL WHO EVEN TRY TO ATTACK THEM MUCH LESS ACTUALLY DO SO. But what we see is the same big guys ACTUALLY SUPPORTING the muslims as i mentioned earlier. My dear bros and sis plz realize that there is a much greater power at work here than islam itself. Here are a few interesting excerpts of wht enormous amount of evil plans these guys r upto as well:
watch also from 10:05 this:
well if i rember correctly from history i read in the cold war osama was being helped by americans to get rid of russians from afghanistan but then osama back stabbed them and later osama turned against them. so we pretty much see the treachery muslims can cmmit after 9/11
>>well if i rember correctly from history i read in the cold war osama was being helped by americans to get rid of russians from afghanistan but then osama back stabbed them and later osama turned against them. so we pretty much see the treachery muslims can cmmit after 9/11<<
JK- Do u honestly think that RELATIVELY puny little OBL can really go up against the illuminati? He was their lackey then and he is probably still their lackey. At best he cldve died a natural death coz of kidney failure long be4. NOTE at this point tht OBL'S BODY WAS NEVER SHOWN after they SUPPOSEDLY DUMPED IT N THE OCEAN. ONLY later a photo suddenly appeared after lots of requests n that is fake like so many others.
And the silly excuse they gave saying tht muslims wanna bury the boy as soon as possible BUT THIS TIME THEY MADE A MISTAKE COZ MUSLIMS SURELY NEVER WANT A BURIAL AT SEA. So whts the pt? It is these little hints one has to focus on if one wants to get to the truth behind the matter.
@aaron again
@ Johnny
The people that hijacked the plans were not from Afghanistan.
Where are you getting this misinformation. Every single thing you said is false. EVERYTHING!
I think you have been so wrapped up in your ridiculous conspiracy theories that you have never taken a look at what really occurred. The men who hijacked the planes had been training and living in the U.S>. They took flight lessons, and some of them even made videos before they went on their missions.
You are really really ignorant my friend. I cant believe that people still believe the nonsense you are spewing. Who in the world says it was a bunch of uneducated people from Afghanistan?
Johnny I am sorry to hurt your feelings, but you are to dumb to know how stupid you sound. Peace!
>>The people that hijacked the plans were not from Afghanistan.Where are you getting this misinformation. Every single thing you said is false. EVERYTHING!<<
JK- I know that ofcourse BUT THEY WERE SUPPOSEDLY INSTRUCTED BY OBL FROM A CAVE IN AFGHANISTAN ON HOW TO CARRY ALL THIS OUT. That was the pt. Maybe i missed a term in my first formulation of the argument. if so i hope this is cleared up now.
>>I think you have been so wrapped up in your ridiculous conspiracy theories that you have never taken a look at what really occurred. The men who hijacked the planes had been training and living in the U.S. They took flight lessons, and some of them even made videos before they went on their missions
You are really really ignorant my friend. I cant believe that people still believe the nonsense you are spewing. Who in the world says it was a bunch of uneducated people from Afghanistan?<<
JK- I hope this is cleared up now. SO TO STATE IT AGAIN CLEARLY NOW. Do u belvie tht a bunch of semi flight trained ppl armed with boxcutters cld carry out such an ingenius plan with such accuracy DESPITE THE US IMMENSE DEFENSE SYSTEM? And r u ignoring the stand down order on 911?
INFACT there's a whole site dedicated to detailing this:
>>Johnny I am sorry to hurt your feelings, but you are to dumb to know how stupid you sound. Peace!<<
JK- HAVE u at least watched the video which DEBUNKS THE SO CALLED 911TRUTH DEBUNKING? I mean if u watched at least that and check the pts raised there we cld discuss them.
Yes Johnny I have. And I am not engaging you any more in this. You have made up your mind, you have your ridiculous world view. You are just making more angry and disliking you, so I choose not to speak about this anymore. I am glad you came to Christ, now I will pray for him to give you common sense and the ability for reason. Good luck.
>>Yes Johnny I have. And I am not engaging you any more in this. You have made up your mind, you have your ridiculous world view. You are just making more angry and disliking you, so I choose not to speak about this anymore. I am glad you came to Christ, now I will pray for him to give you common sense and the ability for reason. Good luck.<<
JK- No bro im sorry to say IVE NOT FIXED MY MIND. On the contrary i believe u have. NOW THINK ABT THIS. DID U KNOW THT A LARGE NR OF 911TRUTH FOLLOWERS R CHRISTIANS? Did u ever ask urself how that can be? Coz after all who has more against islam than Christians? WHO has more of a motive to debunk islam than Christians? YET THESE CHRISTIAN RBOS OF OURS, N AMONGST THEM MANY R ENGINEERS N ARCHITECTS, say without doubt that 911 was an inside job. DOES THIS NOT TELL U ANYTHING?
NOW with that said IM OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY that the offical stroy is true. Ive engaed with many 911 skeptiucs in the past and all i need is to have someone crate MINIATURE, TO SCALE, N SAME MATRERIAL WTC-7, coz some damage to it, n light the bottom floor on fire N SEE IF IT EVEN FALLS 90% SIMILAR TO THE THE REAL ONE. I EVEN GRANT A 10% HIGHER TEMP than was the case with the real one. IT just seems utterly ludicrous to me COZ OF THE FACT tht never before did a building fall in tht kinna controlled fashion(many a times even with a controlled demo the building toppled sideways) BY SOME RANDOM DAMAGE N RANDOM FIRES.
SO I TOO PRAY TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST that He make you consider these facts again very carefully and remove your inherent bias regarding this issue.
I agree, the 9-11 conspiricy theories have been refuted. And you saying "no your the one who's made up his mind" is hardly a convincing response considering it does seem you are willing to not believe that 9-11 was done by OBL. There are a number of factual statements in you what you are saying. (the terrorists Being from Afganastan, the assumption that the terrorists were just cave dwellers who didn't live in the US for several years and recived flight training, etc.) that also give you pause about what you are saying. Your talk, and the assumption of the existance of the "illuminati" and global conspiracies is also silly.
I beleive this is a site I found a long time ago that refutes quite a few of the things you are claiming:
Er, and there are a number of errors in that last post. I mean, I agree with S4T and others that 9/11 was NOT an inside job, and I meant to say "there are a number of factual errors in your statements" to Jonny,
I agree, the 9-11 conspiricy theories have been refuted. And you saying "no your the one who's made up his mind" is hardly a convincing response considering it does seem you are willing to not believe that 9-11 was done by OBL.<<
JK- It is a suitable response COZ IVE PRESENTED ALOT OF EVIDENCE BEFOREHAND. IF i just made that claim initially ONLY THEN wld it not be a convincing response. ALSO i do not necessarily beleive that OBL had nothing to do with it BUT HE CLDNT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT BEING ENABLED BY THE ELITE. THTS THE CUX OF THE ISSUE.
>>There are a number of factual statements in you what you are saying. (the terrorists Being from Afganastan, the assumption that the terrorists were just cave dwellers who didn't live in the US for several years and recived flight training, etc.) that also give you pause about what you are saying.<<
JK- PLZ READ MY LAST RESPONSES ABOVE. I made it very clear wht i meant.
>>Your talk, and the assumption of the existance of the "illuminati" and global conspiracies is also silly.<<
JK- WHY is it silly? HAVE U WATCHED "the obama deception" i posted a link to above? If not PLZ do so.
>>I beleive this is a site I found a long time ago that refutes quite a few of the things you are claiming:<<
JK- Did you watch "DEBUNKING 911 DEBUNKING(available on utube)"? The so called refutations of 911 did not clear up much of anything. The basic problem remain and good, much less satisfactory, answers have NEVER been given to the contrary.
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