Muslim Imam Muhammad Aziz Shah Arrested for Molesting 10-Year-Old Boy
When reports spread of sexual abuse in the Catholic church a few years ago, we heard no end of it from Muslims. "Islam is the solution!" was the mantra of the time. "Sharia will stop this evil!" Yet accounts keep surfacing of Muslim leaders molesting both boys and girls. It almost seems as if human beings in general (whether Muslim or not) are sinners in need of redemption, and that the spread of Islam will do nothing to solve society's ills.
First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
Even if he's guilty, this doesn't mean a thing. I mean, you have one case here VS 100s from your side, and your side's list is still growing! There is even talk about the Vatican itself all the way up to the Pope are guilty of child molestation and pedophelia.
In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!
David posted: "It almost seems as if human beings in general (whether Muslim or not) are sinners in need of redemption..."
You hit the nail on the head. People forget THIS is the reason Jesus came!!! This is the real reason of christmas. We are sinners. We can NOT stand before a holy God and expect any sort of mercy when wrath is all we've accumulated and WILL receive. Jesus was the promise to be fulfilled. He would save us from our sins! The cross is the ONLY way. Osama, Samatar, Madhi and Kim, go back and read this again.
Well David your missing the point. Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. However, as you well know the roman catholic priests do not get married and so on. The solution Islam offers is marriage, and if you cannot get married, then fast in order to lower the need for sex. You are well aware as I am that this sort of things happen much more with priests than it does with Imams. As to Muhammad Aziz shah (He does not even deserve the title Imam), that man is sick and twisted . Seam_on_Us somed it up best, ugh.......
You continuously point fingers at the Catholic church when such instances come up... Am sure that you will say that these Imams are not Islam or that this is a "conspiracy" by Jewish controlled media.
I find the attempt by Muslims full of hypocrisy and condemn the media when they publish such news but then hail them when news channel such as ABC broadcast Islamic BullS**T propaganda. Why the dual standards?
Most probably OA, Kim, etc... will blow these instances away as "stray incidents" and then point at the numerous cases that are there for in the Catholic church. But... tell me... what is the status of those who point at the Muslim leaders in Islamic countries??? it is there in gulf news also for all to read.
Now, I guess, my statement of facts will be dismissed by OA, Kim etc as hate filled anti-Islamic rants.
Please do watch the rants in:
For once i agree with you. You said "Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. However, as you well know the roman catholic priests do not get married and so on. "
1 Tim 3:12 Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. NKJV
Titus 1:6-9 if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. 7 For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, 8 but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, 9 holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict. NKJV
Bible is very clear that marriage is one of the key attributes of a good church leader. As you pretend not to know: Most of the Roman Catholic beliefs are non-biblical
Further more, the true apostle Paul said well in 1 Cor 7:8-9 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. NKJV
Paul really hit the nail on the head... These are very clear Biblical teachings. Please don't quote me Biblical teachings plagiarized by Muhammad as "indigenous" Islamic teachings. Try reading 1Cor 6:12 to 1 Cor 7:40... How peaceful and loving would be the Islamic households if Muhammad had plagiarised even these teachings. But, then again... these would have been counter to Muhammad's own life story... hence the non-inclusion in the Quran.
The Roman Catholic church deviates and suffers... but those Catholic priests took this very wrong path to satisfy their cravings... tell me... what did these Imams have as an excuse since in your very words they are married with atleast four wives ?? I guess the Sunnah of Muhammad!!
@Osama Atleast the Newspapers in the West had the moral ethics to report these crimes and the perpetrators in the Catholic church will feel the brunt of the law... what about the "swept under the carpet" attitude in Shariah ruled countries... can send you some news clips??
Osama - First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
The difference is that mohammed was a peadophile and that is why it is ok with muslims. Jesus was not and that is why the Catholic Church is criticised by it. Then again if they reported all the cases of muslims lusting after kids you would show everyone just how "peaceful" you are. Doesn't it make you sick that mohammed lusted after a crawling baby? Islam will never be the answer, not ever. Incidentally, would you marry off your 6 year old daughter to a 54 year man who (without any proof) claimed to be a prophet? I would hope not.
Then why aren't Imams in pakistan being flogged in public Osama? I can show you a picture of an Imam at a festival with a 10 year old boy. He has a vice grip on his chin and I'm pretty sure there's some full lip and tongue action there. Why wasn't he flogged for that?
Osama said, "First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
And if he confessed, what does that mean? Because he did confess. He admitted it. Maybe if you had watched the video you wouldn't be so quick to make comments like this.
Radical Moderate said, "What the hell, at the end of the story the news caster says "Right now they have no plans on interviewing and of the other kids at the Mosque."
What kind of police invistigation is that?"
One to pacify the religion of piece.
Do you really think the muslim Umma there will really allow their members to speak to the police? Keep in mind this imam has access to tons of little kids. This wasn't the first and it won't be the last he molests. But it may be the last the general public will ever hear about it.
Things like this vaguely reminds me of Rifqa Bary's situation. How many more Rifqa's were there before her story went public? How many have happened since then that we don't know about because the radicalized umma decided to kill them and cover it up. I don't even want to think about it.
Not that im defending the pedophiles in the Catholic Church by any means but there is NO EVIDENCE that there are significantly more pedophiles amongst the Catholic Church than in most other institutions. The reason why it is so bad that there are pedophiles in the Church at all is coz ppl expect the Church to be ESPECIALLY HOLY. But amongst them there are many sinners too with the difference of the true believers amongst them they see their sin as wrong and are disgusted by it in spirit. In other words THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS SIN IS CHANGED. This then brings out also much good in them and is why i see that there is no community which has or will ever be as social as thew Christian community as our very GOD IS A SOCIAL BEING. NOW with that said in in GOD's sight EVERY SIN LEADS TO DEATH OR SEPARATION FROM HIM, so no one can boast and say "Oh i wasnt a pedophile, i "only" did engage in little lies here and there or i only coveted my neighbors stuff" coz both these and other sins lead to separation from GOD, UNLESS ONE HAS FAITH THAT ONLY THROUGH GOD'S GRACE CAN ONE BE SAVED and He showed this ultimately via sending His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins. ALSO NOTE that many people are born with genetic predisposition towards pedophilia, others with predispos towards homosexuality etc. THIS SHOWS THAT ALL OUR BODIES ARE SINFUL BY NATURE, SOME MORE IN ONE SIN N OTHERS IN ANOTHER(such that none of us may boast). I SUGGEST YOU and also other Christians to read Romans in the NT Bible to understand this concept better. I just finished reading the letter today.
Yeah and the sulution Islam makes for Men who cannot stay monogmous is four wives and unlimited sex slaves.
But only allows a woman one husband and no sex with slaves!
As Dana Carvey (church lady) would say, Now isnt that convenient! LOL! What a preposterous and outlandish remark!
Islams Allah is a pimp living in a whore house who grants Muslim men unlimited sex on earth and guess what the reward is when they go to the whore house of Jennah? Unlimited sex with houris and boys of perpetual freshness!
What is a higher calling? Giving in to any and all your desires or abstaining, just like Muslims abstain from food during Ramadan? Muslims are the biggest hypocrites!
Aisha was on to something!
Bukhari (60:311) - "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."
I am still astounded that Osama even shows up here. They really dont have any self respect. It's as if no matter what they do or how many times they are refuted and exposed to have no integrity, they just keep chugging along as if nothing happened. You gotta love it.
Muslims think that if they bow down and repeat themselves 5 times a day they can have four wives and as many sex slaves as they want and then there reward will be, sex.
But people who give themselves and sacrifice in this world by not having sex and devoting themselves to God, that is some sort of bad thing.
Isnt this exactly what Satan would do to tempt people to enter his fold?
Just do these few things for me, and be a bigot and fascist, like fight and kill for me, impose my religion on others, bow down to me, subjugate or slaughter those who do not follow me, and then you can have unlimited sex and wine and all the fleshly rewards you can think of. Just do my bidding on this earth.
My gosh, I hate Islam and am more convinced every single day how evil it truly is!
We hear about nightmares such as this because we live in an open society. If the slaves of Allahu Ohynkksmoor have their way, there will BE no reporting of anything that might have negative connotations for their pitiful, vacuous idolatry. It is later than you think! And it's AMAZING that this story has even surfaced in the MSM. Watch it disappear quickly!
Try to imagine how much of this sort of thing occurs (un-reported) in savage lands such as Porkistan and Sourdan (Sudan). Imagine having your childhood stolen from you by just such an evil son-of-hell as the one referenced in this story... and no one there can even hear your plea...
Now, imagine allowing these beasts to have further access to civilized societies and to your own innocent children. Do I have your attention?
Write your elected representatives, call them, meet with them and DO NOT STOP until you're sure that they will defend our nation against the further influence of wretched Islam. Make SURE that they know that if they want to keep their jobs they will do EVERYTHING necessary to put a stop to Islam. The counter-jihad against Islam must be on the front burner of EVERY state and federal legislator. Wretched, vile Eric Holder and his infidel boss are doing everything they can with the time they have remaining to GUT our constitution and swing the pendulum their way.
If you're not already RAISING HELL with your elected representatives then GET OFF YOUR BUTTS! This is not a game. The slaves of Allahu Ohynkksmoor are here to REPLACE your civilization with a nightmare in which the filth of such Imams as the one referenced in this story will be commonplace.
The Blood of the Lamb of God was shed for Muslims just as certainly as it was shed for human beings.
So, put some LEGS on your prayers for the Mercy of Christ Jesus and help Muslims get OUT of Islam or help them get RE-LOCATED to one of the slime pits in which their filth already holds power.
David can't hold back the flood all by himself.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, MUSLIMS! May you be spared the wrath of God by being covered in the Blood that was shed for us all!
well, clearly the argument from Islamic side has no basis anymore. Or perhaps you'd like to point that molestation cases needs to be 100 cases first before anyone start to act against it.
"you have one case here VS 100s from your side, and your side's list is still growing!"
" First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty."
In principal, I agree; but, didn't he confess already to others?
" Even if he's guilty, this doesn't mean a thing."
I would hope that you wouldn't trivialize it. One is too many. Don't you think?
"I mean, you have one case here VS 100s from your side,"
So, this is a numbers game?
"and your side's list is still growing!"
Your side is more difficult to be exposed in your closed societies. I am positive that there are many of these things going on continuously in Islamic controlled lands; but, they won't be reported because of several reasons: 1) honor of Islam (Islam is so perfect. This can't be true or problematic in Islam), 2) inadequate laws to punish this because of the authority that imams hold in Islamic society and religion, and 3) under-reporting of such things because of various factors including Islamic honor.
In the West, these things are most likely to be uncovered and properly condemned by society. We are not likely to turn a blind eye to such institutions. As corrupt as you would like to think we are, we do still have high moral standards for our societies.
"There is even talk about the Vatican itself all the way up to the Pope are guilty of child molestation and pedophelia."
I will not comment since I don't know enough about that claim. That, in no way, get's Islam and Muslims off of the hook. Just remember that.
" In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public"
That sounds good; but, ask yourself what is the likelihood of them getting caught in the first place? What is the likelihood that other Muslims or even the imam wouldn't use their authority to suppress the children and their parents in an Islamic dominated area? The fear of Islam suppresses many immoral things, IMO. Remember, the iman is in an authoritative position. He has a certain amount of weight that can help him to escape charges.
"and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape."
Maybe so in some areas; but, I don't think that it is that easy. Your prophet set an example, at least for intimate interactions with girls; so, it could argued that this extends to boys too. Sexual relations with little girls can't be defended by Islam since Mohammad did it. I say that your argument doesn't have that much weight.
"So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
Sure, Islam can get rid of certain things if enforced strictly; but, the tradeoff is that it prohibits other necessities such as freedom of speech and conscience, basic human rights--both for Muslim women and non-Muslims; equality of persons since non-Muslims are categorized as inferior to Muslims. That is a starting point that any reasonably conscious and objective observant can see off the bat that is problematic with Islam. The ends doesn't justify the means. Mohammad doesn't get that at all. He forgot that when he didn't have power, he was treated much better than when he got power. How ungrateful and hypocritical he seems in light of my 21st century view.
"Well David your missing the point. Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. "
Samatar you do realize that Pedaphiles go where the children are. THere are Pedephiles who seek out woman with children(Widows, Divorce's and other single mothers) they mary them just to get access to their children. There are even pedaphiles who molest their own children. Not to mention other family memebers like uncles etc....
Getting married does not detear or prevent a pedaphile from seeking out children.
So if that is your case for how Islam will prevent pedaphiles then your solution has already failed time and time and time again.
Osama thank you again for exposing what a failure ISLAM is and how it offers no solutions to anything.
You wrote...
"In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
This is islams solution to anything flogging and exectution.
How is that a solution? The flogging and execution take place AFTER A CHILD IS MOLESTED. Unless your going to tell me people are going to be randomly flogged and exectuted on just the suspicion that they may be a pedaphile?
In the secular west the great satan we do punish pedaphiles, the catholic preists you muslims like to parade have been getting LIFE sentences for what they have done. Pedaphiles that take a childs life even get the death penalty.
So even us evil Kuffar punish pedaphiles. Tell me Osama if the west does the same thing that Islam does how is Islam a solution?
Muslims think that if they bow down and repeat themselves 5 times a day they can have four wives and as many sex slaves as they want and then there reward will be, sex.
But people who give themselves and sacrifice in this world by not having sex and devoting themselves to God, that is some sort of bad thing."
I am extremely dissapointed in the reply you just gave. Are you honestly claiming that me and other muslims who wake up sometimes four in the morning to glorify and praise God do it just for sex. Regardless of whether you believe that we are in the right path, I would think that you would at least have some shred of dignity for realizing that those muslims that truly pray five times a day, along with the witr prayer, and other sunnah prayers seek only the pleasure of God and happiness in this world and the hereafter. When I see christians going to church on Sunday, although I do not agree with their teachings, at least I see a group of fellow human beings who are trying to glorify their lord and praise him for all they have given him. I always look at christians at a higher ground than atheists for the reason that they are aware that there is a true creator, and they take steps to praise him, and maintain a well defined relationship with their lord. But according to you, we only seek sex. You can continue to preach this false teaching to your society, friends, etc... But if you are in the least bit honest, you will not grossly misinterpret why devout muslims pray to Allah (swt)
Not necessarily you. But what is your reward. And we know in the hadith that is exactly how Mohamed persuaded people to go into battle and give there lives!
Qur'an (61:10-12) "O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty? That ye believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the Supreme Achievement." This verse was given at the battle Uhud and uses the Arabic word, Jihad.
The dark-eyed virgins are mentioned in several places as well, including verses 44:54 and 52:20. For those who swing the other way, there are "perpetual youth" verse 6:17, otherwise known as "boys" verses 52:24 and 76:19.
Muslim Book 020, Number 4678: It has been reported on the authority of Jabir that a man said: Messenger of Allah, where shall I be if I am killed? He replied: In Paradise. The man threw away the dates he had in his hand and fought until he was killed (i. e. he did not wait until he could finish the dates).
Muslim (20:4645) - "...He (the Messenger of Allah) did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. He (Abu Sa'id) said: What is that act? He replied: Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!"
Muslim (20:4696) - "the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: 'One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihid died the death of a hypocrite.'"
What Islam and Mohamed did was make everything easy for the Muslim. T=You can pretty much do as you please to non Muslims. So it's hard for a man to stay loyal to your wife, so Mohamed said hey, lets make it easy for you. We will justify adultery with captives and give you four wives. That way it is not immoral for you to not be loyal to your wife. We have made it easy for you to sin. Just what Satan would do, justify in your mind sin. Thats how Satan tricks the Muslim. And you attempt to redefine words and say, oh but sex with captives who are married when I am married is not adultery. LOL! Well every definitoin of the word adultery is sex with someone outside of marriage!
Satan tricks the Muslim into thinking what they are doing is moral. Redefining morality and definitions!
It's like saying, well there is a lot of rape going on, so lets make rape legal that way people wont be sent to jail. And to the thief, hey burglaries are up, so let.s make home invasions not a crime anymore!
I am not saying thats the only reason you bow to the pagan kaaba, or fast during the pagan Ramamdan,or kiss the pagan black stone. But it is part of it. Or else it would never be mentioned and Mohamed would not have put so much importance on it!
I am disappointing in your inability for critical thinking and objective reasoning. And I dont hate you, I love you, or I wouldnt bother with you. I am frustrated with the likes of you though. How willfully ignorant one must be to continue to follow Islam.
Osama Abdallah said... "In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
I'm surprised that no one here challenged Osama as to exactly where in his koran is this punishment mentioned. It is funny how the muslims claim every one has innovated their books yet this muslim just innovated his book. No where in his koran does it mention these punishments for this crime.
Islamabad (AsiaNews) – In 2008 in Pakistan 6,780 cases of violence committed on minors took place: sexual abuse, targeted murders, abductions, forced labour and suicides are only some example of this, to which the exploitation of “child soldiers” in the war between Islamic fundamentalism and the army, must be added
I guess, "and Islam is definitely the solution!", was the solution for these 6,780 cases.
Saudi Arabia - Barbaric textbooks handed out in Saudi Arabian schools teach children how to cut off a thief's hands and feet under Sharia law, it has emerged. The shocking books, paid for and printed by the Saudi government, also tell teenagers that Jews need to be exterminated and homosexuals should be 'put to death'.
I guess this is also how islam is the solution.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Five Saudi girls who fled their home after their father forced them into vice. They have appealed to authorities not to put them under their father's custody so they can have a decent life away from him, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
I guess this is also how islam is the solution.
Now I know Osama is going to claim that these countries are not practicing his sharia, whatever that means. So the question begs if his so called sharia is the best for society why are they not practicing it. It is funny how they come to the west claiming that they want to implement sharia there however in their own countries they don't practice it. Sounds funny to me.
I know shah he is the imam of are masque this is all lie the person who report this was his American wife the boy was his step son she is a very bad women shah merry her about 3 years ago she made him buy a house and put everything onto her name and send shah to jail. I know shah from 10years i have a brother who started going to his mosque since he was 7 and is still going there with 100 of more kids nothing like this ever happened. Guys he is Innocent and God knows that he will come out clean Enshahllah.
To Osama Abdallah: the only reason why you claim "our side is still growing" is because the main stream media won't report Iman's accused of molestation. Let's be real, muslim men are the most despicable, perverted men on the planet! and that includes IMAN'S! But hey, your just following your false prophet's habits of having sex with little girls. Didn't moha "madd" marry an 8 year old girl? After of course he threaten to kill her whole family if they didn't hand that little girl over to that sick, sick man!
What the hell, at the end of the story the news caster says "Right now they have no plans on interviewing and of the other kids at the Mosque."
What kind of police invistigation is that?
First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
Even if he's guilty, this doesn't mean a thing. I mean, you have one case here VS 100s from your side, and your side's list is still growing! There is even talk about the Vatican itself all the way up to the Pope are guilty of child molestation and pedophelia.
In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!
Osama Abdallah
David posted: "It almost seems as if human beings in general (whether Muslim or not) are sinners in need of redemption..."
You hit the nail on the head.
People forget THIS is the reason Jesus came!!! This is the real reason of christmas.
We are sinners. We can NOT stand before a holy God and expect any sort of mercy when wrath is all we've accumulated and WILL receive.
Jesus was the promise to be fulfilled. He would save us from our sins!
The cross is the ONLY way.
Osama, Samatar, Madhi and Kim, go back and read this again.
Well David your missing the point. Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. However, as you well know the roman catholic priests do not get married and so on. The solution Islam offers is marriage, and if you cannot get married, then fast in order to lower the need for sex. You are well aware as I am that this sort of things happen much more with priests than it does with Imams. As to Muhammad Aziz shah (He does not even deserve the title Imam), that man is sick and twisted . Seam_on_Us somed it up best, ugh.......
You continuously point fingers at the Catholic church when such instances come up... Am sure that you will say that these Imams are not Islam or that this is a "conspiracy" by Jewish controlled media.
I find the attempt by Muslims full of hypocrisy and condemn the media when they publish such news but then hail them when news channel such as ABC broadcast Islamic BullS**T propaganda. Why the dual standards?
Most probably OA, Kim, etc... will blow these instances away as "stray incidents" and then point at the numerous cases that are there for in the Catholic church. But... tell me... what is the status of those who point at the Muslim leaders in Islamic countries??? it is there in gulf news also for all to read.
Now, I guess, my statement of facts will be dismissed by OA, Kim etc as hate filled anti-Islamic rants.
Please do watch the rants in:
In Christ
Well Samatar
For once i agree with you. You said "Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. However, as you well know the roman catholic priests do not get married and so on. "
1 Tim 3:12
Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.
Titus 1:6-9
if a man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination. 7 For a bishop must be blameless, as a steward of God, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, 8 but hospitable, a lover of what is good, sober-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, 9 holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and convict those who contradict.
Bible is very clear that marriage is one of the key attributes of a good church leader. As you pretend not to know: Most of the Roman Catholic beliefs are non-biblical
Further more, the true apostle Paul said well in 1 Cor 7:8-9
But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
Paul really hit the nail on the head... These are very clear Biblical teachings. Please don't quote me Biblical teachings plagiarized by Muhammad as "indigenous" Islamic teachings. Try reading 1Cor 6:12 to 1 Cor 7:40... How peaceful and loving would be the Islamic households if Muhammad had plagiarised even these teachings. But, then again... these would have been counter to Muhammad's own life story... hence the non-inclusion in the Quran.
The Roman Catholic church deviates and suffers... but those Catholic priests took this very wrong path to satisfy their cravings... tell me... what did these Imams have as an excuse since in your very words they are married with atleast four wives ?? I guess the Sunnah of Muhammad!!
Atleast the Newspapers in the West had the moral ethics to report these crimes and the perpetrators in the Catholic church will feel the brunt of the law... what about the "swept under the carpet" attitude in Shariah ruled countries... can send you some news clips??
In Christ,
Osama - First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
The difference is that mohammed was a peadophile and that is why it is ok with muslims. Jesus was not and that is why the Catholic Church is criticised by it. Then again if they reported all the cases of muslims lusting after kids you would show everyone just how "peaceful" you are. Doesn't it make you sick that mohammed lusted after a crawling baby? Islam will never be the answer, not ever. Incidentally, would you marry off your 6 year old daughter to a 54 year man who (without any proof) claimed to be a prophet? I would hope not.
Then why aren't Imams in pakistan being flogged in public Osama?
I can show you a picture of an Imam at a festival with a 10 year old boy. He has a vice grip on his chin and I'm pretty sure there's some full lip and tongue action there.
Why wasn't he flogged for that?
Osama said, "First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
And if he confessed, what does that mean?
Because he did confess. He admitted it.
Maybe if you had watched the video you wouldn't be so quick to make comments like this.
Osama Abdullah:
Your Prophet did the SAME THING. How is there a Shari' punishment for something the Prophet himself did?
Radical Moderate said, "What the hell, at the end of the story the news caster says "Right now they have no plans on interviewing and of the other kids at the Mosque."
What kind of police invistigation is that?"
One to pacify the religion of piece.
Do you really think the muslim
Umma there will really allow their members to speak to the police?
Keep in mind this imam has access to tons of little kids. This wasn't the first and it won't be the last he molests.
But it may be the last the general public will ever hear about it.
Things like this vaguely reminds me of Rifqa Bary's situation. How many more Rifqa's were there before her story went public? How many have happened since then that we don't know about because the radicalized umma decided to kill them and cover it up.
I don't even want to think about it.
@Samatar Mohamed
Not that im defending the pedophiles in the Catholic Church by any means but there is NO EVIDENCE that there are significantly more pedophiles amongst the Catholic Church than in most other institutions. The reason why it is so bad that there are pedophiles in the Church at all is coz ppl expect the Church to be ESPECIALLY HOLY. But amongst them there are many sinners too with the difference of the true believers amongst them they see their sin as wrong and are disgusted by it in spirit. In other words THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS SIN IS CHANGED. This then brings out also much good in them and is why i see that there is no community which has or will ever be as social as thew Christian community as our very GOD IS A SOCIAL BEING. NOW with that said in in GOD's sight EVERY SIN LEADS TO DEATH OR SEPARATION FROM HIM, so no one can boast and say "Oh i wasnt a pedophile, i "only" did engage in little lies here and there or i only coveted my neighbors stuff" coz both these and other sins lead to separation from GOD, UNLESS ONE HAS FAITH THAT ONLY THROUGH GOD'S GRACE CAN ONE BE SAVED and He showed this ultimately via sending His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins.
ALSO NOTE that many people are born with genetic predisposition towards pedophilia, others with predispos towards homosexuality etc. THIS SHOWS THAT ALL OUR BODIES ARE SINFUL BY NATURE, SOME MORE IN ONE SIN N OTHERS IN ANOTHER(such that none of us may boast). I SUGGEST YOU and also other Christians to read Romans in the NT Bible to understand this concept better. I just finished reading the letter today.
@ Samatar
Yeah and the sulution Islam makes for Men who cannot stay monogmous is four wives and unlimited sex slaves.
But only allows a woman one husband and no sex with slaves!
As Dana Carvey (church lady) would say, Now isnt that convenient! LOL! What a preposterous and outlandish remark!
Islams Allah is a pimp living in a whore house who grants Muslim men unlimited sex on earth and guess what the reward is when they go to the whore house of Jennah? Unlimited sex with houris and boys of perpetual freshness!
What is a higher calling? Giving in to any and all your desires or abstaining, just like Muslims abstain from food during Ramadan? Muslims are the biggest hypocrites!
Aisha was on to something!
Bukhari (60:311) - "I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires."
I am still astounded that Osama even shows up here. They really dont have any self respect. It's as if no matter what they do or how many times they are refuted and exposed to have no integrity, they just keep chugging along as if nothing happened. You gotta love it.
It is great fro exposure and entertainment!
You know it strikes me as strange.
Muslims think that if they bow down and repeat themselves 5 times a day they can have four wives and as many sex slaves as they want and then there reward will be, sex.
But people who give themselves and sacrifice in this world by not having sex and devoting themselves to God, that is some sort of bad thing.
Isnt this exactly what Satan would do to tempt people to enter his fold?
Just do these few things for me, and be a bigot and fascist, like fight and kill for me, impose my religion on others, bow down to me, subjugate or slaughter those who do not follow me, and then you can have unlimited sex and wine and all the fleshly rewards you can think of. Just do my bidding on this earth.
My gosh, I hate Islam and am more convinced every single day how evil it truly is!
Child abuse at madrassas.
Mullah rapes and kills boy claims Satan did it;
...and it has been going on for YEARS;
Yet you won't hear the Media linking them together like the Catholic Church.
We hear about nightmares such as this because we live in an open society. If the slaves of Allahu Ohynkksmoor have their way, there will BE no reporting of anything that might have negative connotations for their pitiful, vacuous idolatry. It is later than you think! And it's AMAZING that this story has even surfaced in the MSM. Watch it disappear quickly!
Try to imagine how much of this sort of thing occurs (un-reported) in savage lands such as Porkistan and Sourdan (Sudan). Imagine having your childhood stolen from you by just such an evil son-of-hell as the one referenced in this story... and no one there can even hear your plea...
Now, imagine allowing these beasts to have further access to civilized societies and to your own innocent children. Do I have your attention?
Write your elected representatives, call them, meet with them and DO NOT STOP until you're sure that they will defend our nation against the further influence of wretched Islam. Make SURE that they know that if they want to keep their jobs they will do EVERYTHING necessary to put a stop to Islam. The counter-jihad against Islam must be on the front burner of EVERY state and federal legislator.
Wretched, vile Eric Holder and his infidel boss are doing everything they can with the time they have remaining to GUT our constitution and swing the pendulum their way.
If you're not already RAISING HELL with your elected representatives then GET OFF YOUR BUTTS! This is not a game. The slaves of Allahu Ohynkksmoor are here to REPLACE your civilization with a nightmare in which the filth of such Imams as the one referenced in this story will be commonplace.
The Blood of the Lamb of God was shed for Muslims just as certainly as it was shed for human beings.
So, put some LEGS on your prayers for the Mercy of Christ Jesus and help Muslims get OUT of Islam or help them get RE-LOCATED to one of the slime pits in which their filth already holds power.
David can't hold back the flood all by himself.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, MUSLIMS! May you be spared the wrath of God by being covered in the Blood that was shed for us all!
KAFIR AND HIGHLY pissed off!!
@Osama Abdallah
well, clearly the argument from Islamic side has no basis anymore. Or perhaps you'd like to point that molestation cases needs to be 100 cases first before anyone start to act against it.
"you have one case here VS 100s from your side, and your side's list is still growing!"
>>> who's side? is David Wood a Roman Catholic?
Osama Abdallah said...
" First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty."
In principal, I agree; but, didn't he confess already to others?
" Even if he's guilty, this doesn't mean a thing."
I would hope that you wouldn't trivialize it. One is too many. Don't you think?
"I mean, you have one case here VS 100s from your side,"
So, this is a numbers game?
"and your side's list is still growing!"
Your side is more difficult to be exposed in your closed societies. I am positive that there are many of these things going on continuously in Islamic controlled lands; but, they won't be reported because of several reasons: 1) honor of Islam (Islam is so perfect. This can't be true or problematic in Islam), 2) inadequate laws to punish this because of the authority that imams hold in Islamic society and religion, and 3) under-reporting of such things because of various factors including Islamic honor.
In the West, these things are most likely to be uncovered and properly condemned by society. We are not likely to turn a blind eye to such institutions. As corrupt as you would like to think we are, we do still have high moral standards for our societies.
"There is even talk about the Vatican itself all the way up to the Pope are guilty of child molestation and pedophelia."
I will not comment since I don't know enough about that claim. That, in no way, get's Islam and Muslims off of the hook. Just remember that.
" In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public"
That sounds good; but, ask yourself what is the likelihood of them getting caught in the first place? What is the likelihood that other Muslims or even the imam wouldn't use their authority to suppress the children and their parents in an Islamic dominated area? The fear of Islam suppresses many immoral things, IMO. Remember, the iman is in an authoritative position. He has a certain amount of weight that can help him to escape charges.
"and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape."
Maybe so in some areas; but, I don't think that it is that easy. Your prophet set an example, at least for intimate interactions with girls; so, it could argued that this extends to boys too. Sexual relations with little girls can't be defended by Islam since Mohammad did it. I say that your argument doesn't have that much weight.
"So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
Sure, Islam can get rid of certain things if enforced strictly; but, the tradeoff is that it prohibits other necessities such as freedom of speech and conscience, basic human rights--both for Muslim women and non-Muslims; equality of persons since non-Muslims are categorized as inferior to Muslims. That is a starting point that any reasonably conscious and objective observant can see off the bat that is problematic with Islam. The ends doesn't justify the means. Mohammad doesn't get that at all. He forgot that when he didn't have power, he was treated much better than when he got power. How ungrateful and hypocritical he seems in light of my 21st century view.
Samatar you wrote the most foolish thing...
"Well David your missing the point. Muslim Imams usually get married, and therefore don't need to take their sexual desires towards little kids. "
Samatar you do realize that Pedaphiles go where the children are. THere are Pedephiles who seek out woman with children(Widows, Divorce's and other single mothers) they mary them just to get access to their children. There are even pedaphiles who molest their own children. Not to mention other family memebers like uncles etc....
Getting married does not detear or prevent a pedaphile from seeking out children.
So if that is your case for how Islam will prevent pedaphiles then your solution has already failed time and time and time again.
So ISLAM is a failure.
Osama thank you again for exposing what a failure ISLAM is and how it offers no solutions to anything.
You wrote...
"In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
This is islams solution to anything flogging and exectution.
How is that a solution? The flogging and execution take place AFTER A CHILD IS MOLESTED. Unless your going to tell me people are going to be randomly flogged and exectuted on just the suspicion that they may be a pedaphile?
In the secular west the great satan we do punish pedaphiles, the catholic preists you muslims like to parade have been getting LIFE sentences for what they have done. Pedaphiles that take a childs life even get the death penalty.
So even us evil Kuffar punish pedaphiles. Tell me Osama if the west does the same thing that Islam does how is Islam a solution?
The fact is Islam is a FAILURE on all levels.
First of all, he's ACCUSED, AND NOT CONVICTED. You can't make judgements on the man until he's proven guilty.
Even if he's guilty, this doesn't mean a thing.
Yeah, I'm sure it really doesn't mean a thing . . . to you.
Another day, another instance of the anti-Western bigotry of the Ummah.
"You know it strikes me as strange.
Muslims think that if they bow down and repeat themselves 5 times a day they can have four wives and as many sex slaves as they want and then there reward will be, sex.
But people who give themselves and sacrifice in this world by not having sex and devoting themselves to God, that is some sort of bad thing."
I am extremely dissapointed in the reply you just gave. Are you honestly claiming that me and other muslims who wake up sometimes four in the morning to glorify and praise God do it just for sex. Regardless of whether you believe that we are in the right path, I would think that you would at least have some shred of dignity for realizing that those muslims that truly pray five times a day, along with the witr prayer, and other sunnah prayers seek only the pleasure of God and happiness in this world and the hereafter. When I see christians going to church on Sunday, although I do not agree with their teachings, at least I see a group of fellow human beings who are trying to glorify their lord and praise him for all they have given him. I always look at christians at a higher ground than atheists for the reason that they are aware that there is a true creator, and they take steps to praise him, and maintain a well defined relationship with their lord. But according to you, we only seek sex. You can continue to preach this false teaching to your society, friends, etc... But if you are in the least bit honest, you will not grossly misinterpret why devout muslims pray to Allah (swt)
Quranic verse for the day: (17:81)
ÙˆَÙ‚ُÙ„ۡ جَآءَ ٱلۡØَÙ‚ُّ ÙˆَزَÙ‡َÙ‚َ ٱلۡبَÙ€ٰØ·ِÙ„ُۚ Ø¥ِÙ†َّ ٱلۡبَÙ€ٰØ·ِÙ„َ Ùƒَانَ زَÙ‡ُوقً۬ا
And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."
@ Samatar
Not necessarily you. But what is your reward. And we know in the hadith that is exactly how Mohamed persuaded people to go into battle and give there lives!
Qur'an (61:10-12) "O ye who believe! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you from a grievous Penalty? That ye believe in Allah and His Messenger, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the Cause of Allah, with your property and your persons: That will be best for you, if ye but knew! He will forgive you your sins, and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, and to beautiful mansions in Gardens of Eternity: that is indeed the Supreme Achievement." This verse was given at the battle Uhud and uses the Arabic word, Jihad.
The dark-eyed virgins are mentioned in several places as well, including verses 44:54 and 52:20. For those who swing the other way, there are "perpetual youth" verse 6:17, otherwise known as "boys" verses 52:24 and 76:19.
Muslim Book 020, Number 4678:
It has been reported on the authority of Jabir that a man said: Messenger of Allah, where shall I be if I am killed? He replied: In Paradise. The man threw away the dates he had in his hand and fought until he was killed (i. e. he did not wait until he could finish the dates).
Muslim (20:4645) - "...He (the Messenger of Allah) did that and said: There is another act which elevates the position of a man in Paradise to a grade one hundred (higher), and the elevation between one grade and the other is equal to the height of the heaven from the earth. He (Abu Sa'id) said: What is that act? He replied: Jihad in the way of Allah! Jihad in the way of Allah!"
Muslim (20:4696) - "the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: 'One who died but did not fight in the way of Allah nor did he express any desire (or determination) for Jihid died the death of a hypocrite.'"
What Islam and Mohamed did was make everything easy for the Muslim. T=You can pretty much do as you please to non Muslims. So it's hard for a man to stay loyal to your wife, so Mohamed said hey, lets make it easy for you. We will justify adultery with captives and give you four wives. That way it is not immoral for you to not be loyal to your wife. We have made it easy for you to sin. Just what Satan would do, justify in your mind sin. Thats how Satan tricks the Muslim. And you attempt to redefine words and say, oh but sex with captives who are married when I am married is not adultery. LOL! Well every definitoin of the word adultery is sex with someone outside of marriage!
Satan tricks the Muslim into thinking what they are doing is moral. Redefining morality and definitions!
It's like saying, well there is a lot of rape going on, so lets make rape legal that way people wont be sent to jail. And to the thief, hey burglaries are up, so let.s make home invasions not a crime anymore!
I am not saying thats the only reason you bow to the pagan kaaba, or fast during the pagan Ramamdan,or kiss the pagan black stone. But it is part of it. Or else it would never be mentioned and Mohamed would not have put so much importance on it!
I am disappointing in your inability for critical thinking and objective reasoning. And I dont hate you, I love you, or I wouldnt bother with you. I am frustrated with the likes of you though. How willfully ignorant one must be to continue to follow Islam.
Osama Abdallah said...
"In any case, under Islam, the guilty of such crime(s) would get flogged severely in public and his punishment can even reach the death penalty if there as actual sexual intercourse and/or rape. So yes David, Shariah is the solution, and Islam is definitely the solution!"
I'm surprised that no one here challenged Osama as to exactly where in his koran is this punishment mentioned. It is funny how the muslims claim every one has innovated their books yet this muslim just innovated his book. No where in his koran does it mention these punishments for this crime.
Islamabad (AsiaNews) – In 2008 in Pakistan 6,780 cases of violence committed on minors took place: sexual abuse, targeted murders, abductions, forced labour and suicides are only some example of this, to which the exploitation of “child soldiers” in the war between Islamic fundamentalism and the army, must be added
I guess, "and Islam is definitely the solution!", was the solution for these 6,780 cases.
Saudi Arabia - Barbaric textbooks handed out in Saudi Arabian schools teach children how to cut off a thief's hands and feet under Sharia law, it has emerged. The shocking books, paid for and printed by the Saudi government, also tell teenagers that Jews need to be exterminated and homosexuals should be 'put to death'.
I guess this is also how islam is the solution.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Five Saudi girls who fled their home after their father forced them into vice. They have appealed to authorities not to put them under their father's custody so they can have a decent life away from him, a newspaper reported on Thursday.
I guess this is also how islam is the solution.
Now I know Osama is going to claim that these countries are not practicing his sharia, whatever that means.
So the question begs if his so called sharia is the best for society why are they not practicing it. It is funny how they come to the west claiming that they want to implement sharia there however in their own countries they don't practice it. Sounds funny to me.
I know shah he is the imam of are masque this is all lie the person who report this was his American wife the boy was his step son she is a very bad women shah merry her about 3 years ago she made him buy a house and put everything onto her name and send shah to jail. I know shah from 10years i have a brother who started going to his mosque since he was 7 and is still going there with 100 of more kids nothing like this ever happened. Guys he is Innocent and God knows that he will come out clean Enshahllah.
@I know him,
Yes yes yes its all the American Womans fault.
To Osama Abdallah: the only reason why you claim "our side is still growing" is because the main stream media won't report Iman's accused of molestation. Let's be real, muslim men are the most despicable, perverted men on the planet! and that includes IMAN'S! But hey, your just following your false prophet's habits of having sex with little girls. Didn't moha "madd" marry an 8 year old girl? After of course he threaten to kill her whole family if they didn't hand that little girl over to that sick, sick man!
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