Friday, December 9, 2011

Michael Coren with Robert Spencer: Double Standards, Honor Killings, and More


simple_truth said...



D335 said...

hate crime first rate and the muslims get away with it!

Britain will be Sharia sooner than we thought.

Dragostea said...

Speaking about double standards: i was nicely surprised to see this on tv:

John 8:24 said...

Repost from 'Islamic Secret Santa' Post:

It is now about a week and a half and I don't see any valid response from the Muslim side (Kim, Samatar, Osama etc). They seem to be happy to move on to the next topic. Therefore I conclude that Muslims accept defeat here and acknowledge that Islamic Secret Santa and Savior is Satan himself!!

goethechosemercy said...

The idea that a parent has the power of life and death over a child is a tribal concept pre-dating the rule of law.
All of the honor killings are crimes.
All of the victims are innocent.
All of them.

TPaul said...

In the west Muslims demand, Muslims get...
Robert Spencer is absolutely correct in saying that Muslims in the west HAVE TO potray themselves as victims in order to deflect attention from bigger issues, while their whims are met without resistance, as westerners are afraid of being termed bigots, so we bend backwards to appease them.
Bravo Robert,for your ongoing fight against radical Isalm. Bravo Michael for the courage to use the media to convey this message.

John 8:24 said...

Tim Tebow's recent wins are so amazing that even atheists are quite perplexed! ;-)

I usually don't follow American football but I read this news today on Yahoo about the Bronco's recent miraculous and highly improbable win once again (now 4 times in a row) with Tim Tebow as the Quarterback.

I will say this, I see more of God's hand in the play of Tim Tebow than in the hand of these suicide bombers blowing themselves up and killing innocents in the name of their evil religion.

John 8:24 said...

I made the Tim Tebow comment in the wrong post. I now reposted it in the correct one. David, could you approve that?