Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Sacred Duty of Muslim Mothers

Muslim mother Umm Nidal states: "I am proud and honored to be a terrorist for the sake of Allah. 'Prepare for them whatever force and steeds of war you can in order to strike terror in the hearts of the enemy of Allah and of your own.' I am happy to implement this Koranic verse myself."

Note: This video was posted on YouTube by Muslims to show other Muslims what a real Muslim mother should be like. It wasn't posted to expose Islam's violent teachings. At the time I'm embedding it here, there are six comments, which read:

The best woman in the world!! Subhanallah!!! Jannat lil muslimat wa al mumminat!!

ALLAH U AKBAR! May Allah grant her the highest level of Jannah and may every mother see her as an example. I wish every Muslim was as devoted to the deen as she is.
Jazakallah oe khayran ya Umm Nidal!

Masha Allah! May we all have such a strong faith in Allah and are willing to sacrifice everything!
But she is not the mother of Nidal Hasan! Nidal Hasan shot american soldiers who killed our brothers and sisters in our lands, when they came back to the US (Texas) and he survived. But her son made an operation in Palestine and is shaheed, insha Allah.

Allaahu akbar, amazing mother

She will go to jannah due to her sons intercedings on yawmul qiyamah, if her sons is accepted as shaheeds inshallah ta'ala

MASHALLAH may ALLAH MAKE all mothers like her.. Ameen

Isn't it strange that the comments section isn't filled with the peaceful pleadings of moderate and liberal Muslims?

***UPDATE*** Two of our regular Muslim commentators here on Answering Muslims have weighed in. Check the comments section, where Kim says:

"I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause."

Samatar Mohamed added:

"To be honest, I did not have a problem with almost anything she said."

These are the Muslims who come on the blog to defend Islam, and they can't comprehend why we're troubled by a woman joyously saying she will sacrifice all her children to kill Jews.


Black said...

A Mother!!! Lord ve Mercy

simple_truth said...

This lady gives me a legitimate reason to do some outright dirty cussing--i.e., righteous indignation. Really, I mean, that such people are the some of the lowest in the scum bucket. Having said that, we never know who may come to Christ. Sometimes the worst person you can think of later sees the light; contrastively,some who seem very mild and open to the Gospel never make it. Sometimes the lukewarm crowds are worse than the outright rebellious/deniers.

All should pray that this woman repents of her sins and accepts Christ as her savior. Islam has a stronghold on her. Just think what she could do if she were committed to Christ in this fashion. Think of all of the good work she could do instead of the devastation that she is currently causing.

donna60 said...

That reminds me of the poor Greek Stoic mothers who were obliged to tell their sons going to war, "Victory or your shield!"
--Which meant that the only way she would accept defeat, was if they brought her son's head to her on his own shield.

What horror every woman must have felt saying that to the men who were once the little boys she nursed, bathed and taught.

No wonder the Greek women rushed to embrace the pure and loving gospel of the True and Living God.

Neverrepayevilwithevil said...

Mmh, let us see- there is something in the heart of this woman that keeps blurting out sacrifice! sacrifice!! a kind of atonement. Who will open her eyes to see that Christ paid the price already. She does not need to sacrifice her sons anymore.
Why is this video not being shown in the west. This is the true heart of Islam. May God help us all

Royal Son said...

If you click to the youtube page itself of this video, you will see comments of Muslims in response to this woman.

Do they condemn her?

Do they say that she has misinterpreted the Qur'an?

Do they argue against anything she says?


I wonder what Osama Abdallah and Kim have to say in response.

Mr McStizzle said...

The greatest irony and tragedey I find in listening to this woman is that she refers to sacrificing her sons for Allah who is more precious than them...and I can't help but think of the One True God, Yahweh, who sacrificed His Unique Son who in character, life and essence is God, for all mankind.

I also find it ironic that at this time of year, Muslims celebrate Abraham's obedience to God in offering up his son...whom God told him NOT to sacrifice.

Mr McStizzle said...

In addition, we have constant references to "martyrdom" now I don't know if the word in Arabic has a different root or meaning, but obviously we get "martyr" from the Greek "martys, martyros" which means "witness"

This phrase has it's roots in Christian history where believers were murdered for their faith in Christ. So many were killed that to be a "witness" for Christ became synonymous with death!

So what kind of witness do these young men bear for Islam?

Nimochka said...

People, don't curse Um-Nidal! I feel SO sorry for her! Look what Islam has done to her brain and heart! She was remarkably clear about where her apparent cruelty comes from. From Islam and Quran. Period!

She accepted that all men are created with similar emotions, but because of her devout faith in Islam her moral faculties have become mutilated and disfigured. She deserves our deep sympathy and our prayers since only Jesus can restore such people back to the healthy state that God had created them.

Islam butchers the body mind and soul!

jonnykzj said...

@All Christians

I just wanted to point out here that i think i've now come to understood the concept of sin. That is SIN IS NOT NECESSARILY WHT WE CONSIDER A CRIME/LEGAL OFFENSE IN HUMAN SOCIETY AT ALL. SIN refers EXCLUSIVELY to THE DISOBEDIENCE OF GOD'S COMMANDMENTS AS ONE UNDERSTANDS THEM FROM THE BIBLE. And since it is God's Nature according to the Bible that He cant WITHIN HIMSELF tolerate sin, we remain separate and that's why God devised a systematic mechanism for HIMSELF to absolve them. BUT THAT DOESNT mean that God has now overlooked the injustices humans commit WRT EACH OTHER. That's why He's made the Day of Judgement where EVEN CHRISTIANS n all others will be judged for WHATEVER THEYVE EVER SAID OR DONE IN THEIR LIVES.
I also think I've understood the phrase "spare the rod spoil the child". This doesnt necessarily mean tht a dad hit his child with the rod BUT THT HE USE IT TO SEPARATE HIS CHILD FROM HIM SYMBOLICALLY when it is being disobedient AS A SIMILITUDE to when humans disobey God and thus become separated from Him AND THUS TO INSTILL INTO THEM THIS VERY CONCEPT.

Kim said...

Lets start pasting extremist Christians as well. wow lol.

David Wood said...


What did Umm Nidal say that would qualify her as an "extremist" Muslim, rather than simply a "good" Muslim? Can you name one thing?

Mad Dog Gazza said...

What an ugly sharmuta!

Radical Moderate said...

This woman has turned her womb into a munitions factory. She is a legitimate target according to the rules of war.

May Gods spirit touch her heart so she feels the guilt and shame of what she has done.

If not then may she meet the HELL FIRE Missle.

Radical Moderate said...

Donna wrote...

"That reminds me of the poor Greek Stoic mothers who were obliged to tell their sons going to war, "Victory or your shield!"

I can understand how you would make the comparison.

Only problem is the "Victory" part.
By Victory they were to return to their mothers in VICTORY.

This woman sent her sons out not to return. Victory to here was her sons DYING for allah the most gracious he most merciful.

So victory to this woman is DEATH.

Matlin said...

Kim said “Lets start pasting extremist Christians as well. wow lol.”

Kim it’s a good suggestion ….

David said “What did Umm Nidal say that would qualify her as an "extremist" Muslim, rather than simply a "good" Muslim? Can you name one thing?”

Excellent suggestion …so kim before you find the Christian extremist video answer his question plz!!

Samatar Mohamed said...

To be honest, I did not have a problem with almost anything she said. When she talks about jihad, she is speaking about a defensive Jihad against the jews, who rape, murder the palastenian men, women, and children. She reminded the women that in this Jihad, the children, and innocent people where not targets and not to be harmed. I do not know how defending your land from people who have taken over it is called terrorism. When she says that she is a terrorist, she means that she causes terror in the hearts of the israel soldiers, who have caused terror in their hearts. You have to understand that this is a defensive war, and it wasn't the palastinians who started the war in the first place. She did say that she wants to dispel jews from the land, which I do not agree with. If the Jews are willing to live in peace and harmony with the palastinians, then so be it. But you also should remember that this is also a religious war, and both muslims, and jews, believe that this holy land belongs to them. Also, Islam does not agree with suicide bombing because, suicide is not permitted in Islam whatsoever. Surah 2:195 says " and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction." Again, it is a defensive war against the jews, and the man attacked soldiers, who were inevitably going to attack, rape, and torture his people in the first place.

Nimochka said...

@jonnykzj: Boy, you are progressing so fast! I am so proud of you!! Praise God!

See jonny, that was one of the things that attracted me to Christianity so much! The depth of Christianity compared to Islam is like the depth of the ocean compared to a puddle of water which remains on the flat groud after rainfall.

When you look at the Bible you see that almost everything not only has its local and limited application but also is the symbol and sign of some universal truth which is much bigger than its local application.

Everything is designed to point to Christ and show a picture of the relationship between God and Man and the Plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. It really is like a great epic story, more glorious than Iliad of Homer or Lord of the Ring or any other epic story that humane beings always admired.

If it had one human author you could have said that it was all designed by this great human writer from the start. That's why all of it is so connected and organically leads to this fabulous climax at the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Gospels. It is a true work of art.

But when we see that this is just a collection of many different books written by very very different people several centuries and even millennia apart yet it has this marvelous connectivity and coherence to it then we realize the hand of the real author at work, namely the Holy Spirit Himself!

every author picks it up where the previous one left off and this story continues, not only on the pages of this fantastic and one-of-a kind book, but also on the stages of history, in this real world through agents of God, the prophets and holy men of God.

Everything points to Christ, everything is designed to make us understand why we need Him. Everything is a mirror to show us His face! Every commandment and penalty for breaking it tells us why we need Him so desperately! All is designed throughout the ages to bring us to the foot of the cross and subsequently at the entranceway of the empty tomb to behold the risen Christ who died on our behalf and rose again to prove to us that our sins are indeed forgiven in Him!

Jonny I am SO happy that The Holy Spirit is illuminating for you these things! Praise the Lord! I was really impressed with the answers that you wrote to Kim in defense of Christian doctrine in the other thread! Keep studying and ask God to lead you to Himself where ever that he may be found! God bless you brother!

Lauren Janell said...

Nice to see a muslim finally admit that muslims are terrorists

Kim said...

I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause. And by reading the comments, it seems to me that some of you are hypocrites when you say why does she love God more than her sons? Why is she happy for them and not constantly crying?

Maybe because she actually believes they are going to Paradise. Wouldn't you be happy if your children died a martyr? It's not like she didn't cry at all. You're supposed to love God more than your family and yourself.

Now maybe we should take a look at Christian extremists and see what you think of them fighting a "Crusade" like Bush stated.

Fighting for one's religion when it commands him to spread the laws of God throughout the land isn't extremism my friends, it's light that you hate to open up to. And people like Spencer, on loonwatch want to keep their wine, their own sexual fantasies, and egos from being put down by Islam. You raise the dumbest issues that can be refuted on the spot such as "Why did Muhammad marry Aisha at that age?". Examine history and culture and you'll realize how ignorant people can be. Might as well criticize your own 33.3333% of God that came out of the vagina of an 11 yr old virgin.

Now that is a "moral error". Right? No? Why not.

Islam is the light, submission to God and His Last Prophet is light and accepting the Final Testament is light. Rejecting that for the worship of a man who historically, was the Messenger and Prophet of God, not His son, is darkness.

simple_truth said...

Kim said...

" Lets start pasting extremist Christians as well. wow lol."

By your response, you have just admitted that her actions and speech are correct according to the Qu'ran. You have just agreed with us about the Qu'ran and Islam; so, why do you have to bring a tu quoque? It doesn't help at all since at the best, you could only prove that Christianity is just as bad as Islam. That is hardly a victory for humanity, don't you think?

Christian extremist don't have a leg to stand on from the Christian scriptures. There is no phrase urging us to fight for the cause of Allah and make Christianity the religion of God. Our sacrifices are for the witness of Jesus Christ, in case you didn't know. History bears that out when Jesus' disciples died for the cause by not renouncing their allegiance to Christ and His message. They surely didn't go out and try to kill disbelievers or those who rejected their message. Instead, they shook off the dust of their feet and left for another town when they were rejected (Acts 13:51). What a contrast to Mohammad who started to kill, subdue, and subjugate people.

Acts 13:49-52

Act 13:49 And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region.
Act 13:50 But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.
Act 13:51 But they shook off the dust of their feet against them, and came unto Iconium.
Act 13:52 And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.

Your prophet couldn't do as these brave men of God did and accept rejection and still have a joyous heart for God, despite the negativity. Instead, your prophet got mad and started killing with the justification that Allah sanctioned it. Where is the love of Mohammad and Allah in realizing that rejection of a message isn't a reason to kill and enslave?

SGM said...

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me that Islam is the only religion in the world that promotes violence to such extent that its followers will consider it an honor to have their children be killed in the name of their god. Or, would make statements like, “Prepare for them whatever force and steeds of war you can in order to strike terror in the hearts of the enemy of Allah and of your own.' I am happy to implement this Koranic verse myself."

Islam is one religion that Satan is using to promote violence to the full extent.
Therefore, I would agree with @ Purple Marquise. We need to feel sorry for such people like Um-Nidal who are under the influence of such depraved religion where killing another human being (created in God’s image) is considered an honor.
We need to pray earnestly that God would use his Holy Spirit to open eyes of people like Um-Nidal so that they can see the darkness in which they are engulfed in. We our selves are sinners like Um-Nidal. We are only saved by God’s grace. We should pray that God would have mercy on Um-Nidal and that he may bestow his grace upon her and Kim and Osama Obdullah and others.

On a side note, @Kim, can you please name one Christian extremist who committed atrocities following Jesus’ example or Biblical teachings? I would be curious to know who would do any thing like Um-Nidal following Jesus’ teachings.

Workwithlawrence.blogpost.com said...

If st Paul was hearing he could have given a different comment touching her. May LORD GOD have mercy on this woman with this misplaced zeal.She will bring more like her in the Kingdom Amen!

moanrorriss said...

Such a tragic view of life; that her own flesh and blood could cause so much pain to his victims and their families, and he is praised. FOR WHAT? There is literally NO REASON for ANY of this to happen. Stop taking advice from your archaic and morally backwards texts and live in the 21st century. We love each other, no matter what the differences, but blind religious adherence gives otherwise good and logical people a reason to hate and kill their fellow species. Think for yourself; there is no god, you are living on a giant, water-covered rock that has been orbiting a fireball for the last 4.6 billion years.

moanrorriss said...

This is the 21st century; how do people still believe in gods? With such marvelous achievements in reason and science, how does one still subscribe to the archaic, bigoted, and downright illogical texts of theses Abrahamic religions? There was NO REASON for her son to die. There was NO REASON for him to kill those people. There is NO REASON that she values some made-up deity over her own children. Oh wait, there is a reason for this: faith. Faith gives license for anyone to do anything in the name of "insert deity here". Faith breeds hate, as there is no logical way to say "My god is better than your god." These are nothing but simplistic, close-minded, and very antisocial people.

Royal Son said...

Simple Truth: Well spotted :)

Umm Nidal is an extremist who is admired by Kim :)

The true colours come out hehe.

Kim - wait up - is Umm Nidal following the Qur'an or is she going against it ? hehe

Royal Son said...

Kim Umm Nidal stated that all Israelis should be killed, including women and children. Do you still admire her?

Umm Nidal calls herself a terrorist for Allah. Do you still admire her?

Umm Nidal said that if she had 100 children she'd send them all off to Jihad. Do you still admire her?

characterbuilder said...

moanrorriss said...

We love each other, no matter what the differences, but blind religious adherence gives otherwise good and logical people a reason to hate and kill their fellow species.

You embrace evoluntary theory... Thus survival of the fittest... so why are YOU morally outraged by one "fellow species" seeking to dominate another.

Another thing... you mentioned "logic" in your worldview how do you account for the Laws of Logic.

SGM said...

Dear Kim,
Only an unregenerate spirit would call another human being scum. Do you not know that all human beings are created in the image of God regardless of our faith, ethnicity or culture. And all human beings have sinned (Romans 3:23) and fallen short of the glory of God. No one is better then other in God’s eyes. As a Christian, I would not and should not call any other human being scum of the earth.
From most of the responses I see on this post, I see that majority of us are of the consent that we should be praying for this women and that the act of taking innocent life is an act that God is not pleased with. Now look at your response, you rejoice in the killing of 10 Israeli soldiers. Even God is not pleased in the death of a sinner. "Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his way and live? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore, turn yourselves, and live ye."--Ezek. 18:23, 32.
The contrast between those who believe in the true God and those who follow Satan is that ones who believe in the true God would not take pleasure in the death of another human being even when it is permissible. E.g., capital punishment or in war etc. etc.

Regarding your statement, “Wouldn't you be happy if your children died a martyr?” I would love that all my children die as Christian martyrs. But there is a huge difference between your understanding of a martyr then chrisitan understanding. Christian understaning is that we die for our belief and faith like most of the apostles. If some one comes and put a sword on my neck and asks me to deny my faith, I would rather die then deny my faith. This is death of a martyr. Your understanding is to go and starting killing innocent people and if you die doing it you are a martyr. Your understanding of martyr is to get 70 virgins.

Now you used Bush as an example of a Christian extremist. When did he ever proclaim that in the name of Jesus I start this crusade. Which bible verse did he quote to justify his doing. As far as I know, if you are referring to Bush Sr., he went to liberate your borthers and sisters in Kuwait so that your brothers and sisters from Iraq won’t butcher them. No other muslim country had the guts to do it. And Bush jr., I thought he send American armies to help your Moslem brothers and sisters in Iraq when Saddam was butchering them. Same thing in Afghanistan. I don’t know what crusades you are talking about.

And where did you read that Mary was 11 years old? Are you going to point to a website or Osama Obdullah? You say, “You raise the dumbest issues that can be refuted on the spot” In the last few months you have not refuted a single thing. My prayer for you is that God may bestow his spirit upon you and open your eyes to see the truth which is only found in Jesus Christ.

Royal Son said...

SGM - Kim got the age of Mary probably from a Muslim site. If she bothered to read the sources correctly, one would find the quotations which dispel the myth about joseph being around 90 years old and Mary being 11. You can see for yourself at http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08504a.htm

You can see for yourself under the heading "Marriage" the following:

It will not be without interest to recall here, unreliable though they are, the lengthy stories concerning St. Joseph's marriage contained in the apocryphal writings. When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place. These dreams, as St. Jerome styles them, from which many a Christian artist has drawn his inspiration (see, for instance, Raphael's "Espousals of the Virgin"), are void of authority; they nevertheless acquired in the course of ages some popularity; in them some ecclesiastical writers sought the answer to the well-known difficulty arising from the mention in the Gospel of "the Lord's brothers"; from them also popular credulity has, contrary to all probability, as well as to the tradition witnessed by old works of art, retained the belief that St. Joseph was an old man at the time of marriage with the Mother of God.

Remember, we are dealing with a Muslimah who refers to a bogus article without any references from Yahya Snow as her scholarly proof.

Kim does not care about facts.

andy bell said...

Makes me thankful for the wonderful mother I was lucky to be born to.

And I'm also lucky that I wasn't born into a muslim family.

Geesh, how pathetic must that be like. Always being told that you have to die for an imaginary arab god?

Nimochka said...

To Kim and Samatar Mohammed:

NO! NO! NO! AND ONCE MORE NO!!!!! The current conflict in Israel is 110% the fault of the Muslims! Period! The only reason you silly people still revel in your fake sense of Muslim victimihood is because well.... you are Muslims and Muslims have some psychological issues to put it mildly! Beside you have been brainwashed with the vilest and most outlandish kind of propaganda since early childhood! Pull you heads out of your...... and read some objective history!

No! The world has not ganged up on you Muslims and everything is not Zionist propaganda! Stop the sick paranoia! Read some academic and unemotional history books about the genesis of the Arab-Israeli conflict and you will see that literally everything that you think you know about it is not true! You have been lied to! Wake up!

The Jews didn't start the conflict. In fact they didn't bother anybody at all! They were minding their own business and cultivating the deserted lands and would have lived 100% in harmony with the Arabs if the latter wouldn't have taken arms with the intent of killing them or kicking them out or forcing them under Dhimmitude!

The spoiled and indulged Arabs who were usd to being everybody's masters couldn't tolerate that a former religious minority now wants to live on equal footing with the Muslims and be its own master instead of groveling before them and paying them Jizya and living under their scourge!

The Jewish settlers bought all those lands that they moved into prior to 1948 war from the Muslim Arabs and Turkish Pashas themselves. They paid for every acre of it! What right did the Muslim mob have to then come and try to terrorize the Jews into living their own property and the settlements and farms that they bought with their own money and built with their own toil? The lazy Muslim land owners were all too happy to sell them all those barren and difficult to cultivate lands! Just as they started to bring forth fruits and crops suddenly the Arabs had to have them back!!!

Of course the Jews unlike the former Dhimmies that the Muslims were so used to didn't take it lying down and they fought back tooth and nail in 1948 AND BY GOLLY THEY WON!!! Now they declared their own State and by that they showed to Muslims that they are indeed going to be their own masters this time and Muslims won't be allowed to make them Dhimmis again!

................To be continued

Nimochka said...

To Kim and Samatar Muhammed: Continuation.........

And that infuriated the Muslims Arabs to no end. Then the spoiled Muslims of the Middle East in order to vent their angers and frustration over this loss kicked out almost EVERY SINGLE JEW who lived amongst them in other parts of the Middle East! Those Jews had nothing to do with this conflict! They were living in those countries LONG BEFORE the Arab armies of Islam even arrived! They called those places home for MILLENNIA!!

But they got kicked out unceremoniously by a terrorizing and genocidal mob and had to leave all of their properties behind and run away with the clothes on their back!

Mind you these Jews didn't run away from a war zone to avoid getting caught in the conflict, like the Arabs did, but they were living in countries which were in "peace" but they had to flee for their lives !

Millions of dollars worth of goods and properties was left behind for Muslims to exploit and plunder!

Luckily this time these Jews had Israel where they could run to and live as their own masters with full rights instead of degraded and constantly fearful Dhimmies! And that's mainly what bugs Muslims so much! "How dare those filthy Jews are having their own State were should be Muslim government and making their own laws and living as equals to Muslims?! What an outrage!!"

So you Muslims picked a fight with an enemy which was more powerful than you and you got your rear ends handed to you and then you picked on the weak and defenseless members of the Jewish communities in your countries and stripped them of their nationality and money and now you still complain?!! What a bunch of whiners you are?!

You lost fair and square and you retaliated on the Jews of your country and now either pay them full compensation and give them right of return if they even wish to return to your horrible countries and then after that talk about the so-called "right of return" for the so-called "Palestinian" Arab "refugees"!

You are a bunch of soar losers and can't accept a rightfully earned defeat with grace and dignity! When you Muslims were on your high horse and were going around conquering peaceful neighbors' lands and destroying their culture and turning them into slaves and raping their women and forcing them to become Muslim with a sword on their neck or become degraded Dhimmis and pay Jizya with humiliation that was all OK! That was not occupation! As Kim so mendaciously said it was "spreading light"!! But now that some other group of people comes back to its historical land and kicks your rear ends in the war fair and square and builds a fabulous society on top of the ruins that you made for centuries there you complain and claim victimhood and then turn around and say that "all methods are acceptable to fight 'occupation'"?!!!

Indeed Muslims hypocrisy and shameless mendacity knows no bounds! Shame on you! You make yourself look ridiculous!

John 8:24 said...

Kim first said: "Lets start pasting extremist Christians as well "

When David asks her to show one thing that she finds extreme in this woman she changes her tune and reveals her true (ugly) self by says: "I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause... Fighting for one's religion when it commands him to spread the laws of God throughout the land isn't extremism my friends"

So, Kim, this woman is suddenly not extreme now? Why the change of heart? If you admire her so much and happy at this, is there any Islamic terrorist activity that you find extreme? What is extremism then? Why shouldn't that make you a supporter of terrorism? If dying as a martyr is admirable and this is for Allah's cause, where do you in principle disagree with Robert Spencer - who says the exact same things and you called him a loon?

John 8:24 said...

And one more thing, why are you filled with so much hatred for Jews?

I once heard: You scratch a 'moderate' Muslim and you will find a bigoted, hate-filled anti-semite!

John 8:24 said...

Kim said: "Might as well criticize your own 33.3333% of God that came out of the vagina of an 11 yr old virgin."

Mind you language, Kim! I know that in Islam, whether it is by Allah in the Quran or Muhammad in the Hadiths, everything revolves around sex and sexual parts but you don't have to expose it here. Even the word for Marriage in Islam ('Nikkah') literally means the f-word. Look it up!

And where do you get this most ignorant claim that Mary was 11 years old when she gave birth to Jesus? I am sure some Muslim websites have fed this info to you.

And Jesus is not 33.333% God - and no Christian believes it. He is 100% God. You are completely ignorant of most basics of Christianity. Why don't you for a change educate yourself a little bit before posting here?

BlackbootJack said...

This does not surprise me. Its what we hear from Middle eastern muslims everyday.
They value their ideology over their children. There is something definitely sick about that.

Nimochka said...

@John 8:24

You said:"I once heard: You scratch a 'moderate' Muslim and you will find a bigoted, hate-filled anti-semite!"

Well.... I say scratch any true Muslim and you will find a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer.

Believe me, in the recent years I have become very convinced and that only nominal Muslims can be rightfully called "moderate Muslims".

By that I mean people who are not outright apostates but never really practice Islam. They maybe every now and then pray and revere the Quran but for most of their lives don't care about them so much! Also one factor makes a very big difference and that is mosque attendance. If a Muslims only prays in the privacy of his own home and only once or twice a year goes to mosque, or better yet only goes to mosque to attend funerals he usually can be safely called a moderate (or more accurately lukewarm) Muslim.

But if they regularly attend mosque and are active in their religion then they CANNOT be called moderate. They are the people who hear hate-filled sermons day in and day out and on every friday and still sit and listen to it instead of leaving in disgust! That makes them radical already!

This is a little bit off topic but I say it anyway... Recently I was thinking where these statistics about Islam and Muslims come from. At least in the West since nobody ever asks us about our religion then how do they know how many Muslims are here really? I actually had a chat with my sister who lives in the US and asked her if she ever was asked about her religion and she said no.

So we both were wondering if the Western governments are counting us as Muslims in their estimate statistics because we come from Iran! We both are apostates! We shouldn't be added to the number of Muslims just because we come from Iran and have a Muslim sounding last name. We wouldn't want to add clout to the Muslim agenda by inflating their numbers. Is there anything we can do to address this?

Deleting said...

Kim said, 'I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause.'

Ladies and gentleman....the religion of peace.

Billy said...

Kim said: “I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause. And by reading the comments, it seems to me that some of you are hypocrites when you say why does she love God more than her sons? Why is she happy for them and not constantly crying?”

It appears that you are reading this blog and then searching Islamic websites to find “refutations”, which is radicalizing you. This is how, many western Muslim youths have been radicalized. Now you provide moral support for suicide bombings, acts of terrorism, and anti-Semitism, the next step may be that you would provide financial support for terrorism. Perhaps you need intervention. If you are rather hesitant to listen to non-Muslims, would you at least listen to your fellow Muslims such as Zuhdi Jasser (http://www.aifdemocracy.org/) and Irshad Manji (https://www.irshadmanji.com/). From what little I know about them, I think I can live with their version of Islam.

Samatar Mohamed said...

I'm sorry, but you are all acting as if the jewish soldiers are trying to spread peace among the lands. No, everyday they are harming innocent muslim people in ways that are despicable. I guess from watching CNN, FOX etc... you get the impression that only the Jews are being attacked but that is just not the case. remember when the palastenians tried to get a seat in the UN, we all know how Obama threatened to veto this. Again people this is war, and in war, turning the other cheek to the oppressors will not result in peace but further humiliation and opression. Therefore, the phalastenians must defend themselves from these harms spread from the Jews. However, in war, there are guidelines a muslim must follow that some are not following this day and age. Remember Abubakrs command to the muslim as they were going to war. He said "“Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy’s flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.” The women never spoke about harming innocent people but the people who were harming them. You may see it as terrorism, I see it as justice.

Baron Eddie said...

This is what an Arabic ear hear all the times and it is good that this one is translated ...

Umm Nidal she was wrong when she said they don't know what Islam is and the concept of Islam ... No Umm Nidal, you are wrong, people like David Wood and others are exposing Islam and I see more people know what Islam is ...

I hope others in the West know the truth before they lose their heads ...

Umm Nidal says all are occupiers ... very good then why don't Islam leave Iraq .... etc

Thanks for posting this video

Lauren Janell said...

By all means Kim, feel free to sacrifice yourself as well. We definitely won't shed a tear. Anyone who celebrates their child dying while killing someone else, deserves to burn

Kim said...

Ok Royal Son you havent shown me her age lol.

How old was she? 11-14 yrs old? 12?

Almost everywhere I search it tells me she was between 11-13 years old.

Why did 100% God according to some of you decide to exit out of the vagina of a virgin as young as 11 years old? Doesn't that make God extremely limited? Yet somehow his "Divine Spirit" was in this limited human being that started out as a few cells. Even Zeus has more honour than this. Please explain to me.

Anonymous said...

Kim says: "I admire Um Nidal, being happy for her son who killed removed 10 Israeli Jewish scum from this planet. Now her son can get accepted as a martyr for God's cause."

Unfortunately for Kim and her false god it is the islamic savage barbarians that are being removed from this planet.

The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in January 2008. Opinion Research Business estimated that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 was 1,033,000.
Afghan civilians killed 8,813
Afghan troops killed 8587


2011 Syrian uprising Deaths

The number of casualties in the protests, according to sources in the Syrian opposition, is 4,413 updated to 13 November 2011


"According to most authorities, this statement is not from Prophet Muhammad but it is attributed to Ka`b Al-Ahbar, a Jewish rabbi who converted to Islam and who reported this from the Torah, not from Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).”

The Torah says no such thing this is all islamic lies.

Muslims claim in their books that many Rabbis converted to islam and that the Rabbis asked their false prophet some questions to prove that he was a prophet, the Rabbis than claimed that he answered them correctly. Well I hope there is no need to tell any sane person that these are all fabrications from their lying books.

Also there are in their books that Jews came to ask their false prophet to rule about something which is in their books and they tried to cover it up etc. Again these are all fabrications from the lying muslims.

First of all, every Rabbi knows that to prove your a prophet you must perform miracles we learn this from Moses at the burning bush. Second, Rabbis are well capable of telling the law to Jews they did not have to go to a false prophet.



simple_truth said...

Samatar Mohamed said...

" @christians
To be honest, I did not have a problem with almost anything she said. When she talks about jihad, she is speaking about a defensive Jihad against the jews, who rape, murder the palastenian men, women, and children."

Thanks for your honesty; but, how is this defensive jihad? Where do you get the idea that Jews are raping and murdering? Do you have any credible sources to support your claim?

Also, what about attacks from the other side that were not caused by the Israelis? Do the Muslims get a pass by not being held accountable too, then? Why do Muslims always play the role of victimhood? Can't they confess that they are the cause of lots of things themselves? Nowhere in Islamic history will they confess their own sins and wrongdoings. It is always the other person or group. That is a sign of a spiritual and moral defect, at the least.

"She reminded the women that in this Jihad, the children, and innocent people where not targets and not to be harmed."

Then she contradicted herself by saying that those who are in the path of the enemy are casualties by necessity. She justified that killing anyone in the way of the enemy is also justified. It is not her problem that they are in the way. The goal is to kill the enemy regardless of what barriers stand in the way. The justification is that all barriers have to be eliminated; therefore, kill them in the process to eliminate the barrier. That is Islam for you, deny something and look so morally upright and righteous compared to others but then make an escape clause to bail yourself out of trouble and justify it by Allah. I am sure that you wouldn't want a group to do that to you, now would you? You would be claiming injustice.

"I do not know how defending your land from people who have taken over it is called terrorism."

First of all, I totally disagree with the idea that the Jews took it over. Perhaps, you should take a look at the history of this area before you continue to make that assertion.

Secondly, are you going to be hypocritical and not condemn Mohammad and his followers who took the properties of those they conquered by offensive jihad via verses like 9:5, 29, and 30? What kind of intellectual gymnastics will you use to justify your prophet's wrongdoings?

Remember that the land was given to Israel by God in the Bible centuries before Islam was even thought of; so, by your logic, we could easily say that the Jews could justify killing you to reclaim it since that is what God prescribed to them in the Torah. How would you like to see God commanding them to wipe Muslims out like He did the OT? Of course, you would be kicking and screaming about injustice and unfair play. Boy, what a hypocritical religion Islam is.

"When she says that she is a terrorist, she means that she causes terror in the hearts of the israel soldiers, who have caused terror in their hearts."

No matter how you slice the cake, it is still a cake. Terror is what it is--terror. Actually the terror goes far beyond the soldiers; for, it affects everyone in the vicinity of Islam. Don't kid yourself. It is ironic that so many Muslims say that Islam is a religion of peace, but we repeatedly see the opposite. This lady is more in line with what Mohammad preached and executed in his final 10 years in Medina. She is much closer to what a true Muslim is than a lot of these pretenders who mainly live outside of Islamic dominated areas where they are afforded the freedom of speech and many other liberties that could only be dreamed of in Islam. They can dissent without much of a threat from anyone.

"You have to understand that this is a defensive war, and it wasn't the palastinians who started the war in the first place."

What history books have you been reading? Just after the formation of Israel in 1947 or 48, Muslims had already started attacking Israel without provocation from Israel. That is a historical fact.

To be continued…………

simple_truth said...


Samatar Mohamed said...

"She did say that she wants to dispel jews from the land, which I do not agree with."

But, your prophet ordered that all Jews be exterminated from the Arabian peninsula. How is that any different? I am sure that you don't agree because you have a conscience to realize that such acts are immoral, or at least, unfair. If you feel this way, then you should have no problems condemning Mohammad.

"If the Jews are willing to live in peace and harmony with the palastinians, then so be it. But you also should remember that this is also a religious war, and both muslims, and jews, believe that this holy land belongs to them."

It was given to the ancient Israelite nation many centuries before Mohammad or Muslims existed. Please, don't tell me that Muslims have already existed by using a false categorical logical fallacy. It would help you if you read the Bible on this issue to get some enlightenment.

"Also, Islam does not agree with suicide bombing because, suicide is not permitted in Islam whatsoever. Surah 2:195 says " and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction."

But, the Qur'an does allow for martyrdom. Those who do this see this as an act of martyrdom.

Furthermore ibn Kathir's tafsir says this:

Ibn Abbas said: (And spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction),
"This is not about fighting. But about refraining from spending for the sake of Allah, in which case, one will be throwing his self into destruction."

The Ayah (2:195) includes the order to spend in Allah's cause, in the various areas and ways that involve obedience and drawing closer to Allah. It especially applies to spending in fighting the enemies and on what strengthens the Muslims against the enemy. Allah states that those who refrain from spending in this regard will face utter and certain demise and destruction, meaning those who acquire this habit.

Allah commands that one should acquire Ihsan (excellence in the religion), as it is the highest part of the acts of obedience.

Are you sure that you want to use this verse to support your stance that suicide bombing is not in agreement with Islam?

"Again, it is a defensive war against the jews, and the man attacked soldiers, who were inevitably going to attack, rape, and torture his people in the first place."

Can we use this same logic and wage a war on Islam because wherever Muslims go, they are eventually going to attack, rape, and torture the natives in the first place? I wonder if Muslims actually take the time to listen critically to themselves. Do you ever think about the scenario that if the other side applied the same logic as me, would I want those deeds done to me? I bet that you will answer no a great majority of times. The Muslim seems not to think that those same commands, if used against them, would cause them to holler and scream injustice. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Samatar Mohamed said...

@Site Editors

You said

"First of all, every Rabbi knows that to prove your a prophet you must perform miracles we learn this from Moses at the burning bush. Second, Rabbis are well capable of telling the law to Jews they did not have to go to a false prophet."

Actually, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did do miracles but the reason we do not engage in this is because saying someone did a miracle a long time ago will just make people say that they are myths that aren't real. That is why we stick to the greatest miracle which is the Quran delivered from God almighty. Also one of the miracles is told in the Quran when God almighty split the moon in 54:1-2. Also,for the sake of argument lets assume Muhammad (pbuh) did not perform a miracle and that would prove he wasn't a prophet. Then I would resort you to John 10:41, where it clearly states that the people said that John the baptist (Yahya (pbuh)) did not perform any miracles, yet i'm sure you and other Christians believe he was a prophet. So next time you say tell anyone that because Muhammad (pbuh) performed no miracles (which he did), remember John 10:41, where it shows that you do not have to perform miracles to be a prophet.

Royal Son said...

Kim said:"Ok Royal Son you havent shown me her age lol.

How old was she? 11-14 yrs old? 12?

Almost everywhere I search it tells me she was between 11-13 years old.

My Response:

Kim, give me the sources of this age that you draw from. The bible does not speak about her age, only some apocryphal documents that come much later, are completely disconnected from Mary's life and are formed by people whose theology goes against the grain of Christianity (and Islam I might add).

So again, point me to these reliable sources of yours that give Mary's age. If you cannot vindicate the claims you made with authority to back it up, I suggest you relinquish your slander against Mary.

I'm actually rather perplexed because I thought Muslims are supposed to respect the mother of Jesus. Yet instead of doing so, you are very quick to sling mud in her direction.

Kim said:

Why did 100% God according to some of you decide to exit out of the vagina of a virgin as young as 11 years old? Doesn't that make God extremely limited? Yet somehow his "Divine Spirit" was in this limited human being that started out as a few cells. Even Zeus has more honour than this. Please explain to me.

My Response:

God took on flesh because His love is so great, that He chose freely according to His purpose to redeem us, taking the form of a slave, humbling Himself and being obedient even unto the death of the cross.

Does Allah love you that much Kim? Would you God be willing to humble Himself and take a lowly form in order to redeem you ?

Also, I find it rather curious that you have an issue with God coming out of Mary's opening. Folks, forgive me for repeating Kim's terminology, but I want to accurately represent her position. According to the Qur'an, Allah breathed His Spirit into Mary's opening. Do you have a problem with Allah doing this?

Do you have a problem with God entering His creation? According to Bukhari, Allah does this every last third of the night, descending to the nearest heaven. In fact, this is a point I have brought up some time ago which you conveniently ignored. How is it possible for Allah to descend every last third part of the night, when it is ALWAYS going to be the last third part of the night SOMEWHERE on the earth?

Was Mohammad confused, and thought the earth was flat, assuming time was the same everywhere? Or, does Allah constantly descend? Or is Allah doing a Mexican wave around the earth?

Please explain.

Traeh said...

In core Islamic texts, Muhammad says the minds of women are deficient

In Sahih al-Bukhari, the most canonical hadith collection:

Volume 3, Book 48, Number 826:

Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:

The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."

Traeh said...

On page 222 (326 in the Arabic) of the earliest Muslim biography of Muhammad, he affirms that those who do not follow him will be "slaughtered":

Abu jahl said to them: "Muhammad alleges that if you follow him you will be kings of the Arabs and the Persians. Then after death you will be raised to gardens like those of the Jordan. But if you do not follow him you will be slaughtered, and when you are raised from the dead you will be burned in the fire of hell." The apostle [Muhammad] came out to them with a handful of dust saying: "I do say that."

Samatar Mohamed said...

@simple truth

"Thanks for your honesty; but, how is this defensive jihad? Where do you get the idea that Jews are raping and murdering? Do you have any credible sources to support your claim?"

By defensive Jihad, I mean that the Jews (who are the majority at the moment) are the ones who are generally opressing the muslims (who are the minority). It is the Jews who are being the opressors at this day and age, so clearly the ones who are being opressed are the ones defending.

"Also, what about attacks from the other side that were not caused by the Israelis? Do the Muslims get a pass by not being held accountable too, then?"

That is true but that is not what I am speaking about right now. I am talking about the muslims who are being opressed, not the muslims who are opressing. That is a different discussion that you are bringing.

"Secondly, are you going to be hypocritical and not condemn Mohammad and his followers who took the properties of those they conquered by offensive jihad via verses like 9:5, 29, and 30? What kind of intellectual gymnastics will you use to justify your prophet's wrongdoings?"

Right there is a key word that you used that I do not agree with. You said "offensive", but I say defensive. And by offensive war, clarify which specific war you are talking about, and i will show you that it was actually a defensive war, not an offensive. There is no need for gymnastics seeing as you wrongly stated the question.

"No matter how you slice the cake, it is still a cake. Terror is what it is--terror. Actually the terror goes far beyond the soldiers; for, it affects everyone in the vicinity of Islam. Don't kid yourself. It is ironic that so many Muslims say that Islam is a religion of peace, but we repeatedly see the opposite. This lady is more in line with what Mohammad preached and executed in his final 10 years in Medina."

But that comes back to the most fundamental question simple truth, is terror ALWAYS wrong. Is causing fear back to those who first made you feel fear actually wrong. Is an eye for an eye wrong. Because, if you say it is, then you must condemn the Old Testament which constantly used the concept. I know you are not under that covenent, but my question is, is defending oneself against those who are opressing you necessarily a bad thing. The balls in your court.

Samatar Mohamed said...

@Simple truth

"Can we use this same logic and wage a war on Islam because wherever Muslims go, they are eventually going to attack, rape, and torture the natives in the first place? I wonder if Muslims actually take the time to listen critically to themselves. Do you ever think about the scenario that if the other side applied the same logic as me, would I want those deeds done to me? I bet that you will answer no a great majority of times. The Muslim seems not to think that those same commands, if used against them, would cause them to holler and scream injustice. Funny how that works, isn't it?"

You misunderstood my statement. I will give you an example of what I mean. Iran is being accused of developing Nuclear weapons at the moment, and lets for the sake of argument say that it was the taliban developing this, and they have fully developed the weopon and is ready to be used. We all know that they will eventually attack the United States at some point with the weapon. Therefore, a defensive strategy must be employed to avoid destruction from the weapon. That is exactly how I view what is happening with the muslims at the moment in palastine. The Jewish soldiers have clearly raped, murdered the muslim men, women, and children and are obviously going to continue doing this. Therefore, it must be put to a stop.

SGM said...

@ Kim,
I am really surprised that you have no shame in throwing around the name of private part of a girl as you do when referencing Mary. Especially for a muslimah, when you are not to even show your bare skin to others especially men. You are to cover all parts of your body. Isn’t this very hypocritical that a muslim girl is to cover her body parts so that others would not even know what is behind the veil. However, she has no shame talking about what she is hiding behind the veil.
I also want to reiterate @ Royal Son point. You say that, “Why did 100% God according to some of you decide to exit out of…..” Always remember, when pointing a finger at others, there are three fingers pointing at you.
First, you have a problem with God entering his creation. My question to you is, how did Allah breathed his spirit into v….. of Mary. I am even ashamed to say something like this but I have to, to make a point. Did he enter into his creation to do this or did he do it thru magic?
Second, what was Allah doing by breathing his spirit into the v---- of Mary. If Allah can enter the v--- of a human being, why can’t he come out of it?

I would highly appreciate it if you can comment on this. Or point me to a website that describes it.

Also, as a Christian, I have to be persistent and consistent in asking a reference to the age of Mary. So far, as usual, you have been a persistent and consistent moslimah by not providing it.

I have great hope in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I pray that he might have mercy on your soul and that he brings you out of darkness into the glorious light. Only if you search with honesty, you will find that our Lord Jesus Christ is sweeter then honey, even the honey comb. He is so lovable, because he first loved us. All honor and glory and majesty belongs to him because he has saved us and redeemed us from our sins.

infidelophobic said...

"Umm Nidal reunion with her ten sons"
The world record holder of sacrifice of sons to the diety Moloc will meet them soon in the pit of hell.
"At first I did not cry (so you did cry later on) I said 'Allah akbar'.....But the TRUTH is I was ashamed to say 'Allah help me in my tragedy' (what she really felt ) 'of course, and as a human being ( a very confused human being) I feel these emotions very deeply'. Then she goes to say about her sons: " a muslim is very careful not to kill an innocent person, because he knows he would be destined to Eternal Hell. So the issue is not that simple". ¿Really Umma?¿Not that simple? You bet! ¿So how do you know if your sons have not MURDERED innocent persons?

ned said...

She is a sick minded women, sorry to say. Jesus said satan is murderer and liar.

ned said...

Jesus said the tree is know by the fruits. I see women like her making hue and cry on the TV when their own little chilren fall a casualty of war. She is just possessed with some M demon.

jonnykzj said...

@The Purple Marquise

Thankyou very much for ur support n detailed response :) . And surely ill keep studying.

jonnykzj said...


I'm starting to sense that "Kim" here is either a troll or not a woman but rather a very nasty minded muslim guy. The phrase which leads me to this conclusion is this from her/him:
"...Might as well criticize your own 33.3333% of God that CAME OUT OF THE VAGINA of an 11 yr old virgin."
Or maybe islam is really so evil tht it can even warp the minds of women in tht way.
Also her/his statement about Jewish "scum" is totally ridiculous. IF AT LEAST she wld have differentiated btw attackers and those who defend themslves amongst the Jews(though i dont myself beleive any signifiacnt nr attack) she cld said to have a pt. AND ALSO sending out young children instead of having the guts to fight them face to face. WHT COWARDS! COME ON U MUSLIMS ACTUALLY FACE A JEWISH SOLDIER N FIGHT HIM IN DIRECT COMBAT like supposedly it was done in Muhammad's time where they said to have instantly killed the opponent. BUT NO these cowards hide behind children. Same goes for those Taliban scum, n they really r THE SCUM OF THE EARTH. They make a big deal abt wht great gorilla tactics they have an how they survvived the US attacks. Again first thts no big deal since ppl whove been studying their own terrain n know it's varius hideouts can hide successfully. EVEN THE VIETNAMESE succeeded n defeated the US. Infact they were VASTLY more successful than the taliban DESPITE their region not being as mountainous even where one has more opportunity to hide.The whole thing is a joke. In a face to face combat those talib scum wont last a min. On top of tht they too are cowards hiding behinds innocents in the cities.

jonnykzj said...


Ill address moanrorriss too but first i want to address u here. u said:

>>You embrace evoluntary theory... Thus survival of the fittest... so why are YOU morally outraged by one "fellow species" seeking to dominate another.<<

JK- Im sorry but many Christians including the majority of Protestants and Catholics/Orthodox worldwide accept evolution and find it perfectly in harmony with scripture and so do i. Im sure ure not going to label them all as not true Christians are you? AS FOR evolutionary THEORY, PLZ look up what a "theory" means in SCIENTIFIC TERMS, as opposed to its use in ordinary language(Note: wiki mostly provides references for claims made which one can check shld anything be doubted on its page):
Might also want to consider reading:
Other than that you can google "scientific theory" or "evolution is fact" urself to further ur knowledge on this issue.

NOW let me address ur 2nd part. 1st it is a fallacy to euquate survival of the fittest with survival of the dominant. Survival of the fittest only means tht THOSE ORGANISMS BEST ADAPTED TO THEIR ENVIRNOMENT, WHICH CLD WELL BE THEM BEING COOPERTATIVE LIKE ANTS, BEES EVEN LIONS N TIGERS AS THEY WORK TOGETHER TO CATCH PRAY, ETC, wld survive and pass on their genes. 2ndly even if it wld be harsh and nature is harsh at times this wld be called the naturalistic fallacy to argue tht just coz certain animals r brutal s shld we be. We have our own history and the way we evolved has led us to be SOCIAL beings. We cant survive without cooperation and tht requires being social. HOWEVER n now this is important we are naturally mostly only social limited to our family or near grp. the farther we move the less social we become to other humans N THTS WHERE CHRIST MAKES ALL THE DIFFERNCE for he calls us to LOVE EVERYONE which boosts this limited instinct within us to heights never before imagined creating a wonderful and creative societies.

jonnykzj said...


I agree with u in regards to almost everything u said BUT the God issue. Sure the false gods wld only lead one to destruction. Christianity is the only religion which BOOSTS BEING SOCIAL TO HEIGHTS NEVER BEFORE IMAGINED. Think of it. The very Nature God of Christianity IS BEING SOCIAL WITHIN HIMSELF FOR ALL ETERNITY, AN eternal relationship Father , Son and Holy Spirit communicating with each other eternally. As ive mentioned in my previous post we humans do have the basic instincts evolved tht make us a social species but it is mostly limited to our near kin or local grp or tribes as is the case with most non human apes also by nature. With Christ it is stretched out to ALL PPL EVEN THE ENEMIES.
Infact coz lower animals dont have as rich a conscious experience as we do, they usually dont often have individuals rising to power and thereafter taking over all other members of the same species, in case of them being a social species in the first place. Thus we see animals who are social with little deviation from such. HOWEVER we humans coz of our greater experience and intellect tend to do desire control over our own ONCE IN A POSITION OF POWER. This is why if the belief in a God WHO SUPPORTS BEING SOCIAL is so significant for us. Atheists as individuals are both good and bad no doubt. BUT WHENEVER atheists have become leaders with power IN ISOLATION of Christian societies e.g. Mao, Pot, Stalin the power hunger overtook them n it got seriously out of control. This is no coincidence. Btw Hitler was a heretic Christian n if one studies his writings carefully he wanted to do away Christianity n only used it initially to appeal to the religious masses.

goethechosemercy said...

Maybe because she actually believes they are going to Paradise.

I've heard anthropologists make the same argument to explain the Tophets in ancient Carthage and on the coast of Lebanon.
These people threw their infants and children into the fires to Moloch.
Is Allah any different?
I think not.

goethechosemercy said...

NO! NO! NO! AND ONCE MORE NO!!!!! The current conflict in Israel is 110% the fault of the Muslims!

Not really.
Conflict is not the Muslim's fault.
It is his choice.

kiwimac said...

jonnykzj- God Bless you! 2 Corinthians 9:8, "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work".

D335 said...

the idea of naming your sons with the name of pious person...

Yesterday the police arrested one Muhammad for urinating in public in front of a kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

Samatar Mohamed said...
"Actually, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did do miracles but the reason we do not engage in this is because saying someone did a miracle a long time ago will just make people say that they are myths that aren't real."

Your prophet did not perform any miracles.
017.059 YUSUFALI: And We refrain from sending the signs, only because the men of former generations treated them as false: We sent the she-camel to the Thamud to open their eyes, but they treated her wrongfully: We only send the Signs by way of terror (and warning from evil).

025.005 YUSUFALI: And they say: "Tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written: and they are dictated before him morning and evening."

007.103 YUSUFALI: Then after them We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they wrongfully rejected them: So see what was the end of those who made mischief

Exodus Chapter 9:27 And Pharaoh sent, and called for Moses and Aaron, and said unto them: 'I have sinned this time; the LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked. 28 Entreat the LORD, and let there be enough of these mighty thunderings and hail; and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer

Exodus Chapter 12:31 And he called for Moses and Aaron by night and said: 'Rise up, get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye have said. 32 Take both your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also.'

As we see here your allah got it wrong again Pharaoh did believe in the true creator.

Actually you have to perform miracles so that the people at his time will believe him. According to you anyone can claim that he is a prophet. As the verses above show no one was impressed with "greatest miracle which is the Quran" at your false prophets time.
008.031 YUSUFALI: When Our Signs are rehearsed to them, they say: "We have heard this (before): if we wished, we could say (words) like these: these are nothing but tales of the ancients."

"That is why we stick to the greatest miracle which is the Quran delivered from God almighty."

If you go to this web site they do a very good job disproving that your koran is anything but a miracle. http://answering-islam.org/New/new.html

I don't know if you are aware of this but there are billions who are not muslims and claim the koran is not a miracle why didn't your false god think about that. If your false god wanted through the koran to confirm with out a doubt that he is the true creator why didn't he write clearly the miracles you claim. Like if he would write in the future there will be a car that goes on four wheels fueled by oil etc. Than many more would believe your book was a miracle.

Also the Bible claims to have miracles in it too and you islamics do not believe in the Bible or say it is corrupted. So even by your standards having miracles in the book does not necessarily make it a completely true book

"Also one of the miracles is told in the Quran when God almighty split the moon in 54:1-2."

Yes, and this miracle produced no new converts. Even today if some one were to proclaim prophet hood and split the moon he would have many followers. Look at all the false prophets who came like jim jones, david koresh etc. they attracted some nut cases even with out performing any miracles can you imagine how many more they would have attracted with performing a splitting of the moon miracle. So your moon miracle was a lie it never happened.

Only your allah can think of this lets see your allah says I sent prophets with miracles before and people did not believe in them so now I will send a prophet with no miracles and every one will believe in him. Does this make sense your god must be crazy.

search 4 truth said...

@ Samatar

I cpmpletely reject your fallacious propaganda and scenario. Oppressed implies that the Jews are not allowing the Muslim people (No such thing as a Palestinian, just Jordanian refugees and others from Muslim cuntries) to not have the right to pursue what is rightfully theirs. It is the Muslim people that are oppressing the Israelis by not allowing them to pursue life, liberty ad happiness. The Muslim refugees have had many offers to accept land but will not cioncede untill all the Jews are wiped from the Planet!
Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
And it seems your false Prophet contradicted himself many times when he killed children, old and bunrt down trees. How can this be?
It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: “They are from them.” (Sahih Muslim 4322, see also Bukhari 52:256)
And it is ok to kill non Muslim children.
thou shouldst not kill them unless you could know what Khadir had known about the child he killed, or you could distinguish between a child who would grow up to he a believer (and a child who would grow up to be a non-believer), so that you killed the (prospective) non-believer and left the (prospective) believer aside. (Sahih Muslim 4457)
I think this would be considered deceit!
Allah's Apostle said, "Who is willing to kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf who has hurt Allah and His Apostle?" Thereupon Muhammad bin Maslama got up saying, "O Allah's Apostle! Would you like that I kill him?" The Prophet said, "Yes," Muhammad bin Maslama said, "Then allow me to say a (false) thing (i.e. to deceive Ka'b). "The Prophet said, "You may say it." (Bukhari 59:369)
An old woman? Wow thats surprsing. NOT!
She was a very old woman, wife of Malik. Her daughter [and another] were also taken. Zayd ordered Qays to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly by putting a rope between her legs and to two camels and driving them until they rent her in two). (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 980)
The Prophet recited Suratan-Najm (103) at Mecca and prostrated while reciting it and those who were with him did the same except an old man who took a handful of small stones or earth and lifted it to his forehead and said, "This is sufficient for me." Later on, I saw him killed as a non-believer. (Bukhari 19:173)
Now for the trees myth that Muslims so love to spew!
Sahih Muslim
Book 019, Number 4326:
'Abdullah b. Umar reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) burnt the date-palms of Banu Nadir. And we have proven that Islam permits rape of catpives countless times. Isnt it amazing that everything a Muslim claims of Mohamed and Islam, it is most likely the exact opposite? What Islam are you practicing? Not Mohameds. Thats clear!