BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Libya's transitional leader declared his country's liberation on Sunday, three days after the hated dictator Moammar Gadhafi was captured and killed.
He called on Libyans to show "patience, honesty and tolerance" and eschew hatred as they embark on rebuilding the country at the end of an 8-month civil war.
The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified. In a gesture that showed his own piety, he urged Libyans not to express their joy by firing in the air, but rather to chant "Allahu Akbar," or God is Great. He then stepped aside and knelt to offer a brief prayer of thanks. (Read more.)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Libyan Leader Declares that Country Will Be Governed by Sharia
In the West, people tend to believe that once tyrants and dictators are removed from power, freedom and democracy will fall into place ever so gracefully. How many times does this plan need to fail before we'll realize that it doesn't work in Muslim countries? Years ago, the Taliban were removed from power in Afghanistan. Did freedom and democracy flourish? Not at all. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein was captured and killed. Did liberty suddenly blossom? Nope. Recently, Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak fell from power. Ask the Copts whether Western values such as tolerance and freedom of conscience have been gaining ground. In the past few months, the United States helped topple Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, hoping that things will be different this time. Not surprisingly, Libya's new leader says that Sharia will now be the law of the land.
hmmm....go figure.
Arab spring and the middle east goes nuts.
Saudi Arabian government going in
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Whate happened to the blog? the right-wing gadgets are now, at least in mie computer, in the top bottom? whate happened? is this a problemm only to me?
I say good, let them have all the SHaria they want. Then they will have no one to blame but themselves.
I truly believe that Obama knew this would occur. Or he is completely incompetent. A democracy will never work when the majority of it's people are corrupt!
It must be a democracy governed by laws that are held for all regardless of race or religion!
Democracy and Islam can't co-exist, it's just a matter of fact that muslims need this kind of leader to keep them in some kind of order, but when they are not anymore this what happens.
BTW: There is a video of Muslims sodomizing gadafi and you can hear in some of those videos "Allahu Ackbar" it's so odd to see them screaming that because i thought Gadafi was a Muslim too, so what does Allah have to be with all this?? It's because Gadafi wasn't so violent to Israel so that means he is not a good Muslim? Also i can't remember the Sura but i know the quran says Muslims shall not take Jews and Christians as Protectors or Helpers right? so when these "allahu ackbar" guys accepted the help of the UE and USA (and they consider all ppl here is Christian) didn't they fail to that command?
Islam is so beautiful...
Awfull... islam is the moste despictable ideologyv the the worlde... only a delusional being will thinke otherwise...
Kim... only now I saw your comment... could you say to all off us what did islam bring to the world that teh previous religions did not? thankes in advance...
Where and how Kim. Is this beautiful?
Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433)
Hello Fernando,
Great to hear from you again,I think it must be your computer,since mine has no problems.I am now still waiting to get my copy of "The Tehran Initiative".I really hope no false prophet with real miraculous powers and claiming to be the 12th Imam appears,the world is bad enough the way it is.
I know what Islam brought. Justification for hatred, bigotry, torture, rape, adultery, murder, extortion, kidnapping, ransoming, stealing, and child molestation.
I suggest you read books and articles other than what hateful minded people write so at least you understand both views.
If not then your life is just an insecure fantasy lol.
Kim said, "Islam is so beautiful...
and then said, "I suggest you read books and articles other than what hateful minded people write so at least you understand both views.
If not then your life is just an insecure fantasy lol."
Yet kim, you can not tell us why it is beautiful. All you can do is use adjectives to describe something violent and guaranteed to make you stupid.
My prophet is God.
You prophet was a pedophile, a rapist, a thief and murderer and a liar. This is according to your hadith, sunnah and koran, not western sources.
As a matter of fact, if you were so secure in your 'beautiful religion', you wouldn't need to post here. You could go on leading your peaceful muslim ideology and leave us alone.
Instead you post comments with little to no thought and when backed into a corner you stop posting and move to the next thread.
The one living in an insecure fantasy is you Kim. And you're three months behind on the rent.
What is beautiful about Islam?
Of course, you have the right to believe whatever you believe ...
We see it as a religion that make every body a Kafir!
And everybody has to believe it or else!
About this article, I am going to give my opinion as someone who is not born in this great country ...
Governments in the West thinks that they can force their democracy to other countries!
People in the Middle East are not ready for democracy and I think Islam and democracy are not compatibles ...
Governments in the West could encourage democracy in the Middle East by implementing equal treatment ...
You want to build a Mosque here then you have to allow Christians, Jews, Buddist, Bahai ... etc to build their worship places there ...
You want to spread Islam here then you have to let others talk about their religions ...
and so on ...
Arab scientists have invented a time-travel device that can transport an entire country back to the 7th century. They're calling it 'Islam'.
I can't make you see, you have to open up yourselves. Crack open that hateful shell for once and look at the world with objective eyes. Maybe then...If you don't like what you see then go back in that shell of yours and keep your mind hidden forever. I don't mind.
Islamic Revolutions: They're like the Spanish Inquisition...... nobody expects them.
You said "Islam is so beautiful..."
Calling everybody Kafir is not a beautiful thing or maybe you don't know what that mean ...
Did you ever think that maybe you the one who are in the shell ... just a thought ...
Come out of the shell ... We love you as a sister in humanity ...
Please, make me see ...
Justify your statement ...
As for me ... I don't live in a shell because Jesus freed me ...
"Christ has truly made us free: then keep your free condition and let no man put a yoke on you again."
Kim: You failed to explain how the genuine problems non-muslims have with Islam. Instead you call bringing up them as "hateful" and ignorance. To you truth is hateful and ignorant.
You aparently feel no need to explain, instead you insult, which is what I see a lot of from Muslim, sand maybe just maybe, might be why people are hesitant to join your religion or take apologists who take this tactic seriously.
Kim said...
"I can't make you see, you have to open up yourselves."
You then, need to do the same. Take your own advice and apply it to others and other ideologies. The world is not some one-sided proposition. I think that most (if not all) who oppose you, have actually done some reasonable level of research and objectivity to arrive at their conclusion(s), which, of course, opposes what you would like for us to believe.
"Crack open that hateful shell for once and look at the world with objective eyes."
Ironically, that is exactly what you are doing. Take your own advice. You either willfully ignore the fact(s) that most of us (if not all) have actually taken an objective look at Islam and have come to the point that we have, which is rejecting Islam and it's ideology. The reality is that it has nothing to do with hatred, but honest evaluation since we have our own views that are in many ways superior to anything of Islam's.
I suppose that anyone who studies Islam must come to embrace it. That is highly unrealistic to expect.
"Maybe then...If you don't like what you see then go back in that shell of yours and keep your mind hidden forever."
Irony again, I see. Take your own advice and open your mind too. From the other side, you are missing much in the way of facts and objectivity.
"I don't mind."
Obviously, you do; otherwise you would be just as open as you want us to be. You, otherwise, wouldn't have to lecture us about what we should be doing. Perhaps, it's time to look in the mirror. The best way to critique others is to critique yourself in the process and see if you can support the opposing view with the same attitude and methodology as you do your own. That process involves you making concessions even before you comment on the subject. Try it sometimes. It just may open your eyes to look for what is true, instead of parroting what you actually subscribe to as truth. Islam naturally predisposes that it is correct and doesn't want a challenge to it's truth claims. When it is openly challenged, it tries to use tactics such as yours to keep people from scrutinizing it. It is not ironic that Muslims are almost always the ones who make such appeals as you. That, to me, is a sign of an ideology being heavily flawed. Much of the defense is strategically planned to deomoize the opposition instead of dealing with the propositions and objections to your ideology. That is the way the satan works from my Christian perspective.
Kim... could you say to all off us what did islam bring to the world that teh previous religions did not?
just present facts... iff we starte seing the realityy as you see it, it's not your works -- it's G-d's work --, justv present all those facts thate make islam so beauttifull in comparison with religions more antient than it...
thankes in advance...
Kim said, "I can't make you see, you have to open up yourselves."
I can read your books.
I can open a newspaper.
I can see hate-filled people holding up signs saying 'Death to America' and 'Islam will rule the world'. Keep in mind these sign holders have hooded masks with the shahada printed on them and their surrounded by people holding up assault rifles and large swords!
My eyes are open Kim. The bible talked about your 'beautiful' religion almost 1400 years before Mohammed was ever born.
You can keep your beautiful relgion and Allah. I'll take the cross and YHWH. Knowing that I am a sinner and deserving of hellfire he chose to take my punishment upon himself rather than subject me to it.
To me, that's beautiful.
Who is Kim? Is he a real muslim or someone wanting to bash islam with the comments he places around here? He looks like out old friend "The Muslim Phantom".
hey, this is an invitation to all Muslims, go ahead.
Move to Libya.
Kim will be princess over there. She can be the 3rd or 4th. If not Mutha is still good. Surely you can use the money right?
Osama will also able to board a plane without the need to check in. No more late debates!. The libyans probably 100% agree with your doctrine! You'll be the Libyan divine search engine!
Go ahead. Apply now!
@Fernndo.. thats exactly what i was going to ask her.. good question, because it doesn't bring anything better than previous religions yet it bring much worse stuffs..
I am sorry to say you are deluded. Islam is not beautiful. If Islam is so beautiful why did the leaders of Libya keep insisting that their country will be governed by laws based on a "moderate Islam". Libyan leaders are aware of the fact that the majority of freedom loving, independent thinking nations are repulsed by the practice of true Islam, so to allay the fears of the free world, the leaders of Libya are insisting on practicing moderate Islam. I seriously don't know what that means.
Kim , I challenge you to read a book titled "The Deception of Allah" by Christian Prince. After reading that book , Islam will not be so beautiful anymore and you will quit that false religion.
Yes I agree with Royal Son, Libyans are "out of the frying pay into the fire" indeed. what a shame.
@Peregrino Querubinico, I agree with you. Kim doesn’t seem a real Muslim but rather she/he wants to see the fall of Islam by bringing illogical and inconsistent arguments of the so called Muslim apologists to the forum...
@Kim, I would like to tell you to keep up the good job. You are showing great ignorance that we see in Muslim apologists’ articles and websites...
So, Kim, if I undestand you properlie, you say thet the thing islam brought to teh world is a book? I tnink other religions also broughte books, did they nott?
or are you claiming that it's teh content of thate book? hummm... then, can you give us a list -- and not a redirection to other Internet site -- off the contents presented in thate book thate previous religous books did not present? I'm sure you'll make an honest efford to do so...
deeply thankfull,
What the Libyan's did to their leader was evil and sick. If that is Sharia, we are in big, big trouble, because it is coming here.
Kim, you haven't really explained to me what makes Islam beautiful. Is it having to share a husband? Getting beaten up for not having sex one night? Getting beheaded for showing my ankle? What? I'm curious about what you consider beautiful, compared to a republic, which is what we are, and/or Christianity.
Hi Kim... I know you are a goode man, with honeste and intelligent intentions... so, please:
can you give us a list -- and not a redirection to other Internet site -- off the contents presented in teh qur'an thate previous religous books did not present? I'm sure you'll make an honest efford to do so...
deeply thankfull,
Kim: Suppose Western countries were to apply the same penalties upon Apostates from Christianity as Islamic Sharia forces upon its apostates from Islam. Would you consider this to be fair and reasonable?
How about if Muslims were not allowed to rebuild Mosques, and were treated in the same fashion that the pact of Omar prescribes against Christians?
Do you still think it's a fair and reasonable system?
You see, you have to rely upon Western Democracy in order to spread your vile religion. If freedom of speech were not allowed against Christianity in our countries just as it is not allowed against Islam in Muslim countries, I wonder if you would still like that kind of system.
Let's see how consistent you are...
It's their what?? You'd have a hissy fit if Libyans voiced displeasure how the U.S. leadership is running its government!!
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