The SBTC is committed to proclaiming the certainty of forgiveness and life in Christ in an age of unbelief. We are excited to be working with the Apologetics ministry of Confident Christianity, Biola University, NAMB, and FBC Euless to bring you the Confident Christianity Conference. The goal of the conference is to strengthen and equip Christians so that they will be better able to evangelize those who have no faith or are of another faith. In order to accomplish this, we have brought together an impressive team of expert speakers and workshop leaders who will present compelling evidence for the truths of Christianity in a way that is Biblically grounded and culturally relevant.
Conference speakers include: Craig Hazen, Mike Licona, Clay Jones, J. P. Moreland, MaryJo Sharp, Brett Kunkle, Mike Keas, Bruno Molina, Rudy Gonzalez, & Melissa Travis.
November. 4 - 5, 2011
Time: Friday 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: First Baptist Church, Euless
1000 Airport Fwy
Euless, Texas 76039
Cost: General Admission $35 ($30 if registered by Oct. 4)
Student Discount $15 (High School, College or Seminary)
Click here for more info.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference in Euless, Texas
For those of you who live in Texas, be sure to catch Mary Jo Sharp, Mike Licona, and many others at the Confident Christianity Apologetics Conference next weekend. Here's the info:
I wish i was a longhorn. Man I want to attend some of these things but they are never in my area. And my travel agent is Osama so i probably wouldn't make my flight anyway.
Thanks! This is going to be a GREAT conference!
Hi, MaryJo.
I haven't been by your site in a while; but I will soon.
I hope that all goes well with the conference. I too wish that I could attend.
If you guys want a reliable debator to spice up the conference, then I can attend :). Search 4 Truth will be my travel agent this time :). I'll check in at least 1 week prior to departure. I'll camp at the airport this time :). I hope I won't oversleep though, LOOLLL.
Osama Abdallah
@ Osama
No need to camp there. Just do what all responsible people would do who had respect, concern, and empathy for others. And do what the airline recommends you do. Follow simple instructions use common sense and Allah wont curse you anymore with bad luck.
And if you would have asked anyone one the street they would have told you to be there an hour early.
Osama Abdallah said...
"If you guys want a reliable debator to spice up the conference, then I can attend :). Search 4 Truth will be my travel agent this time :). I'll check in at least 1 week prior to departure. I'll camp at the airport this time :). I hope I won't oversleep though, LOOLLL."
I was going to stay out of the discussion until you posted this.
There is no excuse for showing up 1/2 hour before gate departure. Anyone in their right mind knows that all airports give a minimum recommendation of 1 hour check-in before gate departure. If you arrive less than 1 hour before such time, you are in danger of not getting on your scheduled flight. When you are doing business or any other important thing via airplane, you should know that you should make sure that you allot plenty of time to clear security so that you don't miss your flight. That is the bottom line. Since you evidently failed to do that, you should just shut up at this point and take your criticisms like a man and stop your diatribe. How about that?
Throwing insults and not accepting fair criticisms is a sign of someone who doesn't have enough integrity to honestly admit his failures. You made an agreement and failed to keep it. Making attacks to make yourself look innocent, or at least justified to attack criticisms, isn't convincing to me at all.
The information is precisely one of the desirable source every reader should takes place of. Keep on partaking such useful information. Good Luck
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