Monday, September 12, 2011

UK Muslims Burn US Flag Outside US Embassy at 9-11 Memorial Service


Joe Bradley said...

Just like Dearborn, Arrest the peaceful if they speak out against Islam but don't dare touch those rowdy Muslims when they commit true civil disorder.

Time to burn another Qur'an! They make good kindling on chilly nights.

Iconodule said...

Lord have mercy upon us.

It is truely amazing that things have come to this.

Anonymous said...

Well that's just utterly disgusting. As the wife of a US soldier, it pains me to see such behavior towards our nation.

taomeano said...

Moslems in UK just confirmed our belief that there is no way Christianity and for that matter the West, can accept Islam. Islam has got to be defeated. May I suggest to you that next time when you engage a moslem in a debate please replay this demonstration. On a day that we are remembering victims of Islamic babarity one would have thought the moslems will find somewhere to hide for the
shame that 9/11 brought on their community, instead what do we see, they are out there burning the US flag. Islam is definitely satan inspired. Once again 2 Corinthians chapter 4,verses 3-4 are being fulfilled. Moslems are indeed blinded to the truth. What a sad state of affairs for moslems everywhere !!!!!

donna60 said...

To the UK subjects who were out there getting harrassed by your own government for supporting us. It meant more to us than you may know.

My Two Sense said...

So if someone was burning a Koran right across the street from this flag burning... what do you think would happen? Wait... I already know the answer.

Angelo Immanuel said...

I am just tired.

I just want US government not to speak. This is not time to give a big lecture.

Just do something..............

Are you all blinds or cowards ???????

Do something..............

otherwise they will dare to commit another 9/11

send them back to the places where they are comfortable.

They belong to the Arabian deserts. Send them there.

They can't adjust here.

Radical Moderate said...

I think I lost some friends on 9-11-2011.

I posted this on my status on facebook.

"I hope everyone remembers that there were Muslims who died on 9-11, 19 that I know of"

The responses I got were interesting. Oh well I will never forget 9-11 and I will never forget that it was 19 Muslim hijackers who did it.

proof for god said...

if muslims burn the Flag some on the Left applaud; share the grace of the gospel and many on the Left conjoined with radical muslims throw u in jail.
no wonder CBS poll found 53% of americans have an unfavorable view of islam.

Idril Ar-Feiniel said...

Look, if you think you are being treated unfairly and targeted for your religious beliefs.....GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

Anonymous said...

So why were Muslims all over the world upset at Pastor Jones burning the Qur'an? I know David doesn't agree with it, but how many of us don't agree with parades celebrating 9/11? How many of us don't agree with the Imam saying, "You have to build this mosque at Park 51 or Muslims will get mad at you".

David and Nabeel, what do you think an appropriate Christian response is to what this video shows is happening in the UK? I get so angry at the many wrongs that Islam, Qur'an, Hadith, etc. have propagated (so many that you've highlighted on this site), I find my rage getting the better of me. I get so angry upon seeing things like this. I want to DO something, but I mean, what is the Christ-like way to respond to Palestinians rejoicing over 3000 Americans dying (200 of which fell to their deaths at a speed of 150-200 mph towards the pavement while several others simply burnt to death while still others had buildings collapse on them while STILL others now have health probelsm such as Cancer, all innocent, all dying tragically, violently, and often times heroically). How do we peacibly respond to this, when your video shows that the peacemakers get arrested? not to mention all that you've documented have happened to you and your comrades in Dearborn over the last few years?

Basically, what can we do?

XXX said...

One must keep in mind that probably most UK Muslims think that Anjem Choudary and his cohorts are twats.

Also there was apparently a counter protest arranged by Muslims who were shouting at Choudary etc telling them to go home and to stop claiming to represent them.

I found it inappropriate that the police sent (who I presume were) the EDL away from the area on the basis that their presence might cause trouble. I think it was the presence of Choudary etc that was more likely to cause trouble - the police should have sent them away.

Rag said...

Unbelievable.....Shariah Law is operating in Britain already....terrorists (muslims) are given right to freedom of speech, while the victims are denied the same right...

Rag said...

I take my previous comment on this video back.

EDL is a racist organization like BNP. The following link proves it.

Unless your site supports racism, such videos must not be shown here. Both Islam and racism are evil ideologies. Both must be renounced and condemned by sane people.

Rag said...

Here is another example of racism gone wild....Meathead racists are only making exposure of islam as terrorism more difficult. These idiots ironically help the cause of islam in long run.

Your website should make it very clear that in no way attacks against innocent muslims are encouraged.

Unfortunately some white people cannot see the world as it is. They always view the world through the lens of racism, an unfortunate widespread perspective until later half of the 20th century in Europe, Australia and North America...The problem is NOT immigration per say, it is the ideology of Islam...In the name of freedom of speech demonstrations against freedom of speech, by terrorists such as Anjem Choudhary, should NOT be allowed which only feeds meathead racist groups....

donna60 said...

I watched some additional news and videos about this, and actually some of these Muslim anti-USA protesters were arrested for causing trouble,-- not just EDL members.

Sophie said...

Anjem Choudary again. If this guy stopped pulling this kind of stunt, these stunts would be pulled no more. If we didn't pay them benefit and money then none of them would've been able to afford the tube fare to the memorial.

Anonymous said...

I condemn the actions of these Muslims.I condemn the actions of the UK police against the supporters of the United States and those who mourned for the victims of there country and others on that tragic day. Let the whole world hear. God Bless the USA and those who tried to demonstrate peacefully.