Hmmm, I wonder where they got this idea that Jews should be slaughtered? Oh yeah, here it goes:
Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Sura 9:29
I feel sorry for the muslim children who are brought up to believe this verbal diarrhoea , it really is the seeds of hate being planted. These scumbags are alway talking about the new islamic calaphte. On that topic did anyone see the report CNN did on Walid Shoebat last week? They were saying the taxpayer is paying for him to speak at law enforcement functions and that his backround story doesnt check out.
I personally think Walid is doing a good job on speaking to U.S police forces etc on the threat of islamic jihad even if its out the taxpayers dollars it should fall under the budget for homeland security. Anyone else any thoughts on this?
David, may I suggest that it will be a very good idea when you are debating moslems to start the debate by showing a video depicting where this venom of a speech comes from, which is the Quran itself. These guys are spewing this hate because of what the Quran says they should do to the Jew and Christians. Indeed it is so pathetic and sad,that those who espouse the religion of Islam do not see it. As the Bible plainly says, 'the father of lies, Satan, indeed has blinded their eyes to the truth. David I have been watching your past debates and brother your gentleness and persuasiveness is a thing of beauty, and the same goes for Nabeel too. The LORD is definitely using you guys for His glory and I plan to contribute soon to your ministry. God bless you all.
We are all products of our thoughts and depending on what we feed into our minds, that will definitely affect the way we think and act! If I believe that my faith is the only truth, my religion, God-sent and there are only two worlds-one for those in my camp and the other in the realm of war who should be brought into mine or else they are forced to do so by hook and crook; what else is left? I definitely will play God! H.E. Iliya Ryemshak
Hmmm, I wonder where they got this idea that Jews should be slaughtered? Oh yeah, here it goes:
Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
Sura 9:29
Gotta love how peaceful Islam is!
I feel sorry for the muslim children who are brought up to believe this verbal diarrhoea , it really is the seeds of hate being planted. These scumbags are alway talking about the new islamic calaphte. On that topic did anyone see the report CNN did on Walid Shoebat last week? They were saying the taxpayer is paying for him to speak at law enforcement functions and that his backround story doesnt check out.
I personally think Walid is doing a good job on speaking to U.S police forces etc on the threat of islamic jihad even if its out the taxpayers dollars it should fall under the budget for homeland security.
Anyone else any thoughts on this?
The problem here is we don't understand the Arabic and the sheik has misinterpreted Islam :-)
David, may I suggest that it will be a very good idea when you are debating moslems to start the debate by showing a video depicting where this venom of a speech comes from, which is the Quran itself. These guys are spewing this hate because of what the Quran says they should do to the Jew and Christians. Indeed it is so pathetic and sad,that those who espouse the religion of Islam do not see it. As the Bible plainly says, 'the father of lies, Satan, indeed has blinded their eyes to the truth. David I have been watching your past debates and brother your gentleness and persuasiveness is a thing of beauty, and the same goes for Nabeel too. The LORD is definitely using you guys for His glory and I plan to contribute soon to your ministry. God bless you all.
We are all products of our thoughts and depending on what we feed into our minds, that will definitely affect the way we think and act! If I believe that my faith is the only truth, my religion, God-sent and there are only two worlds-one for those in my camp and the other in the realm of war who should be brought into mine or else they are forced to do so by hook and crook; what else is left? I definitely will play God! H.E. Iliya Ryemshak
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