Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama bin Laden Is Dead


santana_10877 said...

I wish no man in hell. But God's justice will come.

Unknown said...

I can't rejoice, because the evil to which he gave himself over is indeed a frightful thing. I also can't rejoice because there are many who follow his evil ideology and who are waiting to take the lead.
I can say, though, that it is nice to know that on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, he won't be allowed to smugly celebrate here on this earth.
Sometimes, but just sometimes, there IS justice in this world.

Anthony Rogers said...


Art said...

Al-Qaeda's morale will be lessened, but unfortunately, bin Laden was more of a figurehead. It was his mate, Ayman al-Zawahri who was the brains behind him.

No doubt however that this was a great victory.

AB said...

still waiting for CAIR to say thak God Osama Died ...

AB said...

My bad . . they did come up with a statement ...

Radical Moderate said...

Happy VT day everyone. May, 1st is Victory over Terror VT day.

Radical Moderate said...

Happy VT day + 1 everyone. I'm sorry Muslims your Sheik was shot in the head until he was dead. But it's just another case of another Muslim learning the meaning of these words.

Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light.

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming.

Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming.

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air.........
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there!!!!!

Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Sheik Osama Bin Ladden learned on May 1, 2011 that YES that Star Spangled banner still waves, over the land of the free and the home of the brave.

John Park said...

Hope no Quran were damaged during the raid to capture Bin Laden.

Samuel Green said...

I am an Australian and maybe my friends in the US see things different (please forgive me) but I feel somber about this justice. I think it was right and inevitable but I just feel somber.

Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. Proverbs 24:17-18

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live? Ezekiel 18:23

Anonymous said...

Allahu Akbar

He has got his 72 virgins.

But hte war on "terror" is far from over. I think we will see an increase in activity. Though this is a symbolic and moral victoryit is not the end and Osama no longer has the influence and leadership he once had.


Chinchilla PetVerse said...

So, what do you think friends... is he busy in an orgy with 72 virgins after Allah in all his mercy pushed a Christian And/Or a Jew into Hell inplace of Osama since finally he was working as per the precepts of Surah 9 ??

GreekAsianPanda said...

I nearly had a heart attack when I saw "OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD" in big letters on the front page of MSN.


Gloria said...

Hi David,

Love the blog!!!

Pls delete my previous comment, it was done in error. Thanks

I have some questions on this Osama issue

They captured the man who the whole world is looking for then dump in the sea??? so how do we know we are not being duped.

And Bhutto already said 10 years ago that Osama had died then she was assassinated. I smell a rat....

Radical Moderate said...

@Another Isolated Incident of Muslims acting like Muslims


They called her a Jew, it was like a match to gasoline.

See how Muslims celebrate a victory in Egypt

Egyptian Muslims Celibate the Fall of Mubarak, by rapping a woman

Radical Moderate said...

There is Wisdom in your words, and I do feel guilty about the celebratory mood I am in. However it is a guilty pleasure.

minoria said...

I was utterly surprised he was killed,I thought he would never be killed or captured.Jesus said:"He who lives by the sword dies by the sword".

He has gone to hell and is with Khomeini,Ahmed Deedat,Yasin of Hamas,the 600 suicide bombers of Irak,and yes,also with Mohammed.They did not repent at the last second,I know that mentality 100%,and they will continue to curse Christianity in hell,that mentality never changes

Charis kai Eirene said...

The words that come to my mind are of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."

A woman standing beside me when the news came on began praising Jesus immediately, but I didn't feel compelled to join in. However I am glad that bin Laden can no longer plot and perpetrate terror. I am thankful for the work of our military and intelligence, as well as those of other countries, in acting to protect people from such violence. I hope that this is only the beginning of the end of Al Qaeda and related groups.

But the reality is that we are not just fighting people but the spiritual forces behind them. That's why I feel frustrated with the remarks of the President--it's either deceptive or delusional to deny that Bin Laden was not a "Muslim leader" and this had nothing to do with Islam. The root of Al Qaeda is its Islamic supremacism...the crucial battleground is a spiritual one and these politicians are losing it with their political correctness.

donna60 said...

Mr. Green, you are right.

Anonymous said...

The war is not on Osama Bin Laden. The war needs to be on Islam. Not some terrorist.

Tizita said...

Am i the only one somehow that doesnt feel sympathy or empathy for this psycho murderer?

I just cant come to grips of having a little bit of sympathy for him. i even have a hard time saying his name (i prefer him) for he doesnt deserve a title.

murder isnt something i take lightly and those who murder at such an extensive rate as he did, my heart automatically hardens to the point where i see the devil in the person rather than a person.

while he was alive i did have hope and prayed for his soul but now that he is dead maybe the fire in hell be 7 times hotter for every person he murdered, trained to murder, or planned on murdering.

Now whats next WWIII?

Mark said...

A White House spokesperson said they were making sure Bin Laden's body was handled in accordance with Islamic practice and tradition. If Bin Laden was not a valid representative of Islam in any way then why handle his body according to Islamic practice?

Shouldn't the "moderates" who be upset that Bin Laden was associated with Islam at his death?

Centurion said...

I agree with Mr. Green as well. Osama is just one among many. Another will take his place.

getrealman said...


I understand your motives, but I disagree with your application and feel that while well intended, you are missing the point. A murder has been committed (by the thousands), the criminal would not submit to the authorities, the criminal was continually stating he intended to kill many Americans as often as possible. He believed God had called him to do so and he would not be dissuaded. He believed a lie that completely altered his sense of what is right and wrong, and he chose to be extremely evil, even rejoicing when others were slaughtered. The criminal was hunted for 9.5 years and finally killed before he could murder tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, more people. I do not think that people are rejoicing that blood has been spilled, but rather that evil has been stopped. Yes, the evil was in the form of a human being that had to be stopped before your mother, my sister, or someone's father was killed again. A dear friend of mine was among the World Trade Center victims and I was personally on the 105th floor of the north tower 18 days before the event. My friend is dead, his wife is a widow, his children are orphans, and a man personally claiming responsibility and orchestrating the unspeakable evil has been removed from the land of the living, never to murder again. This is good. Unspeakably good. It is unfortunate we have been placed in a position not of our choosing, but such is the current state of affairs and the only thing we can do is defend ourselves. Would you have been among those rejoicing when Nazi Germany was finally defeated, or would you have been remorseful and downcast? Germany slaughtered your people, Hitler was terribly evil (as was bin Laden), and now this particular Hitler has been killed. I love Jesus with all my heart and I seek peace with all men on a personal level. I also rejoice that God has established authorities and military personnel to protect the innocent and those unable to defend themselves. Perhaps Al Qaeda will grow stronger, perhaps they will grow weaker, but whatever happens, you have to use established God ordained means to stop evil. Do you believe that Hitler would have repented and come to Christ if we would have just prayed hard enough? I do not. Again, on a personal level we turn the other cheek, but I thank God that policeman and military forces are armed and able to take out the bad guys before they kill more people. It was his intent. He had to be stopped. Thank God, oh God be thanked, that this has finally occurred. His soul is in the hands of God and his body is in the depth of the ocean. For that I am extremely thankful and deeply indebted to the US Navy SEALs.

In the love of God. In the mercy of Christ. Temporarily, even if only for a brief time, slightly safer.

I wish you the best. Always.

Getting Real Daily.

TPaul said...

Our "Muslim" president says " ...Our war is not against Islam.." well what did we expect from someone who claims that Islam is not a problem?
Bin Laden is dead, oh whoop de do, we should only let our gaurd down when the source (Islam)that inspired this evil man and others like him is eridicated from the world. Until then the war is still on.
It is an uphill battle especially since we have people like our closet muslim president who defends this evil ideology.

Psalms62:1 said...

I'm not believing anything yet. It seems very suspect. The Americans wanted him dead quickly, quickly enough to shoot him in the head twice. Yet they still had time to honor him with a burial at sea. It seems everybody is accepting this news development with no questions, but you would have thought that the American agents would have taken a picture to at least circulate to the press. I don't know, with the lack of information and the convieniant lack of a body or photographic evidence I'm going to be waiting for some more information before rejoicing.

I will also be remembering that this man has been in hiding for ten years. He was no longer an operative member of Al Queada, merely a figure head. There are other leaders, not to mention commanders and foot soldiers. Before we start throwing parties we need to remember that the fight is far from over.

We love your blog in Merry Olde England! God Bless xx

Psalms62:1 said...

I'm not believing anything yet. It seems very suspect. The Americans wanted him dead quickly, quickly enough to shoot him in the head twice. Yet they still had time to honor him with a burial at sea. It seems everybody is accepting this news development with no questions, but you would have thought that the American agents would have taken a picture to at least circulate to the press. I don't know, with the lack of information and the convieniant lack of a body or photographic evidence I'm going to be waiting for some more information before rejoicing.

I will also be remembering that this man has been in hiding for ten years. He was no longer an operative member of Al Queada, merely a figure head. There are other leaders, not to mention commanders and foot soldiers. Before we start throwing parties we need to remember that the fight is far from over.

We love your blog in Merry Olde England! God Bless xx

Psalms62:1 said...

I'm not believing anything yet. It seems very suspect. The Americans wanted him dead quickly, quickly enough to shoot him in the head twice. Yet they still had time to honor him with a burial at sea. It seems everybody is accepting this news development with no questions, but you would have thought that the American agents would have taken a picture to at least circulate to the press. I don't know, with the lack of information and the convieniant lack of a body or photographic evidence I'm going to be waiting for some more information before rejoicing.

I will also be remembering that this man has been in hiding for ten years. He was no longer an operative member of Al Queada, merely a figure head. There are other leaders, not to mention commanders and foot soldiers. Before we start throwing parties we need to remember that the fight is far from over.

We love your blog in Merry Olde England! God Bless xx

TPaul said...

Obama says "Our war is not against Islam"
By making us believe that Islam is not the problem, is the president of the free world using Taqiya? Is he playing on the American people's ignorance on Islam, by painting it in a favorable light?How can we trust someone who bows down to the Saudi king soon after he is appointed president of the
I have to play doubting Thomas here. For now, what proof do we have, other than Obama's word that Osama has been killed?

AB said...

I think we have to give credit to Bush .. he was the one who started attacking Laden

Radical Moderate said...


As I said your words where packed full of wisdom.

But if you could please allow us Americans this guilty pleasure.

I think both Colbert and John Stewert have expressed the glee of Americans the best.

The Colbert Report

The Daily Show

Radical Moderate said...

@Psalm 62:1 said...

"Yet they still had time to honor him with a burial at sea."

They throw him over the side of a boat, like a empty bear bottle on a fishing trip. I don't think their was much honor in that.

Now to be honest, if I was President I would of had him drawn and quartered, his various parts put on permanent display through out the US, and his head put on a pike outside the White House gate.

I'm sure if Donald Chump was president he would of had him stuffed and mounted and put on display at the Trump Casino and White House.

However being thrown over the side of a boat in what we can only hope is shark infested waters, is a fitting enough disposal for what is now a one eyed monster.

No matter what happened to his body doesn't change the fact that he was shot in the head until he was dead.

Christie said...

I have to say there is grim satisfaction in seeing justice done. I am glad that snake in the grass can no longer be a threat to my children. There will be other threats of course, but Bin Laden is answering to his creator now for his misdeeds.

GreekAsianPanda said...

Muslim Americans bid good riddance to bin Laden

Radical Moderate said...

Help Wanted, need some Metal Heads, I wrote a short parody on Osama Bin Ladden set to Iron Maidens song IRON MAIDEN, and I would like to do a Youtube video on it.

Please let me know and I will give my contact info.

kacy said...

Amazing how someone across the sea has more insight than us. Thank you Psalms62:1. Couldn't have said it better.

Igor said...

That they said (in boast), “We killed Osama bin Laden”—but they killed him not, nor shot him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not—nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”

So perhaps Osama was never get killed in the first place. Allah raised him up to heaven and made one of Osama's disciple to look exactly like him. And that disciple is the one who get shot.

Radical Moderate said...


Were you in the Christian Muslim Dialogue room with us this morning? Because that is the very argument that Muslims used to support Surah 4:157.