Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Glenn Beck on Obama, Israel, and Islam


Anonymous said...

Glemm Beck for president. But by then it may too late.

philip.zhao said...

I'm not sure if Mr. Beck has visited the Tomb of David located on Mount Zion, near the walls of the Old City of Jeruslem. In a building on top of the Tomb,reached by a flight of stone steps worn by the foot treads of two thousand years,is the room where the Last Supper was said to have taken place.

As God always puts the cure before the desease, Obama along with his ilk will enjoy their Last Supper before Israel goes !!

Radical Moderate said...

Bartimaues Glenn Beck for President? I hope you meant President of Canada and not the the US. I would vote for THE Donald before this guy.

Bart your reformed I am shocked that you would say that.

Glenn Beck "There is no God but God alone with out partner" 'that would be the Trinity...Understand he has no children, and he certainly doesn't have a PARTNER OR A SON"

Bartimaeus is that your understanding of the trinity that of Glen Beck?

Now I am repulsed by Islam as much as or even more then the next "Islamaphobe" however we should not loose focus.

Radical Moderate said...

You know whats funny, is that in all that Glen Beck said, he left out the biggest major player in Geo Politics, CHINA. If there is any threat to Western Capitalism it is the "Quiet Giant" that is China.

Robert said...

I am just surprised GB can actually report something with truth in it for a change. Given much of what GB says is horse crap, but this report if by far the most truthful I have ever seen him do to date. I still do not like the man, or his reporting in general, but I was surprised to find facts and truth in this report when he normally leaves them out. FOX news, no facts needed, just what we want to tell you matters.

Anonymous said...


I am reformed and I know Beck is a Mornom. But he is right and better a Mormon in the White House that a Muslim in the White House. All Be it a secualar Muslim.

Reese Smith said...

The object of our faith is Jesus not buildings or bombs or mortar shells can touch him..they can burn all the church buildings they want but they can never touch the Church. They can kill bodies but the body of Christ will not die. Rome tried to destroy Christianity it spread like wild fire..Religion has tried to destroy Christianity and the gospel prevails. The enemies of Christ cannot win..because love never fails. Our country can be wiped off the earth as we know it and Jesus still reigns.

vonbrucken said...

Hello,, I would like more details on the anti-Christian scriptures on the Al Aqusa mosque ...
Thanks :)