It's difficult to take cries of "Islamophobia!" seriously when so many Muslims call for the obliteration of Israel. Given Islam's condemnation of the Jews, we can only regard Islam's prohibition against criticism as further evidence of Islamic supremacism (i.e. "It's okay for us to criticize and condemn everyone else, but no one is allowed to criticize Islam").
It's nice to see a Muslim calling for consistency.
Are you being sarcastic or are you really serious? Is a muslim actually calling for consistency?
Brave young man but he is a not a very good Muslim. Islam is eternally at war with the Jews.
I was a bit confused - this guy says he;s a Muslim, then he says hes a person of all three faiths. Still, whatever religion he is, he's a total hero for standing up for Israel against the OIC-dominated UN. God bless him.
...There is also now a group called British Muslims for Isreal.
I hope more young educated Muslims open their eyes to the truth, that Islam is an anti-semitic religion, and therefore cannot be from anyone or anything divine.
I like to salute this young man for pointing out absolute truth. Muslims always blame Israel and America for every single problem of their own. They burn US flag every time a Palestine is killed, but they don't do anything when a Muslim is killed in other part of the world. Their mouth is tight lipped when it comes to Darfur issue. Most human human rights violating countries are Muslim and Communist countries. No human right agency ever questioned about those countries. But for Israel they are very vocal. Israel is doing what it needs to do in self defense. No one is blaming Hamas for firing rockets to Israel, but always blames Israel when it fights back. This young man just kicked our consciousness.
Check this out they need your support:
It is good to be true isn't it. Finally, one Muslim guy stands up for Israel.I hope he is sincere. But I’m also worry what if the Antichrist says the same words he said and all three religion fall for him. That is the exact words Christians and Jews are hoping to hear and Devil know it. Didn’t the bible warn us how even elect can be seduced and the Antichrist will use flattery? I may be a paranoid hey who knows the end is near so better to be watch out.
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