Thursday, April 7, 2011

Christian Evangelist Mussie Eyob Faces Death Penalty in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia--An Eritrean Christian is facing the death penalty in Saudi Arabia after being arrested for sharing his faith with Muslims.

Mussie Eyob was detained by the authorities at a mosque in Saudi's second largest city, Jeddah, on 12 February. He had gone there to meet and talk with local Muslims after speaking about Christianity at the Eritrean Embassy for three days. Eyob was arrested for preaching to Muslims, an offence that carries the death penalty in Saudi Arabia.

Eyob, who was initially assumed to have mental health problems, was examined by doctors, who confirmed that he is fit for trial and sentencing. He was then transferred to the notorious high-security Briman Prison. His family are very concerned for his welfare there.

They visited Eyob on 20 March and found that he had lost weight, though he was in relatively good spirits. He said that he is ready to die for his faith in Christ.

Eyob, who committed to follow Christ just over two years ago, felt compelled to share his faith with local Muslims, despite the danger.

Saudi Arabia is a strictly Islamic country that follows an extreme and puritanical version of Islam, Wahhabism. The country claims that the Quran is its constitution and that all its laws and regulations are promulgated in line with sharia, which prescribes the death penalty for converts from Islam. Consequently most converts keep their faith secret.

All forms of public religious activities other than those consistent with the government's own interpretation of Sunni Islam are banned. The government has stated that expatriate Christians, of whom there are many in Saudi Arabia, are free to worship in private. But the religious police (mutawaah) sometimes raid private worship services.

The country has one of the highest rates of executions in the world. In late 2009, Amnesty International denounced the presence of at least 141 people on death row in Saudi Arabia, including 104 foreign nationals. (Source)


Kangaroo said...

"Saudi Arabia is a strictly Islamic country that follows an extreme and puritanical version of Islam, Wahhabism."

And the ones calling it Wahabism are actually following a deviant sect of Islam called "Sufism" aka "Cowardism".

"The country claims that the Quran is its constitution and that all its laws and regulations are promulgated in line with sharia, which prescribes the death penalty for converts from Islam."

They can claim anything they want. They would like to think that they have sharia law, but they definetly havent even implemented at least 20% of it. Or they modified it to their own tastes. There are no countries today that establish 100% Sharia Law that I'm aware of.

Jabari said...

I would like to praise God that:
1. There we have brethren in Christ in the country of Saudi Arabia and that they have chosen not to bow the knee to Allah, but Christ Jesus, the risen Lord of Glory instead.

2. This man had the bravery to share his faith with a muslim in a country where he could be killed. I'm also glad that he's ready to die for his Savior too :).

Mkvine said...

This man's faith is admirable. Whatever the outcome of his trial is, may he be a witness for Christ. He is in my prayers.

Radical Moderate said...

You know what would be awesome. Is if say a 100,000 Christians showed up in Jedah, and went to various Mosques to share the Gospel.

"We all hang together or we all hang separately"

goethechosemercy said...

Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Protect Mussie Eyob today, tomorrow and every day in his time of trouble.
The love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is strong in this man, please let it sustain him and bring him alive to safety!
May the people he has enlightened pray however secretly they must for him, and I will pray for them too.
Saudi Arabia, beautiful kingdom, know Christ!

Radical Moderate said...


You said...
"They would like to think that they have sharia law, but they definetly havent even implemented at least 20% of it."

Wow this is only 20 percent of Sharia law? I would hate to see 100 percent Sharia Law.

Thats the thing with you Muslims you all want something that has never happened. You all want something that everyone disagree's on what it is. you all want something that once you get it, and things go wrong you just will want more of the poison that is killing you.

Radical Moderate said...

This guy is in trouble. He is from Eritrean which is a poor African country.

It is well known that those from poor countries who come under the wrath of man made Sharia law, usually get the punishment prescribed. It would be different if he was from the US or a western country. Keep him in your prayers.

Kangaroo said...

If there is evidence for Jesus Christ (as) being the Lord, please share it.

I strongly disbelieve there is any....I just don't get why Christians are Christians when their own Bible tells them that the earth is flat and the sun revolves aroudn the Earth...Simple scientific mistakes..Same with evolution? How much better can blind faith be compared to the Quran?

In my school's media center, i ltierally for myself checked out what the Quran says about the embryo and what science says...and im truly amazed about the perfect descriptions...This is just one example out of many.

GreekAsianPanda said...

"I just don't get why Christians are Christians when their own Bible tells them that the earth is flat and the sun revolves aroudn the Earth...Simple scientific mistakes..Same with evolution? How much better can blind faith be compared to the Quran?"

The Quran makes statements that are scientifically inaccurate, also. I doubt you're very consistent when reading the Bible and the Quran; when you come across a verse in the Bible that is scientifically inaccurate, you take it as proof that the Bible is completely unreliable, but when the Quran errs scientifically, you probably reinterpret it. The two books both make statements that reflect ancient scientific views. (According to the Quran, for example, mountains hold down the earth to keep it from shaking--16:15.) This is expected of the Bible, since most Christians believe God inspired it but used humans to communicate the message. But the Quran isn't supposed to have any human influence at all. (I might be incorrect, but isn't the Quran written eternally in heaven, according to the traditional view?)

Mr McStizzle said...

"I strongly disbelieve there is any....I just don't get why Christians are Christians when their own Bible tells them that the earth is flat and the sun revolves aroudn the Earth...Simple scientific mistakes..Same with evolution? How much better can blind faith be compared to the Quran?"

First of all, the Bible is not a scientific text-book. Second, the Bible doesn't describe the Earth as being flat. Third, it doesn't say the sun revolves around the earth.

I'm certain the examples you are thinking of are describing figurative language.

We still commonly use it today. I'm sure, even as a Muslim, you talk about praying at "sun-rise" and "sun-set" even though the sun really does neither. Yet from the perspective of standing on the Earth, and looking at the sun, it would appear to.

You want to talk about the Qur'an being scientifically accurate concerning the embryo, yet the Qur'an also tells us sperm comes from the middle of the spine and the sun sets in a swamp!

Mkvine said...


If you accept that human beings developed from a clot of blood, then your biology is not very good. But, this is what the quran claims...

Lindert said...

"I just don't get why Christians are Christians when their own Bible tells them that the earth is flat and the sun revolves aroudn the Earth...Simple scientific mistakes..Same with evolution? How much better can blind faith be compared to the Quran?"

I've read the bible several times, and have never come across these statements, care to share what you mean? About the sun revolving around the earth, that's simply a matter of perspective. Even an astronomer today would have no problem in everyday life to say that he is watching the sun 'rise', or 'set'. It's just how we see it.

On the other hand, traveling to the place where the sun sets in a pool of murky water (Quran) is somewhat odd...

Hogan Elijah Hagbard said...

Wonder how many Muslims are in jail facing execution in Europe or the US for propagating their faith. Oh yeah, sure, Islam is a tolerant religion. I guess all this killing of Christians reveals fear, Islam is no match for Christianity.

Kangaroo said...

Another very common misconception about the mountains....All it takes is to google it...sigh..

Anyways. The shaking doesn't even refer to any earthquake, as a disbeliever might attack the Quran and say, HA! I found a contradiction!

The Mountains act as stabilizers. Without mountains, the plates of the Earth's crust would be constantly moving around and faster, shaking us all the time as the Earth rotates and revolves. It doesn't mean that they will l stop "Earthquakes".

Still...the Bible is the "Word of God" yet it has major scientific errors which has caused a HUGE decline in the Christian/Catholic population since when it was discovered. Another false model of God eliminated...!!

@Radical mOderate....If sharia law was really that bad i wouldn't be a Muslim. Tell me a few things about it that is pretty bad....And i will answer. =)

donna60 said...

Kangaroo, the evidence of Jesus being LORD, is found in His death, burial and resurrection.

This is why Mohammad was so determined to deny all of these facts. But Mohammad had the luxury of denying these, because he lived six hundred years after they happened, and eyewitnesses of the resurrection weren't around to refute him.

Eyewitnesses who lived during the times of Christ, bore witness of the death and resurrection of Jesus. And even the historians of the first century who hated Christ never denied the resurrection.

goethechosemercy said...

If there is evidence for Jesus Christ (as) being the Lord, please share it.
end quote.

I am the way, the truth and the light. He who believes in me will never die, and he who believes, though he were dead already, yet shall he live.

I paraphrase here because these words have become a part of me.
Blind faith? Why thank you. It's far, far better than submission.

Anonymous said...

Lord, please help my brother in Christ Mussie. Lord, please intervene somehow and take your child out of harms way and help him spread your word even further. My heart is aching right now.

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo, you're misguided my friend and I pray for your guidance to come back. The bible does NOT say the earth is Flat. The Quran does! I am an Arab. Surah 88:20 wa ela al-ard kaifa sutehat "and to the earth how it's flattened". We've heard your arguments way too many times from that liar Zakir and Zaghlool al-najar. There are NO miracles in the Quran at all. If you like, I can help you with the so called "miracles if you mention them to me one by one". The question about Jesus being the Lord has been answered way too many times to even waste my time explaining it to you. He WAS KILLED FOR IT by the jews, what more evidence do you need? In John he says "before Abraham, I AM". Also in John 9, he was worshiped by the man who was healed from blindness.

About your supposed "perfect desciption of embryo", I know what you're talking about. this verse first of all does not even mention the egg that comes out of the women. Second, it's scientifically wrong that the baby is created out of Alaq (blood clot). these issues and other issues are widely known to be false. Again, I can read the Quran in Arabic and I found absolutely no miracles at all. usually it's exaggeration by Muslims and add on to the verses that don't exist. Leave me your email address if you want to discuss the so called "miracles" of the Quran. I am willing to discus it with you if you have an open mind one by one. Leave me your email address and I will contact you or you can contact me if you like from my profile.

meanwhile, have a look at and

Kangaroo said...

The Quran does! I am an Arab. Surah 88:20 wa ela al-ard kaifa sutehat "and to the earth how it's flattened".

Uhm. Look at the Earth around you. Is it flat? Or does it have spikes all over? Or does it have 70000 foot random pillars everywhere? Or are there hills of steel naturally that are bigger than your house.

The verse simply shows that the Earth around you is generally flat.
And to clarify, in another verse, the Quran describes the Earth as the shape of an ostrich egg, which is very accurate.

According to the missionary, " 'alaq " means "a clot of blood." Well, this is the most common meaning of the word, of course there are four meanings for it:

(a) A leech like structure
(b) Something which clings
(c) A clot of blood
(d) Suspended thing

3 of the meanings would prove it to be true, choice c.) is false.

Then the mudghah stage, as a chewed lump...I personally was amazed at how accurate this really is when I compared the description with the actualy embryo.

This is one of the scientific miracles of the Quran wherease the Bible provides nothing but blind faith. I have certain BELIEF. And I would certainly agree that peole prefer certain BELIEF rather than BLIND FAITH in Gospels that were written by people you dont even KNOW.

Good talk.

goethechosemercy said...

Better blind faith and the redemption of the soul than your supposed wisdom.
The Old Serpent offered wisdom too.
Fortunately, we are not fools and won't take it.
If I want wisdom, I have all I need in Western philosophy, science and humanities.
Islam has no humanity.
It serves nothing but itself.

GreekAsianPanda said...

"Another very common misconception about the mountains....All it takes is to google it...sigh..

"Anyways. The shaking doesn't even refer to any earthquake, as a disbeliever might attack the Quran and say, HA! I found a contradiction!

"The Mountains act as stabilizers. Without mountains, the plates of the Earth's crust would be constantly moving around and faster, shaking us all the time as the Earth rotates and revolves. It doesn't mean that they will l stop "Earthquakes"."

Mountains don't even stop the plates from moving; they succumb to the movement by being pushed up higher. The very fact that mountains change because of tectonic movement rather than stopping it shows that the "earth" (the plates) is unstable, despite the presence of mountains. Mountains are the product of the plates' movement. (BTW, the tectonic movement of the plates that is capable of "shaking us" are earthquakes.)

Plus, I didn't even mention earthquakes in my comment, so what makes you think I was talking about them?

"Still...the Bible is the "Word of God" yet it has major scientific errors which has caused a HUGE decline in the Christian/Catholic population since when it was discovered. Another false model of God eliminated...!!"

You're imposing Islam's definition of the "Word of God" on Christianity when they are not the same, and I already explained the difference.

And you need to stop harping on how Christians have "blind faith" because that is not the case with all Christians. There are plenty of Muslims who follow Islam based on "blind faith." (I assume by "blind faith" you mean "believing in something for no reason," right?)

Kangaroo said...

You prefer blindness over clear vision....You've been brainwashed by David and his group lol..

Seriously bro, I don't even David even agrees that he would prefer blindness over clear vision..Sad

"The unbelievers are like beasts, which, call out to them as one may cannot hear anything but a cry and a call. Deaf, dumb and blind, they understand nothing." (Surat al-Baqara: 171)

Another miracle of the Quran:

The preservation of the body of Pharoah for all to see today as a sign from God.
And also the fact that the Quran destroyed the Book of Esther. Science has destroyed the rest. Again...flat earth...sun revolving around the Earth. Ineed the True God wouldn't make such mistakes.

GreekAsianPanda said...

I apologize ahead of time, Kangaroo, that I will not be able to continue this conversation for a couple of days, since I will be away from home and unable to access a computer. Just a heads up.

Kangaroo said...

I take back what i said earlier.
A clot of blood is CORRECT. I haven't realized the blastula stage of this, where there are a bunch of cells dividing into thousands of smaller ones, all in a tight circle. =)

Gabriella Oak said...


An ostrich egg shaped earth?
That's some omlette.

In the meantime, any thoughts on poor Mr Eyob's imminent death at the hands of your sharia-loving Arab brothers?

Anonymous said...

Kangeroo - while your on the subject of Pharaoh - doesn't the author of the Quran place him in a story with Haman?! Haman was in the time of Esther (over a 1,000 years out of place).

And Pharaoh threatens crucifixion, but that wasn't in existence until the time of Darius as far as I know.

If the Quran is God's Word - why the historical anachronisms?

Answer: it isn't. The author was conflated different stories. Perhaps because he couldn't read the originals?

Anonymous said...

More to the point at this moment: Islam decrees death for apostasy. Will you renounce that evil Kangeroo?

Second question - are the Saudis going against Shariah law by imposing the death penalty on God's servant Mussie Eyob?

No evasions please - direct answers for the record.

May God preserve this soldier of Christ shining like a light in the darkness. May God strengthen him now to glorify the One, True God.

Lord have mercy, open the eyes of the blind in Saudi Arabia.

Mkvine said...

"I take back what i said earlier.
A clot of blood is CORRECT. I haven't realized the blastula stage of this, where there are a bunch of cells dividing into thousands of smaller ones, all in a tight circle. =)"

@ Kangaroo,

If what your trying to do is equate a "clot of blood" with the "blastula," then your wrong. A blastula is formed from a zygote, when the male and female gametes unite. A blood clot is formed when blood platelets aggregate in blood vessels.

1). A Zygote is formed from two gametes which unite to make a single cell. The male and female gameters are produced in female and male sex organs, respectively.

2). A blood platelet, which is what causes blood clots, is formed from the bone marrow. Zygotes aren't formed from the bone marrow...

3). A zygote is a true cell, having organelles and a NUCLEUS. It undergoes Mitosis to give rise to other true cells which make up the Blastula.

4). A platelet, which causes blood clots, is not a true cell. It contains some organelles and LACKS a nucleus.

I don't know what connection you were trying to make between a blood clot and a blastula. It almost seemed like your reasoning was "Oh, a blastula is a ball of cells, and so is a blood clot, therefore they're both the same."

Uh, sorry buddy. That's not going to work, they are two different things. No reputable biologist would assert that.

Mkvine said...

"I take back what i said earlier.
A clot of blood is CORRECT. I haven't realized the blastula stage of this, where there are a bunch of cells dividing into thousands of smaller ones, all in a tight circle. =)"

And you also know that Tumors do the same thing right? A tumor cell divides into a "tight circle" when it does not exhibit anchorage, density-dependent inhibition, loses its cell cycle, etc. Are you going to tell me that embryos come from Tumor cells as well? According to your logic, all you have to have is a bunch of cells "dividing...into a tiny circle." Ridiculous!

Kangaroo said...

A book entitled "Earth" is considered a basic reference text in many universities around the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press. He is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences in the USA. Previously, he was the science advisor to former USA President Jimmy Carter. His book says that mountains have underlying roots (p. 435). These roots are deeply embedded in the ground. So mountains have a shape like a peg as is seen in an example on page 220 in the same book. Another illustration shows how the mountains are peg-like in shape, due to their deep roots (p. 158).
This is how the Qur'an described mountains. God said in the Qur'an:

"Have We not made the earth as a bed and the mountains as pegs?"
(Qur'an 78:6-7)

Cut Away View of European Continent
(Note: peg-like roots of mountains)

Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground and that these roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground. So the suitable word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the word 'peg', since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the surface of the ground. The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century. (Geological Concept of Mountains p.5)
Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth. (Geological Concept of Mountains pp. 44-45). They hinder the shaking of the earth. God said in the Qur'an:

"And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you..."
(Qur'an 16:15)

Likewise the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth. This knowledge about the role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to be understood in the framework of plate tectonics since the late 1960's (Geological Concept of Mountains p. 5).

Could anyone during the time of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, have known of the true shape of mountains? Could any one imagine that the solid massive mountain which he sees before him, actually extends deep into the earth and has a root, as scientists assert? A large number of books of geology when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is above the surface of the earth. This is because these books were not written by specialists in geology. However, modern geology has confirmed the truth of the Qur'an's verses.

Anonymous said...

Kangaroo, I hope you read this!! you said "Uhm. Look at the Earth around you. Is it flat? Or does it have spikes all over? Or does it have 70000 foot random pillars everywhere? Or are there hills of steel naturally that are bigger than your house."

Muslims always accuse anyone looking at the Quran by saying "look at the context!!" right?

1. This is not me or you speaking here. The Quran is NOT saying for you "if you look around you, you'll see that the earth is flat", Allah in 88 is talking about the last day, then Allah goes on to say that in 88:17 "Will they not then consider the camels, how they are created?" so now the context is that Allah is trying to convince you of the last day, right!!? Allah is describing his creation for you to believe, he's not saying "look around you, don't you see that the earth is flat", he is describing his creation, therefore this would a perfect place for him to say that the earth is spherical or in Arabic Kouraweea كروية. Instead Allah says it's flat :). Yeah really you're logic is very good indeed. You're argument fails very badly my friend.

2.verse 79:30 does NOT say the earth looks like an Ostrich egg. dahaha دحاها in arabic means to make something flat. Again, see all the interpretation for this verse an not a single major interpreter for the Quran said anything about an egg and so forth, plus the earth does not look an "ostrich egg" in any way, form, or shape.

Again, these lies are recent by the liar Zaghlool al-najar, then it was adopted by the rest like Zakir and others. Plus, how funny, Muslims wait until something new comes out THEN they say "oh, this could be found in the Quran" if these so called "miracles" were indeed in the Quran and they were so clear (as the Quarn says about itself), why didn't you guys inform us BEFORE these facts arrived! Indeed Islam is losing. Lord, please open up Kangaroo's mind to you and help him/her accept your love and salvation in the lord Christ that's going to take us back to your kingdom.

Mkvine said...


Let me guess, did you write down verbatim what Zakir Naik said? And just because he apparently gave some references, it "must be true." Can you quote the actual references?

GreekAsianPanda said...

Kangaroo, when you told me to Google the thing about the mountains and the Quran, I did that and came across a Muslim apologetics website. You just copied and pasted from the very website that I found, word-for-word. At least give the actual writers credit for their work. Anyway, they talk about how mountains have roots, so they are supposedly "pegs" and stuff, but that doesn't mean that they actually hold down the crust of the earth. It proves nothing about the actual function of the roots. And if you think about it, the imagery of "pegs" is easily explained if you look from the viewpoint of an ancient person like Muhammad. Mountains look like "pegs" from above the ground, and since many people in the seventh century (though not all) thought the earth was flat, they could have easily thought that the mountains served as pegs to keep the earth down. (And yes, I apply this logic consistently; sometimes people bring up "scientific miracles" for the Bible, too, and some can be eliminated with this reasoning.)

The website says that the mountains are essential to stabilizing the earth's crust. It doesn't actually show any proof for this, but repeatedly cites a book which you put in parentheses as "Geological Concepts of Mountains." But that is not the entire book title; the title the website has in its footnotes is The Geological Concept of Mountains in the Quran. This book is obviously not a neutral book but is written by a Muslim seeking to show that the Quran is right. Why didn't you show the entire book title? I hope it's because you only wanted to shorten it; I would hate to think that you're deliberately trying to deceive, and I refuse to come to a conclusion like that so quickly.

Here's the webpage:

I repeat: Mountains are not stabilizers of the earth--they do not stop tectonic plates from moving and causing mankind to "shake," and this is evident in that tectonic activity DOES shake us (i.e. earthquakes). Mountains actually move and change with the movement of plates, so they do not actually stabilize them. I did not copy this from a website; I learned this two years ago in eighth-grade science class.

Anonymous said...

GreekAsianPanda, thanks for your reponse to Kangaroo brother/sister. Kangaroo is a lost sheep and I pray for his guidance and to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Going back to the mountains as "pegs" subject. First off, I am Arab who has seen many tenets pegs around where I lived. THEY ACTUALLY LOOK THE OPPOSITE OF MOUNTAINS. The acutal peg is bigger at the top and it narrows towards the ground to keep the tenet in if that's what the Quran is saying. Anyways, even at that, saying that the mountains as pegs is very wrong to begin with. If the mountains were indeed pegs, then why are the himalayan mountains still rising? It's because the mountains are formed from contenintal plates colliding and one going underneath the other, therefore our friend Kangaroo and his Quran are also wrong yet again. I think you GAP might have mentioned this point already. I hope our dear friend Kangaroo is still here listening to truth here. Like I said, The Quran contains NO MIRACLES! I am ready to discuss any of them. I know Arabic very well, so bring it on Kangaroo! Bring more of the so called "miracles". Jesus peformed miracles in front of so many people so that they beilive. These are real miracles, not the lies spewed by Zaghlool and Zakir. Again, I pray for you, I do pray for to the see the light in our Lord Jesus Christ who's the only way back to the father, Amen.

Mkvine said...


What a world of differnce those three little words "in the Quran" make lol. I suspected his citations were biased, I'm not surprised. Good catch :)