Thursday, February 24, 2011

U.S. Spending Hundreds of Millions of Dollars to Repair Mosques in Muslim Countries



celeste said...

why the usa is doing that with the peoples money to REPAIR satan mosques.why dont muslims REPAIR all the churches of our lord jesus tha ones they have destroy and burn why muslims dont do that in every country that they have done that they should be hold rasponsible for all the destruction on our lord jesus churches they leave behind muslims dont respect the rights of others or their why should anybody respect or REPAIR their mosques,after all they are devil worshipers.they deny our lord and god jesus and make fun of his word and of him and make blasphemy against our god the lord jesus,but when some people say something against muhammad muslims massacre man woman and children and burn and destroy our lord jesus churches and embassy around the world and they say that they do that for the honor and the glory of their god allah=satan,

TheBereanSearch said...


Anonymous said...

You can also see this story on my blog @ Posted on the 23rd. It is good that as many as possible are made away of this one.

donna60 said...

Pardon me for my ignorance but I thought that the United States government was constitutionally bound not to favor an one particular religious group over another.

Anonymous said...

The thing that bothers me most is that no matter how much you help these people, they will always look at you as an infidel. It's in there holy book and no amount of doing good will change it.

Unknown said...

Donna, you are not ignorant. You are exactly right. This is a disgrace. One more example of fraud and crime committed against Americans by their own government.