JEDDAH – A 23-year-old unmarried woman was awarded a one-year prison term and 100 lashes for committing adultery and trying to abort the resultant fetus.
The District Court in Jeddah pronounced the verdict on Saturday after the girl confessed that she had forced sexual intercourse with a man who had offered her a ride. The man, the girl confessed, took her to a rest house, east of Jeddah, where he and four friends assaulted her all night long.
The girl claimed that she became pregnant soon after and went to King Fahd Hospital for Armed Forces in an attempt to carry out an abortion. She was eight weeks’ pregnant then, the hospital confirmed.
According to the ruling, the woman will be sent to a jail outside Jeddah to spend her time and will be lashed after delivery of her baby who will take the mother’s last name. (Source)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saudi Woman Sentenced to 100 Lashes and a Year in Jail for Being Gang Raped
According to the Qur'an (24:4), a person can only be accused of sexual sin if there are four witnesses. (Of course, 24:6 allows a husband to count as all four witnesses if he wants to accuse his wife of adultery.) The results of Sharia have been disastrous. If a man rapes a woman, and there aren't four witnesses standing around watching, the woman cannot accuse the man. Indeed, if she accuses a man, but can't produce four witnesses, she will be flogged with 80 lashes. (In some areas, a woman will be murdered in an "honor killing" simply for being raped.) Hence, women who are raped in the Muslim world know that it is useless to report the rape. But some of these raped women become pregnant, at which point they are accused of fornication or adultery. Since women cannot, according to Sharia, prove that they have been raped, the rapists go free, and the women are punished.
And people ask me why I have a problem with Islam!!!!!
"The man, the girl confessed, took her to a rest house"
For those of you who don't know a "Rest Home" is a rental home that Saudi men rent to get away, and well drink homemade whiskey, sing and dance with each other and evidently rape woman.
"Of course, 24:6 allows a husband to count as all four witnesses if he wants to accuse his wife of adultery.
However, doesn't verse 8 provide the wife with a way out of that accusation?
I also noticed that this chapter would seem to provide the basis for a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim if she's really willing to suffer for it. She has to be accused of committing adultery and receive hundred lashes, after which she is allowed to marry a non-believer.
"The parents of a twelve-year old Christian was raped and murdered by five Muslims in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, have accepted a cash payment in "compensation" for their loss, in exchange for abandoning their court case. The parents, who are poor and carry little weight in the community, feared revenge and intimidation, and that powerful friends of their daughter's killers would try to influence the case."
What would have become of this Saudi woman if she had been raped in Pakistan, I wonder? And what would have been the fate of this poor Christian family had they been in S.A?
I wonder why muslims around the world still has not awaken up?
Oh guys and gals you have to read the comments on that article.
"it is random happening in kingdom mostly at wednessday being celebrating here as sex day,unfotunate if saudi girls caught by anyone then claim abuse or abduction otherwise conclusion like this pragnency where is the beheading law of shariah???"
Wow Wednesday is celebrated as SEX DAY.
"She was asking for it | .... posted...
Clearly this woman lusted in her heart for the intimacy of men. She serviced them and afterwards claim they forced themselves on her. She should be permanently marked to show her shame."
"Cultural Insensitivity | Detrus posted...
Who in Western society would get in a car with a stranger? That girl needs to be aware of the consequences. The only difference is in her society she is punished for her stupidity twice."
"Jeddah...The Paris of the Red Sea | Muhammed ibn' allah posted...
Meh...She's probably Filipino or something. As a Saudi, I have the right to force a girl to commit adultery. If you don't want this to happen, maybe you should allow me to watch some pornography on the internet."
It astonishes me how readily those in Muslim countries will assume that women are eager to have sex with multiple partners in one night.
IF I would not be a Christian I would kill these kind of people. And I would say 'These' not 'they'are cancer of society.
But now i am Christian by choice. So I can not kill.
Sophie, Yeah.. when does that ever happen?
But I have read that men who enjoy sharing the same woman are actually acting out latent homosexual desires.
I never heard that before. I guess that's because by sharing a woman it's like they are sleeping with each other through her? Psychology's a funny thing. I wouldn't be surprised if there was truth to that, although in the case of Saudi Arabia, homosexual activities are apparently so widespread and common that if they wanted to indulge that way, they would have a lot of opportunities.
Yesterday or 2 days ago when I posted comment, in anger and in hurry I forgot to say how I would like to kill these rapists and the lawmakers, who say the woman needs to produce four male eyewitnesses, so, now I want to say how I would kill 'these' animals. If I would still remain non-religious and nonbeliever, as I was before, I would shoot his forehead and even after his death I would keep shooting some more bullets to his face and then I would pour acid on his face and finally I would crush his face by dropping a big heavy stone. But I would do these things IF, a big IF, I would not be a Christian.
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