Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ten Terror Suspects Arrested in Europe (Care to Guess Which Religion They Follow?)

The Qur'an commands Muslims to fight unbelievers until they are subjugated to Islam.

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

You might think that such a violent command could lead Muslims to attack non-Muslims. There's no need to worry, however. The TSA is strip searching non-Muslim children, so we're all safe.

Daily Mail--Fears are rising across Europe of an al-Qaeda outrage before Christmas as intelligence services work frantically to track down radicalised western nationals returning from terror camps in Pakistan.

Ten suspects holding Belgian, Dutch, Moroccan and Russian passports were arrested in Belgium, Germany and Holland.

Prosecutors spoke of a complex plot involving an 'international Islamist group' in Belgium although a specific target was not identified.

Media reports spoke of a Chechen element involving Islamic separatists embroiled in a long-running struggle with Moscow.

Meanwhile across the border in Germany it was widely reported that two members of a six-strong suicide squad were already in the country.

The famed glass dome of the Reichstag building in Berlin was closed to tourists indefinitely on Monday amid interior ministry warnings that a strike could be expected in November or early December.

The feeling among intelligence services is that al-Qaeda is prepared to 'go for broke' with a bloodbath before Christmas using westerners who have converted to Islam to avoid detection at air and seaports.

Two scenarios are on the table; a Mumbai-style massacre using automatic weapons stored at safe houses or suicide bomb attacks using explosives also stored among radicals within the country’s massive Muslim population. (Read more.)


M.C. said...

Oh come on! 6 muslims? Aww. I was really hoping for 5 orthodox jews and a rabbi. (Yeah right.)

Tizita said...

OOO, pick me, pick me, i know the answer, Islam!

Dirk said...

Yes, as the saying goes, "Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims." The complacency of the masses amazes me, especially with the technology to produce information about ANYTHING right at our fingertips now. This is well documented over and over, but instead, as you say, we're strip searching 10-year-old non-Muslim children so that we won't "offend" anyone.

AB said...

David .. i was watching one of your debates with abdallah .... about the scientific accuricies of the quran ... i watched it from abdallah's web site and its funny the wway he posts his own interpretation of your every point and stops the video and "explains " your reasoning by the usual Muslim way of 1) your quoting a vague ahadith 2) your mis interpreting the verse

its amazing how the Muslims try to get the viewers to believe that they are representing the truth and will try anything to prove their case and out of desperation turn to these cheap tricks. Where as You Bro David dont do that in your website and Christianyt dosent need to interpret every single passage to make it the word of god .... for the truth will speak for it self and muslims are so scared that theur fellow muslims might start to reason the claims you put forth they try to nip that in the bud with hilarious slides in the debates.

otto said...

The feeling among intelligence services is that al-Qaeda is prepared to 'go for broke' with a bloodbath before Christmas using westerners who have converted to Islam to avoid detection at air and seaports.

This is what they keep doing! They target vulnerable western loners, brainwash them, and use them to kill other westerners. Islam is using westerners to do its dirty job of killing westerners.