This is, of course, a horrible argument. Communism spread far more rapidly than Islam ever has, but few people would argue that it must therefore be from God.
One of the major flaws in this Muslim argument becomes clear when we consider the reason for the spread of Islam. The largest factor is Muslim birth rates (rather than, say, conversions to Islam). Many Muslim countries are classified as Third World Countries (which are typically associated with high birth rates), and even in more developed Muslim countries, we find men having multiple wives with unusually high numbers of children.
UAE's superdad is all set to tie the knot again, with the aim of hitting a century before 2015.
Father of 88 children, 64-year-old Daad Murad Abdul Rahman will marry 18-year-old Aisha in Jaipur (Indian state of Rajastan) after Eid.
Speaking to Emirates24|7, Rahman said: "The wedding was arranged by his Indian doctor. Meher [money bridegroom pays the bride's father] has been fixed at Dh20,000 and the nikkah [wedding] will be held in Jaipur."
Rahman, who lives in Ajman and Manama, has 50 boys and 38 girls. The eldest son Tariq is 39 years of age and the youngest is a few months old. "I will stop marrying when I have 100 children. I hope to achieve that with this marriage."
The sexagenarian could not conceal his excitement when asked about his new bride. “I'm thrilled about my wedding. She is a pretty girl. I have seen her photograph. I speak to her over the phone. I have applied for visa to visit India for the marriage. Most probably, I will leave for India after Eid."
"Every marriage is a celebration in our family as children get new clothes, sweets and gifts. We will have to cut at least four sheep for the festivities.
I will bring the new bride to Ajman a few weeks after the marriage," he added.
Rahman takes pride in the media coverage he receives. First featured in 'Emirates Today' way back in 2007, his growing family was later on 'Big Families' an international TV programme. "My new wife is impressed because she has already seen me on TV channels. Several TV people have come to my house to interview me and shoot my family members,” he said.
“We have just celebrated one Eid and the family is getting ready for the next Eid. The new bride will add more flavour to the festival mood in my family," he added.
Rahman gets pension from the UAE Armed Forces, financial aid and other benefits such as free homes from the government.
His family comprising 127 members live in seven homes spread across different emirates. Most of his children are employed in good positions (UAE Armed Forces, Police, etc). One of them is a businessman in the UK.
Rahman says he has been married 15 times. However, he has only three wives at present and the rest are divorced. Some of his ex-wives, however, still stay with him. (Source)
My, my, many ways can a man go wrong in one sentence?
"Rahman says he has been married 15 times. However, he has only three wives at present and the rest are divorced. Some of his ex-wives, however, still stay with him."
The fact that this has such a sad element to it (particularly for the poor 18 year-old fiancee) doesn't take away from how laughable this man is. 100 children? She's 18 and will expect to have 18 children from here on
I know that children are a blessing from Yahweh (Psalm 127:3), but you need to know where to put the brakes on how many kids you want to have. I don't know how Muslims can raise that many kids.
This story is utterly nauseating and not at all surprising. Fifteen "marriages?" Let's just call this "man" what he is: promiscuous.
The Lord should really have put a hold on men.
What im trying to say is, Christ has created women where they can't have anymore kids after a certain age, right? So the same should have happened to men. just saying
I don't know what emotions to have w/this story. Mostly i'm just shocked and disgusted by this man! I feel very sad for the girl.
And the whole country admires him, sick!
Populations with poor education tend to have higher rates of natural increase and fertility rates, and places with less gender equality have high fertility rates, as well. Many Islamic countries don't have very good education and the women often do not hold very much power, so it is natural that the number of adherents to Islam would be growing so fast; there are people being born into an Islamic environment in increasingly large numbers.
In The Name of Allaah,
The Most Gracious,
The Most Merciful.
Peace be unto you.
Subhana'Allaah, in your last post you stated:
"The Lord should really have put a hold on men."
What are you saying? Are you saying that you believe that the Lord made a mistake or that you know how things should be run better than the Lord? Allaah willing, please help me to understand what you are saying by clarifying your position.
You then stated:
"women where they can't have anymore kids after a certain age, right? So the same should have happened to men. just saying"
Allaah knows best, it seems that you are saying that He didn't do it right, He made a mistake, and that you know better on how things should be run.
Did I catch that right?
Subhana'Allaah, at the close of your post you stated:
"I don't know what emotions to have w/this story. Mostly i'm just shocked and disgusted by this man! I feel very sad for the girl. And the whole country admires him, sick!"
Prophet Ibraheem (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) fathered NATIONS. The whole world admires this great man (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him).
Do you find that sick too?
In my opinion, it's his personal business how many times he gets married, and of course if this person, who has been married so many times, does not know the minimum sense of morality at all, then these are his problems. Personally, I like to travel and if I want to meet someone in a new country, then I will definitely use this popular dating site Look, it's very cool.
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