All right. Imagine the coolest possible person in the world who could give Acts 17 a shout out. Then multiply the coolness by a trillion, and you're still not even close. I'll give you a hint. He's so fast, he can run around the world and punch himself in the back of the head. He's counted to infinity . . . twice. He uses pepper spray to spice up his steaks. The Dearborn Police are thanking their lucky stars that he wasn't there when they put their hands on Negeen.
Here it is.
I totally guessed who it was before I clicked on the link! Haha!! So cool!
Using Google to find out about Chuck Norris and you'll get this result...
And Christianity is in good hands because we have on our side, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit... and also Chuck Norris. =P
Too cool!
"Thank you, Chuck Norris."!
That is sooo amazing!!!
"Chuck Norris once punched a hole through thin air..."
What does that mean, "he's counted to infinity"?
Seriously nice! you're right. The police would have had noting on this guy. The only way the police could have stopped him was if they had Bruce Lee on their side. But Bruce is no longer with us...
How cool is that! To get a shout out from such a man. I always liked Mr. Norris. now even more so. We are continuing in prayer for you.
I suppose Chuck Norris could show the Dearborn officials what a real "breach of peace" looks like! ;-)
Chuck Norris has killed two stones with one bird
don't you mean two birds with one stone?
I was really interested in the story Norris linked about the missionaries arrested for disorderly conduct for preaching outside of a mosque in Philadelphia. A few salient points:
--The police demanded that they stop videotaping.
--The police took their video *and erased it*!!!
--The police told them to stop preaching and singing and called large numbers of police backup when they refused. ("We need backup here! We think they may have a hymnal, and we heard something about a Sword of the Spirit!") But note that this is a difference, in that the refused the police order to stop preaching on the street outside of the mosque. Whether the police had a right to give such an order is questionable, but that is a difference from Acts 17, to whom no such order was given.
Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.
I love Chuck Norris (
No, Nabeel did said it right. :-P
Chuck Norris is suing MySpace for using the name that he calls everything around you.
If you misspell 'Chuck Norris' on Google, it won't bother to correct you. It'll just say "Run while you still have a chance."
Chuck Norris once drowned a fish...
good one mkvine
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