Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Acts Chapter Ten

Acts Chapter Ten (NIV)
Acts Chapter Ten (NASB)


Verses 1-8: Cornelius receives a vision.

Verses 9-33: Peter receives a vision.

Verses 34-43: Peter preaches to the Gentiles.

Verses 44-48: The Gentiles receive the Spirit.


(A) Acts 10:13-15--Jews would not eat with Gentiles, due largely to dietary restrictions. In this powerful vision, Jesus abolishes the Jewish dietary restrictions, opening the door for Peter to fellowship with the Gentiles.

(B) Acts 10:25-26--"When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter raised him up, saying, 'Stand up; I too am just a man.'" Peter rejects worship, as did Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:15) and even an angel (Revelation 19:10). This is in stark contrast to Jesus, who was worshiped as a child (Matthew 2:11), during His ministry (Matthew 14:33; John 9:38), and after His resurrection (Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:52). Neither Jesus nor anyone else ever commanded people not to worship Him.

(C) Acts 10:34-43--Notice Peter's emphasis on Jesus' death, resurrection, and deity as he preaches the Gospel to the Gentiles. Peter calls Jesus "Lord of all" (v. 36) and says that He is the final Judge (v. 42). Continuing his appeal to evidence, Peter points to eyewitness testimony of Jesus' resurrection appearances (v. 41), as well as Jesus' miracles (v. 38) and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (v. 43).

(D) Acts 10:44--Without following Jewish ceremonial traditions (e.g. dietary restrictions and circumcision), the Gentiles receive the Spirit and enter the Kingdom of God.

1 comment:

Ry said...

Christians are often critised for eating all types of food- so it is important that Peter's vision was backed up by an independent source. Cornelius, a Gentile, received very specific instructions from an angel (Acts 10:5)enabling him to send messengers at the precise moment Peter was receiving his vision (Acts 10:17).

Thanks to God that we are no longer under the old convenant, because the real Lamb has died once and for all for our sins.

I am thankful we are able to use the most humane 21st century methods of slaughter of animals- rather than ancient methods which governments and animal welfare groups agree can cause animals 'very significant pain and distress' (DEFRA). I am thankful that I, a Gentile, can be received into Christ's kingdom and that Christ has no prejudices.