Acts Chapter Four (NIV)
Acts Chapter Four (NASB)
Verses 1-12: Peter and John get arrested for preaching.
Verses 13-22: Peter and John are threatened and released.
Verses 23-31: The believers pray for boldness.
Verses 31-37: Life in the early Christian community.
(A) Acts 4:1-3--"As they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them, being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And they laid hands on them and put them in jail until the next day, for it was already evening." Hmmm. Local leaders get upset that a group is preaching, so they put them in jail until the next day, since it was already evening. Why does this sound familiar?
(B) Acts 4:10-11--Notice that Peter continues to emphasize Jesus' death, resurrection, and deity. This message is accompanied by the further evidence of a miraculous healing.
(C) Acts 4:12--"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
(D) Acts 4:19-20--"But Peter and John answered and said to them, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.'" Christians are generally to obey authorities. But we are called to civil disobedience when preaching is prohibited.
(E) Acts 4:29-31--In response to threats and intimidation, the disciples pray for God to enable them to preach the Gospel with greater boldness. God answers their prayer.
(A) Acts 4:1-3--"As they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them, being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And they laid hands on them and put them in jail until the next day, for it was already evening." Hmmm. Local leaders get upset that a group is preaching, so they put them in jail until the next day, since it was already evening. Why does this sound familiar?
It sounds familiar because you, Negeen, Paul and Nabeel were thrown into jail for preaching the gospel at the American-Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan for preaching the gospel. And you guys got released the day after the events. I pray that Sharia Law in Dearborn will become a thing of the past. David and company don't get discouraged when this happened.
(C) Acts 4:12--"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved."
Similar to waht our Savior said in John 14:6. All religions do not lead to heaven!!!!!
Indeed, Bro. Jabari! Hallelujah! Can we have reconciliation with the One Eternal and Only Living God?
Yes! Reconciliation between sinful people and Adonai Yahweh is possible through the Blood (sacrifice / spirit / presence / Name / mind-set / transformation / rebirthing) of His Precious Only Son, Messiah Jesus! Praise Him! Believe it or not, this is possible even for wretches like me! LOL!
Can there be reconciliation between sinful people so that they can have real relationship instead of just acquaintance or hostility?
Again, by the Blood of the Lamb of God, true reconciliation and relationship - even LOVE - is possible between sinful human beings (well, at least if sin is no longer in control - and Christ's precious Blood makes that possible)!!
Buddha? No. Buddha would have been the first to tell you that he had no salvation to offer. Enlightenment? Maybe. Reconciliation with God? Definitely not.
Ummm, how about Mohammed? (Laughs uncontrollably) NO! Reconciliation with god? WHAT god? Ullahu Quayykkksmoor has no USE for reconcilitation with humans; much LESS has Ullah any use for loving relationship.
BOW DOWN to Ullah in submission (and forget entertaining any loving adoration) and do as you are told by the mmmooo-llahs. Pray as you are told. Slay as you are told. Forget being reconciled with Ullahu Quayykkksmoor!
From my point of view it is AMAZING that God has made a way where there WAS no way! And some may say that Christ Jesus sounds elitist when He tells us "No man cometh to the Father - except by me". THEY'RE MISSING THE POINT! Jesus has made possible for us something that NO ONE ELSE CAN DO!
Hallelujah! GLORY TO GOD! Even we broken, hopeless, useless and failed people can have loving relationships of reconciliation with the ONLY LIVING GOD and real, honest, loving relationships of reconciliation with other people through the Spirit of The Christ! By His Blood, In His Essense, In His Name, Through His Presence, In His Mind-set, In His Purpose and through His very HEART living in us. Thank you, Lord!
Bless that precious Luke for giving us his Gospel and the Acts. Praise the Ever Living One for inspiring Luke and the Apostles and all of us lesser disciples!
GLORY TO GOD that His beloved Kingdom is still unfolding! THANK YOU, JABARI! THANK YOU, DAVID & ACTS 17! THANK YOU SOVEREIGN GOD!
Thought ur video was appaulling,you like to make others belief look bad,yet don't look at ur religion.lets look at ur religion ,it's based on liars now these r facts Jesus birth ,and his name a liar ,Jesus wasn't born with d name Jesus he was called yeshua,and was not born on 25th dec. another liar ,apparently died for 3d 3 nites let's c died on good fri. Rose on sun6am now let's count d days and u wil c it's not 3d 3n do now it's being said he must have died on weds. D liars just keep on goin.when yeshua was alive no one believed he was god ,they believed him to b a messenger and was called yeshua d messiah,after his death years later when d Romans started to believe in him that he cannot b a man he must b god so they changed his name his birth and his identity claiming to be b4 u criticize other religion look at ur could a man b god ,how could god b mortal.yeshua was created god wasn't it is absolutely clear to anyone with brains yeshua was not god
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