Thursday, July 8, 2010

State Representative Tom McMillin Calls on Attorney General to Investigate Our Arrests

World Net Daily--A lawmaker in Michigan is calling on the state attorney general to investigate the arrests of four Christians at a recent Arab festival in the city of Dearborn, saying they were just "engaging festivalgoers in conversation about religion on public property."

The call comes from state Rep. Tom McMillin, who has introduced a resolution to that effect.

His concern is over the arrests of four people during the Arab Festival in Dearborn, where police have been accused of enforcing Islamic law.

The officers arrested the Christian missionaries and illegally confiscated their video cameras, which were being used to record the events, according to the Thomas More Law Center of Ann Arbor, Mich., which is representing the defendants.

Officials in the police department with the city of Dearborn declined to comment to WND.

"Both the constitution of Michigan and the United States guarantee the right of every person to enjoy free speech and practice their religion freely, just as these men were doing," McMillin, R-Rochester Hills, said.

"Those rights can't be just pushed aside for political correctness or to accommodate certain circumstances or locations," he said.

McMillin has been in touch with the "Dearborn Four" and has agreed to attend their arraignment in Dearborn on July 12 as a show of solidarity.

"These men should not be punished for exercising their inalienable rights," McMillin said. Read more.


Anthony Rogers said...

Wow, kudos to McMillin.

The Berean Search said...

Well done Representative McMillin! Taking a stand for the Constitution should make all those whom elected you proud. It's also good to see this situation getting some media exposure.

Traeh said...

Woo hoo! Yes!

Traeh said...

People should call his office to thank him.

The Berean Search said...

District 45, Rochester Hills

(517) 373-1773

(866) 969-0450

Kid Icarus said...

I was wondering if Mr. Wood would let us know how many times he has handed out gospels when not videoing himself? It's amazing that numerous others there were able to do that without an incident, and have publicly said so.

Remember, David, God knows the truth and you're going to have to answer for it one day. Lying and misleading in His name is serious business.

Phil 1:15

Traeh said...

Thank you, Berean.

To all: If you call and Representative McMillin is not available, ask the staff person to convey your support and thanks to Tom McMillin for courageously helping out the four missionaries in the Dearborn freedom of speech case. Tell McMillin or his staff that you'll never forget the good he's doing in this case.

And remember everyone, a politician multiplies the number of calls he gets on an issue by, say, 100, and concludes there are 100 times as many people out there who support the stance just as much as the callers support it, but all those other supporters just didn't have time to call or didn't think of calling. A phone call to a politician can thus be much more effective than one might think.

David Wood said...

Wonder Bunny said: "I was wondering if Mr. Wood would let us know how many times he has handed out gospels when not videoing himself? It's amazing that numerous others there were able to do that without an incident, and have publicly said so. Remember, David, God knows the truth and you're going to have to answer for it one day. Lying and misleading in His name is serious business."

For the trillionth time, we weren't handing anything out when we got arrested. We were having a conversation. We tried handing something out two days later, OUTSIDE THE FESTIVAL, but that had nothing to do with our arrest on Friday.

And no, people weren't allowed to freely distribute materials at the festival. People who wanted to distribute something ON A PUBLIC STREET during the festival were required to purchase a booth. Of course, this had nothing to do with us, SINCE WE WEREN'T DISTRIBUTING ANYTHING.

So we haven't lied about anything, but that's what you're accusing us of. Let me ask you, do you believe that lying is the only sin, or does falsely accusing a brother count as well?

Ryan S said...

Wonder Bunny, Having been involved in street evanglism for about 8 years now, I know with some experiance what David and the others of gone though. Over the years Ive found the worst enemies of the Gospel are not the unbelievers but "christians" such as yourself who first and formost play devils avocate without first getting their facts right or presumptionusly judge the hearts of others which is only the Right of God! Perhaps the Lord would be so kind to place you into a postion of great persecution and trial while other "christians" accuse you falsely, maybe then you would learn some humility.

Traeh said...

Wonder Bunny,
Since when is videoing illegal? Do you think it should become illegal?

Why do you think people who threaten videographers and photographers with violence should go their merry way, while people with cameras should be arrested?

Do you disagree with the First Amendment? Would you prefer to live in a country without free speech?

Do you think a country that persecutes Christians or in which Christians must skulk around in fear of offending their "betters" is a better country than one in which people can speak freely without being assaulted?

Do you think because one group is not assaulted, and another group is, that it necessarily follows that the assaulted group did something wrong?

Bunny, I can't believe you are against enforcement of free speech laws and First Amendment rights, but it seems you are.

Remember, Bunny, supporting dictatorship and despotism, and defending thuggery, is something you might one day have to answer to God for. ;)

Prof. John Baugh said...

The mayor of Dearborn released his comments on the situation to anyone who complained. Notice how he says "Free Speech Zone" as if it's normal that we have to have a *zone* for free speech. Also, he seems to indicate that the Arab Fest grounds are not public property during the festival, so the First Amendment doesn't apply.

As a Dearborn resident, I find it peculiar that the Dearborn grounds crews were cleaning up after the insane mess if it's not "public property"