Saturday, May 1, 2010

Improvised Explosive Device in Times Square

I go to Times Square all the time, so this one hits close to home.

There isn't enough information to conclude who's behind this yet (though you probably shouldn't put your money on radical Quakers or Mormon fundamentalists), but early reports suggest that an SUV that caught fire in Times Square was loaded with gasoline tanks, propane tanks, gun powder, and a timing device. Several blocks have been evacuated. Some are concerned that the license plate of the Nissan SUV was registered to a Ford. It's a bit early to jump to conclusions, though, as facts are often inaccurate until sifted and confirmed. Police are saying it isn't a terrorist attack. I'll keep you updated as more facts surface. (I'd jump on the subway and head down there, but I have a strange suspicion it's not running.)


Yahya Snow said...

I hope you stay safe David...keep us updated

Perhaps, with all the right winged zeal that has been surfacing lately in the US, it is a hardline Christian group or some racist group looking to send a message to BHO...

Then could be what you suspect

Yahya Snow said...

...our tube (subway) is absolute pants on Sundays

How is the NY subway on Sundays???

Fernando said...

I beat thate now some muslim organization will reivindicate this action and then, imediately after, muslims will begin shouting: "this as nothing to do whithe islam... we are suffering from islamophobia and we fear a backblash"...

muslim typical hipocrisy alert...

Dragostea said...

Yahya says: "Perhaps, with all the right winged zeal that has been surfacing lately in the US, it is a hardline Christian group or some racist group looking to send a message to BHO..."

Im so glad you posted this comment before we all found out that actually there were muslims that did this. So what do you have to say now about this ??? they are not following muhammad ? i think they are following muhammad more than you do since they are doing what he said:"fight the people until islam is the only religion"...
but then again i might be wrong in saying that they are following muhammad more then you do, because muhammad also taught his followers to lie when they are weak: and that's what we both know you are doing: TAQYYA

Do you really think the true God would tell people that it's ok to lie ??? do you REALLY think that ?

hugh watt said...

Let's not jump to conclusions. It could give weight to those who shout, 'Islamophobia.'