It's that time again. Lord willing, we'll be going weekly with "Jesus or Muhammad" starting next month. I'll be on "Jesus or Muhammad" and "News and Views" with Pastor Joseph tomorrow (Wednesday). Sam has a prior engagement, but he should be with us via phone.
7:00 P.M.-9:30 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time)
"Jesus or Muhammad?" (We'll be discussing the Muslim contribution to the Holocaust and Hitler's hatred of Christianity.)
10:00 P.M.-12:00 P.M.
"News and Views"
12:15 A.M.-1:15 A.M.
"Rapid Fire"
Yeah its CLOBBERING TIME. Also this weekend in Canada Mary Jo Sharp will be debating a Muslima.
Christian – Muslim Debate
“Women: The Bible and The Qur'an”
Tabasum Hussain, PhD.
Mary Jo Sharp, MA
Saturday, February 20th 5:30 pm
Toronto, Canada
25-Minute Opening Statements (each debater) 50mins
15-Minute 1st Rebuttals (each debater) 30mins
10-Minute 2nd Rebuttals (each debater) 20mins
10-Minute Conclusions (each debater) 20mins
Q & A from Audience (pre-selected questions) 20mins
I'm wandering wille I'm seating here: will Chaud ring in? He has been, in the past weeks, a great contributter to this blessed blogg: he has helpped a lot off us exposing the sibiline nature off islam more than ounce... or will he place a final point in his participation affter brother ben "The Oracle" malik (greetings to you) called him Chaud the Fraud? I hoppe not...
Praise God!!
I am looking forward to Hitler and Christianity - too many people have told me Hitler was a Christian and the Nazis were secretly in cahoots with the Church.
Dr. Wood – please give sources for the Hitler quotes; if they are from personal memoires I would like to know where to read them.
Thanks, God Bless.
The Fat Man,
Blessing and greetings from another brother In The Faith. I'm from Toronto and I'm interested in attending this debate that you mentioned; however you did not provide an exact address. If possible could you please do so.
God bless you and have a great day!
Bro. Christopher White
The Fat Man & Others,
I did a quick search on the net and discovered that this debate will be held at "North American Muslim Foundation" in Scarborough, ON. The exact address is:
4140 Finch Avenue East between Kennedy Road and Midland Avenue. I checked on Mary Jo's website Confident Christianity for the exact date/time and according to her schedule (Events) the date for the debate is apparently February the 19th & 20th at 6:30pm. I don't know if these 2 dates represent separate events and/or locations. I attempted to contact staff at NAMF for verification but withou success. I'll call them tomorrow to get specifics on the event - dates/time.
Thank The Fat Man for bringing this event to my attention.
Bro. Christopher White
I am from Toronto also and will be at the debate. The debate is at North American Muslim Foundation located at Finch and Midland in Scarborough. It begins at 5:30 p.m. This should be a very good debate I know Mary Jo and the Muslim particapants are intelligent and very respectful not like Osama Abdullah is the worst debater on the face of the earth
The exact address is 4140 Finch Avenue East, Scarborough. the Telephone number is 416 299 1969. Use the side entrance.
Here is the link to the muslim advertisement for the debate. Notice the picture its to funny.
For what it is worth, anyone interested in Hitler and the Islamic Final solution connection can go here: "Tell the Children the Truth" and Amin Al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
Thank you for the heads up re: the exact time and day of this event. I'll be there for sure by The Grace of Our Heavenly Father. I'll be the one wearing the Buffalo Bills baseball cap (one of the greatest NFL franchise of all times with Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith,etc). I hope to see you there. May God continue to be with you.
The Fat Man,
Regarding the picture on the NAMF's website, I too also noticed the comparative image of a frail looking Mother Theresa and a beat up Bible versus the image of a strikingly attractive young muslim woman and a beautifully preserved copy of the quran in gold lettering. I suppose the idea that is being presented to those that view this site is out with the old and otherwise corrupted Bible and in with the new and perfectly preserved quran. Clearly nothing could be further from The Truth. Christ is KING of Kings and LORD of Lords! To Him ALONE belongs ALL Glory, Honour, and Power. God bless you The Fat Man and have a great day.
Bro. Christopher White
Looking forward to seeing you there. I be the short guy with glasses and with Neil one the co-moderators.
See you there and God bless!
Bro. Christopher White
Revised Debate Format:
UPDATED: February 18th, 2010
General Introduction & Welcome Message to the Event: Farooq Khan (executive director, NAMF)
Introduction to Mary Jo with Bio – Neil
25-Minute Opening Statement - Mary Jo
Introduction to Tabasum with Bio – Sheharyar
25-Minute Opening Statement – Tabasum
Intro. To 1st and 2nd Rebuttals section – Sheharyar
15-Minute 1st Rebuttals - Mary Jo
15-Minute 1st Rebuttals - Tabasum
10-Minute 2nd Rebuttals - Mary Jo
10-Minute 2nd Rebuttals -Tabasum
Intro to Q&A (questions from audience, written on paper) by Sheharyar starting with 1st question to Mary Jo
Then Neil puts a question to Tabasum (3 mins max for each speaker to answer q – with 1 min response from other speaker to the same question - repeat until each speaker has had equal number of questions put to them within the 30 min time given).
Introduction to Conclusion by Neil
10-Minute Conclusion - Mary Jo
10-Minute Conclusion - Tabasum
Closing of the event by Sheharyar
*** There will be a break for the night prayer (15 minutes) at 8:00pm.
Mary Jo Sharp why are you going first?
Why not go first? It's a neutral topic (rather than an Islamic topic), so someone has to go first.
in islam women in Saudi arabia , women cant drive own property and only exist to provide children and Pleasure for the muslim, treated like subhuman
spent time in Saudi Arabia , and muslims are very treacherous , they were nice because the U>S> was protecting their oil and country and had the opportunity heard about the daily executions of violations of Sharia law
Hi hollandmad3...
thanks for your input... I hoppe you'll continue to place your comments on this blog...
may God bless you...
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