The attack by Major Nidal Malik Hasan is confusing to Western media because Islam is so incredibly peaceful. As everyone knows, most Muslims love freedom, America, and apple pie. Isn't it strange, then, that Muslims had nothing to do during the Hajj but shout "Death to America"? Actually, they did have something else to do. They also shouted "America is the enemy of Allah," "Israel is the enemy of Allah," and "Death to Israel." Notice in the video that these chants rank alongside the Shahadah in importance. But shouldn't these dedicated Muslims realize from reading the Qur'an that Islam condemns violence and killing? Where's CNN's Arsalan Iftikhar when we need him to distort the Qur'an to make it sound peaceful? Oh, he's busing convincing non-Muslims that Islam is peaceful. He has no time to convince his fellow Muslims.
wut a bunch of nonsense muslims in this video. they need to be taught the peaceful side of Islam. Oh wait a min there is no such thing.
hummmmm i wonder if the saudi government knws about this. then again they will just deny the fact. i was well aware and scared when i lived in Saudi Arabia but i suggest something to all. It is not ur getaway tourist vacation spot to go to.
In 1947 Israel drove 750K Palestinians from their homes, destroyed 400 villages. In 1967 they invaded the refugee camps that these people were driven to and they take more of their land. This is virtually unanimously deemed illegal under international law, yet the U.S. and Israel continue. After years of oppression your condemnation is for those that utter a few chants that express their anger? Where was your outrage when Israel assaulted these people around the turn of the year and killed 1400 civilians, including chemical warfare? I see a lot of talk about Fort Hood. Where is the talk about the million children that were starved under the U.S. and U.K. sanctions regime?
There are perhaps a million dead Muslims since the invasion of 2003 by the U.S. You're shocked that they are mad? We have military bases throughout their country, we're dividing their resources amongst U.S. oil companies and you think their anger is somehow a major problem? What would you think if China had an embassy here the size of the Vatican and military bases throughout. Plus they had a puppet regime that they protected within the "Green Zone" that had no interest in the will of the people?
I thought it was Jesus that said do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Is this how you would want to be treated?
We christians have many enemies, but never met a bunch which shouted with a loud voice: Kill the infidels, death to this country and death to that country.
Islam is just about THIS world, just about politics and power. The big difference between islam and christianity:
John 18:36
"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."
Amen to that.
Christ is LORD
Reminds me of camp when we used to shout at each other, "We've got spirit yes we do, we've got spirit how about you?!"
except... these are thousands of adults calling for death of entire peoples...
childish-non-the less. A person leading entire people in a chant so debase. what will they chant when US and Israel is all but a memory?
Jon - Is it okay for any group of people to act this way as long as some kind of great injustice has been done to them? That is what your post conveys.
In 1947 the UN decided to divide Palestine into a Jewish and Arab part.The Arabs,or better said Muslims rejected it and tried to conquer the part given to the Jews.
Have you ever thought of that?The UN decided to do it BECAUSE it knew the 2 peoples were hostile to each other since the 1930's at least.
What happened in 1947 when India was split into 2?The MUSLIMS and HINDUS on each side of the border started KILLING each other till 500,000 were dead.
That was WHY the division took place in the first place in India,the 2 didn't get along.And the UN wanted to avoid a BLOODBATH in Palestine and agreed to the partition.
In fact in the JEWISH part there were some 610,000 Jews AND 600,000 Arabs,ONLY a slight Jewish majority,but the Jews accepted it anyway.Do you see they were being as flexible as possible?They KNEW if they accepted Muslim rule over them(no partition of Palestine) they would be SECOND-HAND citizens,discriminated.Jon,life is not so simple,there are hard decisions to make and in 1947 partition was necessary because of Muslim JUDEOPHOBIA(the Grand Mufti of Palestine,leader of the Palestinian Arabs,had PARTICIPATED in the Holocaust,was an ALLY of Hitler,and had a plan to physically exterminate the Jews of Palestine with German help).
I noticed the guy in the crowd with the digital camera designed and built by kafirs and thought, How many other kafir inventions are evidenced in the video? Given the microphone, speaker system, cameras, electric beard shavers (thank Allah for electricity!) and TV equipment to edit and broadcast the fine occasion--perhaps the only thing left in the video recognisably Islamic besides the architecture and clothing style, is the hate.
Ok, back to the serious discussion...
Hi gurahamu...
I may be wrong, butt I do not recall you arounde here... good to habe you arounde... do continue to bless this blesses blog with your comments... may God bless you and youre familie...
Confident Christian, I have a hard time getting outraged at the chants. Suppose every day a certain person punched you in the face. Every day your lip was cut or your face was lacerated in some way. After about a year you finally say "I hate the man that punches me."
Out comes the "Answering Muslims" blog to criticize you for your hatred. Look at how you are hateful. Being hateful is wrong.
I suppose. But what should we expect? Reasonable people are interested in the causes of hatred if they want to bring it to an end. I'm asking people to consider the reasons. If the reasons are legitimate we should consider addressing them regardless of whether or not those that hate are perfect people.
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