Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fort Hood Massacre

Today, Major Nidal Malik Hasan launched a brutal attack at Fort Hood, leaving twelve dead and more than thirty injured. Hasan was a dedicated Muslim who was upset at the United States Military for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Prior to the attack against his fellow soldiers, Hasan had been saying that Muslims could rise up against the United States and suggested that Muslims blow up Times Square. However, no one wanted to kick him out of the military, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobes."

Not surprisingly, CAIR and ISNA have both condemned the attacks, claiming that there can be no religious support for such violence. Apparently, either our friends at CAIR and ISNA are practicing Taqiyya, or they have never read . . .

Qur'an 98:6—Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.

Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Sahih Muslim 30—It is reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.

Sahih al-Bukhari 2785—Narrated Abu Hurairah: A man came to Allah’s Messenger and said, “Guide me to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” He replied, “I do not find such a deed.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 2796—Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, “A single endeavor (of fighting) in Allah’s cause in the afternoon or in the forenoon is better than all the world and whatever is in it.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 2797—Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said, . . . “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then come back to life and then get martyred, and then come back to life again and then get martyred and then come back to life again and then get martyred.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 2810—Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet and asked, “A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them is in Allah’s Cause?” The Prophet said, “He who fights that Allah’s Word (i.e., Allah’s religion of Islamic Monotheism) be superior, is in Allah’s Cause.”

Sunan An-Nasa’i 3099—It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet said: “Whoever dies without having fought or having thought of fighting, he dies on one of the branches of hypocrisy.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 2763—It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever meets Allah with no mark on him (as a result of fighting) in His cause, he will meet Him with a deficiency.”

Ibn Ishaq, p. 130—[Muhammad said]: "Will you listen to me O Quraysh? By him who holds my life in His hand I bring you slaughter."

READ MORE: "Muslims Claim Victim Status . . . Again"


Apollos26 said...


Prior to the attack against his fellow soldiers, Hasan had been saying that Muslims could rise up against the United States and suggested that Muslims blow up Times Square. However, no one wanted to kick him out of the military, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobes."

Incredibble, they even do terror in the US military!!!

They should have kicked him emidiatly out, when he mentioned to blow up the empire state building.

ubiquitouserendipity said...

cair and isna have been caught in their own net, so to speak ("hoist on their own petard" would be more appropriate). they've condemned his acts, and now that he is alive, will they still condemn, or now defend? let's get ready for some mohammedan three step.

pray for the families of the dead, and for the injured. and pray for this monster,,, Jesus is the great physician. Peace, in His love, papajoe

Radical Moderate said...

Well there is good news out of Ft Hood Texas. The Muslim Missionary, (l dont call them Terroirsts) has survived. Yes thats right no VIRGINS FOR HIM>

Nora said...

May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on him and grant him a startling awareness of his guilt, a deep repentance, and ultimately forgiveness.

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

Anonymous said...

This video is very revealing. I have taken the liberty to post this video on my blog Challenging Islam @ These fellows who are outside the 96th Street Mosque are at least more truthful than the Imam inside the Mosque

Radical Moderate said...


I have a feeling that there going to claim he was oppressed becasue he was a muslim. Thats right a guy who is a total success story, Goes to Medical school and rises through the ranks to become a MAJOR in the US military with out a combat badge. Yes he was oppressed

Radical Moderate said...


The conspiracy theorys have already started.

1. How did he get a gun on a army base?
2. How could one man shoot 40 pluss people with just a hand gun?

Tomko said...

CNN had their comments open for a while but about 90% were deleted by the moderators so they've now closed them. Of coarse the only ones that remained were either islamic apologists or the old standby "What about Timothy McVeigh?" CNN hates to see that the huge majority of citizens don't agree with their agenda, so they'd rather delete them or just close down.

It's interesting that Timothy McVeigh will forever be immortalized as a scapegoat for every atrocity ever committed by muslims rather than the the Oklahoma bombing.

I don't remember Him or anyone else for that matter professing that he did it for Jesus or Christianity but he'll still forever be the poster-boy for Islam.

Why would the US army recruit muslims if they themselves say muslims can't fight muslims? They're more apt to kill US soldiers than the enemy, which by the way is "ISLAM"! Not "TERRORISM", Not "RADICAL ISLAM", BUT "ISLAM". I wouldn't want to go to war shoulder to shoulder with a muslim. You'd have to have eyes on the back of your head

Until this reality sinks in the US army might as well just train their recruits to shoot themselves in the head! Really! What's the difference?

minoria said...

On my gosh,who ever thought such a thing would happen from a man who is supposed to be patriotic?I bet the military commanders will make up all sort of excuses that nothing in the hadiths and in the Koran could have inspired such an action.

Tomko said...

Well I hope he recovers and gets all healthy again.

Then they can water-board him every Friday, everyday for ramadan, and 3 times a day during the Hajj.

I'll bet he's reeeeaaaaly wishing he hadn't survived. I wonder if you can get rain-checks for virgins in islam?

Fernando said...

Yes... muslims can also do the Janus (the ithological god who had two faces) tactic:

1) they can always perpretate this barbaric actions based on the most solid islamic sources;

2) and always claime thate these actions has none withe islam...

how far will habe the world to goo untill it wakes upp?

poor sool: he was being harased; he was being persecuted; he was being bullied; he was being despised; he was being misundestood; he was being brainwashed by zionists; he was inoculated withe hate hormones; he was being menaced to change his religion...

IslamSINS said...

"Prior to the attack against his fellow soldiers, Hasan had been saying that Muslims could rise up against the United States and suggested that Muslims blow up Times Square. However, no one wanted to kick him out of the military, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobes."

A phobia is an irrational fear. Most of us have developed a very rational repugnance to this feculent death-cult.

So, we have a military psychiatrist with a poor evaluation, buoyed by the hate-filled teachings of his lunatic false messenger, issuing typical Muslim threats against his Dar al Harb, and someone is afraid to drop kick him from the military for fear of being labeled an islamophobe? This is the Muslim advantage in our country, that we're all committing suicide with political correctness.

Gee, I wish I could be Queen for just one month. I'd declare Muslims "dhimmis" and impose the jizya on them. Maybe if the "peaceful Muslims" had to start picking up the tab for their violent, though much more faithful, Muslim siblings, they'd all apostatize and join the human race.

aussie christian said...

To Fat Man,

To answer your conspiricies one at a time is quite easy for me comming from a military background.
1. How did he get a gun on a army base?
From news reports they were side arms, IE: semi auto hand guns. Quite easy to conseal under the baggy uniforms modern soldiers wear these days. also most soldiers enter barracks via private motor vehicle and upon arrival at the front gate, they will show their ID to the sentry duty person, so they wouldnt see the guns anyhow as most vehicles are not searched on a regular basis.

2. How could one man shoot 40 pluss people with just a hand gun?
Being an ex front line soldier i can tell you, simple, they have a cyclic rate of fire = how fast can you pull the trigger, 13-15 rounds per magazine couple extra mags per handgun and vola a trained soldier with firing range practise can put large numbers of bullets downrange damn quick. Also as the military do not regularly carry loaded firearms whilst on base (except for range practise) most people would have been diving for cover like sensible humans, giving him time to reload quite easily.

Anyhow, I will leave my comments on this situation to that, as I am not in a mood suitable for civilised comments just now.

Peace and Love

Radical Moderate said...

Aussie Christain

Thanks for your response. I'm a liscences fire arm safty instructor as well as a hunter. The only reason I posted that is to show the foolishness of the muslim resposne.

Its just funny that muslims will come up with anything.

aussie christian said...

To the fat man,

ahuh, i see i read your questions somewhat too literal. silly me.

Alas such questions probably were in the mind of those who have had little or no experience with firearms, so in a way perhaps the questions and answers were coincidental blessings to answer those less knowledgable, lets hope so. But if its the conspirecy theorists in action, then no amount of explination will suffice, especially the muslims who cant see enough proof against islam, but cling to wild accusations agains jewish and christians without proof.



marcus aurelius said...

Jesus Christ's teachings were opposite of muhammad. Jesus taught peace, love, tolerance. muhammad taught violence, killing, war.

(anti- means opposite of)

Therefore Jesus Christ is the anti-muhammad, while muhammad is the anti-Christ.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernando said...

Abdullah, after small non-arguments, saide some bery foonie words: «One thing I have noticed, for people who profess to love everyone, most of you are full of hate, your emotions are hateful»...

can you show why do you think we are full off hate? if "most" off us are likke thate, itt will bee easy to you to explainne whie do you habe thate impression... won't it? so: iff you will, we'll be waitting... thankes...

p.s.: Abdullah: we, not likke muslims, are taught to love; you muslims are taught to hate, hate, hate... perhaps whate you imagine to see in us is whate you habe in your heart...

p.p.s.: thankes to invite us to repent to God... yes: we do tahte often: nott only to the Father, butt to the hole Holy Trinity... love askes us to do so: we are always deficient in our love; God always deserves more...

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Excellent...Moderate Islam is a great way to make me laugh

Unknown said...


"can you show why do you think we are full off hate?"

Sure Fernando, but first let define what we judge as a hate-filled comment. If you express hate towards Islam, well, although it is hate, I'll not include that, since Christians must hate falsehood right? (although the question is raised, Do christians hate people who profess and believe in falsehood? - and that is an entirely different question!).

Since Baptist-type/evangelical christians claim their 'hate the sin, not the sinner', lets see how many comments in this thread alone, express negative comments about Muslims in general (not Islam)...


"let's get ready for some mohammedan [i.e. Muslim] three step"

The Fat Man

"The Muslim Missionary, (l dont call them Terroirsts) has survived."


"These fellows who are outside the 96th Street Mosque are at least more truthful than the Imam inside the Mosque"


"Why would the US army recruit muslims if they themselves say muslims can't fight muslims? They're more apt to kill US soldiers than the enemy, which by the way is "ISLAM"! Not "TERRORISM", Not "RADICAL ISLAM", BUT "ISLAM". I wouldn't want to go to war shoulder to shoulder with a muslim. You'd have to have eyes on the back of your head"

"Well I hope he recovers and gets all healthy again.

Then they can water-board him every Friday, everyday for ramadan, and 3 times a day during the Hajj."

[It's interesting that no Christian voiced their disagreement to this, hmm...]


"Yes... muslims can also do the Janus (the ithological god who had two faces) tactic:

1) they can always perpretate this barbaric actions based on the most solid islamic sources;

2) and always claime thate these actions has none withe islam...

how far will habe the world to goo untill it wakes upp?"


"Most of us have developed a very rational repugnance to this feculent death-cult.

Gee, I wish I could be Queen for just one month. I'd declare Muslims "dhimmis" and impose the jizya on them. Maybe if the "peaceful Muslims" had to start picking up the tab for their violent, though much more faithful, Muslim siblings, they'd all apostatize and join the human race."

The only Christians on this thread that acted anywhere near their professed beliefs are 'Aussie Christian' who preferred silence to profanity:

"Anyhow, I will leave my comments on this situation to that, as I am not in a mood suitable for civilised comments just now."

And 'OumAmir' who was the most (Evangelical) Christian out of all of you:

"May the Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on him and grant him a startling awareness of his guilt, a deep repentance, and ultimately forgiveness.

There, but for the grace of God, go I."

Shame of the rest of you...

Unknown said...

@ Fernando:

Second to my previous comment, in case you still can’t see what I’m saying, read the following below, I’ve changed the word Muslim for Christian – now read and see if the words in this thread aren't hateful:


"let's get ready for some Christian three step"

The Fat Man

"The Christian Missionary, (l dont call them Terroirsts) has survived."


"These fellows (e.g. the West Borough Park Baptist Church congregation) who are outside the 96th Street Church are at least more truthful than the Pastor inside the Church"


"Why would the US army recruit Christians if they themselves say Christians can't fight Christians? They're more apt to kill US soldiers than the enemy, which by the way is "CHRISTIANITY"! Not "TERRORISM", Not "RADICAL CHRISTIANITY", BUT "CHRISTIANITY". I wouldn't want to go to war shoulder to shoulder with a Christian. You'd have to have eyes on the back of your head"

"Well I hope he recovers and gets all healthy again.

Then they can water-board him every Sunday, everyday for Lent, and 3 times a day during the Christmas."


"Yes... Christians can also do the Janus (the ithological god who had two faces) tactic:

1) they can always perpretate this barbaric actions based on the most solid Biblical sources;

2) and always claime thate these actions has none withe Christianity...

how far will habe the world to goo untill it wakes upp?"


"Most of us have developed a very rational repugnance to this feculent death-cult.

Gee, I wish I could be Queen for just one month. I'd declare Christians as "dhimmis" and impose the jizya on them. Maybe if the "peaceful Christians" had to start picking up the tab for their violent, though much more faithful, Christian siblings, they'd all apostatize and join the human race."

Fernando said...

Hi Abdulah...

a) where is in these following words (and in any other case you presented) any hint off hate?

"Yes... muslims can also do the Janus (the ithological god who had two faces) tactic:

1) they can always perpretate this barbaric actions based on the most solid Biblical sources;

2) and always claime thate these actions has none withe Christianity...

how far will habe the world to goo untill it wakes upp?"

I would not say thate you, iff you habe changed "muslims" to "Christians", were full off hate: it woulde bee a false statement because no person woulde be a Christian iff it woulde do barbaric actions... nontheless thate woulde not bee the case with muslims since you are alowed to kill, rape, still, lie, force women to habe sex UNDER SPECIAL CIRCUNSTANCES... I guess thates all the difference...

thankes in advance for a posible answer...

b) about your question aboutt love sinner, hate sin... that's from Augustin of Hippo: «cum diletione hominum et odio vitiorum»... "vitiorum" does not translate by "sin", rather by "vice" and only our own vice: "I must love myself (since I'm a God's creature) butt must hate the vice I do"... and "hate", as "love", is not an emotional thing: it involves the all off the person: "hate" my vices is the same as "not saying 'yes' to whate makes me accept them"... so: loving those who folow islam and hating islam is nott whate you're trying to portraite... butt you have more: islam is not a "sin" nor a "vice"..

I would "hate" whate muslims do against humanity and still love them, butt whate they do is not, in any circunstance "islam"... this is an ideology thate, in itself, is somewhow moraly neutral and only has an axiological nature when manifested by someone... butt in this case (eben when we might say "this is islam") we can only mean: this is whate islam forced or/and made him to do...

Fernando said...

Another thing thate must, in mie poor opinion, bee made is thate all thate expresses the truth (factual and historical) cannot bee considered by anyone an ofense... for instance: if someone says thate I have a big nose, I, eben when thate might hurt mee, cannot say I habe been offended because that's the truth... the problem is nott in whate has been saide, rather in my sensibility... in other words: my inmaturity is the problem...

in other words, when someone says muslim people follow an barbaric ideology (islam) thate allows, in some circunstances, whate is humanily and theologicaly speakking an unhuman action thate statement cannot bee considered as an offense because: islam (according to it's key source texts) not only allows butt, indeed, orders those barbaric action agains whate is human... butt iff someone woulde say thate a Christian follows a barbaric ideology thate would bee false because no Christian source texts accepts those actions...

Unknown said...


what is the difference between saying:

'Christianity is idiotic'


'Christians are idiotic'

Do they mean the same thing? If yes, then when Christian kill, rape, torture and murder - this can be called Christianity; but if Christianity does not equal the actions of Christians, then attacking Christianity is just criticism of the religion, whereas attacking Christians, is expressing hate speech against a people.

That's why rappers say 'Don't be hating on me' lol Cos everyone knows that expressing disdain for a people is HATE.

You meant to love the sinner, not the sin. So if you (evangelical) Christians say 'We think Islam is an evil religion - but Muslims are not evil', then we Muslims would not be worried (although we would dislike the first part of that sentence, but at least no one fears/hates us).

2nd point - If Muslims want to terrorise non-Muslims, why do most Muslims try to calm down the media and hate mongers, and re assure them that there is nothing to fear?? Sounds rather against the whole purpose of 'inciting terror in the enemies hearts' when you busy saying 'don't be worried - just a few bad apples to bad things - like the Lord's Liberation Army in Congo, which is Christian fundamentalist, but kills civilians and engages in canibalism - we all know not all Christians are like that...right?'.

Do unto others, as you would have done unto you...